Mill Island and Bydgoszcz Venice

The Mill Island is certainly one of the most charming places in Bydgoszcz. An oasis of peace in the city center attracts Bydgoszcz residents at any time of the year. It is located just a few dozen meters from the Old Town. It is separated by the waters of the Brda and the Młynówka branches. The island once belonged to the king, so farm buildings were erected on it: warehouses, royal mills, a sawmill and a municipal bathhouse. The royal mint operated here from 1594 to 1688, and then the island experienced its golden age. In the 18th century, during the construction of the Bydgoszcz Canal, one of the two channels flowing through the island was filled in (in the 20th century another, the so-called Międzywodzie, was filled in). In the 19th century, the Prussians rebuilt the island, removing most of the buildings and building a causeway connecting it with the present Marszałka Focha Street. A little later, the mighty Rother Mills were built, which still stand on the island today. After many years of oblivion, Wyspa Młyńska is slowly regaining its charm. Renovation and construction works have been carried out there since 2006 in order to bring it back to urban life. Ultimately, it is planned to open a recreation and conference center and a hotel on the island.

The White Granary

In the very center of the city, on the charming Mill Island, stands the Biały Spichrz from around 1780. The half-timbered building has an interesting Gothic cellar with a cross vault from the 15th century, supported by massive pillars. Since 1993, it houses the permanent exhibition of the District Museum entitled “Bydgoszcz Crafts”. It presents the craftsmanship of old masters, everyday objects, incl. 18th-19th century furniture, arts and crafts, ceramic and glass objects, silver and tin products, fabrics, weapons, clocks, furniture, and documents showing the history and traditions of Bydgoszcz craftsmanship. In addition to the works made by craftsmen, there were also exhibited items made in manufactories and factories, bearing the hallmarks of serial production. An interesting fact is the monument of the “Eighteenth Meridian” located at the White Granary, which runs through Bydgoszcz. It is worth taking a commemorative photo with it.

Cathedral (parish) church of Saint Martin and Nicholas

The so-called Bydgoszcz Fara. It is the oldest existing historic building in Bydgoszcz – its roots date back to the end of the 14th century. In 1409, its original wooden buildings were burnt down by the Teutonic Knights. However, the church was rebuilt in the years 1466-1502, this time of brick. The person of Bydgoszcz starost Jan I Kościelecki, who obtained funds from the royal treasury for the reconstruction and functioning of the temple, particularly contributed to the re-erection of the church. In terms of architecture, the building represents the late Gothic style. Despite many reconstructions and renovations, the temple has managed to retain its late-medieval styling, and the interior of the church is still considered one of the most beautiful in Bydgoszcz and the region.

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Poor Clares)

The Church of Our Lady is often called the Church of the Poor Clares because of the former Poor Clare order. The temple represents the Gothic-Renaissance style, it was erected in the years 1582-1602 instead of the wooden chapel, which was located at the poorhouse. The founders of the building were the burghers of Bydgoszcz, the building was built entirely of brick. In 1835, the order of Poor Clares was dissolved, thus the church and its buildings were taken over by the city authorities, which turned the building into a warehouse, and later a professional fire station and a storehouse for museum collections. It was only after the turbulent period of partitions and the proper reconstruction that the building returned to its religious functions. It was consecrated in 1922. The interior of the church is characterized by Renaissance elements,

Master Twardowski in the Old Market Square

Every day, Master Twardowski appears among clouds of smoke and characteristic music in the window of tenement house no. 15. In this tenement house was located the “Gospoda Pod Zgorzelcem”, where, according to legend, the famous wizard lived during his visit to Bydgoszcz in 1560.

Sculpture “Passing Through the River”

The author of this unusual sculpture is Jerzy Kędziora. The “passer-by” came to Bydgoszcz on May 1, 2004 to commemorate Poland’s accession to the European Union. The phenomenon of the sculpture is the fact that it was placed on the Brda River on a rope stretched between the banks, which is the only point of support. The secret is that the center of gravity is shifted below the level of the rope, thanks to which the sculpture maintains its balance.

Granaries at Grodzka Street

The symbol without which the city would undoubtedly lose its charm are Bydgoszcz granaries at Grodzka Street. These characteristic buildings on the Brda River have become a permanent part of the city’s panorama. At the beginning of 1960, there were five similar granaries here. Currently, there are three of them and they are one of the most immortalized buildings in Bydgoszcz. Initially, they served as a warehouse and are a symbol of centuries-old merchant traditions. It was here that grain was stored, which was later loaded onto barges and then sent to Gdańsk or Szczecin.

Monument to the Archer in the Park. Jan Kochanowski

Another symbol of Bydgoszcz is the sculpture “The Archer”, located in the Park. Jana Kochanowski near the Theater and Philharmonic. The monument is the work of Ferdynand Lepcky and was unveiled on October 18, 1910. The exhibit changed its location many times, and it is also planned to move it to the square in front of the granaries in the near future.

Music District – around the square Krzysztof Komeda

The Music District is defined as the area near the square. Krzysztof Komeda, where the buildings of musical institutions are located: the Pomeranian Philharmonic Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Academy of Music. Feliks Nowowiejski and the Music School Complex for them. Arthur Rubinstein.

The Bydgoski Channel

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the Bydgoszcz Canal for the development of Bydgoszcz. Its construction in the 18th century strengthened the stronghold’s position as a trade center. Bydgoszcz markets, marinas and shipyards, pulsating with life, became the heart of the city, and the Brda and Vistula connected by the Canal with the Noteć River, its bloodstream. At the beginning of the 20th century, the canal was rebuilt. A new section was dug to connect it with the Brda River through the city center. The former run was losing its transport significance. Currently, the Canal is revived together with the Brda River. In their waters, vessels under Polish and foreign flags appear more and more often. The surroundings of the surviving section of the Old Canal are in order, the historic locks have been renovated. The restaurant “Przy IV lockie”, located in the “Park Hotel”, refers to the romantic traditions of pre-war Bydgoszcz. There is a marina under construction

Visiting Bydgoszcz