Motorway vignette Hungary – the purchase of a motorway sticker in Hungary in 2023 is mandatory for all car owners who drive on toll roads. Hungary has a developed network of toll roads. To drive through them, you need to purchase an electronic ticket or a traditional paper ticket.

Tolls in Hungary 2023

Prices for travel on toll roads in Hungary

As of now, in Hungary, the cost of an electronic plug for a car per day is about 12.5 euros. If you buy an extract for 10 days, its cost will be about 19.74 euros), and for 1 month – about 31.95 euros).

The price of the vignette depends on the category of the vehicle, its validity period and the type of road. For other categories of vehicles, such as motorcycles, trucks and buses, the cost of exemptions may vary.

Tolls on certain road sections may vary depending on the location and length of the section. Additional charges may apply on the M1, M3, M5, M6 and M7 motorways.

We remind you that driving on toll roads in Hungary is allowed only with a valid electronic or paper ticket, otherwise the driver may be fined.

Weekly Sticker  : This sticker is valid from the start date specified by the customer and an additional 9 days, for a total of 10 consecutive calendar days until midnight on the 10th day.

Monthly Sticker  : This sticker is valid from the start date specified by the customer until 24:00 on the corresponding date of the following month. If this date is not present in the month in which the sticker expires, the sticker is valid until midnight on the last day of that month.

6-month (half-yearly) sticker (on sale from June)  : Combined monthly sticker This sticker actually means ordering 6 stickers (for six months) in a combination (only for category D1).

Regional Sticker  : This sticker is valid for all roads in a given county from the date of purchase until midnight on January 31 of the following year. Stickers valid for multiple counties can be purchased at the same time.

Annual Sticker  : This sticker is valid from the date of purchase until midnight on January 31 of the following year. The annual sticker is valid from the date of purchase; it does not provide retroactive authorization.

There are several options for purchasing vignettes in Hungary, and the most popular is the online method, where you just need to fill out the appropriate application and don’t have to worry about sticking the vignette to the car window. Of course, you can also buy a standard vignette, which can be found at gas stations or at various border crossings. After purchasing the vignette, the control card should be kept for the next 2 years for security reasons.

Official sites for buying Hungarian vignette:

Map of toll roads in Hungary 2023

Map of toll roads in Hungary

Hungary has a developed network of motorways, many of which are tolled. Here are some examples:

  1. Motorway M1: the section between Budapest and the Austrian border is tolled. The cost of a car license in this area is HUF 1,470 (about EUR 4.7) for 10 days.
  2. Motorway M3: the section between Budapest and Nyeredhaza is tolled. The cost of a car license in this area is HUF 1,470 (about EUR 4.7) for 10 days.
  3. M5 motorway: the section between Budapest and Szeged is tolled. The cost of a car license in this area is HUF 1,470 (about EUR 4.7) for 10 days.
  4. Motorway M7: the section between Budapest and Balaton is tolled. The cost of a car license in this area is HUF 1,470 (about EUR 4.7) for 10 days.

In addition, there are sections of highways in Hungary where you have to pay an additional payment on the spot. For example, at sections M0 and M31, the fee is collected in the “Pay-as-you-go” system. Drivers can pay for travel in these areas with cash or credit card at special payment collection points.

Main highways and toll roads are marked in red. Yellow areas are tolled sections of motorways, blue areas are tolled expressways, and green areas are tolled sections of ordinary roads.

The map also shows toll collection points, places of entry and exit from toll areas, as well as rest and service points.

It is important to note that in order to use toll road sections in Hungary, you must have a valid road payment card or pay electronically through the E-vignette system . More detailed information about toll sections of motorways and payment can be found on the official website of the Hungarian road toll company.

Traffic rules of Hungary

The main rules of the road in Hungary are as follows:

  1. Traffic on the road is on the right side.
  2. Drivers and passengers in the front and rear seats must wear seat belts.
  3. It is allowed to use a mobile phone only with the use of a headset or Bluetooth.
  4. The maximum permitted speed in populated areas is usually 50 km/h, and on highways – 130 km/h.
  5. Overtaking is allowed on the left side, except when traffic in the center of the road is prohibited.
  6. It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the front seat without using a child car seat or a special amplifier for seat belts.
  7. It is allowed to drive on a green light, stop on a yellow light, and must stop on a red light.

