Traffic rules in Thailand In Thailand, from the point of view of a pedestrian, it is complete chaos and commotion. Vehicles seem to move randomly and miraculously avoid collisions as a rule. The situation changes when you get behind the wheel, the actions of local drivers begin to seem logical, at least you get used to them. So don’t doubt that renting a car in Thailand is a good idea! Thailand is a world on wheels, it is not very suitable for pedestrians, sidewalks are not found everywhere. The only thing is, keep in mind that it takes some time to adapt to local roads, from a few hours to a few weeks, because some moments simply cannot be used immediately:

Left-hand traffic. You will have to switch to “mirror” driving.

Lazy drivers. They rarely use turn signals, often turn around in an illegal place, go to meet, cross the road and break other rules – not out of rebellion, but simply because they are lazy. They prefer to do as is easier, and not as it should be.

Drivers of taxis, tuk-tuks, vans and minivans. This is a separate category of jerks who recognize only the gas pedal. Try to stay away from them, it is better to yield.

Motobikers. There are a lot of them on the country’s streets, and, most importantly, Thais on two-wheelers are used to being inferior to them, they can suddenly pull out in front of the hood. While rebuilding, look in the side mirrors.

Farangs behind the wheel are tourists just like you, who are not used to local roads, drive according to the rules of their country, or do not follow any at all, and do not know Thai unwritten laws (more on them later).

Roads in Thailand are mostly well-surfaced, markings are clearly visible. In remote provinces, there are large and small potholes, although they are rare, but they do occur. Please note that in Bangkok and its surroundings there is a network of toll roads, the so-called motorways They differ in that they are much less busy.

Gas stations, the price of gasoline in Thailand

The gas station network in Thailand is large. In remote areas, small towns and villages, you can find a tiny gas station or “home gas station” where you will be sold bottled fuel. It is better, of course, to refuel at large international (Shell) or Thai gas stations (PTT, etc.).

In addition to gasoline (gasoline), gasohol is used – a mixture of gasoline and gas. Gasohol is cheaper, but its consumption is also higher. Refuel with the type of fuel that is indicated near the gas tank hatch (in fact, you should point out this inscription to the gas station so that he understands you), or is written in the car rental contract.

How much is gasoline in Thailand? Average fuel prices in Thailand:

Gasoline 95, Gasohol 91, 95, E20 and E85 – from 20-35 baht ($0.65-1.14), diesel – 27 baht ($0.88), NGV/LPG (gas) – 16 baht (0 .52 $).

At local gas stations, cash is usually paid with the gas station attendant (cashless payment – then go to the cashier). Often, drivers do not get out of the car, and then they put an advertising sign on the hood – as long as it is there, it is forbidden to move. Give the gas station the exact amount you want to fill up and you don’t have to wait for change to be brought.

Vehicle equipment and documents that must be in Thailand

Officially, an international driver’s license is required to drive a car. You can use the national rights, however, firstly, you can be fined, secondly, any insurance will be invalid, in the event of an accident, all damages will have to be paid by the rental company and the injured party.

Mandatory and prohibited car equipment is not prescribed in Thai laws, so the presence of a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop sign is at your discretion, or rather at the discretion of the rental company. Children’s car seats are not required by law, but for the sake of the child’s safety, it is better to install them. The video recorder is not prohibited by law, but it is of little use – only the recording from street cameras is used in court.

Parking in Thailand: parking rules

Remember, you can’t park in Thailand:
Near the red and white markings on the curbs – stop, but don’t park.
It is forbidden to stop on the yellow crossed-out square (it is applied at intersections), even in traffic jams.
In the area marked in yellow and white is the zone of taxi drivers, it is better not to contact them (the car can be damaged, the motorbike will be taken in an unknown direction).
In places marked with a prohibition sign, on private property (including in front of a restaurant, if you are not a customer) and in any place where your car obstructs traffic.
The fine for non-compliance with parking rules is approximately 200-400 baht ($6-13). The car will be evacuated, pay separately, or a wheel blocker will be delivered.

It is best to leave the car for a short time on the permitted sections of the road. For long-term parking, look for paid parking lots near supermarkets, shopping centers, hotels and office buildings. The cost of paid parking is 20-70 baht ($0.5-2) per hour.

Speed ​​of movement on sections not regulated by traffic signs:

  • populated areas – up to 80 km/h
  • outside populated areas – up to 90 km/h
  • highways – up to 120 km/h

Do not be fooled by misleading messages that local regulations allow you to drive at a speed that allows the driver to maintain a safe distance and, if necessary, prevent an accident. There are cameras on the roads of Thailand, and letters of happiness are not uncommon here.

