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Car deregistration in Italy for export: procedure 2023

Within about three years, new procedures came into force, partially amended by law no. No. 120 dated 11/09/2020 and confirmed at least until   2023  , for those who must  deregister the car for final export abroad  . Unlike what has happened in the past, deletion from the National Automobile Archive and the State Automobile Registry must take place  prior to actual export  . And without the need to check the vehicle for compliance with obligations.

Update on December 15, 2022  with the latest regulatory news, especially after the passage of law no. 120/2020 concerning the cancellation of a vehicle for final export abroad.


As you remember, the innovation was introduced after the amendment of paragraph 1 of article 103 of the Highway Code, which, in the latest edition,  in force from 09/15/2020  , provides for the following: “  For the indefinite export of motor vehicles abroad, vehicles and trailers registered in Italy, the owner or authorized person requests the  revocation from the national vehicle archive and from the PRA  to the competent authority, returning the relevant license plates and registration certificate. Cancellation is subject to the condition that  the vehicle complies with inspection obligationso is subject in the year in which the obligation to inspect, inspect and test to confirm its suitability for circulation arises. And that no provision for revision is pending. In order to reach the border crossings for export, the canceled vehicle can only drive on the road with a transit document  and  a temporary license plate  .”


Therefore, compared to previous legislation,  a request for cancellation  must now be made   before the transfer abroad, and not after  . Moreover, both  the owner  of the vehicle and another authorized person (for example, an heir or an owner not yet registered with the PRA) can transfer it. In the latter case, a title holder who is not a PRA holder must also attach the  original title to the purchase . (purchase and sale act, regulation of state administration, auction sale report, acceptance of inheritance), etc.), drawn up in accordance with the forms established by law. In addition, if the request is not signed in the presence of a responsible officer, a photocopy of the identity document of the signatory must be attached.

A request  to cancel the final export  must be submitted to the Motorist Telematics Assistance Service (STA) after booking, with the following documentation attached:

— Unified Instance (  download here  );

– Original purchase document (only if, as noted above, the request is for non-ADF title);

– a certificate of ownership in paper form, a vehicle registration certificate or a single negotiable document;

– License plates (front and rear);

– Identity document or recognition and the Tax Code.

And pay the following expenses:

– ACI fees   : EUR 13.50;

–   Stamp duty  : 32.00 euros for a single application + 1.78 euros for postage:

–   DT rights  : €10.20 + €1.78 postage (both for export to and outside the EU).

After checking the completeness of the documentation, the applicant is issued a Single Document, invalid for circulation, with  a note on the termination of circulation of the vehicle  for export to an EU or non-EU country. If the owner or holder of the right to the vehicle needs to reach a foreign destination country by road, he can apply to the provincial departments of motor vehicles for the  issuance of  a travel document and  temporary plates. Or by contacting a car service.

When the vehicle is finally exported abroad  , the vehicle ceases to be registered in the State Automobile Registry (PRA)  and, as a result, the obligation to pay car tax is interrupted.


The new law requires you to submit a cancellation request  before  traveling abroad. However, the law does not completely rule out the possibility that  later  cancellations from the National Automobile Archives and from the PRA may also take place. Without prejudice to the possible application of a fine  from 173 to 694 euros  . And provided that during this time the vehicle has already been  re-registered abroad  and, therefore, a copy of the registration certificate of the country of destination is made.

Registration marks and registration certificate  (or a single document) must also be attached to the application for cancellation after transfer, unless they were detained by the foreign re-registration authorities. In the latter case, and only if the license plates and documents belong to a  non-EU country, the  applicant for cancellation must attach a replacement declaration of notoriety confirming this circumstance.

Important: for vehicles still equipped with a  paper title deed,  exported to both an EU country and a non-EU country, if the foreign authority withheld this document at registration, it will be necessary to attach  the issued certificate of collection by the Authorized Foreign  . Or a replacement declaration certifying the waiver. If, on the other hand, a paper title deed is not available because it has been lost, stolen or destroyed, an appropriate declaration or replacement declaration must be attached.


Following the law no. No. 120/2020, which partially corrected the new wording of the provision on deregistration of vehicles for export abroad,  now it is not required to submit the exported vehicle for technical inspection, with a positive result, no earlier than 6 months from the date of the cancellation request date  . The current regulation essentially establishes as a requirement for cancellation that the vehicle has a  valid MOT on the date of the cancellation request  . Or that it is exposed in the year in which the obligation to inspect, visit and test to confirm its  suitability for circulation arises  . And that no provision for revision is pending.


If a measure of administrative detention is registered with the DTC for a vehicle to be exported, it will first be necessary  to cancel the detention  by paying the amounts due to the tax concessionaire. And only after that to request the termination of the circulation for export. On the other hand, in the event that the mortgage loan has not yet expired  , the vehicle subject to export is registered with an arrest or  confiscation, an  act confirming the consent to cancellation by the creditor or the competent authority must be attached. In particular, for the export of vehicles with a registered and not yet overdue mortgage, it is necessary to attach  an act of consent of the creditor. It is done in the form of a notarized private transaction.

