The Faroes are a little-known archipelago located in the north of the Atlantic in the Norwegian Sea, approximately between Iceland and the Scottish Islands.

Faroe Islands

Officially, the Faroe Islands belong to Denmark, but they are self-governing (with the exception of matters related to defense and foreign policy). The capital of the archipelago is located on the island of Streima – it is the city of Torshavn.

The results of the latest population census, conducted in 2020, showed that the Faroe Islands have a population of just over 53,000. About 21,000 people live in the capital of the Faroe Islands and its suburbs, and the second largest city, Klaksvik, has almost 5,000 inhabitants. On the island of Koltur there is one family that supports the museum, and 1 island is deserted.

The Faroese, considered descendants of the first settlers, make up approximately 92% of the islands’ population. Another 6% consider themselves Danes.

The bulk of the inhabitants of the autonomy speak a rare Faroese language (mixed Western-Scandinavian dialects), although Danish is recognized as the official language.

Interesting facts about the Faroe Islands

Sale of alcohol
  1. As for alcohol, in the Faroes it is sold only to people who have reached the age of 18. Light beer is offered in supermarkets and small shops, cafes and restaurants. Wine, strong (dark) beer is sold only in state monopoly stores operating under the sign “Government Monopoly” and in licensed restaurants.
  2. It is not accepted to trade in the Faroe Islands. This is not allowed in any establishment, regardless of ownership or size.
  3. Tipping is not allowed in the Faroe Islands. Rewards in the amount of 10% are already included in the bill in cafes and restaurants, as well as included in the price of a ticket for transportation.
  4. On December 7, 2021, the members of the Parliament of the Faroe Islands voted for a law that prohibits foreigners from buying real estate in the country. Before the new law came into force, there were no rules preventing foreign nationals from owning or buying a house or land in the Faroe Islands.
  5. You will never meet locals with umbrellas. Gusts of wind often occur, and they turn umbrellas upside down. So don’t worry about packing an umbrella in your suitcase.
  6. When leaving the autonomous territory of Denmark, you can return the VAT on the purchases made. This is possible only when the purchase was made in the store of the Tax Free system for an amount exceeding $48.
  7. It is perfectly safe to drink fresh tap water wherever you are in the Faroe Islands. In fact, the manager of the water stations in Tórshavn demonstrated that Faroese tap water is cleaner and better than bottled water bought in supermarkets. In addition, the water in the Faroes is delicious, it does not contain calcium oxide and no chlorine is added.
  8. On the island of Sandoi in the village of Skopun, there is a giant mailbox, the largest in the world: it is taller than several human heights.
  9. Everyone speaks English in the Faroe Islands. The islanders have their own Faroese language, which is quite difficult to learn because of its archaic vocabulary. But don’t worry at all! You will speak English well with the locals. Those who do not speak English perfectly still know it well.
  10. The Faroe Islands did not join the European Union due to incredibly high fishing taxes. Such taxes are unacceptable for local residents, and they have no intention of giving up fishing.
  11. Tourists who want to go fishing need to purchase a license for a specific body of water or fishing in the ocean. If you have your own fishing rod, it must be disinfected according to the instructions even before arriving on the islands.

Landmarks of the Faroe Islands

Vacation on the Faroe Islands

People who have not lost their ability to be surprised and impressed will not have to be bored in the Faroes. The main reason why people go to these islands is the feeling of being at the edge of the world. And this is helped by the wonderful fantastic landscapes that the Faroe Islands are rich in: lakes hanging over the ocean, numerous fjords, mysterious gorges, noisy waterfalls, coastal rocks covered in a foggy haze. Each Faroe island is unique and can be considered a separate natural attraction.

But on the Faroe Islands you can not only admire nature, there are also city attractions. For example, the rather picturesque and specific city of Torshavn definitely deserves attention. Mychines Island

Houses on Michines Island

The westernmost and most dangerous island of the archipelago is Michines. But at the same time, this island is the most beautiful and most popular among tourists, who consider it the main attraction of the Faroes.

