In Germany, most motor vehicles are free for the time being
Only trucks with a gross weight of more than 7.5 tonnes are subject to the motorway toll
Tolls for all vehicle categories are still under negotiation and German motorways are free for the year 2023

Upcoming prices and validity of the vignettes in Germany

No official date has yet been set for the introduction of German motorway tolls. The price of the vignette will probably depend on the size of the engine and the emission class of the vehicle. The vignette will be electronic and drivers will be able to buy it online, via a mobile application or near the German border. There are ten days, two months and one year of validity of the cartoons.

Motorcycles, electric vehicles, CNG and LPG should be able to use German autobahns free of charge. As well as people with ZTP and ZTP/P cards.

Ten-day cartoons will range from €2.50 – €25, two-month cartoons from €7.00 – €50. An annual vignette will cost up to €130. Drivers of diesel vehicles will pay extra for the vignette, and the volume and emission class will also affect the price.

Price comparison of vignettes for 2-litre passenger cars

Petrol, Euro 4 to 5Diesel, Euro 4 to 5Petrol and Diesel, Euro 3
Ten days€4.00€14.00€25

Tolls for trucks with a gross weight of more than 7.5 tonnes are paid automatically via OBU or by prepayment for the selected route at the terminal, mobile application or Toll Collect .

Motorway network and toll sections in Germany 2023

Map of motorways and expressways in Germany

For an up-to-date map of German autobahns, visit .

Toll sections

In Germany, only the two tunnels Herren Tunnel and Warnow Tunnel are tolls. Drivers who pass through the tunnels more often find it worthwhile to take advantage of the more favorable monthly rates.

  • You will pay €2.10. to go through the Herren tunnel. A detailed overview of the Herren Tunnel tariffs can be found at .
  • For the Warnow Tunnel by car, you will pay €3.60 between 1 November and 30 April and €4.40 between 1 May and 31 October.
  • An overview of the tariffs for the Warnow Tunnel can be found at .

Driving fines in Germany

In 2021, a new fines program was introduced in Germany, which increased the amount of fines for traffic offenses and speeding.

Like the Czech Republic, Germany has a points system that also applies to foreigners. The idea is to record so-called penalty points in a central driver register.

If a driver reaches 8 penalty points, his license is withdrawn. The driving ban is issued for the country in question, i.e. Germany.

A driver can apply for the reinstatement of his driving license in Germany after a period of 6 months and a medical-psychological examination as soon as possible.

Fines for selected offences

  • Running a red light – up to €360 (and the possibility of a 1-month driving ban)
  • Failure to use seat belt – €30
  • Failure to yield – up to €100
  • Dangerous overtaking on the motorway (feat) – up to €250
  • Violation of the mobile phone ban – €60
  • No or late creation of an “emergency lane” – up to €320 (and the possibility of a driving ban for 1 month)
  • Overtaking at a ban – €70
  • Overtaking on an opaque section (eg in front of the horizon) – €100
  • Failure to respect the safety distance – €75
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol between 0.5 and 1.09 per thousand – €500 (and the possibility of a 1 month driving ban)

Speeding fines in Germany 2023

In Germany, the sanctions have recently been tightened (in most cases doubled). In particular, the government hopes to reduce piracy and better protect cyclists and pedestrians.

Speed ​​in a municipality

  • 1-10 km/h: €30
  • 11-15km/h: €50
  • 16-20 km/h: €70
  • 21-25km/h: €115
  • 26-30km/h: €180
  • 31-40 km/h: €260
  • 41-50 km/h: €400
  • 51-60km/h: €560
  • 61-70 km/h: €700
  • over 70 km/h: €800

Out of the ordinary speed

  • 1-10 km/h: €20.00
  • 11-15km/h: €40
  • 16-20 km/h: €60
  • 21-25km/h: €100
  • 26-30km/h: €150
  • 31-40 km/h: €200
  • 41-50km/h: €320
  • 51-60km/h: €480
  • 61-70 km/h: €600
  • over 70 km/h: €700

In Germany, anti-radar devices are banned, both passive and active of course. In GPS navigation this function must be deactivated.

The German police are strict in their enforcement, it’s not worth arguing with them. He often doesn’t impose the higher amounts, but if the situation calls for it (usually in anticipation of a higher fine), he is uncompromising and the driver can be taken to court. In that case, the police have the right to remove the car.

In the event of an administrative proceeding (personal appearance in court proceedings), to which you are entitled, your car can be confiscated again after you fail to pay the mandatory deposit. There are many police officers, again it’s not worth breaking the rules.

Motorways in Germany: Speed ​​limit

Speed ​​limits in Germany

  • In a village: 50 km/h
  • Outside the village: 100 km/h
  • On the motorway: 130 km/h (in some parts there is no speed limit)

Driving in Germany 2023

Mandatory car equipment in Germany

Mandatory equipment should include:

  • reflective vest
  • warning triangle
  • first aid kit

The motorcycle driver and his passenger must wear a safety helmet.


Winter tires are mandatory whenever the roads are covered in snow or ice, with no time limit.

As of 2018, only tires marked with the snowflake symbol are considered winter tyres. Until 30 September 2024, older tires (manufactured before 2018) with the M+S marking (mud and snow) can also be used. Minimum tread depth is 1.6mm, but 4mm is recommended.

Studded tires are prohibited. Snow chains are mandatory on some mountain roads. A maximum speed of 50 km/h is permitted with snow chains.

In the winter, only the winter compound needs to be in the washer.

Seat belts

In Germany, it is mandatory to wear seat belts on all seats equipped with them. This obligation also applies to buses.

Kids in the car

In Germany, the use of child seats is mandatory for children up to 150 cm in height or 12 years of age.

Children under 150cm or 12 years old must not sit in the front seat.

Alcohol behind the wheel

The maximum blood alcohol limit for car drivers is 0.5 per mille. However, it doesn’t apply to everyone. For professional drivers, drivers under 21, and drivers who have held their license for less than 2 years, there is zero blood alcohol tolerance.

Drink driving carries a fine of €500 – €1 500 as well as a lengthy driving ban and, of course, penalty points.


The daytime running lights requirement only applies to motorcycles. Other vehicles may or may not be on.

The obligation to illuminate applies at dusk and in the dark, in conditions of poor visibility (bad weather) and in tunnels, even if they are illuminated.

Rules for driving in a convoy

In the event of a traffic collapse and the resulting queue forming, drivers are obliged to create emergency corridors in the middle of the road for the integrated emergency vehicles, the so-called “emergency lanes”.

In practice, this means that vehicles on the left side of the road should move as far to the left as possible and vehicles on the right side as far to the right as possible. At the same time, the parking lane must not be blocked.

Late or failure to create an “emergency lane” is punishable by a fine of up to €320 and a driving ban of up to one month.

Toll roads in Germany 2023 Price of toll roads in Germany, how to pay for toll roads in Germany, toll roads in Germany