If you don’t know about kiwi , it’s a popular search aggregator that differs from others in its flexibility and many additional features. Thanks to this, Kiwi can offer interesting route options that will be cheaper than other aggregators.

To London for 20 euros? In Athens for 35? Please!

However, there are a few things you should know about using Kiwi to book flights if you want to get the most out of the site and avoid any hassles.

Kiwi.com searches for the cheapest route, regardless of the flight code

While other flight search engines will try to book your entire itinerary with one airline or partner flights, Kiwi will look for all the possibilities.

What does this mean in practice? Kiwi will consider all the cheapest options, even if that means you have to take two completely separate flights (with separate check-ins for each flight) or offer you a long layover or even an off-route airport.

What are the benefits of kiwi.com?

While it’s not ideal for people looking for the fastest and easiest way to get somewhere, it’s perfect for those looking for the cheapest option and willing to experiment.

It so happened that it is more convenient to fly to one city, and from there already along the route, since it is really cheaper. In addition, such connections add the opportunity to visit new places and get impressions.

And that’s what makes Kiwi so cool, and at the same time adds a few rules to use (especially for novice travelers).

Restrictions and features that should be remembered when choosing individual tickets

  • When choosing individual flights, consider the risks of losing a ticket due to too short a layover or other force majeure.

When buying a direct ticket, the airline guarantees your delivery from point A to point B. And if the first flight is delayed (weather conditions, schedule change, etc.), they will wait for you, provide an alternative route or provide appropriate compensation. Also, if there is luggage, airlines will take care of its transfer in most cases.

If you are not an adventurer, but want to simplify your life – choose direct tickets :).

And although Kiwi offers a guarantee that covers flight delays, cancellations and rescheduling, including for individual tickets . Still, this is an additional hassle for you, because you need to follow the instructions. Details  here .

  • When choosing a flight with transfers in other countries (outside your route), be sure to check the visa requirements. Even if it’s not your final destination.

For example, a transfer through London is possible only if you have a visa or in the airside area of ​​some airports if you have a direct ticket. Low-cost airlines (including Ryanair and Wizz Air) simply won’t put you on the plane.

Flexible search by many criteria with kiwi.com

You can search for flights from and to regions, rather than specific cities

Although many other search engines offer this to one degree or another, Kiwi implements it surprisingly conveniently.

With Kiwi, you can search for flights to or from anywhere if you want maximum flexibility. 

This is very useful if you are planning a more or less long trip to different regions and you don’t care at all which specific city or even country you are flying to or going to. Or there are several airports near you.

What’s more, if you click the right mouse button on the Kiwi search map and select a flight to/from here, a circle will appear. You will be able to drag it to any region you want and adjust its size. You can then either enter a specific destination (destination or departure points).

You can search for several destinations at the same time

If you want to be more specific than entire regions, Kiwi allows you to search for many different departure cities and/or countries, as well as a bunch of different destinations. Again, a huge time saver!

You can search for flights without specific dates

If your schedule is flexible, Kiwi also lets you search for flights “any time” or within a set date range. You can also specify how long you want your total trip to last. If you know you want to take a vacation of around 10-14 days sometime during the summer, you can search for flights between June and August and then select a “Stay” of 10-14 nights.

In this way, you will be able to understand not only where your cheapest vacation option is, but also when and for what period.

You can use the “nomad” tool

This tool is especially useful if you are going on a long trip to many cities, such as moving across Europe or visiting many places in the US, for example.

With the nomad tool, you can enter all the cities you want to visit and how long you want to stay in each city, and Kiwi will work out the cheapest possible option.

What else should you know when booking flights with kiwi.com?

Additional baggage

If you realize after booking that you want to add additional checked baggage, this must be done through Kiwi, not directly with the airline.

Because Kiwi deals with a large number of different airlines, they have decided to set a weighted average of prices and services. Therefore, in some cases Kiwi may charge you less than the airline, and in other cases you may pay more (although of course it will still be less than you would have to pay at the airport).

What country is kiwi.com located in?

Kiwi.com is an online travel agency based in the Czech Republic. The main office of the company is located in the city of Brno, Czech Republic. However, Kiwi.com provides services worldwide and has offices and partnerships with airlines and other service providers in various countries. You can use Kiwi.com services from any country where their website or mobile app is available.

Why tickets on kiwi.com are cheaper than on airlines

Tickets on Kiwi.com may sometimes appear cheaper than those directly offered by airlines due to several factors:

  1. Aggregator Model: Kiwi.com operates as an online travel agency (OTA) and uses an aggregator model. They combine flights from multiple airlines to create itineraries that may not be available directly from a single airline. This allows them to offer a wider range of flight options and potentially find cheaper fares.
  2. Dynamic Pricing: Kiwi.com uses dynamic pricing algorithms that continuously adjust prices based on factors such as demand, availability, and market trends. This can sometimes result in lower prices compared to fixed prices offered by airlines.
  3. Deals and Discounts: Kiwi.com often negotiates special deals and discounts with airlines, allowing them to offer competitive prices to customers.
  4. Hidden City Ticketing: Kiwi.com may use a practice called “hidden city ticketing” where a cheaper fare is available by booking a multi-leg itinerary and intentionally not taking the final leg. However, it’s important to note that hidden city ticketing is against the terms and conditions of most airlines and may result in consequences if detected.
  5. Additional Fees: While the initial ticket price on Kiwi.com may appear cheaper, it’s important to consider additional fees such as baggage fees, seat selection, and other optional services. These fees may vary depending on the airline and could impact the overall cost.

