How many pallets are included in the truck?

When drawing up a logistics scheme for the transportation of palletized goods, the choice of a vehicle model and a trailer for it depends on how many pallets fit into the truck. The standard dimensions of the most common tented vans with a load capacity of up to 20 tons are calculated in width to accommodate two pallets 1200 mm long across the vehicle.

Based on this, the width of the useful internal space of the body is 2.5-2.5 m, and the length of road transport depends on its carrying capacity and reaches 13 m in common 20-ton trucks.

When using standard pallets of 1200×1000 mm in size, such a trailer contains up to 26 units of palletized cargo. The use of pallets of the European standard 1200×800 mm increases their capacity in a truck of the same size up to 33 pieces.

Rules and advice for packing and transporting pallets

Standard maximum loaded truck

The choice of the type of pallet depends solely on the characteristics of the goods being transported and its dimensions. Among the main recommendations for the transportation and preparation of cargo for shipment, we advise you to pay attention to the following:

internal space should be rationally used;
the load should be evenly distributed so that the car is in balance;
each pallet is securely fixed with the goods transported on it.
The layout of palletized cargo inside the tarpaulin body may vary depending on the characteristics of the transported goods or oversized products, as well as on the conditions of their storage and transportation.

Loading the machine in two tiers is undesirable due to the increased amplitude of inertial lateral vibrations. The cargo located on the second tier will be subject to higher “uti”, which can lead to damage to the goods, its displacement, loss of balance and deterioration in vehicle control due to the presence of negative fluctuations and the appearance of an imbalance in the balance.

It is easier to carry out transportation of small cargoes in the conditions of combined cargoes. This type of delivery allows you to take advantage of all the advantages of large heavy-duty vehicles and avoid overpayments for the individual use of the car and driver services.

Properly packed on standard pallets, small-sized cargo will be delivered in a tent semi-trailer with a guarantee of its integrity. At the same time, the size of the truck does not matter to the sender. The cost of such combined shipments is cheaper than individual delivery.

Dimensions and dimensions of the body.

The dimensions of the semi-trailer truck depend on its load-carrying characteristics. Most often, this informal designation means a 20-ton truck, as the most optimal type of truck.

The dimensions of a tilt-covered van are limited by the maximum allowable width of the vehicle as a general-purpose road user, and the maximum length at which the driver can safely drive the vehicle on standard roads and turns.

The height of the van affects its windage, as well as the amplitude of the lateral inertial oscillation, which impairs vehicle controllability and can lead to accidents.

Standard models and their capacities

The internal dimensions of the euro truck depend on the design features of the cargo compartment, determined by the manufacturer. Most trucking companies use the following types of vans to deliver goods that do not require special temperature conditions:

  • standard tarpaulin trailer;
  • L-shaped van JUMBO;
  • road train consisting of two trailers.

Among the more common brands, SCHMITZ and KRONE vans are popular. The useful volume of trailers from these manufacturers is determined by the capacity of standard Euro pallets 120 cm long and is approximately 86 m³. Length, width and height under such conditions, respectively, is 13×2.5×2.5m.

These overall dimensions have a conditional value and can vary between 10-50 cm in width and up to one meter in length. In height, the useful space of the van can reach 280 cm. Such dimensions allow you to transport cargo of the appropriate volume and weighing up to 20 tons.

However, it should be taken into account that with an increase in the height of the transported stacks, the amplitude of lateral oscillations increases. This negatively affects not only the preservation of easily breakable cargo, but also the quality of movement and control, as well as the levels of stabilization of the machine. Therefore, it is not recommended to immerse the van to the eyeballs.

In addition to standard trailers, JUMBO models are widely used, which differ in the L-shaped bottom. Despite the fact that their carrying capacity is 20 tons, this design feature allows you to significantly increase the usable volume up to 125 m³. The height inside the van in the area with a low floor reaches three meters. Other parameters are similar to the standard tarpaulin trailer.

Oversized cargo: dimensions

Most trucks have dimensional restrictions when transporting solid products and structures. They must not exceed 13.60 meters in length and 2.55 meters in height and width. Anything larger is considered oversized cargo and is subject to special transportation. Such vehicles have a number of restrictions in movement on public highways of federal or local significance.

According to the Russian Rules of the Road, exceeding the allowable dimensions is considered a loaded car with the following general dimensions:

  • 4 m in height;
  • 20 m long (for a road train with two trailers – 24 m);
  • 2.55 m wide (2.60 m for refrigerated trailers).

