• The vignette is mandatory for motorcycles and cars up to 3.5 tonnes and is now only available in an electronic version
  • Vehicles over 3.5 tonnes pay an electronic toll based on the actual distance travelled
  • Toll vignettes are quite expensive, so it’s worth considering whether it’s more profitable to bypass toll sections

Price and validity of a vignette in Slovenia 2023

The price of the vignette for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes depends on the category of the motor vehicle.

Motor vehicle classification

  • Category 1 : Motorcycles
  • Category 2A : Vehicles up to 3.5t and up to 1.3m high above the first axle. This category includes most cars, RVs, ATVs, SUVs, and pickup trucks
  • Category 2B : Vehicles up to 3.5t and more than 1.3m high above the first axle. These are mainly commercial vehicles, transits, light trucks and some off-road vehicles

Price list of Slovenian e-vignettes 2023

MotorcyclesCategory 2A carCar category 2B Cars over 3.5 t
Weekly€7.50€15.00€30mýtné (system DarsGo)
Monthly€30€60mýtné (system DarsGo)
Half yearly€30mýtné (system DarsGo)
Annual€55€110€220mýtné (system DarsGo)

Where to buy a Slovenian vignette 2023

Where to buy a Slovenian vignette

The traditional stickers have been replaced by the electronic vignette , the so-called electronic vignette, which is linked to the vehicle’s license plate. The e-vignette can be purchased at Evinjeta.dars.si . At the time of purchase, it is necessary to enter the vehicle registration number, then select the temporal validity of the tax stamp. An annual e-vignette is valid from the start date chosen by the purchaser until the end of the same day of the following year.

You can easily buy a Slovenian vignette for motorcycles and vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes at Evinjeta.dars.si. Here you enter your vehicle registration number and choose whether you want to purchase a vignette for 7 days, 30 days or a year. You can choose the start date of the vignette.

An annual e-vignette is valid from the starting date chosen by the purchaser until the end of the same day of the following year.

DarsGo system Slovenia

This is a toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes that pay electronic tolls based on the actual distance travelled. Tolls vary depending on the specific highway section and the toll category or emission standard of the vehicle.

The toll is calculated and charged using a special DarsGo on-board unit that needs to be installed inside the vehicle. The entire network of highways and expressways with a total length of 623 km is divided into 128 toll sections. A gate is placed above each section of highway through which the vehicle passes. The toll booth detects the presence of a DarsGo unit, which serves as the basis for charging the toll on that stretch. The toll is fully automatic and the price is based on the distance travelled.

The toll is paid for each section separately. The total amount charged depends on the length of each individual section and on the characteristics of the vehicle, such as the number of axles or the EURO emission standard.

How to get a DarsGo device?

Users of Slovenian motorways and expressways must first register a company and vehicle in the DarsGo system. You can register :

1. completely produced in one of the DarsGo servis points 

2. partially or wholly produced on the DarsGo website  https://www.darsgo.si/portal/

To register, you must provide the following information:

  • company name or first and last name,
  • client type
  • address,
  • TIN,
  • contacts.
  • billing address (only if it differs from the data in the third paragraph),
  • data on each vehicle (registration number, vehicle country, technical passport number, vehicle identification number – VIN, EURO emission class, number of axles of the towing vehicle),
  • technical passport and confirmation of the EURO emission class.

After successfully registering the company and the vehicle, as well as paying the administrative costs for issuing a DarsGo device in the amount of 10.00 euros with VAT for each DarsGo device, users can receive a DarsGo device at all DarsGo servis points or by mail 

Map of service points https://www.darsgo.si/portal/

Each DarsGo device is configured for a particular vehicle. This means that the registration number of the vehicle, the EURO emission class and the number of axles of the tractor will be entered into the device. The number of axes can be switched directly on the device. 

Instructions for using the DarsGo device

  1. On the DarsGo, set the correct number of axles for each trip. Press the button on the DarsGo device for 5 seconds, hold the button for as long as necessary for the indicator light to light up, indicating that the correct number of axles has been set. DarsGo allows you to set the number of axles for vehicles with 2, 3 or 4 or more axles (from left to right):
    • 2 = 2 axles,
    • 3 = 3 axles,
    • 4 = 4 axles or more.
  2. You can check the number of axles already set on the DarsGo by briefly pressing the button. After a short press on the button, the indicator light comes on if the correct number of axles is set.

Each time you pass through the DarsGo toll portal (toll booth), the DarsGo device should give an audible warning and thus inform you of the status of the passage.