Driving a car while intoxicated

The permissible content of alcohol in the blood of a driver with a DUI is 0.2 ppm. Theoretically, you can get behind the wheel after one glass of beer (0.33), but in practice it is better not to risk it. If you are stopped and asked to blow into the tube, do not resist – refusing the test will result in a fine (approximately 1000 baht, $32). If the level of alcohol in the blood turns out to be higher than the norm, the driver can be taken to jail for several days before the start of the trial. The penalty is 5 to 60,000 baht ($160-2,000) and/or deportation/correctional labor/imprisonment for up to six years. It is forbidden to drink alcohol even in a parked car or motorbike. But the laws of Thailand do not say anything about passengers who have drunk. However, we advise you to choose the non-alcoholic Thai menu on the days you are driving.

Use protection

The driver and front and rear seat passengers must wear seat belts. Otherwise, there is a fine of up to 500 baht ($16). In fact, the Thai police fine opponents of seat belts much less often than motorcycle riders without helmets, according to the law, both the driver and the passenger without protection will be fined 500 baht each.

Driving through unregulated intersections

At unregulated intersections, the obstacle rule on the left applies. There is a catch. First of all, there is no consensus among the people as to where the obstacle is on the right or on the left. Tourists often choose the first option. Meanwhile, the local residents don’t argue about right and left and apply another unspoken rule – the one who got to the intersection first is the one in charge. What is the best way to act? In fact, it is easier to give in than later to prove who drove up earlier, or from which side on Thai roads there are obstacles.

Other unspoken rules of the road in Thailand:

The farang is always to blame. Of course, the statement is exaggerated, but it is more true: in a road accident involving a tourist and a Thai, a foreigner is more likely to be blamed, even if in fact everything is different.

Keep calm. Leave the loud noises and crazy beeps for the native roads – be polite so you don’t run into a much more aggressive local driver (who, by the way, may have a weapon with him).

Give way to the biker. Even if he is wrong a hundred times, slow down and miss. Remember that people without the slightest knowledge of traffic rules, including children, are most likely driving bikes.

Drive around the parked car at the distance of the open door. Drivers and passengers getting out of cars parked on the side of the road without looking are a common sight in Thailand.

Flashing headlights – yield. Here, such a signal is used to yield, in Thailand it is the opposite. Moreover, the Thai does not ask to give way by flashing his lights, but declares that he is going first! According to custom, whoever blinked first drove away. Instead of a high beam, they sometimes use a hazard warning light, which is a more aggressive statement: “My dear!”.

Not signaling the elephant. Even animals in a good mood can pretty much crush a car just out of interest and for fun. And what an angry elephant will do to your vehicle is scary to imagine.

What to do if you are stopped by the Thai police?

Huge number of road patrols in Bangkok and Pattaya. They do not hide among palm trees – they stand exclusively near stationary posts. As a rule, motorcycle riders without helmets are stopped. Motorists – either for violations, or during raids on drug dealers.

If you are stopped, you do not have to get out of the car. Open the window, show your driver’s license. Keep in mind, not all patrol officers speak English well. Use the universal language of Thailand – a smile and a friendly tone.

They violated it, it is better to deal with it without a bribe. Many Thai policemen are not at all against paying on the spot, but if you encounter an honest representative of the order, fly into a large fine or imprisonment for offering a bribe. Do not behave if the policemen themselves offer to pay the fine in their hands. Often they breed tourists, demanding a significantly higher payment. Ask for a receipt – for it, the fine will most likely turn out to be half as much. However, you will have to leave your license with the policeman, go to the station and only return with your license after paying.

The amount of fines for most minor violations is standard – 500 baht, about $16. But you will have to pay more for certain violations, for example, you will pay approximately 1000 baht, $32, for driving through a red traffic light. And if the violation led to an accident, its amount will already be tens of thousands of baht. You can find out the current fines in almost any police station in the country – the information board usually displays a list in Thai, English and sometimes even in Russian.

Thailand: accident What to do in case of a road accident in Thailand?

Regardless of who is to blame for the accident, stay at the scene of the accident, do not enter into a conflict with other participants in the event, do not move the vehicle and any objects (but photo damage can be done). Immediately call the car rental company and, if you are injured, the insurance company (which issued medical insurance). If there are victims, call  191  .

