Want to hit the road on your own set of wheels? Here’s everything you need to know about importing, registering, selling and buying a car in Belgium.

New or used? Electric or fuel? As with any other country, there are many things to consider when it comes to buying a car in Belgium. But for an emigrant, such a choice may seem more difficult. After all, you may not yet be familiar with all the rules for owning and selling cars in the country. Or you are still trying to understand how the car market works.

So, to help you navigate the new roads and drive in Belgium, this article contains the following information:

Buying a car in Belgium

Although Belgium has an established and affordable public transport system with good connections between cities, many Belgians prefer to have their own car. This is especially true for those living in suburbs and small towns across the country.

Every year, about a million cars are sold in Belgium, most of which are used. However, car sales  have taken a hit  during the COVID-19 pandemic as most people work from home. Despite this, almost  73% of all Belgian households  own one or more cars, and many couples with children at home have at least  two or more  .

Among the popular brands in the country:

  • BMW
  • Peugeot
  • Volkswagen
  • Audi
  • Volvo

Belgium has  a well-regulated car market  with competitive prices. This means that with the right information about regulations and dealers, buying and registering a car in the country is relatively easy.

Who can buy a car in Belgium?

Fortunately, both Belgians and foreigners can buy a car in Belgium. However, you will need a Belgian residence permit or proof of residence to register and insure it in Belgium.

You must be at least 18 years old to drive in Belgium. However, you do not always need  a Belgian driving license  . For example, if you have a driving license from an EU or EEA country (which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), you can continue to use it in Belgium.

However,  post-Brexit  UK expats must exchange their UK driving license for a Belgian one if they plan to stay in the country for longer than 185 days.

Buying a new car in Belgium

It’s exciting to own a brand new set of wheels. Buying a new car not only gives you the latest technology, no wear and tear, and a new warranty, but it also gives you the opportunity to customize the model to your liking. In addition, new cars are generally safer, more economical and more environmentally friendly than older models.

However, there are some important drawbacks to consider as well. For example, on average, a new car costs  more than 35,000 euros  . So, unless you have significant savings, you will most likely need to take out a loan to cover the purchase.

Some car dealerships in Belgium may allow you to pay for your new car in installments with interest-free car loans. However, this option can cause several costs that are not obvious at first glance. For example, this may involve higher down payments or little or no discount on the price of the car.

Another disadvantage of buying a new car is that it depreciates very quickly. In Belgium, banks offer  a lower interest rate on  new car loans, but faster depreciation means shorter loan repayment periods with higher monthly amounts. In addition, some insurance companies may charge higher premiums for new car insurance because they may be more expensive to repair if damaged.

Where to buy a new car in Belgium

New cars in Belgium are sold mainly by car dealerships. You can go directly to the dealership or go to a car broker to find and find a car. Below is an overview of what these options include.

Car dealerships in Belgium

Car dealerships (  car carriers  /  concessionaires  ) own cars of certain brands, which they lease or sell directly to customers. Dealerships usually have a physical showroom where you can go and see their cars and ask for a test drive.

You can search for a franchise car dealership based on the brand of car you wish to purchase. Car brands often provide a list of their franchised dealers for each country (see dealer list for  BMW  or  Citroën  , for example). This way you can find a reliable car dealership near you.

Belgium also has larger independent car dealerships that sell several car brands. In addition to offering a wide selection, these dealerships may offer additional services such as financing and insurance options, a trade-in amount for your old car, and a maintenance contract. One example of such a dealer is  Cardoen  .

Car brokers in Belgium

Car brokers (  automakelaars  /  agence automobile  ) are independent agents who can help you find the car you want and negotiate a good price. They are intermediaries in the automobile market.

Buying a car through a broker can make a lot of sense if you’re not a car expert yourself or don’t like to negotiate prices too much. In addition, car brokers can locate vehicles at various dealerships across the country so you have a wide variety of vehicles to choose from.

A simple online search will provide you with several links, contact information and reviews of car brokers throughout Belgium. Some of the main ones are:

Buying a car in Belgium online

Many major car dealerships in Belgium have websites where you can check out and even book cars online. However, it is best to confirm and sign your final order in person, as this will give you the opportunity to see in person the specifications of the vehicle you have requested; let alone negotiate a better price.

