In addition to the questions “how to open it” and “how to charge it”, the question of registering in the Tesla app is one of the first that arises for every new owner of these electric vehicles. How do I register in the Tesla app and what is required?

Advantages of the Tesla app for your smartphone

Theoretically you can do without it. But it’s so cool and useful that it’s definitely worth installing on your smartphone. So with the Tesla app you can:

  • Opening a car without a card;
  • If someone has the ridiculous idea of ​​stealing a Tesla, track the car using GPS.
  • Warm up the car: windows, seats, interior, battery. This is especially true in winter – you can heat the car while charging without using battery power;
  • Opening and closing windows, honking, opening and closing the trunk, all from a distance.

You can also remotely set restrictions, for example when opening the glove compartment, and also limit the speed of movement. And this is also part of the Tesla anti-theft system. There are cases when attackers managed to break into this car and the owner found out about it. After that, he had a lot of fun – he opened and closed the windows, changed the speed modes and watched the confused robbers through the installed application.

To install the application you need to go through a certain procedure.

Registration on the Tesla website: how is it done and why is it required?

To do this you need:

  • Smartphone;
  • laptop and internet access;
  • Photo of your driver’s license from both sides;
  • Photos of these passports on both sides;
  • Tesla-Auto.

Step 1  . Register on the official Tesla website. To do this, go to the relevant section of the site:

On the page that opens, select the “Create Account” section:

We indicate our data in the empty fields. The first and last name must be indicated in Latin letters – exactly as they are written there. Passport.

Step 2  . We enter personal data on the website.

To do this, in the “Account” tab we find this button:

The website will then ask you for the vehicle’s VIN code. Once entered, we can proceed to enter personal data:

You will also need to complete the registration information page. Recently, Ukraine has also appeared in the country section. After adding this information, a window will open where you need to upload a photo of it. Passport and driving license.

Step 3  . Rename your car.

The screenshot above shows English instructions for renaming a vehicle. We’re going to duplicate it.

At this point you must be in your Tesla and it must be connected to the internet. 

  1. From the vehicle control screen, go to the Control -> Software section.
  2. We delete the current vehicle name and enter the name specified in the instructions on the website. This correlation is needed so that the application can check whether we are in our car. We validate our actions;

After that, adding the vehicle to your account is complete. 

  1. We send a letter to Tesla asking to link the car to your account. You can find the letter template online. Do not forget to enter the necessary data – your VIN code, car model, place of residence, etc. Also attach a photo of the documents to the letter – just like when registering on the site.

Now we are waiting for a response from Tesla. This can take several days.

How to connect Tesla to phone