The height is calculated from the surface of the road surface to the highest point of the oversized cargo installed on the platform of the truck. Do not confuse the allowable height of the entire transport system with the same dimension of the transported structure.

In addition to the general dimensions, the Rules also regulate the amount of protrusions beyond the allowable limits. If the structure being transported protrudes at least 40 cm to the right or left, as well as one meter forward or backward, the appropriate sign must be installed on the vehicle. If the width of the transported non-separable product exceeds four meters, the movement of a truck is carried out only accompanied by the police.

Vehicles loaded with large, heavy structures move on the roads, taking into account special requirements. The transported large-sized monolithic structure must not:

  • limit the driver’s inspection in a constant or periodic mode, swaying while driving;
  • have a strong backlash and move along the platform;
  • complicate the management of the vehicle;
  • obstruct the vehicle’s lights and all of its reflectors.

During the movement, the driver must regularly check the fastenings and position of the product on the platform, as well as check its integrity.

Restrictions on the weight of transportation

Permissible weight is the mass of not only the most oversized cargo, but also the vehicle. Loading on the road surface, bridge structures and overpasses is of utmost importance, therefore the loaded mass of the entire transport system is no less important than the dimensions of oversized cargo for its transportation by general roads.

Under the broad concept of heavyweights, trucks fall, the mass of which in a loaded state exceeds:

  • 18 t for biaxial;
  • 25 t in triaxial;
  • 32 tons for four-axle.

As well as road trains with a total mass of more:

  • 28 t for triaxial;
  • 36 t for four-axle;
  • 40 t for five-axle;
  • 44 t for six-axle.

If the total weight of the entire loaded transport system exceeds 44 tons, there is a threat of destruction of the roadway. For this reason, a transport permit is required for such transport.

What is Pallet?

Standard pallet size (pallets)

A pallet is a warehouse reusable container that is used for picking, warehousing, transportation and storage of goods. Pallets are made from:


What are the dimensions of the pallets. Dimensions of standard and euro-pallets (pallets)

In international cargo transportation, certified Finnish or European pallets are used that meet phytosanitary and other requirements (see pallet stamps).

In the domestic market, any pallet is suitable – the choice of a certain type and grade depends on the environment of use and the load itself.

Main types of pallets:
Euro pallets (EUR), dimensions: 800  1200  145;
financial pallets or Finnish pallets (FIN), dimensions: 1000  1200  145;
cargo multiple pallet, dimensions: 1000  1200  145;
multiple cargo pallet, dimensions: 800  1200  145;
eurobox (EUR-box), dimensions:  8001200800  .

The concept of pallets

A pallet is a special device used to facilitate loading and unloading operations. In the people, they are often called pallets, because they have a characteristic structure and functions.

For the first time pallets began to be used at the beginning of the twentieth century. Their prototype was knocked down boards with two beams below. Over time, loading equipment has improved, and with it, pallets. They acquired their final appearance after the lower boards were nailed under the beams, creating the integrity of the structure.

Pallets gained popularity in the USA during the Second World War, when it was necessary to modernize the load as much as possible without additional involvement of labor. A little later, American pallets spread to Europe.

Types of pallets

According to their design, pallets are divided into several types. Single deck pallets have only one layer of planks to load the load. Double decks allow pallets to be turned over and used on both sides. But at the same time, they are somewhat heavier, which can affect the overall load of the transported products.

According to the type of fastening of the upper and lower platforms, beam pallets are distinguished from each other, in which a long thick board passes through the entire length. But such pallets have only two sides to be gripped by a forklift. Block pallets are significantly lighter and have four sides to be gripped by a forklift. But they are not as strong as the first type.

According to the duration of use, disposable and reusable are distinguished. The production of reusable pallets places great demands on strength and cleanability.

According to the type of materials, you can find wooden, plastic and metal pallets. Their prevalence depends on the duration of service and the cost of the most auxiliary tool for loading.

But the dimensions of the pallets have several standards, which should be considered separately.


In Europe, a standard pallet is used, the size of which is regulated by ISO3676, ISPM 15, ISO TK/22, UIC norms 435-2/435-4. Their dimensions are 800*1200*145 mm. Compliance with quality standards is confirmed by the EUR stamp in an oval frame on the front support leg. On other legs, other information is burned: manufacturer, date, service life, availability of sanitization.

