Transportation of groupage cargo is a complicated process from the point of view of logistics, which requires careful preparation and planning. It provides delivery to a common unloading point of artificial units combined into one batch. At the same time, the goods are intended for different recipients. A special case is the long-distance transportation of temperature-collected goods, that is, goods that require the creation of certain weather conditions. Special transport is used for the transportation of products, medicines, flower cutting, which ensures the preservation of consumer qualities of perishable products



What are the required temperature regimes for different collective cargoes

Each type of goods requires the creation of certain terms and conditions:

  • Meat and meat products. Refrigerators are delivered in chilled or frozen form. The goods are placed in dense stacks, which allows you to avoid drying and defrosting. The carcasses are placed on hooks. Products that require deep freezing are transported at temperatures no higher than -20 °C, stay on the road for no more than 20 days. Cooled products are transported at a temperature of -5 °C. Transportation time should not exceed 12 days.
  • Milk and milk products. Milk is transported in tanks, cheese and oil – on open racks, in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. To transport ice cream, it is necessary to create a temperature of -18 °C, milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt – no higher than +4 °C.
  • Fish and fish products. The temperature conditions of transportation depend on the cooking technology. Products are packaged in barrels, cardboard boxes, boxes.
  • Eggs They are transported only in closed bodies in which stable temperature conditions are created. Temperature jumps should be excluded.
  • Vegetables and fruits. These are perishable products that require special packaging and fast transportation. The task of delivering such goods is complicated by the fact that different types of vegetables and fruits require different microclimates. In addition to special temperature conditions, it is necessary to ensure the optimal level of air humidity.
  • Medicines. Transport of this cargo can only be carried out by licensed carriers, as there are increased requirements for the transport process and documentary support. Transport for the delivery of medicines cannot be used to transport other products. The temperature conditions are indicated on the packaging of the drugs. The route should be the shortest, and the time spent on the road should be short.

Before starting the transportation of temperature cargoes, the organizers of collective delivery specify the conditions under which the goods were stored in the warehouse. It is necessary to avoid sharp temperature changes, which can cause the loss of the marketable type of products.

WARNING! It is forbidden to transport ordinary goods as part of temperature-controlled bulk cargoes, which may themselves lose their consumer qualities and provoke the deterioration of temperature-controlled products.

Preparatory work before the transportation of collective temperature cargo

Preliminary preparation includes the following stages:

  • Sending to the consolidation warehouse, where the goods are sorted by nomenclature and quantity.
  • Product processing. It can include packaging, weighing, marking, processing of a package of documents.
  • Creation of batches of goods that can be transported under the same microclimatic conditions.
  • Loading products into special transport in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. When loading the product, the reliability of its fixation in the vehicle is checked.

Peculiarities of the transportation of collective cargo, which requires the creation of a certain temperature regime

Mandatory measures for the transportation of temperature goods:

  • Between cargo transportation, the body of the refrigerator is disinfected to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and create safe sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  • Before loading, a refrigeration unit is included to create the temperature conditions under which transportation will be carried out. The efficiency of the refrigeration equipment is checked to prevent its breakdown during transportation.
  • When loading goods, the rules of proximity of different products are strictly observed.
  • The temperature is monitored during the route. It is not allowed to thaw frozen products on the road.
  • Vehicles are equipped with tracking equipment that allows you to remotely monitor the movement of the vehicle.
  • In order to preserve the consumer qualities of products, it is necessary to minimize the presence of the product on the road. To do this, carefully plan the route, choosing the shortest path.

WARNING! A mandatory condition for group transportation of temperature cargo is their placement on pallets with distribution by categories and recipients. To ensure full safety of the cargo, the packaging installed on pallets can be additionally covered with a film.

Standard refrigerators have a single-section body. Vehicles with several sections, which create different microclimates, are used to transport large batches of heterogeneous cargo.

Who uses the service of delivery of collective temperature goods

The service of transportation of goods that require special temperature conditions as part of collective cargo provides a budget tariff for delivery. Even artificial objects of small sizes and in small quantities can be sent in this way.

This service is used by:

  • farms;
  • medical and pharmaceutical companies;
  • beauty salon;
  • small retail outlets;
  • industrial enterprise.

Delivery can be organized within one settlement, region between regions. Less popular collective temperature transportation in international logistics.

Only experienced specialists should be engaged in the organization of the delivery of collective cargo with goods that need to create a certain microclimate. Contacting professionals will allow you to avoid organizational difficulties, save time and receive a valuable product intact and safe.

Bulk temperature cargo: transportation features. refrigerator What is the temperature of transportation of meat, cheese, fish.