This guide will help the company’s clients understand and implement all the necessary procedures related to the transportation of goods. The directory contains information on customs control procedures, document flow and cargo insurance.


An excise tax is a special tax on certain types of goods levied upon their production or import into the country. Excise taxes are usually levied on goods that may pose harmful health or environmental effects, such as alcohol and tobacco products.

Customs-free import

Customs-free import is the process of importing goods into a country without having to pay customs duties and taxes. It differs from conditional customs-free import in that the exemption from customs duties is unconditional and applies to a limited list of goods, such as personal items for citizens, inexpensive gifts, as well as goods sent by international mail.

Bonded cargo

Bonded cargo is imported goods that are stored in a customs warehouse for the purpose of subsequent customs clearance. They are imported items subject to customs control and regulation. A bonded warehouse provides temporary storage for such goods, allowing the owners of the goods to complete the necessary customs formalities before they are released into the domestic market. This provides flexibility and the ability to optimize logistics processes and allows you to control customs procedures and payments.


A broker is a professional who acts as an intermediary between various stakeholders, facilitating a variety of deals and transactions in various fields such as commerce, lending, insurance, chartering and others. The specialist acts on behalf of his clients and carries out instructions, representing their interests and ensuring the agreement of conditions and transactions between the parties. Receives remuneration in the form of a brokerage commission for his intermediary activities.

Gross weight

Gross weight – the weight of the goods, including packaging and other additional materials used to transport the goods. Gross weight is the most important indicator in determining the cost of transporting goods.

Net weight

Net weight is the weight of the product without packaging and other additional materials used to transport the product. Net weight is an important indicator when calculating the cost of goods and receiving goods into the warehouse.


Dimensions are the physical dimensions of the object to be transported. In logistics, this can be important for planning transportation routes, determining transport means and optimal packaging of goods.

Insurance contract

Insurance contract is an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer with or without the participation of an agent or broker, within the framework of which the insurer undertakes to pay the insured amount to the policyholder or other person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded, upon the occurrence of an insured event, the policyholder, in turn, undertakes to pay insurance premiums within the established time limits To confirm the conclusion of an insurance contract, the insurer issues an insurance policy


Importing is the process of bringing goods from abroad into a country. Imports are carried out through customs clearance, where customs checks the compliance of documents and determines the amount of customs duties and taxes.


An invoice is a document issued by the seller to the buyer and contains information about the product, its quantity, value and other terms of the transaction. It is one of the main documents when completing customs procedures and serves to calculate customs duties and taxes. In logistics, two types of invoices are used: Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice. The first is a preliminary invoice, which is issued before the goods are shipped so that the buyer can become familiar with the cost of the goods and the terms of the transaction. A commercial invoice is issued after the goods have been dispatched and contains accurate information about the sale including the quantity of goods, the discount price and other terms of the transaction.


Logistics is the complex process of planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling the movement of goods and services from supplier to customer, ensuring the efficient and economic functioning of supply chains.

Bulk cargo

In logistics, liquid cargo is cargo that is in liquid or gaseous form and is transported in special containers such as tanks. Such cargo may include various liquids, for example, petroleum products, chemicals, vegetable oils, as well as liquefied gases such as propane and butane. Liquid cargo transportation requires specialized equipment and services, and can be more efficient and environmentally friendly when using special technologies such as gas or vacuum supply systems. 

Dangerous goods

Dangerous cargo is cargo that, when transported, stored or transshipped, may pose a threat to the life and health of people, the environment and property due to its characteristics and properties. This includes substances, materials or objects that can explode, catch fire, or release toxic fumes. When transporting dangerous goods, special safety measures must be observed and the rules established for this type of cargo must be followed.

Order bill of lading

A bill of lading is a legal document issued by the shipper to the consignee as evidence that the cargo has been handed over to the carrier for delivery. It contains information about the cargo, route, carrier and other important details. A bill of lading can be used as evidence of the right to receive the cargo and can be transferred to other persons by transfer (assignment). This document plays an important role in international trade and is one of the main documents required for freight transport.

Associated cargo

Associated cargo is cargo that is transported on empty transport before or after the end of the request. The vehicle is directed to the same point or to a nearby area. Such cargo helps to save on transportation costs and reduce the negative impact on the environment. 


Residents are individuals or legal entities domiciled or registered in a state and subject to its jurisdiction. A resident of this state must comply with its laws and be responsible for his actions within its territory. In the context of customs affairs, residents may be payers of customs duties and taxes when importing or exporting goods crossing the state border.


Reclamation is a process associated with the consideration and settlement of claims or complaints from the consumer regarding the quality of a product or service. As part of the complaint, the consumer expresses his dissatisfaction with the purchased product or service provided, pointing out identified defects, non-compliance with the stated characteristics or unsatisfactory performance. Involves contacting the seller, manufacturer or supplier, as well as taking appropriate measures aimed at resolving the problem.

Certificate of quality

A quality certificate is a document confirming that a product or service meets established standards and quality requirements. A quality certificate can be issued by an independent organization that conducts an independent assessment of product compliance with standards. A quality certificate may be mandatory or voluntary for certain types of products, depending on the legislation of the country or customer requirements. In some cases, such as health products, a quality certificate is mandatory and necessary for the product to be placed on the market.


A warehouse is a specially equipped room or area for storing and managing inventories of goods, raw materials, components or other materials used in production or trade. In warehouses, goods are received, stored, selected, assembled and shipped, and their movement is also recorded and monitored.


Customs is a government body responsible for controlling the movement of goods across the state border. Customs carries out customs clearance of goods, checks documents and sets the amount of customs duties and taxes.

Customs declaration

A customs declaration is a document containing information about goods imported or exported abroad and their value. A customs declaration is necessary to carry out customs clearance of goods and collect customs duties and taxes.

Customs value of goods

The customs value of a product is the amount at which the product is valued for customs purposes, that is, for calculating customs duties and taxes. The customs value includes the cost of the goods plus the costs of transportation, insurance and other expenses associated with delivering the goods to their destination.


Transportation is the movement of goods from one place to another using various modes of transport. This process includes route planning, choice of transport and delivery method, and control of cargo during transportation.


A freight forwarder is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods from the sender to the recipient. The forwarder selects transport, organizes delivery of goods to the destination and ensures control over transportation.


Exporting is the process of taking goods from a country abroad. Exports are carried out in order to expand sales markets and increase profits. Exporting also requires customs clearance, where customs checks the documents for compliance and determines the amount of customs duties and taxes.

Logistics Directory