Electric cars and hybrids in Belgium

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids are increasing in Belgium. In 2021, they accounted for  23.5% of new car sales  in Belgium (compared to 14.3% in 2020). This includes 18.4% of fully plug-in vehicles (EVS and hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)). Furthermore, in a recent survey,  48% of Belgians  said they plan to buy an electric or hybrid car as their next car.

Belgian regions have  different advantages  when it comes to owning and driving an electric vehicle. In Flanders, for example, zero-emission vehicles are exempt from vehicle registration taxes as well as annual road taxes. And in  Brussels  and Wallonia, zero-emission vehicles only charge a minimal amount for both registration and road tax. In addition, 75% of the costs of charging electric cars can be deducted from income tax in Belgium.

You can buy both EVs and PHEVs at many car dealerships across the country. Popular models include:

  • Volvo XC60 PHEV
  • Nissan Leaf
  • BMW 530e
  • Tesla 3
  • Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

There are about 7,500 charging stations in Belgium   . You can search for charging stations near you on  Chargemap  .

Documents for buying/selling a car in Belgium

When you decide which car to buy, the dealership will create an order form (  bestelbon  /  le bon de commande  ). This form gives you the right to cancel the purchase later if it turns out that the car does not meet the specifications you agreed upon.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that it contains all the necessary information:

  • Car brand, model, year, color and other parameters
  • Negotiated price including any discounts – also be sure to check the price excluding the additional 21% VAT
  • Date and place of signing the order form
  • Car delivery date
  • Underwriting of any loan
  • Amount, if any, offered in exchange for your old vehicle

Once the car is ready for collection or delivery to your home, if you have arranged this with your dealer, you need to make sure they provide other documents. They include:

  • An invoice containing the car’s make, model, year of manufacture, engine capacity, date of purchase, price with and without VAT and the amount of VAT.
  • Certificate of Conformity, which confirms that the vehicle complies with the technical characteristics in accordance with Belgian legislation (  gelijkvormigheidattest  /  certificate de konformité  ).
  • The car registration form is pink

Buying a used car in Belgium

Since buying a new car is usually an expensive option, many Belgians opt for a used car instead. Used car prices  in Belgium average around €17,000 for cars three to five years old and €6,000 for cars five to 10 years old. This makes buying used cars a much more affordable option. In fact, of  the one million passenger cars sold  in Belgium in 2020, more than 620,000 were used cars.

The Belgian authorities have set several requirements for buying and selling used cars. This helps ensure that the used car market meets acceptable quality standards.

For example, if you buy a used car in Belgium, you are legally entitled to receive the following documents from the seller:

  • An invoice containing details of the vehicle, the agreed price, the proposed sales guarantee and details of the vehicle’s previous owners and sellers
  • A certificate confirming the passing of a technical inspection of the car (  auto-curing /control technique   ) within two months before the sale
  • Act on the condition of the car after a technical inspection
  • Certificate of conformity (  gelijkvormigheidattest  /  certificate de conformité  ), which confirms that the car complies with the technical characteristics established by Belgian law
  • Car  -Pass  indicating the number of kilometers traveled by the car
  • Pink form (  roze formulaier/formulaire rose  ) for car registration

Where to buy a used car in Belgium

You can buy a used car in Belgium through car dealerships or from private individuals. Below is an overview of what these options include.

Buying a used car in car dealerships in Belgium

Most car dealerships in Belgium sell used cars, and buying from a car dealership has certain advantages. For example, they provide a wide selection and sometimes offer additional services. These services include a one-year warranty, finance and insurance options, a trade-in amount for your old car and a maintenance contract.

Since dealerships have many more customers, it is also easier to find information about the quality and reliability of their service in advance through reviews. However, car dealerships add their commission and 21% VAT to the car price.

An alternative to buying a car at a dealership is to enlist the help of a car broker. They can source cars from a variety of dealerships across the country, giving you greater access to finding a used car that meets your needs and is good value for money.