Structurally, euro pallets consist of 5 top boards, which alternate: wide, narrow, wide, narrow, wide. Only 3 boards are attached to the lower part: two wide at the edges and one narrow in the middle.

An obligatory condition for the design, which always performs the production of pallets according to the European standard, is the presence of chamfers at the corners.

Financial pallets

The second type of pallet distribution in Europe is Finnish pallets. A standard pallet of this type has dimensions of 100*1200*145. The presence of the certificate is evidenced by the stamp on the side front legs. Its shape is the letters FIN in a rectangle. On the central legs, digital information about the manufacturer, series and production date is required.

Structurally, they are also different. The upper platform consists of seven narrow and wide boards. They alternate like this: wide, two narrow. The lower part consists of three boards – narrow side and wide central. Although the dimensions of the pallets are slightly larger, the presence of corner chamfers is also mandatory. This feature ensures compliance with safety standards when performing loading and unloading operations.

Other types of pallets

Multiple pallets are also used in international shipping. They have dimensions of 800*1200mm and 1000*1200mm, which meet European and Finnish pallet standards. In this case, the height of the pallet must be 145 mm. The difference from disposables lies in the thickness of the upper boards. They must be at least 22 mm. Although the pallets themselves are highly standardized, they do not have a brand name.

The last type is euroboxes. These are crates made of metal, standing on the same metal base in the form of a euro pallet. Eurobox size – 800*1200*800 mm. For this type of pallets, the presence of the EUR stamp in the oval is also required.

Other types of pallets are not intended for transport in Europe. Therefore, you must be very careful, otherwise you may be denied the import of goods into European countries.

Domestic Pallet Standards

For their manufacture, not screw, but ordinary nails can be used. The absence of chamfers is allowed. The thickness of the upper boards varies from 15 to 25 mm. In all other respects, the dimensions of the pallets do not differ from the standards accepted in the world.

Not the least important for the quality of pallets is cleanliness. Reusable pallets for use in Europe must be clean, for domestic transport slight soiling and darkening of the wood from long-term use is allowed.

For domestic cargo transportation, the main thing is compliance with size standards. This requirement is dictated by the convenience of loading standard vans and containers for water transport.

Varieties of reusable pallets

According to European standards, wooden pallets are the most affordable for mass transportation, and must be divided into quality grades. At the same time, it should be noted that the main indicators remain the same. Grade depends on appearance and duration of use.

The top grade includes new clean and white pallets. They should not show chips or cracks. The number of use of these pallets does not exceed 3 times.

The second grade is the same clean and white pallets, used, but not repaired and without other types of damage. The duration of their use is not limited if the state remains unchanged.

The third grade of pallets allows slight contamination. It is also possible that the boards darken from prolonged use, the presence of small cracks. Their size is limited to 30 mm wide and 300 mm long. It is possible to use pallets after minor repairs. All other pallets are written off because they no longer have strength indicators and can cause accidents during loading and unloading operations.

Other pallet materials

It is logical that wood is the cheapest material for the production of pallets. But in the world there are pallets from other materials. Metal pallets have a higher degree of strength and a long service life. At the same time, they are much heavier than others. Their use is not economically viable. The only exception are euroboxes, the strength of the walls of which is more important than their large mass.

Plastic pallets also work well. They are light and relatively strong. A significant disadvantage of this type of pallets should be called their high cost. Yes, and they are repaired much worse than other types.

The rest of the materials from which they tried to make pallets turned out to be completely unsuitable. They are either very expensive, or brittle, or have a significant weight.

Features of loading on pallets

In cargo transportation, a standard pallet, the dimensions of which are designed for the dimensions of the transport, must be properly packed so that the cargo is not damaged. If you do not follow the basic rules, the consequences can be very sad.

To begin with, it should be remembered that each pallet has its own load limit. For a euro pallet it is 600 kg, and for a financial pallet it is 750 kg. Exceeding this indicator is fraught with the destruction of the integrity of the pallet and damage to the cargo.

For convenience and compactness of placement, the boxes should not protrude beyond the edges of the loading platform. They are not recommended to be presented in the form of a pyramid, since this method is the most unreliable. The whole structure must be firmly connected, since the process of moving on a loader is associated with vibrations. An unsecured structure will quickly fall apart.

