Birds are incredibly difficult to import and export around the world. Typically, planning the transportation of live poultry for sale takes 4-6 months, but by contacting a logistics company you can significantly reduce this time. Long-distance transport of birds is strictly regulated to help protect endangered species. With the exception of the most common pets such as parrots, all other species, even those bred in captivity, will require a number of permits. Flu tests may be needed. 

Transportation of chickens

The animal must be handled and transported in a certain way. This includes carrying it safely and ensuring adequate space and ventilation. During transportation, only vehicles adapted for this purpose are used. When transporting, please remember that:

  • Poultry and other animals in warm weather quickly overheat in vehicles. 
  • Vehicles must be designed, constructed, maintained and operated in such a way as to avoid injury and suffering and must ensure the safety of animals.
  • rigid containers must be of sufficient size, strength and construction to prevent injury and unnecessary suffering to poultry while inside.
  • Containers should always be carried in an upright position and you should ensure that heads, legs and wings do not protrude into the openings.
  • containers must be marked that they contain live birds and a sign indicating the vertical position of the containers.

When transporting live birds, the boxes must be securely fastened inside the car. Despite this, the driver should avoid shaking as much as possible.

What documents are needed to transport chickens?

Documents required for transporting chickens:

  • Obtaining permits.
  • Obtaining a medical examination and health certificates.
  • Obtaining import permits.
  • Documents for the airline.
  • If necessary, documentation for organizing quarantine.

It is important that the logistics company is familiar with the requirements for both exporting, importing and transporting different types of poultry. The UTS company has experience in transporting livestock and poultry and is familiar with all the intricacies of such transport.

Maximum transport distance

A permit is required for transport over 65 km and less than eight hours (different rules apply for animals transported for more than eight hours). Drivers or service personnel responsible for transporting farmed poultry over a distance of more than 65 km must have a valid certificate of competency. For trips over 50 km, an animal transport certificate is required, which is valid for six months.

What size should the box be during transportation?

The company will provide a suitable shipping box. Although the box can even be custom made from wood, it must meet international container requirements. The cage must be resistant to any impact when transporting live birds. For example, plastic. Modifications include wire mesh over all vents and the door, a perch inside at an appropriate height, and utensils attached to the door for food and water. The company can provide fabric or mesh to cover the door and prevent drafts. The bottom must have absorbent material. There cannot be any items inside the box other than those listed above. When it comes to road transport, poultry carriers with cages that are resistant to droppings are most often used.

Problems during transportation

When transporting live birds, any stress must be avoided. Stress can result from capture or incompetent handling, lack of food and water, exposure to high-speed air movement or loud noises. Only healthy birds can be transported. Sick, injured or weak birds should not be transported as they may not survive the procedure. Failure to comply with the law regarding the transportation of live birds by motor vehicle may result in enforcement actions and penalties, which may include fines and/or imprisonment. 

Rules for the transportation of live poultry