Only 17 people live on this island (as of 2021): half of them work in the port and receive tourists and local residents, 5 raise cattle. A stronghold of civilization will be considered several houses, half of which are equipped with barns.

Michines is the island of birds

Michines is called the island of birds, because it is here that 90% of birds settle down, which make the exhausting flight across the Atlantic. There are about 300 species of them here, and you can get very close to some of them, for example, dead-ends. By the way, the dead end is perhaps the only bird that shows aggression. The biggest danger in Michines is walking through the territory where the birds hatch their chicks – feathered parents are capable of many things in an attempt to protect their offspring.

Bird nesting sites on Michines

This is one of the reasons why this island is dangerous and why it should not be navigated alone (if something happens, there will be no one to help). After all, it is not for nothing that everywhere, wherever possible, the signs “You are responsible for your health and your life” hang on Michines.

The landscape on this island is not very suitable for a hiking route, but all the difficulties are fully paid off by the breathtaking scenery. The ascent to the depths of the island is quite difficult and difficult to pass: you have to go through mountainous terrain, beware of deep ravines, and overcome steep and sharp ascents. The most hardy tourists reach the 35-meter footbridge that leads to the nearby island of Michines Holmur.

Lighthouse of the Faroe Islands

On this island, on the very edge, stands a famous sight of the Faroe Islands – a lighthouse. Previously, this structure was looked after by one of the local residents, but now the lighthouse is fully automated.

How to get to Michines?

The first thing you need to know about Michines is when to visit the island. It is open to travelers from May 1 to August 31 every year. This is also the season of dead ends. Puffins arrive at Mykines at the end of April and leave again at the beginning of September. July is the peak of dead ends on this Faroe island. May is the most dangerous summer month to visit Michines, as the sea is often rocky during this month and travelers sometimes get stranded on the island. The sea around the island is usually calmest in June, July and August.

Michines Island can be reached by helicopter or boat.

Helicopter in the Faroe Islands
  1. The helicopter flight will take only 11 minutes. If you’re getting to Dead End Island by helicopter, you’ll board a helicopter operated by state-owned Atlantic Airways. It is the only helicopter company in the Faroe Islands. A helicopter departs from the airport once a day, three times a week. In June, July and August there is an additional fourth scheduled departure to Mykines. The helicopter has 14 seats. Please note that you can only fly one way by helicopter when visiting Michines. So you either go by boat to Mykines from Vagar and then return to Vagar by helicopter or vice versa. You can also book a private helicopter tour. This is the only Mykines helicopter round trip option. When renting a helicopter, a minute rate is charged. The cost of a minute when renting a helicopter in the Faroe Islands is 1106 Danish kroner. Thus, a return flight by chartered helicopter from Vagar Airport to Mykines costs 24,332 Danish kroner.
  2. There is only one settlement on the island of Mykines in the Faroes. ‚The public ferry to Michines departs from the pier in Servagur village every morning at 10:45 and at 16:20 from May 1st to August 31st. The return ferry departs from Mykines at 11:05 (this flight is only valid if you are staying overnight in Mykines) and at 17:05. The bus service from Tórshavn leaves at 09:05 and the ferry leaves at 10:45. The bus leaves Servagur for Tórshavn again in the afternoon at 18:20, and the ferry to Mykines leaves at 17:05.

The name of the lake is a hot topic among local residents. Locals in Servagur to the west of the lake prefer Servagsvatn, while residents of the villages of Midvagur and Sandavagur to the east prefer Leitisvatn. If you ask the travelers, they prefer to call it “Lake above the Ocean” because of the optical illusion you will experience from the sheer cliff of Trelanipan.

Lake Sorvagsvatn

A unique landmark of the Faroe Islands is Sorvagsvatn lake “hanging” over the ocean. The lake is located on Vagar Island, on the high Slave mountain platform near the Atlantic Ocean.

