Toll roads in Brazil

Brazil is the country with the largest number of pay stations in the world, approximately 376. Almost half of them (180) are located in the state of São Paulo alone. In addition, only 48% of Brazilian states charge this fee. For example, there are 15 toll booths in the northeast, and none in the north.

The first tax in Brazil, which is considered official, was introduced in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in the Mangaratiba region. The fee was collected in Serra do Piloto and was intended to pay for the maintenance and cost of the road.

In order for you to understand how road tolls work in Brazil, it is important to emphasize that the government’s priorities are health care and education. Therefore, there is a lack of financial resources invested in the country’s roads.

But roads need maintenance, don’t they? They must be in good working order.

In this case, the Government hands over the management of these highways to private companies — that is,  to concessionaires  . Simply put: they become responsible for toll collection and road maintenance. 

In addition, these private companies are obliged to offer you services. See some of them: 

  • Telephones for emergency calls;
  • Safety while driving on the highway;
  • 24-hour tow truck service to remove vehicles that encounter problems on the road;
  • Emergency medical care.

Tolls on toll roads in Brazil

As some motorways are managed by different concessionaires, payment methods differ. See some:

  • money;
  • Credit card;
  • Debit card;
  • Bank receipt;
  • Payment tag (automatic electronic payment).

Regarding the bank receipt, you must pay it within 72 hours or you will commit a serious traffic violation – a fine of R$195.23 and 5 points added to your driving license.

Map of highways in Brazil

Map of highways in Brazil

Which toll booths in Brazil are the most expensive?

Some regions of the country charge more, especially at the toll booths in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul.

Some of them:

  • Piratininga (SP): R$ 27.4
  • Riacho Grande (SP): R$ 27.4
  • Jataizinho (PR): R$ 24,6
  • Jacarezinho (PR): R$ 22.7
  • Countryside (PR): R$ 21.1
  • Engineer Pierre Berman (RJ): R$ 19.3
  • Araraquara (SP): R$ 16.9
  • Catiguá (SP): R$ 16
  • São José dos Pinhais (PR): R$ 15.2
  • Itatiaia (RJ): R$ 14.4

Penalties for non-payment of tolls in Brazil

The fine is 195.23 Brazilian reals and also involves the addition of five points on the national driver’s license

How to pay a fine for driving on federal highways in Brazil?

After receiving the invoice, you can pay in several ways. Simply visit a bank branch, lottery point, use internet banking or even make a payment using your bank’s app if you have an account with your chosen institution.

However, it is important to emphasize that the account cannot expire. If this happens, it will be necessary to request a duplicate with an updated date, including calculated interest, to avoid payment problems. Be careful not to miss the deadline and make sure you pay the fine correctly.

Penalties for speeding in Brazil

Anyone issuing a speeding ticket should be prepared for consequences that go beyond vulnerability when the driver ends up in the traffic of everyone around them. There are three (3) different amounts of speeding fines, classified according to the percentage of speeding over the limit. Pay very close attention to this.

Now check the three (3) values ​​of fines applied for speeding violations, according to the percentage of the speed limit:

  1. Up to 20% over the allowed limit: R$ 130.16. Four (4) points will be deducted from the driver’s license.
  2. From 20% to 50% over the allowed limit: R$ 195.23. Five (5) points are deducted from the driver’s license.
  3. Over 50% of the allowed limit: R$880.41. Seven (7) points will be deducted from the driver’s license.

In other words, you should never drive your car so fast that you exceed the speed limit and put everyone in danger. In addition: the driver’s pocket feels a lot, and you can have even more aggravation. There is a possibility that a driver will have their National Driving License (CNH) suspended if they are caught speeding 50% over the speed limit.

Still over 50% over the legal limit: This is a type of offense that is considered aggravated and a multiplier is used for the penalty. So the cost of R$880.41 is, in the end,  a very serious violation  multiplied by a factor of 3 – R$293.47 multiplied by (x) 3. A very high  speeding fine  , precisely to prevent this dangerous act .

Seat belt use in Brazil

It is provided that “the failure of the driver or passenger to fasten the safety belt provided for in Article 65” commits a serious violation, punishable by a fine of 195.23 Brazilian reals and receiving five points on the driver’s license, as well as an administrative measure with the detention of the vehicle means until the offender fastens his seat belt.

Rules for transporting children in a car in Brazil

In Brazil, the transportation of children under 10 years old in the front seats is prohibited. For the transportation of children under the age of 7 1/2 years, age-appropriate child seats are required. Child seat devices are usually hard to come by, so you should have your own.

Penalties for driving without a driver’s license in Brazil

Driving without a driver’s license in Brazil can be considered a serious irresponsibility, especially if the driver has not obtained a license. But there are other violations related to driver’s licenses that can make life difficult for the driver, even if he has a license. The amount of fines for driving without a driver’s license may vary depending on the severity of the offense committed.

The fine for driving without a driver’s license in Brazil is 88.38 Brazilian reals and three points on the driver’s license.

Drinking alcohol while driving in Brazil

0.0 ppm

In Brazil, if you exceed the alcohol limit, you can expect high fines, including the suspension of your driver’s license and imprisonment.

The cost of the fine for using a mobile phone while driving in Brazil

Currently, according to the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), using a mobile phone while driving is not considered a traffic crime, but is classified as a very serious administrative offense that carries a fine of 293.47 Brazilian reais and seven points on the driver’s license.

Use of daytime running lights in Brazil

Mopeds, scooters and motorcycles must move with lighting day and night. At night, in tunnels and in bad weather, all vehicles must have their headlights on.

Toll roads in Brazil 2024. Price of toll roads in Brazil. How to pay for toll roads in Brazil. Traffic rules in Brazil.