Sound signals of the DarsGo device:

  • 1 x horn = successful passage (based on the set number of axles and the EURO emission class).
  • 2 x beep = successful given passage (based on the set number of axles and the EURO emission class), but it is necessary to visit the nearest DarsGo servis point where you can get more information about what needs to be corrected (for example: your vehicle’s account is running out of funds , change the DarsGo device).
  • 4 x beep = unsuccessful ride, fare not paid. Immediately go to the nearest DarsGo servis point where you can make payment of unpaid tolls, as well as make arrangements for future payment.

If the DarsGo device does not sound and/or light, it is considered that the payment has not been made, and therefore you need to visit the nearest DarsGo servis customer service center, where you can make payment of unpaid tolls, as well as do everything necessary for future payment.

D. When the DarsGo system is working properly, the status of the last pass through the toll booth will be saved. The status of this passage can be checked by pressing the button. The indicator light marked “S” will turn on, the color that indicates the status of the passage:

 – green indicator light = successful passage,

 – yellow indicator light = successful passage, but it is necessary to visit the nearest DarsGo service point,

 – red indicator light = unsuccessful passage, stop immediately at the nearest DarsGo service point.

Payment Methods:

The DarsGo system does not have the option of paying tolls for each separate passage of the toll station. Instead, prepaid and postpaid toll systems are available to users. 


Before using the Slovenian motorway network, the appropriate funds must be deposited into the car’s subscription account. When passing through the toll portal, the amount for the road section traveled is deducted from the account.

The user can deposit money into the car account:

  • At DarsGo servis points in cash, by credit or debit card, as well as by fuel card;

list of authorized cards: https://www.darsgo.si/portal/

  • by bank transfer to the company’s bank account on the basis of a commercial offer that can be generated in e-DarsGo;
  • depositing funds with credit and debit cards in e-DarsGo.

The minimum amount that can be deposited into the vehicle’s subscription account is 10 euros in the e-DarsGo system. The maximum amount that can be deposited into a subscription account is 1,000 euros.

When the funds on the account under the prepaid system remain below the allowable level, DarsGo will warn about this with two sound signals. In this case, the driver must top up his/her account using the prepaid system in order to continue using the toll road. If the funds on the vehicle account are fully used, the DarsGo device will warn you with four beeps. 


To pay postpaid tolls, the user must link the vehicle account to a fuel card or enter into a postpaid service contract with DARS dd When using a toll road, all transactions according to the mileage traveled are collected on the vehicle account. The final toll invoice for the reporting period is issued to the user by the company that issued the fuel card or by Dars.

A post-payment based on the connection of a fuel card with a vehicle account can be issued by the user at any DarsGo servis point after registration. The user can at any time change the payment system on the vehicle account from prepaid to postpaid at the DarsGo servis point, as well as connect or change the fuel card to which the vehicle account is linked.

Toll sections in Slovenia 2023

Toll sections of motorways and expressways in Slovenia

  • Highway A1 : Austria – Šentilj – Maribor – Celje – Ljubljana – Postojna – Koper
  • Highway A2 : Austria – Kranj – Ljubljana – Novo Mesto – Brežice – Obrežje
  • Highway A3 : Divača (A1) – Fernetiči – Italy
  • Highway A4 : Slivnica (A1) – Hajdina – Draženci – Gruškovje – Croatia
  • A5 highway : Dragučova (A1) – Vučja vas – Beltinci – Hungary

Sections where no vignette or toll is required

An electronic vignette is required for driving on all motorways and expressways except the following sections:

  • Gorenjska Highway (A2) – from the direction of Austria at the Hrušica junction in the direction of Slovenia and from the Hrušica junction at the border in the direction of Austria. The toll for this section is paid together with the Karavanke tunnel toll and covers the section between the first motorway junctions on both sides of the border (Hrušica junction in Slovenia; Podrožca – Rosenbach junction in Austria).
  • Koper expressway (H6) – from the Koper (Semedela) junction to the end of the H6 Koper-Lucija expressway (in both directions). Since the coastal road connecting Koper and Izola has been closed, an electronic vignette is not required to use this stretch of road (through the Markovec tunnel).
  • Maribor Highway (H2) – between Pesnica and Tezno. Due to the recategorization of the roads as regional roads, it is excluded from the toll collection system with the electronic vignette.

Map of highways and toll roads in Slovenia

A map of Slovenian motorways can be found at Evinjeta.dars.si or at www.promet.si, where you can also find up-to-date traffic information.