Due to the optical illusion, one gets the impression that Sorvagsvatn is located at a height of at least 100 m above the ocean, but in reality the height difference between the waters of the lake and the ocean is only 30 m. The area of ​​the “hanging” lake is 3.5 km², the length is 6 km².

The picturesque Bossdalsfossur waterfall is formed from the waters converging on the rock. But since it is hidden behind steep cliffs, it can only be seen from a boat, traveling across the ocean.

If you want to see the “high” attraction, you can do it like this:

On the shore of Lake Sorvagsvatn
  1. You can get to Sorvagsvatn by car on route No. 11, which runs between the cities of Sandavagur and Sorvagur. For 4 km, the track runs along the coast of the lake.
  2. У місті Сандавагур можна замовити водну прогулянку, маршрут якої проходить неподалік водоспаду Боссдальсфоссур.
  3. Трасою №11 на рейсовому автобусі можна доїхати до зупинки Ватнавегур (у цьому місці траса різко повертає на 90°). Далі близько 3 км. потрібно йти на північ вздовж озера.
  4. Побачити озеро можна з вертольота – такі екскурсійні програми пропонують в аеропорту Фарерських островів, що знаходиться поряд.

Водоспад Мулафоссур (Múlafossur)

Водоспад Мулафоссур – мабуть, найвідоміша пам’ятка Фарерських островів. Цей водоспад, що стрімко падає, відомий тим, що від нього захоплює дух. Ідеальний Мулафоссур захований далеко від натовпу у відокремленому селі Гасадалур. Múlafossur перекладається безпосередньо як водоспад Миса. Село розташоване високо і з стрімким урвищем, де водоспад занурюється в океан. У поселенні Гасадалур лише 25 будинків.

Mulafossur waterfall

У приємній прогулянці від сільських будинків ви знайдете цей знаменитий водоспад. Мулафоссур розташований на острові Вагар приблизно за 11 км від аеропорту. Безпосередньо перед тим, як дістатися водоспаду, ви проїдете через тунель Gásadalstunnilin.

Біля природної пам’ятки є парковка. Від цього паркування потрібно пройти 2 хвилини, щоб дістатися до гарного водоспаду, який падає в океан. Каскад падає більш як на 30 метрів.

Ті, хто шукає щось додаткове, можуть залишитись у селі на ніч. Найкращий варіант розміщення в Гасадалурі на Фарерах – це котеджі Мулафоссур, розташовані в долині поряд із однойменним струмком, який далі перетворюється на водоспад.Старе місто Торсхавн

The capital of the Faroe Islands is located in the heart of the archipelago and is a pleasure to explore. Thorshavn is named after Thor, the god of weather, strength and growth in Norse mythology. A little over 20,000 people live in this large Scandinavian city. Despite its tiny population, Tórshavn is an attractive North Atlantic destination with rich culture, nature and good food.

View of the city of Torshavn

Torshavn translates as Thor’s Harbor. The islanders call the city Havn, which simply means Harbour. The city center is protected by the port and the long island of Nolsø, which is outside the capital of the Faroes.

The main city of the Faroe Islands is known for its randomly placed houses painted in all the colors of the rainbow. You’ll find these inspiring homes by the sea and on the hillsides of Tórshavn. Tinganes houses in the oldest part of Tórshavn. The extreme right building is the Prime Minister’s office.

The old town of Tórshavn

When the first settlers arrived in the Faroe Islands, they chose Tórshavn to host their annual parliamentary assembly, known as Thing. The place is successfully located in the middle of the archipelago. It was in the 9th century, during the Viking Age. Then the islands were ruled by several families of chiefs. The historic cape Tinganes divides the port of Tórshavn into eastern and western bays. Here Ting gathered in the open air.

Due to the central position of Tórshavn on the islands, it became a trading center early on. The bailiff and the senior deputy judge lived here, and the Faroese came here from all over the islands to bring their land rent and various other duties.