It’s worth noting that there can be risks and limitations associated with booking through third-party platforms like Kiwi.com. It’s recommended to carefully review the terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and customer reviews before making a booking. Additionally, direct bookings with airlines may offer certain advantages like direct communication and easier handling of changes or issues.

How to get a refund for kiwi.com tickets

To request a refund for Kiwi.com tickets, you’ll need to follow their refund policy and procedures. Here are the general steps to initiate a refund:

  1. Review Kiwi.com’s Refund Policy: Start by familiarizing yourself with Kiwi.com’s refund policy, which can be found on their website. Pay attention to the conditions under which refunds are eligible.
  2. Check if Your Tickets are Refundable: Determine if your tickets are refundable based on the fare conditions and any additional services you may have purchased, such as travel insurance. Non-refundable tickets may have certain restrictions or penalties associated with cancellations or changes.
  3. Contact Kiwi.com Customer Support: Reach out to Kiwi.com’s customer support team directly to initiate your refund request. You can contact them through their website, email, or phone. Be prepared to provide them with your booking details, including the booking reference number.
  4. Explain the Reason for the Refund: Clearly explain the reason for your refund request. This could be due to a flight cancellation, schedule change, or other eligible circumstances as per their refund policy. Provide any supporting documentation if required.
  5. Follow the Refund Process: Kiwi.com will guide you through their refund process, which may involve submitting a formal refund request form or providing additional information. Follow their instructions carefully and provide all the necessary details.
  6. Keep Records and Communication: Make sure to keep records of all communication with Kiwi.com, including emails, chat logs, or any other correspondence. This will be helpful in case of any disputes or follow-ups.
  7. Be Patient: The refund process may take some time, as it typically involves coordination between Kiwi.com, airlines, and other service providers. Be patient and allow sufficient time for the refund to be processed.

It’s important to note that the refund eligibility and process may vary depending on the specific circumstances and the fare conditions of your tickets. Always refer to Kiwi.com’s refund policy and contact their customer support for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your specific situation.

How often are refunds for kiwi.com tickets

The frequency of refunds for Kiwi.com tickets can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the type of ticket purchased. Refunds are typically issued in cases where the airline cancels a flight, there are significant schedule changes, or there are other eligible reasons according to Kiwi.com’s refund policy.

It’s important to note that Kiwi.com acts as an intermediary between travelers and multiple airlines or service providers. This means that the refund process may involve coordination with different parties, which can sometimes lead to delays.

To increase your chances of receiving a refund, it’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of your ticket before making a purchase. Look for tickets with more flexible cancellation or refund policies, as non-refundable tickets may have more restrictions and penalties associated with cancellations or changes.

If you believe you are eligible for a refund, it is recommended to contact Kiwi.com’s customer support directly to initiate the refund request. They will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary information and assistance.

Keep in mind that the refund process may take some time, and it’s important to be patient and follow up with Kiwi.com as needed.

What compensation does kiwi.com provide for flight delays

Kiwi.com offers compensation for flight delays through their Kiwi.com Guarantee service. The compensation provided depends on the specific circumstances of the delay and the terms outlined in Kiwi.com’s guarantee policy. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Kiwi.com Guarantee: Kiwi.com offers a guarantee that provides coverage and assistance in case of flight delays, cancellations, or schedule changes.
  2. Compensation Eligibility: Compensation eligibility depends on various factors, including the length of the delay, the airline’s policy, and the terms outlined in Kiwi.com’s guarantee policy. Generally, significant delays (usually more than 3 hours) may entitle you to compensation.
  3. Compensation Types: Compensation may come in the form of vouchers, refunds, or alternative travel arrangements. The specific compensation provided will be determined based on the circumstances of the delay and the options available.
  4. Submitting a Claim: To claim compensation for a flight delay, you will typically need to contact Kiwi.com’s customer support. Provide them with the necessary details, such as your booking reference, flight information, and any supporting documentation.
  5. Documentation: It’s important to keep all relevant documentation, including boarding passes, receipts, and any communication with the airline or Kiwi.com. These documents may be required to support your claim.
  6. Timeframe: The time it takes to process a claim and receive compensation can vary. It’s advisable to contact Kiwi.com’s customer support promptly and follow up as needed.

Remember, each situation is unique, and the specific compensation and eligibility criteria may vary. It’s recommended to review Kiwi.com’s guarantee policy or contact their customer support directly for detailed information regarding compensation for flight delays.

How to sue kiwi.com

If you wish to create problems with Kiwi.com and you are suing, it is recommended that you first contact the legal and legal entities in your country for this information and specific advice representing local laws and procedures.

Possible steps:

Gather Proofs: Gather all necessary proofs such as emails, receipts, tickets, screenshots, and other documents to support your claims or issues with Kiwi.com. It is important to have enough evidence to support your appearance in court.

Contact Kiwi.com: Attempted to resolve the issue directly with Kiwi.com by contacting their support team or dispute resolution department. Companies often offer to resolve conflicts out of court.

Seeking Legal Assistance: Direct communication with Kiwi.com is not intended to resolve the issue, so legal assistance is recommended. Contact an attorney who has a particular focus on the area of consumer law or aviation law for projections and projections in a future case.

Preparing and Filing a Claim: Together with your attorney, prepare and denounce your statement of your claims, facts, expectations, and compensation sought. The application must be submitted to the local court or judicial body that has the competence to set up specific cases.

Court Case: Your case will be heard by the court. You must bring your arguments, assumptions and assumptions. The court will make a decision based on the facts presented and applicable law.

Please note that this is general information and procedures may vary by country and situation. get Important legal advice to be sure of the right approach.

Kiwi.com – reviews of buyers of air tickets. KIWI.COM reviews .What you need to know before booking flights on kiwi.com