Almost every man simply adores delicious and very fragrant strawberries (garden strawberries). There are many varieties of strawberries, and all of them differ in their taste qualities, as well as yield. In this regard, any gardener may have a question, which variety is best to choose for planting in his garden plot? What varieties of this berry crop are considered the best?

Repairing varieties of strawberries from the photo

Varieties such as remontant differ from others in their high yield. If you take care of these plants correctly, you can get 2 harvests from them in just 1 season. Such varieties are hybrids, and they differ from all others in that they have high resistance to various adverse environmental effects.


Such a hybrid plant appeared thanks to English breeders. The bushes have a very spectacular appearance, and all thanks to the unusual shape of the flower stalks – elongated. Its root system is very powerful, while the formation of berries occurs even on the mustache. This variety is early-ripening and large-fruited. It is also distinguished by its extraordinary yield, so, on average, you can collect about 3 kilograms of berries from one garden strawberry bush. Harvesting begins at the end of the spring period and continues until the onset of autumn frosts. Such berries have excellent taste qualities, and in their taste you can distinguish a very delicate nutmeg aftertaste.


Such a hybrid variety more than 10 years ago thanks to American specialists. The berries of this plant are distinguished by their large size, attractive appearance, and a very pleasant smell. Such bushes have large leaf plates that can protect the plant from overheating. It has a high yield, so you can collect about 2 kilograms of berries from 1 bush. Fruiting lasts from the beginning of June to the end of August.

Queen Elizabeth II

This variety was bred by Russian breeders, and it is his pride. Such a plant gives 2 harvests per season. Yes, the berries collected from the first harvest do not have the correct shape, and they are collected in June. The berries of the second harvest, which are collected in July, have the correct shape. The fruits of this hybrid plant are great for transportation, and they can also be frozen and stored in the freezer.

Mara de bois

Such a hybrid plant appeared a long time ago, or rather, in 1991, thanks to breeders from France. The shape of the bushes, as well as the berries, is quite unusual and quite spectacular – rounded. The main positive qualities of this variety include its high frost resistance. Yes, no more than 5 percent of all plantings die in such a variety after wintering. Berries are very sweet and therefore they are just great for small children.

The best early varieties of strawberries

If early varieties of garden strawberries will grow on your summer cottage, then you will have a great opportunity to enjoy fragrant and very tasty berries from the end of the spring period. Those early hybrid varieties that are more popular and considered the best are described below.


Such a hybrid variety was obtained by Dutch breeders. In these plants, the bushes are distinguished by their compactness, as well as tall leaves. The berries have an unusual heart-shaped shape, as well as a very pleasant slightly sour taste with a caramel aftertaste. The weight of 1 fruit of such a strawberry can vary from 15 to 20 grams. This variety is characterized by very low conformation.


This hybrid plant appeared in Denmark. It is distinguished by the fact that the bush has a rather large height, as well as its rather powerful flower stalks. It has low winter hardiness, so the plant can die in a winter period with little snow and severe frosts. The fruits are painted in dark red color and have a shape similar to a comb. Berries ripen evenly and are great for shipping as well as freezing.


This variety appeared thanks to Polish breeders. It has the highest taste qualities. Bushes have a great height, but at the same time they are quite compact. It should be taken into account that the berries are located quite close to the soil surface. In this regard, it is recommended to cover it with covering material or straw can be used for this purpose. This will avoid the formation of rot on the fruits. The plant is highly resistant to fungi, but mites often settle on it.


This variety was bred by specialists in Italy. Such a garden strawberry is characterized by high resistance to diseases, as well as to sudden changes in temperature. The fruits of this strawberry are very sweet and have a strong pleasant aroma, conical shape, and even size.


This variety was bred quite recently, namely, at the beginning of the 21st century in Italy. The bush of such a strawberry has an average size, and the leaf plates are quite large. There are a large number of whiskers, as well as sockets. Such a plant is characterized by high frost resistance, but prolonged drought is detrimental to it. The fruits have a strong pleasant smell, as well as a rich taste.


Although this variety is called Asia, it was bred in Italy. Such a hybrid plant has a powerful root system, high resistance to such diseases as anthracosis, as well as powdery mildew. It is distinguished by its high frost resistance. The composition of the fruits includes a large amount of sugar, in this regard, this variety is among the best varieties of garden strawberries.


This variety appeared thanks to Dutch breeders. It is not intended for growing in open ground, as it is very heat-loving, but it grows well in greenhouses. Bushes are of medium size, and they form very few whiskers, as well as rosettes. Sweet and sour berries have a very large size.

The best large-fruited varieties of strawberries


This variety is early-ripening, and it differs from all others by its very large fruits. Yes, only 1 berry can weigh approximately 100 grams. The plant has high resistance to a large number of diseases, but on hot days burns may appear on the bush. The bushes are of medium size, form a very large number of tendrils, and what is important, they take root very well.


This variety is considered medium-ripe. It was imported from America. Bushes of this variety have a very high height, and they also have a powerful root system. Berries in Victoria have very dense flesh and a characteristic aroma that can be recognized even from afar.


This variety is considered the oldest. Yes, it appeared in 1890, and this is thanks to the efforts of Marshall Ewell. The bushes are quite tall and have many long whiskers. Their root system is very developed and strong. Such a garden strawberry has high resistance to fungal diseases, as well as to sudden changes in temperature. The shiny fruits are very similar in shape to combs. The taste has a rather noticeable acidity.

Zenga Zengana

Such a hybrid variety is considered late-ripening. He was born as a result of crossing the quite popular Ziger variety. The bushes of this strawberry have quite thick leaves and are tall. Such plants are characterized by high frost resistance, but strong heat can harm them. Elastic fruits have a very strong characteristic smell, which can attract harmful insects.


This variety, which appeared in the Netherlands, is medium-ripe. The bushes have a large size. This variety is distinguished by thick peduncles and whiskers. The fruits have high taste qualities and their taste is somewhat similar to tomatoes. Berries of this variety are recommended for freezing.


This variety, which is medium-ripening, appeared thanks to Dutch breeders. It is distinguished by very large fruits. The bushes of this plant are very large, so it is not recommended to plant more than 4 copies per 1 m 2 . This variety needs a lot of sunlight, and it also needs to be watered very abundantly.

Chamorra Turusi

This precocious hybrid plant appeared in Japan. The bushes are very tall and quite strong. During the period of fruit ripening, beds with this plant look very impressive. The berries can rightly be called giant, as very often they weigh about 100 grams.

Do not be afraid to experiment with varieties, and you will definitely choose from them exactly the one that is best suited for your summer cottage or garden plot.

The best varieties of strawberries: photo and description