Tinganes was also a commercial area with his office and gallery, three blockhouses, breweries, a cooper’s workshop and a banquet hall where Ting gathered when the storm raged outside.

Nordic House, Tórshavn
House of the Nordic countries

Among the sights, you should definitely see the Munkastovan monastery, built in the 15th century, as well as the royal warehouses of Leigubyun. In the Nordic House, which is considered the main cultural center of Tórshavn, an art gallery has been opened, and in the summer, special educational events are often organized there especially for tourists. It is also worth visiting the Museum of Art – there are wonderful collections of paintings and sculptures, exhibitions and theater performances are held there. It will be interesting to visit the Historical Museum, which presents household items of local residents, examples of art, models of ships, collections of religious objects and other local attractions.

The small village of Cednuvuik is located on the island of Streim in the Faroe Islands, in the harbor, surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks. Chednuvuik is located in a deep valley where there are no other villages.

The village has no more than 55 houses and even more small streams flowing from the mountains. The spectacle is especially impressive on rainy days. Tjørnuvík is a destination that travelers will never regret choosing as a priority during their Faroe Islands vacation.

Chednuvuyk village

The settlement became famous for two coastal rock formations called “Giant and Sorceress”. These stone columns reach a height of 71 m and 68 m, although they look quite tiny against the background of the mountains. The village of Cednuvuik is known for another attraction: nearby is the largest waterfall in the Faroe Islands, Fossa.

The winding road from the nearest village Haldorsvik to Cednuvuik is quite narrow. You will drive up a steep hillside, from where a breathtaking view opens. This iconic village with direct views of the Risin and Kellingin sea stacks is a must-see in the Faroe Islands. Standing in Tjørnuvík, you will feel immeasurable serenity. The unbeatable location of this settlement has made it one of the most visited villages in the Faroe Islands.

The village of Cednuvuik on the island of Streima

It has a great beach that is the most popular surfing spot in the Faroe Islands. The houses in Tjernuvik are located along the beach.

On most days, clouds will hang over the village due to the height of the surrounding mountains. You won’t see the sun here during the winter months as it never rises above the steep mountains.

Travelers can venture into the mountains and hike between Tjernuvik and Saksun. The trail is public, the hike takes three hours, and it can be done year-round for free.

The trip from the capital Tórshavn to Tjernuvik takes an hour. The village is also an hour’s drive from the airport in the Faroe Islands.

Faroese culture

Boat race

The development of the culture of the Faroe Islands took place far from European civilization, thanks to which this culture has not lost its exclusivity even now. It contains Danish and its own cultural heritage, which is very well manifested in local folk festivals. For example, no entertainment event is complete without Faroese dances. You can also see them at the most favorite holiday of all local residents – the St. Olaf’s Day festival (Oulavesek), which takes place annually at the end of July. Horse competitions and rowing competitions are traditionally held on the same holiday, and art exhibitions of painting are organized.

If Oulawseka is known throughout the archipelago, there are also festivals that are held only on some islands. For example, Vestanstevna is popular in the west, Jouanseka in the south, and Noriastevna in the north.

Faroese football team

Football occupies a special place in the lives of Faroese residents. The football team was founded in 1930. The first game ended in defeat, but this did not disappoint the local fans. In 1988, the team was admitted to FIFA, and in the 1990s it was recognized by UEFA.

The inhabitants of the archipelago have one, to put it mildly, specific tradition: the summer slaughter of whales. When a pod of whales (dolphins) enters the bay, they are surrounded by people in boats and driven to the shore. Already near the shore, animals are brutally killed with knives, due to which the coastal waters completely change their color. This tradition causes the outrage of animal rights activists, but it is urgent for the region, because the only sources of income here are agriculture, sheep breeding and fishing.

You can learn more about the bloody tradition of the region in  this article  .

Island cuisine – what do the Faroese eat?

Popular smerbeards

Faroese national dishes are to some extent a reflection of the harsh local climate. They are simple, dense, quite interesting, but they can hardly be called healthy.

