Notice boards and thematic websites for selling cars in the UAE:

Recently, many of our compatriots who want to purchase a new or used car are looking for opportunities to buy a car in the United Arab Emirates. Why in the Emirates, and not in European countries, America or Japan, because everyone knows that cars are not produced in the UAE. What benefit could there be here? In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to analyze many factors.
In the United Arab Emirates, the standard of living of the population is one of the highest in the world, so the car market in the Emirates is a tasty morsel for all automakers, which helps increase competition among them. In addition, the UAE has low duties on imported cars. All this influenced the formation of relatively low prices for new cars, compared to prices in other countries. The factor of the low cost of new cars, combined with affordable and cheap car loans, has led to the fact that today the average Emirati resident exchanges his car for a new one every 2-3 years. The similar figure in Europe is 4-6 years. Therefore, the used car market is oversaturated with offers for sale, which naturally puts pressure on the price of used cars.
In addition, it will be much easier for our compatriots to obtain a visa to travel to the United Arab Emirates than to countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and especially the USA. And transporting a purchased car from the UAE is much cheaper than from America.
All of the above factors influenced the attractiveness of the market for new and used cars in the United Arab Emirates for potential buyers from other countries, including our country.
You can buy a car in the UAE either on your own or with the help of intermediaries. The easiest way, of course, is to choose a car via the Internet on car websites and inform an intermediary company of your choice, which will check the technical condition of the selected car, fill out all the documents and send the car to your country. In this case, you will avoid many problems and save money (visa, flights, accommodation, food), but you will need to pay for intermediary services. You can fly to the Emirates on your own to buy a car, but then you will have to carefully delve into all the intricacies of choosing and purchasing a car.
Cars in the Emirates are usually purchased at car dealerships and car markets. The largest car markets are located in Sharjah (Abu Shagara) and Dubai (Al Awir), these markets are huge and it will take a lot of time to get around them. You can choose a car via the Internet on car websites and, upon arriving in the UAE, you will already know the exact coordinates of the seller of the desired car.
You will be able to carefully inspect the selected car and make a test drive on it. Don’t forget to bargain with the seller; you can often negotiate 5-10% of the cost of the car. Having agreed on the price, you leave a deposit and the seller begins to draw up documents. After you pay the full amount, you will be given transit numbers and a police certificate certifying the new owner of this car. Then you can send the car to your country.

Car sales in the UAE. Car market and car sites in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)