Tesla is a very beautiful car. And this is not even a matter of taste: you can admire its design, or you can be indifferent to it. But you are unlikely to meet at least one person who would say that Tesla looks terrible.

But there is one nuance in the design of this electric car. It concerns state registration numbers: the manufacturer simply did not equip the front bumper with the appropriate mount. 

How to get out of this situation? What happens if you don’t install numbers on Tesla?

What are the risks of driving without license plates?

On Ukrainian roads there are drivers who drive without license plates. However, the use of license plates is strictly regulated by traffic regulations. Namely, clauses 2.9, 30.2. The first refers to the fact that drivers are prohibited from driving a vehicle without the appropriate equipment or with it if it has not passed the departmental registration established by law. The second states that signs of a certain type are installed on motor vehicles and in the places provided for this.

This issue is also regulated by the DSTU on automobile license plates, namely by paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2: here we are talking about the fact that there should be 2 of them and that they should be installed according to the symmetry of the car.

In 2021, the fine for driving without license plates is 850 UAH. Repeated violation is subject to a fine of 1,700 UAH.

Tesla owners have several options to get out of the situation.

Special holder

Number plates on Model 3 secured by holder

This accessory is produced by many companies. It can also be ordered on the official Tesla website. The holder is attached to the front grille. It looks like this:

You can find an example of attaching such a device on Youtube. In our opinion, the most revealing video that we were able to find on the Internet was posted on the i1 channel:

Supercar sticker

It is applied to sports and other expensive cars, the design of which does not provide for mounting a license plate on the front bumper. Most often, these are cars from the USA, because in this country the law does not oblige car owners to affix license plates to both bumpers. 

The accessory is made of reflective film. And although technically, by law, such a sticker cannot be used, local car owners are not worried about this. Just like the police: the film along with the numbers is visible on the recording cameras, so no one is offended.

Our company is engaged in a comprehensive selection of Tesla cars from the States and Europe. We truly love these cars and will help you with the purchase of a Tesla Model S, Model 3 or crossovers models X and Y in any configuration. 

Installing a Front License Plate on a Tesla