Faroese people often cook fish dishes, but they prefer fatty and unsalted meat, as well as potatoes. Smerebrods are popular, huge sandwiches with a lot of ingredients (meat, fish, oil, etc.) that are eaten with a knife and fork.

They love to flourish here

They love rastkyot here – small pieces of lamb that have been dried in the wind for 6-9 months. Fish is also usually dried, then various dishes are prepared from it, for example, soups. Small dead-end birds live on the islands – their meat, together with rhubarb and potatoes, is used to fill pies, and whole carcasses are stuffed with sweet dough and served with berries and potatoes. In the Faroe Islands, whale meat is very popular – it is harvested during fisheries and kept for itself, without being sent for export.

It should be remembered that local cuisine does not use a lot of spices and salt, and flavor enhancers are not recognized at all, thanks to which all dishes have their own authentic taste.

A meal at the Koks Restaurant
Kok Restaurant

Recently, international cuisine has become increasingly popular on the islands of the archipelago, which makes it difficult to find an establishment where you can try local culinary delights. Although, in general, there are no difficulties with food in the capital: there are relatively many restaurants and cafes. For example, in the restaurant “Koks Restaurant” dishes are prepared only from local products – extracted from the ocean or grown on agricultural land.

In the historical part of Tórshavn, there is a cozy fish restaurant “Barbara”, stylized as a traditional Faroese house – here always fresh food prepared from the fish caught that day. If the route runs through a sparsely populated part of the Faroe Islands, then it is better to take food with you, since shops are usually open for several hours a day, and cafes may not be available at all.

Barbara fish restaurant

If we talk about prices, they are higher in the Faroe Islands than on the mainland, and tourists are unlikely to save on anything, including food. Below are approximate prices:

  • lunch in an inexpensive restaurant – 20-25 € per person;
  • a 3-course lunch for two in a restaurant of an average price category – about €100;
  • a snack in a fast food restaurant – €13-17 per person;
  • a cup of cappuccino 4-5 euros;
  • a glass of beer – 5-7 €.

Weather conditions in the Faroe Islands

Although the Faroe Islands are located in the north, the local climate is quite mild thanks to the warm current of the Gulf Stream.

The average summer temperature is +14 °C, sometimes rising to +20 °C. In winter, there are practically no frosts (the temperature ranges from 0 ° C to +4 ° C), but it is still very cold due to high humidity.

It rains very often in the Faroe Islands, about 280 days a year. The rainy season is from September to the end of January, and then the islands are covered by a thick fog for a long time, which almost does not allow the sun to pass through. The cold wind almost never stops here.

The Gulf Stream, which washes the Faroe Islands, prevents the coastal waters from freezing even in winter, keeping their temperature unchanged throughout the year: +10 °C. Winter, when there are no tourists and the water is particularly clear, is an ideal time for diving enthusiasts.

How to get to the Faroe Islands

There are two ways to get to the Faroe Islands. 1. By air

Which airlines fly to the Faroe Islands? How long does it take to get to Faroe Islands by plane? Are daily flights available all year round? And where can you fly to the Faroe Islands? Read on to find out everything you need to know about flights to the Faroe Islands.

There are several daily flights to the Faroe Islands from various European airports throughout the year. The highest frequency of flights is the summer season from May to August. This is the time of year when most travelers fly to the Faroe Islands to enjoy the incredible natural scenery.

The plane is Atlantic Airways

You have these route options when flying to the Faroe Islands in 2022. Below you can see the exact days of the week when different routes operate.

  • Copenhagen (all days throughout the year)
  • Keflavik (Monday and Friday all year round – Wednesday added from May)
  • Billund (several times a week)
  • Edinburgh (Monday and Thursday from 7 April to 22 December)
  • Bergen (Monday and Friday all year round – Thursday and Sunday added from May)
  • Oslo (Wednesdays throughout the year and Sundays from May 1 to October 16)
  • Paris (Monday and Thursday from May 12 to October 17)
  • Barcelona (Tuesday from June 7 to September 27)

Which airlines fly to the Faroe Islands?