Car registration in Italy – what is it?

When you buy a car, you need to  register  it. With this procedure, the vehicle is registered with the National Archives of Vehicles (ANV)  of civil  motorization and the vehicle in question is merged with a specific license plate.

Subsequently, it is necessary to  register the vehicle in the State Automobile Registry,   and only at the end of this double procedure you will receive   a license plate  and vehicle registration certificate, and finally you will be able to drive your car on the road.

How to register a car in Italy

But you should not panic: the  seller always handles the design  , through an authorized car agency. The agency submits an application for registration to the provincial motor vehicle department, attaching documents for the car and the person to whom the car will be registered. If the documentation is complete and correct, the Traffic Inspectorate issues a registration certificate and a couple of plates.

From  June 1, 2020,  all  enrollment procedures  must be carried out  electronically  . Therefore, the automotive practice agency will have to resort to the services of a telematic support service for motorists, through which, in addition to registration, it is possible to obtain a license plate, registration certificate and digital certificate of ownership without a physical presence. to various offices scattered throughout the area.

Registration of the first car in Italy: how does it work?

The term ”   first registration  ” refers to the procedures required when purchasing a new vehicle to obtain a  license plate  and vehicle registration document, or to obtain a roadworthiness permit  .

As explained above, during the first registration, a specific license plate is associated with the vehicle, which is registered in the National Automobile Archive of Civil Motorization and in the State Automobile Registry. In any case, the registration procedures are always carried out by the seller.

The cost of registering a car in Italy

In principle, when buying a new car, the  cost of registration   is included   in the sale price  .

But, for the more curious, let’s take a closer look at the costs of doing different practices. The general administration  costs   are €101.20  , including four stamp duties of €16, a PRA fee of €27 and motor vehicle fees of €10.20. They are added to the cost of  purchasing license plates  , equal   to 41.78 euros  .

In addition, registration fees are added to the fees charged by the automotive practice agency used by the seller and  the provincial transcription tax (IPT) that ACI collects on behalf of the provinces. Each provincial administration can increase the base BTI up to 30%, set by law at EUR 150.81 for vehicles up to 53 kW and EUR 3.519/kW for vehicles with higher output.

Car registration time in Italy

When you have all the necessary documentation and provide it to the Motorist’s Telematic Helpdesk, the  waiting time for registering a car  is significantly reduced: we are talking   about 3 business days  .

Once license plates and vehicle registration have been received,  the vehicle must be registered with PRA within the  next 60 days in order to receive a certificate of ownership.

How is the registration of foreign cars

To apply in Italy, registration is also required if the car was bought abroad. Therefore, it will be necessary to  register the vehicle with the provincial motor vehicle department  and then register it with the State Vehicle Registry.

This procedure must be followed  whether buying a new or used car  . A car with a mileage of less than 6,000 km and an age of less than six months is considered new.

To proceed with registration, you will need to contact the  provincial  motorization department and present technical and fiscal documentation related to the car. Once approved, you can proceed with  the registration request  and then with  the PRA  .

Those looking for a simpler solution can contact the automotive practice agency by providing a copy of the buyer’s identity document, self-proof of the buyer’s residence, NP2C and NPSD models available online or at the STA, sales deed stamped by the duty drawn up a notary public, a vehicle conformity certificate issued by the manufacturer, and model TT2119.

If the registration concerns a used car, in addition to the documents already indicated, a copy of the foreign registration certificate must also be presented.

What you need to know

What is car registration?

Upon registration  , the vehicle is registered with the Civil Motorization  and then  registered with the State Automobile Registry  . Only at the end of this double procedure do you receive a license plate and a vehicle registration certificate, and finally you can drive your car.

How to register a car?

In Italy,   the registration of the car is handled by the seller  through the authorized car agency in the  telematics service for motorists  . The agency submits an application for registration to the provincial traffic police, attaching the documents of the person to whom the car will be registered, and the vehicle itself.

How much does it cost to register a car?

Typically  , the cost of registration  is included  in the price of the car  and includes: administrative costs of 101.20 euros and costs for the purchase of license plates of 41.78 euros. To these should be added the rate requested by the automotive practice agency used by the dealership, as well as the provincial transcription tax (Ipt) that ACI collects on behalf of the provinces.

How long does it take to register a car?

Registration at the motorist ‘s telematics desk takes  about 3 business days  . Once license plates and vehicle registration have been received, the vehicle must be registered with PRA within the next 60 days.

How is the registration of foreign cars?

If you buy a car abroad, it  must be registered  for circulation in our territory. The obligation applies  to both the purchase of a new car and a used car  . You will need to go to the provincial DMV office and present technical and fiscal documentation related to the vehicle. After obtaining permission, you can proceed with the request for registration with Motorization, and then with the registration with PRA.

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