There are also some peculiarities in Hungary that you should know, in particular, regarding traffic in populated areas and on roads with priority. For example, on some sections of priority roads, a green triangle with a yellow ring in the middle may appear, indicating a mandatory stop for entering such a section. Also, additional speed limit signs may be installed in some areas in populated areas.

It is important to follow the rules of the road in Hungary, as violations can be severely punished, including fines, temporary disqualification from driving a vehicle or even imprisonment.

Speed ​​limits in Hungary

Hungary has its own traffic rules, including speed limits on the roads. The main speed limit rules in Hungary on the roads are as follows:

  • In cities and towns, speed limits of up to 50 km/h or 60 km/h in certain sections usually apply. However, other speed limits may be set on certain sections, which are indicated by road signs.
  • On public roads outside cities, the speed limit is usually 90 km/h, and on highways – 130 km/h. However, other speed limits may be set on certain sections, which are indicated by road signs.
  • Speed ​​limits can also be set in construction zones, dangerous road sections, school crosswalks and other areas where drivers need to be extra careful.

Drivers should follow the speed limit rules indicated on the road signs and be prepared for the fact that the speed may be limited on some road sections. Speeding can result in penalties that can include fines, demerit points on your driver’s license or even legal action.

Road markings in Hungary

Road markings in Hungary are quite standard and meet international standards. It is used to indicate a road lane, dividing line, stop lines, pedestrian crossings and other elements of road infrastructure.

Road markings in Hungary are usually placed on the left side of the center of the road. White lines are used to mark the edges of the road, and yellow lines are used to separate traffic lanes. The specified lines can be both solid and dashed.

A white line connected to the edge of the road with a dotted line is used to indicate stop lines. Pedestrian crossings are usually marked with white markings with pedestrian icons.

Road markings in Hungary are an important element of road safety, so drivers are advised to follow the markings carefully and follow the traffic rules to avoid accidents and violations.

Free motorway sections in Hungary

Hungary has a number of free motorway sections where no tolls are required. However, their number is limited, and they are mostly small areas that connect individual cities and towns.

For example, in the southern part of Hungary, there is a free section of the M6 ​​between Budapest and Szeged, which is about 30 km. Also, some sections of the M1, M3 and M7 have short sections where you can drive for free.

It is important to remember that the sections of free highways can change over time, so it is better to check the information about the availability of free sections on official websites or in applications for mobile devices before the trip.

Fines for speeding in Hungary

Hungary has a system of fines for speeding on the roads, which depends on how much the speed limit has been broken.

Fines for speeding in Hungary usually range from HUF 5,000 to HUF 30,000, which equates to around EUR 15 to EUR 90. At the same time, if you exceed the speed limit by more than 50 km/h, the fine can be up to 300,000 forints, which is about 900 euros.

In case of exceeding the speed by 30 km/h or more, the driver may be deprived of his driving license for a period of 1 month to 3 months.

It is also important to know that the Hungarian police can issue speeding fines using radars and surveillance cameras, as well as conduct road raids to identify violators.

Speeding in the city and outside the city in Hungary

Hungary has different speed limits for urban and public roads. Usually in cities the speed limit is up to 50 km/h, although some streets may have speed limits of up to 30 km/h. On extra-urban roads, the speed limit is usually up to 90 km/h.

Speeding in the city and outside the city in Hungary is a violation of traffic rules, for which fines are provided. Speeding fines depend on how much the speed limit was exceeded, as well as whether it resulted in a traffic violation or a traffic accident.

For example, if you exceed the speed limit by 10 km/h, the fine can be around 15-30 euros. If the excess is from 11 to 30 km / h, then the fine can be from 45 to 90 euros. If the speed limit is more than 30 km/h, the fine can range from 150 to 900 euros, and the driver’s license may be revoked for a certain period.