How to get a driver’s license in Thailand

Expats who plan to drive in Thailand must apply for a Thai driver’s license. This is the only way to ensure that you can legally drive in the country and are fully covered by your car insurance policy. It can also serve as a government-issued identification card. In addition, a driver’s license in Thailand can be obtained in one day, costs a few hundred baht and is valid in 10 ASEAN countries.

To get a driver’s license in Thailand, you must be at least 18 years old, in good physical and mental health, and have a valid non-immigrant visa. Although you must show that you either live and work in the country or reside in Thailand on a retirement visa, some people have reported that they can obtain a Thai driver’s license on a tourist visa.

A driver’s license is issued at any office of the Land Transport Department of Thailand.

If you also plan to ride a motorcycle in Thailand, I recommend applying for both the motorcycle and driver’s license at the same time. If not, you will have to take the tests again if you decide to take any of them later.

Necessary documents

Although the forms you need to fill out and process are mostly in Thai, Land Transport Department staff can communicate in basic English and explain the steps required to obtain a driver’s license.

If you don’t understand Thai at all, you can still go there yourself and get a license. Otherwise, you can also take an interpreter with you.

The following documents are required to obtain a driver’s license:

  • passport and non-immigrant visa
  • copy of the first page of the passport
  • copies of a valid nonimmigrant visa page
  • copies of the page with the last stamp on entry to Thailand
  • your TM dispatch card.6
  • letter of  address certified by the Immigration Bureau  or the applicant’s embassy, ​​dated within thirty days of application, or work permit with a signed copy
  • a health certificate issued by any clinic or hospital, dated within thirty days of the application
  • optional: a valid international driver’s license with a signed copy or a regular driver’s license from the applicant’s country of residence, translated into English and certified by the embassy or consulate

Depending on which Land Transport Department you apply to, you may not need copies of your passport and TM. 6 card. If so, you need to sign these documents.

If you don’t already have a copy, there is usually a copier at the Land Transport Department for a few baht per page. My recommendation is to copy and sign  everything  beforehand. If you’ve copied too much, they’ll give it back to you because it’s not needed.

It is better to be safe than sorry.

As the required documents may change from time to time, it is best to check  with the Department of Land Transport again  before applying for a licence.

Where to apply for a driver’s license in Thailand

Driving licenses in Thailand can be obtained either at the Department of Land Transport or at a driving school.

Department of Land Transport

Thai driving licenses are issued by the Department of Land Transport, which  can be found all over Thailand  , at least one in every major city and  several in major cities  .

You need to take the completed form to the test center and inform them that you are applying for an annual Thai driving licence.

As the Land Transport Department is a government organisation, applicants should dress modestly: shirts should have sleeves and shorts/skirts should be below the knee.

The Ground Transportation Department is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Due to COVID-19, the number of people who can apply for a driver’s license per day is limited. You may have to visit the Land Transport Department twice. The first time is to pass all exams except the driving test. And the second time is to pass a driving test and get a license.

Although it is possible to handle the whole process yourself, there are agencies that can help you get a Thai driver’s license.

They will take care of everything: from helping you prepare for the exam to filling out the documents.

Driving school

Alternatively, you can apply for a driving license at a driving school approved by the Department of Land Transport. As well as driving lessons, they offer a similar test to the Land Transport Department.

Once you have passed all the tests, you will be issued with a permit that will allow you to obtain a driver’s license from the Department of Land Transport.

It may be faster and more convenient, but it will cost you more.

A driving school charges between 6,000 baht and 10,000 baht for driving lessons and tests.

The list of approved driving schools can be found on  the website of the Department of Land Transport  . Please note that information is only available in Thai. You can use Google Translate to translate.

Procedure and tests

Submit the documents. Once the documents are approved and stamped, you will need to fill out and pass all the tests. It should be noted that applicants who already hold a driving license for their home country or an international driving license do not need to pass the theoretical and practical driving test to obtain a driving license in Thailand.

If you do not have a driver’s license from your country, it is recommended to go to the Land Transport Department early in the morning (before 8 am). Most processes will be completed on this day. Then hopefully you have to come back the next day for your driving test.

If you already have a driving license in your country, it is still important to go to the Land Transport Department early in the morning to ensure that everything can be completed within one day.

Getting a Thai driver’s license without theory and practical driving test can be seen in  this video posted by Johnny  , from 1:00 to 5:30.


One of the officials at the testing station will point to the colored dots on the poster. You have to say the name of each color they see, usually in Thai, although the staff at the testing stations understand and accept answers in English.