Drums and other non-rectangular containers have their own special transport rules. For ease of transportation, they should also be fixed as much as possible. But in any case, they should not exceed the dimensions of the pallet along the perimeter.

Arrangement in a standard pallet van

Not the last place in the standardization of the dimensions of pallets is played by their way of loading into a van. It is logical that the price of transportation of one unit of cargo depends on how tightly they can occupy the entire usable area. Here it is necessary to take into account the weight of the pallet. On average, it is 15–20 kg, but some manufacturers indicate an indicator of 40 kg. This affects the load capacity of the van, since part of the loading in it is the pallets themselves.

It is generally accepted that a 20-foot van can hold up to 11 euro pallets and 9-10 standard pallets in one layer. Therefore, 40-foot trucks will easily transport up to 24 euro pallets and up to 22 standard ones.

In international vans used for the transport of goods, 30 pallets 800 * 1200 mm can be placed close to each other. This applies to 20-ton trucks, the volume of which is 82 cubic meters. Larger pallets are placed in smaller quantities in such vans, which indicates the inappropriate use of them for international transportation.


Today, warehouses rarely use manual labor to load goods into vehicles. Mostly for these purposes, loaders and pallets are used. Without them, the filling time of a truck or container increases by a couple of times. But without following the safety rules, you can get serious injuries, sometimes incompatible with life or causing disability.

When working with a loader, never stand in close proximity to it. The operator may not notice the person hiding the load. As a result, a collision is possible. Also, do not stand under the forks of the loader. Each pallet will break sooner or later, regardless of whether it is wooden, metal or plastic pallets.

The carrying capacity of the equipment must not be exceeded. In warehouses, there are many cases when forklifts roll over and press people or make a real havoc from scattered crates and boxes. It will take much longer to eliminate the consequences of such accidents than to once again go for the cargo.

The use of pallets in warehouses is not a whim, but a vital necessity that increases productivity in any of them. And we all know that time is money. Pallets help them earn more efficiently.

Type of pallets depending on their condition:

  • the highest grade is practically new (white), strong pallets, without cracks and chips, and were used no more than 3 times;
  • first grade – used pallets in good condition, without chips and cracks and have not been repaired;
  • second grade – pallets have wood darkening and slight contamination, minor chips and cracks are allowed (no more than 30 cm in length and 3 cm in width), some of them may be after repair.

Calculation of the permissible axle load of the tractor and semi-trailer

To calculate the load, the following parameters are required:

  • The weight of the tractor is described in the passport, known in advance;
  • The mass of an unloaded semi-trailer is also known in advance;
  • The weight of the cargo, together with euro pallets, is indicated in the consignment notes;
  • The weight of the driver and passengers is not taken into account when calculating the loading along the axles of a vehicle with a semi-trailer.
  • Formulas for calculation:
  • Loading on the axle of the trailer – the mass of the trailer and cargo, multiplied by ¾, divided by the number of axles;
  • This parameter for tractor axles is the weight of the loaded trailer divided by 4 + the weight of the tractor. The resulting figure is divided by the number of tractor axles.

To facilitate the work of personnel in warehouses, programs are used that calculate the mass and location of cargo based on the entered data.

How to download a truck without axle overload

The load distribution is uneven, it gradually increases from front to back. The front axle of the tractor holds the least weight, then its rear axles, maximum of the semi-trailer wheels. Loading on the axle of a road train (5 axles or more) also increases from the front to the rear trailers.

Normative Loading Rules

The cargo must be packed in standard pallets. In our country, 3 types of pallets are allowed, abroad – only one common format. The weight of each container with cargo must be reflected in the consignment note. Warehouse programs help workers calculate how many pallets can be loaded onto a truck to get close to maximum capacity but avoid overloading.

Optimization of pallet placement in a semi-trailer

Pallets must stand firmly, you can put one pallet on top of another. It is obligatory to fix the load with belts, spacers, and other structures. The ready-made scheme for loading a truck with pallets implies an even distribution of cargo along the trailer and from its sides. There is. two wooden pallets of the same mass should be placed on different sides, symmetrically to each other. The most difficult objects should be placed directly above the axes.

Loading goods without containers

Goods without containers are loaded differently. Small artificial objects are combined into one or more packages, which must have a form that is convenient for fastening. Larger ones are placed in the package or they need to be fastened.

How many pallets are included in the truck? What is the size of a standard pallet? What is a pallet ? What are the pallet sizes? Loading on a truck axle how to calculate?