If you still want to handle the transportation yourself, then please note that when transporting a TV by car, you need to take into account a number of preparatory and transport problems that may arise on the day of delivery.

Features of transporting large LCD TVs

Each equipment manufacturer has special rules for the installation and proper use of their products. Although most instructions are similar, some manufacturers have to create unique instructions. We’ve put together the most important information and advice on what to do when moving TVs from leading manufacturers. How to send a TV technician? We recommend transporting equipment in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Use a transport cart to transport the TV.
    Adjust the wheels during transport to make it easier to transport large equipment. The static position settings are different from the device movement settings, this should be taken into account if you are thinking about how to transport your TV?
  2. Choose the correct position.
    Some manufacturers warn that equipment should never be transported lying down. For example, if it is stated in the instructions or on the brand’s website which models can be moved horizontally/diagonally if necessary, and which ones should not be rotated, you must follow these rules.
  3. Accuracy is the key to success.
    The most dangerous moment is movement. Be careful when driving, avoid sudden acceleration or deceleration; sharp turns and speed bumps must be driven with extreme caution.
  4. Secure the TV before shipping.
    It is best to attach it to the corner of the vehicle’s cabin to completely prevent movement while driving. If possible, attach the device to a vehicle rail or use furniture (if a complex move) to create a strong frame around it.

How to pack a TV for transportation if there is no box?

During transportation, the TV must be securely fastened. For this purpose, durable packaging material and tapes are used. If the item cannot be divided and folded separately, then it is important to select the packaging according to the dimensions. The carrier must be informed in advance about what type of cargo needs to be delivered. Loaders must prepare for your order in advance. Experienced companies always have packaging material that they provide with your order. If the original packaging of the equipment has not been preserved, simply trust the carrier. You need to transport the TV carefully to ensure it arrives at your new home without damage. If the carrier cannot provide the packaging, then you need to take care of it yourself. Before moving, make sure your device is well protected by securing any loose items to prevent scratches and dents. Pack it in bubble wrap, then in a box, or cover the entire outside with a protective blanket. This will help soften the effect of sudden movements, protect the facade and prevent damage to internal components. Tape all cables to the package so they don’t get lost. It’s better to deliver them separately. In this scenario, it is very important to properly secure the equipment in the car.

How to transport a TV correctly?