It also often happens that some testing stations simply skip the color blindness test entirely.

Peripheral test

It is necessary to place their head on the test station, directing their eyes forward to the official. Then they have to name the exact color of the movement shown on the left and right several times without moving their eyes. In case of an incorrect answer, the tester still gives the opportunity to repeat the test one or two more times.

Reflex test

You get behind a simulated brake and gas pedal and press the accelerator until the green LED lights up on the panel in front of them. It is important to make sure you hit the brake pedal before the LED lights go into the red zone. Like the peripheral exam, the test still gives one or two more chances to applicants who fail the reflex test.

Depth perception test

This test can be quite tricky and requires a steady hand as you have to use special forward and backward buttons to align the moving pin with the pin which is fixed in a small box about ten meters away. If you fail the test, you can try it a few more times.

Theoretical test

You should take the time to learn the traffic rules in Thailand as they can be very different from the traffic rules in their countries. Before taking the theory test, you need to take a five-hour theory lesson, which is usually a video with English subtitles explaining the rules of the road in Thailand.

The video and theory test can be taken online  at  .

After passing the test, you can save a screenshot or print the certificate.

Thai driver’s test can be read in advance in English online  here  . It is presented as a multiple choice test.

The great thing about this practice test is that the correct answers are provided instantly, allowing you to practice and if possible memorize the answers to greatly increase their chances of passing the test.

If you actually watch the theory class video, you should have no problem passing the theory exam.

Practical driving test

You will be asked to drive the vehicle on a small track outside the test center. The tester will watch from a distance to make sure you complete the course correctly.

It’s an easy practice test because you’re alone in the vehicle and you don’t have to do tricky maneuvers like hill starts or parallel parking. However, you are expected to demonstrate your depth perception skills by backing up between pegs and driving as close to the curb as possible.

The practical driving test is easy compared to other countries. The testers mostly watch you to make sure you can drive, reverse, park on the curb, and stay within the cones .

Although you are not allowed to hit traffic cones during the test, you can still pass the test based on the tester’s decision.

A car can be rented from the Ministry of Transport for the driving test, from 100 to 200 baht per time. It may not be in good condition. Some cars don’t even have rear-view mirrors, which makes it difficult to pass the test.

If you fail the practical driving test, you can retake it after three working days and repeat only the test you failed. All practical driving tests must be completed within 90 days. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the whole process again.

The procedure for obtaining a motorcycle license and inspection in Thailand

The procedure for obtaining a license to drive a motorcycle is almost the same as for obtaining a license to drive a car. He has the same required documents, physical tests for color blindness, peripheral and reflexes. It uses the same theory course and test. The only two things that differ are the driving test and the cost of the license.

Driving test

You can use your own bike, rent it there for 50-100 baht, or the officer can even borrow it from another person taking the test. The test involves a short circuit.

You need to stop at the stop signs and drive through a narrow lane. There is a video in the waiting room that shows you exactly what you will be doing. But if you fail, you can try again several times that day based on the decision of the examiner. Otherwise, just like getting your driver’s license, you will need to come back the next day and take the driving test again.

Timeline of the test

Here we are a little lucky in terms of  timing  . Depending on how many people are waiting in line to get their licence, you may not have a place left to take the course, test and driving test on the same day. At best, you can do it the same day. But if you’re unlucky, you may only get a schedule after a few days or weeks. The longest I saw was one month.

You should plan to do it all in one day, going to the Department of Land Transport first thing in the morning. But you can prepare for several trips. The only way to find out is when you get there. You will then be told which days you can take each test.

Because of the similarities between obtaining a motorcycle and car driving license, you only need to pass the physical test, the theory course and the theory test once if you are obtaining both licenses at the same time.


After completing all the tests, it’s finally time to get your license. Go back to the booth and wait for them to call your name. They will take your picture, create a card and take payment. Make sure you check the details printed on the license.

Although the process may seem complicated to non-Thai people, the good news is that the cost of obtaining a Thai driver’s license is extremely low.

The documents will be checked one last time by another officer, who will then issue them with a two-year temporary Thai driver’s license.

The full fee for taking the test and obtaining a Thai driver’s license is only 305 baht for a two-year temporary license and 605 baht for a five-year license.

A motorcycle license costs 105 baht.

Embassies usually charge a fee of 300 to 500 baht to certify  an applicant’s address letter in Thailand  . The standard fee for a doctor’s certificate from a clinic confirming that the applicant has good physical and mental health is 50-200 baht.