Sections subject to special tolls

Only the Karavanke tunnel is subject to an additional toll when passing through Slovenia. The tunnel is located at the border crossing between Austria (A11) and Slovenia (A2).

Motorists who use the Karavanke tunnel more frequently can purchase a 30-day pass with 14 crossings at the Hrušica toll station. The price is 35€. The card is intended exclusively for motorcycles and vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes.

Karavanke tunnel toll 2023

Tunnel Karavanke

Tunnel Karavanke

The Karavanke Tunnel, which connects Slovenia and Austria, is 7864 meters long and is the longest road tunnel in the Republic of Slovenia. It is excluded from the e-vignette tolling system, which means that its use by vehicles with a maximum authorized weight of up to 3,500 kg must be paid separately.

The amount of the toll in the tunnel is determined by the Decree on the collection of tolls for the use of the Karavanke road tunnel and the amendments made. The fee for using the tunnel for vehicles from the price class R1, which includes all vehicles with a maximum permissible mass up to 3500 kg, is 7.80 euros (6.39 euros without VAT).

Payment is made at the toll station Khrushitsa. The following payment methods are available:

  • cash,
  • credit card,
  • debit card.

The complete price list can be found at Dars.si.

Motorways in Slovenia: speed limits, fines

Speed ​​limits in Slovenia

  • 50 km/h in cities and towns.
  • 90 km/h outside cities.
  • 110 km/h on roads for motor vehicles.
  • 130 km/h on the motorway.

Fines for cartoons

Driving without a valid vignette will result in a fine ranging from €300 to €800.

How to avoid the Slovenian highway

You can avoid the Slovenian highway if you follow the route marked on this map . You have to exit the A9 highway before Slovenia in the direction of Gersdorf. The route continues through Mureck and the Slovenian border itself, passing the towns of Lenart and Ptuj, from where you can smoothly return to the original route towards Zagreb. Please observe the traffic rules carefully when detouring. Slovenian police officers are well aware of this detour and will enforce the speed limit.

Speeding fines in Slovenia 2023

Every year, many foreigners, including Czechs, travel through Slovenia to the sea, especially to Croatia. The Slovenian government is aware of this and, in addition to expensive toll motorway sections, has introduced a complex system of fines for speeding. It’s not worth breaking the speed limit here, because you’re bound to encounter many police patrols as you drive through this small country, and they collect the fines without compromise.

There are also automatic speed cameras and the sending of tickets abroad is one of the best in Europe. Many motorists recommend avoiding motorways altogether and taking the old parallel road when passing through Slovenia, it’s not much more than a delay.

Speeding in residential areas

  • 1-5km/h: €20.00
  • 6-10km/h: €40
  • 11-20km/h: €150
  • over 21 km/h: €600

Speed ​​in a municipality

  • 1-5km/h: €20.00
  • 6-10km/h: €40
  • 11-20km/h: €125
  • 21-30km/h: €250
  • 31-50km/h: €500
  • over 51 km/h: €600

Out of the ordinary speed

  • 1-10 km/h: €20.00
  • 11-20km/h: €40
  • 21-30km/h: €80
  • 31-40km/h: €125
  • 41-50km/h: €250
  • over 51 km/h: €600

Speed ​​on freeways

  • 1-10 km/h: €20.00
  • 11-30km/h: €40
  • 31-40km/h: €80
  • 41-50km/h: €125
  • 51-60km/h: €500
  • over 61 km/h: €600

Speed ​​on highways

  • 1-10 km/h: €20.00
  • 11-30km/h: €40
  • 31-40km/h: €80
  • 41-50km/h: €125
  • 51-60km/h: €250
  • over 61 km/h: €600

Driving fines in Slovenia 2023

The police can impose on-the-spot fines for traffic offences. If you pay the fine within 8 calendar days, the fine amount is reduced by 50%. If you don’t pay on the spot, your personal documents (driving or technical licence, passport, etc.) can be confiscated as a deposit and in the worst case you can be sued. Slovenia does not have a points system for traffic offences.

Running a red light – €300
Driving without wearing seat belts – €120
Using a mobile phone while driving – €120
Driving without lights on – €40
Failure to yield – €300
Driving under the influence of alcohol €300 – €1,200 and possible suspension of driving license

Driving in Slovenia 2023

Compulsory equipment of the car in Slovenia

  • warning triangle
  • first aid kit
  • reflective vest
  • replacement bulb set

Motorcycle drivers and their passengers are required to wear a safety helmet.