Many curious people who plan to visit the Faroe Islands wonder how to get to the Faroe Islands by air. So, three airlines fly to the Faroe Islands. You can choose between the Scandinavian airline SAS, the local airline Atlantic Airways and the Norwegian airline Widerøe.

SAS departs Copenhagen daily throughout the year. Atlantic has daily flights all year round from Copenhagen and in addition you can fly with Atlantic Airways to the Faroe Islands from the following destinations:

  • Edinburgh
  • Reykjavik
  • Paris
  • Barcelona
  • Billunn
  • Oslo

If you are arriving in the Faroe Islands from mainland Europe, the easiest way to get to the Faroe Islands is via Copenhagen via daily flights. You will also have various options for connecting flights.

Tourism in the Faroe Islands has been on the rise in recent years. The number of passengers at the Faroe Islands’ only airport, Vagar Airport, reached a record high of 424,281 passengers in 2019. This is more than twice the rate of 2011. Scandinavian airlines carried 80 percent of all foreign travelers to the Faroe Islands.

The flight from Iceland to the Faroe Islands will take you less than an hour and a half. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly popular to visit the Faroe Islands after a stay in Iceland as part of your North Atlantic trip.

Vagar Airport on the island of the same name is the port of arrival for all travelers arriving in the Faroe Islands. The airport is located between Lake Leytisvatn and the village of Servagur in the western part of the country.

Vagar airport is quite small and there are never more than 12 arrivals on the same day. Usually less than 10 planes arrive each day. The trip from the airport to the capital Torshavn takes about 40 minutes. You can also read our article on how to get from Vagar Airport to Tórshavn. 2. On the ferry

Ferry to the Faroe Islands

The second option for getting to the Faroe Islands is to use a ferry. Ferries sail from Denmark (the city of Hirtshals), Iceland, the Scottish Islands, Norway (the city of Bergen). Such a time travel can take up to 2 days, but it will be convenient for those who want to travel around the Faroe Islands by car.

Yes, the price of a ticket for the ferry Hirtshals (Hirtshals) – Tórshavn (Faroe Islands) for two adults with a car is 424 euros. Ferries depart once a week on Saturdays, with an additional service on Tuesdays during the summer months. You can find out the current schedule for various directions, ticket prices depending on the number of people and the type of transport on the carrier’s website –

There is a well-established transport connection between the Faroe Islands. The most popular local transport on the islands remains water – moving between islands is possible on ferries. The old serpentine mountain roads are gradually being replaced by underground tunnels.

Useful tips for traveling to the Faroe Islands

  1. Under the weather conditions typical of the islands of the archipelago, warm sweaters, a raincoat, high-quality waterproof hiking boots and woolen socks are indispensable. It will be impossible to see most of the sights without them. The weather changes quickly, so dress in layers. One minute it can be sunny and the next you’re standing in a downpour. You will have to put up with unpredictable weather. Always check the weather forecast in the morning before you go exploring the Faroe Islands.
  2. Stay in the Faroe Islands for three days or more. Although this archipelago looks like a neat dot on a map, there is a lot to explore here.
  3. Credit cards can be used everywhere. The best thing you can do is to carry two cards on your trip to the Faroe Islands, preferably Mastercard and Visa. The currency of the Faroe Islands is pegged to the Danish currency, the Danish Krone (DKK).
  4. Sheep are everywhere, so if you want to rent a car and explore the islands that way, be careful on the roads because you may need to brake suddenly when a sheep crosses the road. So a good tip is to beware of sheep.
  5. Alcohol can only be found in shops in Rusan, which can be found on all major islands. Rúsan’s largest store is located in Tórshavn in the small shopping center Miðlon. The selection of wines, spirits and beer is excellent. But the prices are not for the faint of heart.
  6. The Faroe Islands are far from a budget destination. Food is generally expensive, as is accommodation. On the other hand, most attractions such as waterfalls, fjords and villages are free. So, before you buy your tickets to the Faroe Islands, make sure that you are not a traveler on a tight budget.
  7. Know whether it will be light or dark. Be sure to research in advance what the temperature will be during your visit and what lighting conditions you can expect. Be prepared for continuous daylight for the month before and after the summer solstice, which falls on June 21 each year. In the height of summer, the daylight will be almost 24/7, and in the dark of winter, the days will be much shorter. In December, you will get less than seven hours of daylight. At 9 a.m. it dawns, and at 4 p.m. it will be completely dark again.

