Temporary storage warehouse is an abbreviation that stands for temporary storage warehouse. A temporary storage warehouse is a customs-approved facility where undeclared goods await customs clearance . Temporary storage facilities are intended to be used, for example, by port or airport operators, terminal operators and importers as storage facilities where goods can be unloaded and stored for a limited period of time. 

Types of temporary storage warehouses

Before goods are unloaded for storage, Customs must be notified of their arrival as they must be presented to Customs. Types:

  1. Private or closed.
    They are usually owned and operated by distribution channel providers such as various manufacturers. They may also be owned by resellers and used solely for their distribution activities. Since private types can be quite expensive, most private companies often opt for public options. 
  2. Public or open.
    They belong to government and semi-government bodies. They are helped by private companies to store their goods on a rental basis. They are often created to help small business owners who cannot afford their own premises. This is a step aimed at promoting trade and industry where the state or government provides storage needs for retailers. Manufacturers, importers and exporters mainly use public options.
  3. Customs storage.
    Private agencies as well as the government are responsible for the ownership, management and control of these premises. They are mainly used to store imported goods when the import duty has not yet been paid. Any customs premises owned by private agencies must have a valid license from the government.
  4. Cooperative.
    As the name suggests, co-ops own, operate and control their temporary storage facility. Such places do not make a profit, but help their own business.
  5. Distribution center.
    They have a large space and allow you to quickly move goods in large quantities, especially in a short time. They have computerized controls to make moving things fast and reliable.

Placement and storage of goods at temporary storage warehouses

The temporary storage operator can act as an authorized consignee during transit. Goods in temporary storage are placed under customs procedures or re-exported within 90 days. How to apply for a permit:

  • Ensure that the company or cargo owner has a full warranty warehousing permit granted by Customs. 
  • Find out if the items you plan to store meet the requirements set by customs.
  • Find out if there is space on the premises that can be used to store undeclared goods.
  • You can apply for authorization or view authorization decisions online on the customs website.
  • Attach an extract from the trade register and a floor plan of the premises, or other information about the place where the unregistered goods will be stored.

You can impact your application processing time by being proactive and writing a description of your warehouse process before submitting your application. The application must indicate information about the person who is responsible for conservation issues. After submitting the application, you need to answer the questions of the official processing the permit as accurately and as quickly as possible. Each premises has its own operating hours and maximum periods for holding cargo. When a company receives permission to move goods to this location, it automatically agrees to the terms of use and other nuances. This could be an increase in customs duties for failure to meet deadlines, the issuance of a fine and other sanctions on goods. In these places, 24-hour control is carried out, managers work who receive and issue permits, conduct inspections and inform customs about the arrival of new cargo.

Temporary storage warehouse (TSW) – what is it and what is it for?