Famous car dealerships and car brokers in Belgium include:

Buying a used car from private owners in Belgium

In Belgium, all private car sellers are required to provide the buyer with the same package of documents as car dealerships. They include the ticket and protocol of the technical inspection of the car, as well as  Car-Pass  . In addition, private sellers must provide buyers with the original invoice for the sale of the car. These rules make the private car market in Belgium more reliable, and as a result, buying a car from private owners is quite common.

Buying a car from a private owner can also be cheaper as you don’t have to pay  21% VAT  . However, you’re also unlikely to get a warranty, and you may need a technician to further inspect the car before you buy. If you yourself do not know much about cars, then it is better to take the car to a mechanic for inspection.

Finding used cars for sale in Belgium is relatively easy and there are several platforms where sellers advertise them. You can contact sellers through these platforms, ask for information and make an appointment to view in person. Among the famous platforms:

Buying a used car in Belgium online

Both dealerships and private sellers often advertise used cars for sale online. If you are interested in a particular car, you can often book it online by contacting the seller. However, it is best to make the sale in person after inspecting the car. It also allows you to check that the buyer has provided you with all the necessary documents, including the pink form you will need for registration.

Car registration in Belgium

Everyone who lives in Belgium must  register their car  in the country. The Belgian vehicle registration service is known as  DIV  (  Dienst voor Inschrijving van de Voertuigen  /  Immatriculation des véhicules  ).

To register a car with DIV, you will need a pink form from the car dealer. This form is an official registration request, printed on pink paper.

If you buy or import your car into Belgium from another country, you can get a pink form from DIV. It is important that you register your vehicle within six months of moving to Belgium.

On the pink form, you’ll need to fill in whether your car is new or used, the type of fuel it uses, and whether you want a new number plate or already have one. You will also need to provide the following documents:

  • Belgian residence permit or card with your unique Belgian identification number (  rijksregisternummer/numéro de registre national  )
  • Invoice confirming the purchase
  • Confirmation of car insurance from third parties, which is mandatory in Belgium
  • Certificate of Conformity (  gelijkvormigheidattest  /  certificate de conformité  ), which confirms that the vehicle complies with the specifications established by Belgian law
  • Birth certificate – You must be over 16 years old to register a vehicle in Belgium

Car registration online in Belgium

For faster processing, you can ask your auto insurer to provide the documents and register the car through the WebDIV application. It is noteworthy that only insurance companies and car brokers have access to it. The process only takes one or two days, so you can avoid long waiting times. Almost 75 to 80% of all vehicle registrations in Belgium now go through the WebDIV application.

The cost of a car in Belgium

Belgium is among  the most expensive countries  in Europe to own and drive a car. Some costs, such as  registration tax  , only need to be paid once when buying a new or used car in the country. However, there are  several other costs  that Belgian car owners have to bear on a regular basis. They include:

  • The annual inspection of a car at an official  inspection center  costs  33 euros per car
  • Annual road tax depends on the type of vehicle (EV/petrol/diesel/LPG) and engine capacity
  • Third party insurance, which is mandatory for vehicles in Belgium

Gasoline prices in Belgium are relatively low, currently averaging €1.64 per liter compared to the global average of €3.2. However,  prices have risen significantly  over the past year and will continue to rise as Europe ramps up its transition to net zero.

Owners of vehicles running on liquefied gas or diesel fuel in Belgium are required to pay an additional tax. In contrast, driving  an electric vehicle (EV)  entitles you to tax exemptions and other financial benefits.

Car import to Belgium

You must import and register your car in Belgium within six months of moving there. And failure to complete this process on time can result in a fine. Notably, the process depends on whether you’re importing your car from within the EU or from outside the EU.

Importing a car from the EU

If you’re importing from the EU/EFTA, you can usually import tax-free into Belgium as long as you pay VAT on any new cars you’ve owned for less than six months. Otherwise, you will have to pay VAT at the rate of 21%.

You will need to declare the car at  Belgian customs  , register it in Belgium and may have to take it for a MOT. You will need to present the following documents to  Belgian customs  at the location of your choice:

  • Belgian residence permit and Belgian address
  • Proof of purchase of your car
  • VAT declaration – only in the case of a newly purchased car
  • Preliminary registration document for your car
  • Confirmation of insurance coverage for your car in Belgium

After customs clearance, you will have to follow the normal process of registering your car in Belgium.