All prices on the page are current for June 2022.

When is the best time to go to the Faroe Islands and what weather to expect?

It is best to go in summer. July is the least rainy month.  However, it is better not to pay attention to the words “less rainy” – there will be rains and there will be a lot of them.

However, summer, in my opinion, is not the only season for traveling to the islands.
The average temperature in winter is +3°C. Surprised? The ocean completely regulates the climate in the Faroe Islands. It does not snow much, and the sheep continue to graze on the pastures all year round.
If you want to go, let’s say, in March – why not? The only thing to note for traveling in the low season is that some inter-island ferries will be canceled (but maybe you don’t need to) and campsites will be closed.

The temperature here is quite different from  Iceland . Understand me correctly now: in the summer afternoon, the temperature is also +12+13°C, just like in Iceland. But it is +11+12°C at night in the summer in the Faroe Islands, so it is warmer to sleep here in a tent in a sleeping bag. And the roads do not freeze here in winter.

I was at the end of August. The weather was very different, but always windy. It didn’t get very cold, except for the first day, when there was a torrential downpour, and we were camping on the island of Michines, where there is no shelter.

How many days do you need to travel to the Faroe Islands?

Don’t think that 3 days is enough. Although the total area is quite small, and the drive from the southern to the northern islands takes only a couple of hours, there is a lot to see. Moreover, the weather constantly makes adjustments to plans, forces to change locations, cancels ferries or trips to capes.

It is optimal to plan 5-7 days for the trip.  And up to 9-10 days, if you’re a “crazy person” and want to visit all the islands directly.

I was on the islands for a full 6 days.

Is it possible to travel by bus in the Faroe Islands?

Yes, but with certain limitations. You can, because in principle there are buses, and we met several people in the campsites who traveled only by buses.

Advantages of traveling by bus in the Faroe Islands:

  • If you don’t drive a car, the bus is convenient
  • It is inexpensive, especially compared to the cost of renting a car
  • No need to buy car insurance and block the deposit amount on the card
  • There are always seats in the buses because few people use them

Cons of traveling by public transport in the Faroe Islands:

  • You have to be tied to the schedule. Unfortunately, buses and ferries run infrequently
  • Buses run between cities and villages. If your point with a view is somewhere outside the bus route, then you need to figure out how to get there
  • You need to have more days to travel by bus than by car, due to the schedule. For example, you went on a hike, returned in the evening and are waiting for the next bus to go on, and the nearest bus is already tomorrow.

The schedule of public transport in the Faroe Islands  can be viewed on the official website:  buses and ferries .
Regarding ferries, you need to take into account the schedule and their capacity.  If your car did not fit in the first place, you have to wait 1-2 hours for the next ferry. There are ferries only for people and others – cars + people: it is better to know in advance whether you can take the car to the desired island or leave it in the parking lot.

What is hitchhiking in the Faroe Islands?

There is a hitchhiker on the islands of Vagar and Streymoy (the two islands where the airport and the capital are located, respectively). It has the most traffic, as many people go to the capital Torshavn for work or tourists leave the airport.

On other islands, we sometimes didn’t see a single car for hours. There are even single-lane roads with pockets for separation, in case someone is ever coming.
It is worth noting that the Faroes have a fairly low population density. And the locals don’t particularly drive. Their work is mainly at sea. Therefore, the hitchhiker is not lively at all.

