Traffic rules in Israel

  • there is no “main road” sign, at unregulated intersections you must give way to an expensive car on the right
  • right-hand traffic
  • in cities, there are lanes for the movement of public transport, which it is forbidden to enter
  • everyone in the car must wear seat belts and children must be in car seats.
  • headlights must be turned on when driving on intercity highways between November and March
  • the driver is not allowed to hold the phone while driving
  • if you get out of your car on the highway, you need to wear a reflective vest so that you can be seen clearly. Such a vest must be in the car and stored in the cabin. Rental companies must issue a vest with the car. It usually lies in the glove compartment.
  • a separate traffic light is provided for each direction of traffic at the intersection.

Roads in Israel

Israel is distinguished by high quality roads and excellent junctions. The length of roads is more than 18,000 km.

Roads are divided into national (1 digit in the road number), intercity (two-digit number), territorial (three-digit number) and local (four-digit number). It’s easy to find your way around by road numbers. Roads with even numbers are laid from south to north or north to south. Odd numbers – from west to east or from east to west.

Toll roads in Israel

Route No. 6 (Rabin highway)  is a high-speed freeway with an electronic payment method. The camera records the number of the car at the entrance and exit. If the car is rented, then you will need to pay for travel when returning the car to the rental company.

The cost is determined by the number of sections the car has traveled, on average, the toll on Highway 6 is about $10.

The Carmel Tunnel  is a complex of tunnels under Mount Carmel, connecting parts of the city of Haifa located on Mount Carmel. The total length of the tunnels is 6.5 km. The cost depends on the number of segments you decide to use (one or two). You can pay in cash or by card at the cash desk upon entry.

Speed ​​limits in Israel

In order not to receive fines and not to violate the rules on the roads of Israel, it is necessary to observe the following speed regime:

Population – 50 km/h.
Intercity highway (one lane in each direction) – 70-80 km/h.
Intercity highway with separation of oncoming carriageways (several lanes in each direction) – 90 km/h.
The track is 110 km/h.

Fines in Israel

There are many cameras on the roads of Israel, they record driving through red lights and speeding, the fines go straight to the rental company, and it debits your card.

If you did violate  traffic rules in Israel  , be prepared to pay high fines:

  • talking on the phone while driving (without a headset) – 500 shekels
  • parking in an unauthorized place – from 100 to 500 NIS
  • unfastened seat belt, including on the back seats – 250 shekels
  • driving through a red traffic light – 1,000 shekels
  • speeding – from 200 shekels to a court summons

Features of parking in Israel

With free (and often paid) parking in Israel, especially in large cities (Tel Aviv, Jerusalem), the situation is tense.

There are paid parking lots with an hourly fee if you need to leave your car for a short time or 24 hours if you want to leave it for more than a couple of hours. Parking prices from 20 shekels per hour.

Almost everywhere you can park right next to the curb. But it is important to pay attention to the color of the curb in order to avoid a fine for improper parking:

blue and white – parking is allowed, but it is paid, you can pay it through the machine or through the Pango application. As a rule, from eight in the evening until seven in the morning, blue and white parking lots are free. If you do not pay for parking, the fine will be 100 shekels.
red-white and red-yellow – parking is prohibited. A fine of 250 shekels.
gray (uncolored) – parking is allowed and free, but there are fewer and fewer of them around the country.
It is strictly forbidden to park in places for the disabled, for such a violation you face a fine of 500 shekels or the evacuation of the car.

The price of gasoline and gas stations in Israel

95 gasoline costs about 6 shekels per liter. If refueling in Eilat will be much more profitable, because in Eilat, there is a duty-free trade zone, and the price of fuel does not include VAT.

There are 2 options at gas stations: a self-service row and a row where an employee fills you up (gasoline there is several agorots more expensive by default).

If you decide to refuel yourself using the card, keep in mind that the machine will ask for the car number and passport number of the cardholder.

Lifehack! The car number should be entered so that it is on the receipt, in which case it will be easy to prove that you refueled at this gas station (if necessary). If, for example, you paid by card and were charged an incorrect amount.

Importantly! When paying with a card of a non-resident of Israel, an amount in multiples of 200 shekels is automatically blocked on the card. The difference between the price of gas and 200 shekels is unlocked within 30 days. For example, you refuel for 150 shekels, you will be charged 200 shekels, and 50 shekels will be returned when the unlocking occurs. Also, it will not be possible to refuel for more than 200 shekels at one time.

Most gas stations are open on Saturday (Shabbat), but you can only fill up on your own and only with a card.

What to do in case of an accident in Israel

If you took out basic insurance when you rented a car, it only covers damage to your car (except for damage to tires, wheels, glass, roof and undercarriage).

If you have taken out full insurance, the insurance covers damage to your car and damage to the other party (except for damage to tires, wheels, glass, roof and chassis of the car).

In a minor accident, if the culprit did not flee the scene, there is no need to call the police. It is enough to photograph the damage and all the driver’s documents: documents for the car (rishayon rehev), his passport (teudat zeut), insurance, write down his phone number. And, of course, be sure to call the rental company.

Do not be afraid to rent a car, travel with pleasure, but be sure to follow all traffic rules in Israel.

Toll roads in Israel. The price of toll roads in Israel, how to pay for toll roads in Israel, toll roads in Israel. Traffic rules in Israel.