Penalties for driving a car in Hungary

Hungary has set traffic rules that must be followed when you drive in its territory. Violation of these rules can result in fines and can have serious consequences, such as the loss of your driving license or the recall of your vehicle.

Some of the most common offenses that carry fines in Hungary include the following:

  • Driving without a driver’s license or with a suspended driver’s license;
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • Failure to use seat belts by the driver and passengers;
  • Using a mobile phone while driving without using a loudspeaker or ear device;
  • Failure to comply with the rules for transporting children in a car;
  • Non-observance of parking and stopping rules.

Fines for traffic violations in Hungary are usually calculated in euros. The amount of the fine depends on the seriousness of the violation and can vary from 10 to 500 euros. General fines may be increased in case of repeated violations or in case of violations that may lead to dangerous situations on the road.

Mandatory car equipment in Hungary

Hungary has its own requirements for mandatory car equipment, which must be present when entering its territory. This equipment should help ensure road safety and help drivers in the event of accidents or other dangerous situations. Mandatory car equipment in Hungary usually includes the following items:

  1. The emergency stop triangle is a mandatory element of car equipment in Hungary. It must be located at a distance of at least 50 meters behind the car when it is stopped in real estate on the road.
  2. First aid kit – it should contain the necessary means to provide assistance to victims of an accident.
  3. Fire extinguisher – must be installed in the car and have sufficient capacity to extinguish the fire.
  4. Spare tire – it should be in good condition and ready to use in case of a puncture or other malfunction.
  5. Yellow Vest – In the event of a stop on a motorway in an estate, the driver must wear a yellow vest for their own safety.
  6. Winchester system or its equivalent – in the event that there are children in the car, it is necessary to have special seat belts or another system to ensure their safety.

These requirements can vary depending on the specific situation, so before traveling to Hungary it is best to make sure that your car has the necessary equipment and that the documents for it are in order.

Seat belt use in Hungary

Hungary has certain requirements for the use of tires on cars on its roads. The main requirements include:

  1. Seasonality of tires – from December 1 to March 15, winter tires must be used on all wheels of the car.
  2. Tread depth – the depth of the tread pattern must be at least 1.6 mm for all types of tires.
  3. Tires with the correct speed rating – Tires must have a speed rating that matches the vehicle’s maximum speed.
  4. Optimum tire pressure – tires should have the optimum pressure, which is usually indicated in the manual for the car.

In case of violation of the requirements for the use of tires on the car, a fine may be imposed. For driving safety, it is recommended to follow the requirements for the use of tires and check their condition before each trip.

Seat belt use in Hungary

Hungary has mandatory requirements for the use of seat belts on the roads. The law requires that all vehicle occupants, including the driver, wear seat belts while the vehicle is in motion. In addition, children who are passengers in the car must use child car seats or booster seats according to their age and weight.

If the police find that you are not wearing a seat belt, you will be fined. In order to ensure safety on the roads, it is recommended to always wear seat belts and ensure that all occupants of the vehicle do the same.

Children in cars in Hungary

Hungary has established regulations on the safety of children in cars. According to the law, children under the age of 3 must be in a special child car seat. Children from 3 to 12 years of age who are less than 150 cm tall must sit on a special stand that ensures the proper placement of seat belts.

In addition, children under the age of 14 cannot sit in the front seat of the car if there are special supports or child seats behind the back seat.

Drivers who violate these rules may receive fines. In order to ensure the safety of children on the road, it is recommended to always follow the established rules and use special children’s car seats or stands.

Drinking alcohol while driving in Hungary

Hungary has quite strict rules regarding the consumption of alcohol while driving. According to the legislation, the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood for drivers is 0.0 ppm. This means that any amount of alcohol in a driver’s blood can be considered a traffic violation, even if the driver is not speeding or breaking any other rules.

If a driver is found to have a blood alcohol level of more than 0.0 ppm, he faces fines and other sanctions. For example, for driving under the influence of alcohol, the driver faces administrative liability, including suspension from driving a vehicle, fines, and conditional or real imprisonment.

Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol before driving in order to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users.

Toll roads Hungary 2023 Price of toll roads in Hungary, how to pay for toll roads in Hungary, toll roads of Hungary