If in Iceland we picked up other travelers every day, then in the Faroe Islands no one even stopped for all 6 days.

How much does it cost to rent a car in the Faroe Islands?

The cost of renting a car in the Faroe Islands in the summer is very high – starting  from 120-150€/day  for an economy-class car with a manual transmission and basic insurance.
To be honest, if you find it for 100E/day, it’s already good luck.
As the number of tourists grows every year, rental companies have started raising prices for the summer, high season. For example,  if you rent a car for March, you can take  it for 70€/day .

We usually look for cars for rent on aggregators like

View from one of our campsites

What are the housing prices in the Faroe Islands? Camping in the Faroe Islands

I recommend living in campsites  – the price is low, and the view is worth a million.
The entire list of campsites can be found on  this site  – on different islands, their location and equipment (choose carefully, because some campsites are closed forever).

Campsites cost from 100 crowns (13 euros) per person . As a rule, there is a hot shower, a toilet, and sockets on the camping site. There is not always a kitchen, so you must take a burner with you.
At the camping site in Torshavana, a hot shower is available for a fee – 10 kroner (1.30 EUR) for 4 minutes. In other campsites, the shower was free, everything was perfectly clean and, as it should be, self-service – you have to clean everything after yourself.

In the high season, it is better to book in advance, because the  capacity of the campsites is quite small: often there is only room for 5-10 tents.  And pitching a tent anywhere is prohibited by law, because everywhere is private land and private pastures.
Campsites are open from May 1 to August 31 (some until September 30). And they are not on all islands.

Here are the campsites and accommodations where we stayed; you can book some of them simply on
1) Giljanes Camping on the island Vagar (on this island there is an airport) – this campsite is convenient because there is a  Giljanes hostel here  and you can reserve a bed if you need to (just book in advance, because they are sold out quickly). There is a large kitchen and a lounge. Several showers and toilets. Since this campsite and hostel is near the airport, it is always crowded.
2) Vestmanna Guesthouse — a budget room in Vestmanna for 60€/night; it is convenient to stop here if you go on a sea excursion to see dead ends and rocks.
In general, room prices start from 100 euros/night in the summer – the cheapest option.
3) Camping in Eiði – camping on the former football pitch – quite an interesting experience and plenty of space. There is a lounge, a kitchen and a place to hang wet clothes to dry (which was appropriate for us).
4) Camping at Mikladalur is the least crowded campsite we have ever been to – only 3 tents with ours. It looks very beautiful here. There is one hot shower and toilet for everyone. There is actually no kitchen (it is closed). There is a disadvantage here – the campsite is on a slope, so look for the most flat place for the tent.

How much does a flight to the Faroe Islands cost?

The easiest, cheapest and fastest way to fly is from Copenhagen,  where the most flights are arranged.
There are several flights a day from Copenhagen. They fly both their own Faroese airlines – Atlantic Airways, and Scandinavian airlines – SAS. Fly a little more than 2 hours. The good news is that checked baggage is included in the ticket.

A Copenhagen-Faroes-Copenhagen ticket can be found on Skyscanner from €120 round  trip and above. If you buy now for the summer, there are several dates for 120-130 euros round trip.

Should I buy a local SIM card in the Faroe Islands? Which mobile operator in the Faroes

I advise you to buy a local SIM card. The Føroya Tele operator , in my opinion, is the best in terms of coverage and price. In addition, there is their office at the airport.
A package with 2 GB of Internet costs 50 crowns (6.70 EUR) and this is enough for a week of travel. 4G in the Faroe Islands is simply fantastic – there is coverage everywhere, even in kilometer-long underwater tunnels.

Where are the Faroe Islands? How to get to the Faroe Islands? What to see in the Faroe Islands? What is the currency of the Faroe Islands? Who owns the Faroe Islands? Toll roads in the Faroe Islands. Internet in the Faroes