There is also a service that helps foreigners get a driver’s license by paying an additional fee and taking into account all the details.

If you do not yet know how to drive a car, a driving course at any driving school in Thailand can be a good choice. It usually costs 3500 – 4000 baht for 10 hours. At the end of the course, the school will help you prepare all the necessary documents and take you to the Department of Land Transport to apply for your Thai driving license.

Be aware that if you already have a motorcycle license and want to apply for a driver’s license, you will still need to pass the physical and theory tests again, unless they are done at the same time.

Renew a driver’s license in Thailand

It is very easy to renew your driving license in Thailand. The whole process is similar to obtaining a license for the first time, including the necessary documents. But this time you don’t need to take either the theory or practical driving test. 

Here’s what you need to do to renew your driving license in Thailand. 

License from two years to license from five years

After two years, you can get a five-year driving license two months before it expires. If this is not done, it is necessary to repeat the entire procedure for obtaining a driver’s license again.

The first thing you need to do is to prepare the same package of documents as when applying for a new driver’s license. Bring them along with your current Thai driving license to any Land Transport Department.  

Then go to the information desk to get in line, wait your turn for the color blindness test, peripheral vision test, reflex test and depth perception test.

Once you pass all the tests, you can get a five-year permit for 505 baht. 

The whole process can be done within an hour if the queue is short. 

Five-year license for five-year license

To renew your five-year driver’s license, you need to go to  and register an account there if you don’t already have one. 

Then log in to your account to watch the video online. This is an hour-long video that covers important driving rules in Thailand. If you are not a hacker, you cannot skip the video or go to another web page. Otherwise, the video will stop automatically. 

The video will continue to ask you questions about every ten minutes. If you watch it, you will have no problem answering these questions. 

After completing the online video, you will receive a certificate. Save the screenshot or print it. You will need it when renewing your license. 

Once you have received your online video pass certificate, go to your local Department of Land Transport with the same  driver’s license package  .

The whole process is similar to changing a two-year license to a five-year one: get a queue number, pass all the physical tests and get a five-year driver’s license for 505 baht. 

With a short queue, everything can be done in an hour. 

When can I renew my driving license in Thailand? 

You can renew your Thai driving license three months before it expires or within one year after it expires. 

If it ended more than a year ago, you need to take the theory exam again. If it expired more than 3 years ago, you must retake both the theory and practical driving tests. 

The validity period of a Thai driver’s license is always the birthday of the applicant, regardless of the date of issue.

International driving license in Thailand

You can get an International Driving Permit (IDP) in Thailand with a 5-year Thai driving license.

Just go to any Land Transport Department with the following documents:

  • your passport and nonimmigrant visa
  • copy of the first page of the passport
  • copies of a valid nonimmigrant visa page
  • letter of address certified by the Immigration Bureau or the applicant’s embassy, ​​dated within thirty days of application, or work permit with a signed copy
  • your 5-year Thai driving license with a signed copy
  • 2 2 inch photographs taken within the last 6 months

The process of obtaining an international driver’s license is simple. When you are at the Department of Land Transport, go to the information desk, fill out an application, wait in line and get your VPO.

The process can be completed within a few hours. If the queue is short, it can be done in ten minutes.

The cost of obtaining an international driver’s license is 505 baht. Validity period is 1 year.

You can get an international driver’s license for a car and a motorcycle at the same time.

Changing international driver’s license to Thai driver’s license

If you already have an international driver’s license, you can use it to get a Thai driver’s license at any Land Transport Department.

All you need to do is have a signed copy of your passport, medical certificate and residence permit.

After that, you will be asked to pass several tests for color blindness, peripheral vision, reflexes and depth perception, and then you will be issued with a two-year provisional driver’s license, which can be extended for up to five years after that.

Some Land Transport Department offices may ask you to watch a video on how to drive in Thailand before they issue you a driver’s license.

Where to get a medical certificate in Thailand?

You can get a medical certificate at any polyclinic or hospital. Tell them you need it for your driver’s license. They will ask you for your passport, ask a few questions, do a quick inspection and issue a certificate.

It usually costs around 200 baht if you go to a clinic. The hospital may charge you 600 baht or more than 1,000 baht, depending on how fancy it is.

If you forgot to take it with you, notify the mototaxi at the Department of Land Transport. They can take you to the nearest clinic.

Toll roads in Thailand. The price of toll roads in Thailand, how to pay for toll roads in Thailand. Traffic rules in Thailand. How to rent a car in Thailand? How to get a driver’s license in Thailand: documents, tests and extensions