Cyclists under 15 are also required to wear a helmet.

A fire extinguisher is only mandatory for bus and truck drivers.


Winter tires are mandatory from November 15th to March 15th (or in case of winter conditions such as snow, ice or frost on the road). Minimum tread depth is 3 mm. For summer tyres, the minimum tread depth is 1.6 mm.

The use of snow chains is permitted, but the vehicle speed must not exceed 50 km/h.

Studded tires are prohibited for all vehicles.

Seat belts

All vehicle occupants must wear seat belts.

Kids in the car

Children must only be transported in the rear seats in a suitable restraint system (child seat or booster seat) up to 12 years of age or 150 cm tall. If a child is carried in the front seat in a rear-facing position (in an “egg cup”), the front passenger airbag must be deactivated.

Alcohol behind the wheel

The maximum permitted level of alcohol in the blood is 0.5 per mille.

Zero blood alcohol tolerance applies to:

  • new drivers, i.e. those who have held a driving license for less than 2 years
  • drivers under 21 years of age
  • professional drivers

The amount of fines for drunk driving depends on the amount of alcohol in your blood measured in millilitres:

  • up to 0.5 ‰ – €300
  • 0.5 – 0.8 ‰ – 600 €
  • 0.8 – 1.1 ‰ – 900 €
  • over 1.1 ‰ – 1 200 € and, if applicable, suspension of driving license


In Slovenia, the use of dipped beam headlights is also mandatory when driving during the day.
The use of fog lights is permitted only when visibility is reduced to less than 50 metres.

Gas stations and fuel prices in Slovenia

Gas stations in Slovenia. Maintenance services and gas stations on motorways are located approximately every 30 kilometers and are open around the clock. In addition, there are numerous gas stations in cities and small towns. At  all filling stations in Slovenia, you can buy gasoline and diesel fuel, and at some also autogas (LPG).

Prices for unleaded 95-octane gasoline and diesel fuel everywhere, with the exception of highways, are regulated by the state and change every 14 days, the prices of other goods are regulated by traders themselves.

Petrol in Slovenia. According to Global Petrol Prices data for March 2023, the price for:

  • 95 becomes € 1.412
  • Neosvinčen bencin 98/100 – € 1.675
  • Diesel – € 1.432
  • LPG – € 0.893

On the territory of the country, it is allowed to carry no more than 10 liters of fuel in cans in a car.

Parking in Slovenia

Most parking lots in the centers of Ljubljana, Maribor and other large and not so big cities in Slovenia are paid. Parking costs, on average, 1.2 euros per hour, which is much cheaper than in most Western European countries, but more expensive than in most Eastern European countries.

There are different parking options in Ljubljana. Near the main ring road you can park for 70-80 cents. In more remote areas, parking costs half a euro.

It is worth considering that parking fees in Ljubljana are made at a strictly allotted time. The first zone, away from the center, is paid from 8.00 to 19.00, the second and third from 8.00 to 17.00. On Saturday and Sunday you can park for free after 1pm.

Parking in Slovenia Also, check out the Park and Drive program, which is a great alternative to expensive parking. The essence of the project is that a motorist leaves the car in a parking lot near the road that leads to the center. For a day of parking, you will pay 1.3 euros … but, for a minute, this amount includes free travel on any public transport in Slovenia .

In addition to Ljubljana, the same parking system operates in Maribor and other cities in Slovenia.

If you managed to park your car before lunch in Maribor, great! Then in this city it will be free for you – the best places for this are the parking lot of the Europark shopping center and the area near the Mestni park area. After 5 p.m. and on weekends, all parking lots in the city are free of charge.

In Celje, Kranj, Koper and Velenje we advise you to travel by bike. However, for those who drive, there are parking lots – both paid and free (in the blue and white zones). In principle, the price for parking in Slovenia does not differ much in all cities.

Be careful – the fine in Slovenia for improper parking is quite high (from 40 euros) in extreme cases, your wheels will simply block or your car will be towed – and troubles on vacation are not needed at all.

How to pay for parking:

  • most parking lots have parking machines (parkomati), where you can pay – it can be done by sending SMS from your mobile or in cash;
  • you can buy parking tickets at newsstands (at most parking lots you can buy a ticket for at least an hour).

Toll roads in Slovenia 2023 Price of toll roads in Slovenia, how to pay for toll roads in Slovenia, toll roads in Slovenia