Import of a car from outside the EU in Belgium

The process becomes a little more complicated and expensive if you import your car from outside the EU. You will need to declare your car at the first customs office you arrive at when crossing the EU border. If it is not in Belgium, you will need to provide a T1 document with the address of the Belgian customs office at the final destination. In addition, you will need to present a document confirming the purchase of the car and the original foreign registration certificate.

You may be exempt from customs duties and VAT if you import your car as part of your personal household effects. For this you will need:

  • Lived outside the EU during the last 12 months
  • I bought and drove the car six months before moving to the EU
  • Show that you have already paid VAT for the car in another country
  • Keep the vehicle for personal use only for 12 months after importation

If you do not meet these conditions, you will have to pay 10% import duty and 21% VAT, calculated based on the type of car and its customs value. After customs clearance, you will have to register the car in Belgium.

The exact documents you will need will depend on your personal circumstances, but usually include:

  • A valid ID, such as a passport
  • Proof of ownership of the vehicle, such as an existing registration certificate
  • Residence permit of Belgium
  • Car insurance certificate
  • Proof that you have lived outside the EU/EFTA region for twelve months if you are claiming tax exemption.

Sale of a used car in Belgium

If you want to sell your car in Belgium, you can choose one of the following routes:

  • Contact a car dealership or car broker to sell your car
  • Advertise and sell your car yourself

Selling a used car at a dealership in Belgium

Selling your car to a dealership is relatively quick and easy, as most dealerships in Belgium deal in used cars. Dealerships and car brokers can do all the paperwork for you and offer a secure sale. However, you will most likely get a lower price since their services are paid for.

Several dealer websites offer online car valuation tools, and you can get an approximate price for your car with these tools if you fill in all of the car’s details. After that, you will have to take your car to their expert for an in-person appraisal to get a final quote.

Sale of a used car to a private buyer in Belgium

If you are willing to do the work yourself, it may be worth selling your car directly to the buyer for a better price. There are several online platforms where you can advertise your car in Belgium. Among the famous platforms:

You will need to provide the buyer with the following documents:

  • An invoice containing details of the vehicle, the agreed price, the proposed sales guarantee and details of the vehicle’s previous owners and sellers
  • A certificate confirming the passing of a technical inspection of the car (  auto-curing /control technique   ) within two months before the sale
  • Act on the condition of the car after a technical inspection
  • Certificate of conformity (  gelijkvormigheidattest  /  certificate de conformité  ), which confirms that the car complies with the technical characteristics established by Belgian law
  • Car  -Pass  showing the number of kilometers the car has traveled – the car must have traveled more than 6,000 kilometers to be considered a used car in Belgium
  • The car registration form is pink

The equipment you need for your car in Belgium

When you drive in Belgium, you should make sure that your car  is equipped with  the following:

  • Warning triangle
  • Reflective/fluorescent jacket
  • Extinguisher
  • First aid kit

In addition, as a driver, you must always be able to provide the following documents:

  • Driver’s license and identity card
  • A green or white card issued by your auto insurer
  • Registration certificate issued by DIV (Belgian Vehicle Registration Service)
  • Technical inspection certificate (  autokeuring  /  control technology  ).
  • Certificate of conformity (  gelijkvormigheidattest  /  certificate de conformité  ) issued by the manufacturer of your car

Useful resources

  • ECC Belgium  – website of the European Consumer Center Belgium, which provides information (in English) about taxes and documents for buying a car in Belgium
  • Belgium.be  – section of the Belgian government website with detailed information (in Dutch and French) about buying and selling vehicles in Belgium
  • Vlaanderen.be  – section of the website of the regional government of Flanders with information (in Dutch, some pages in English) about owning and driving cars in Belgium
  • Vlaanderen.be  – section of the website of the regional government of Flanders with information (in English) about road taxes in Belgium
Buying a car in Belgium. How to buy a car in Belgium? How to register a car in Belgium?