Visiting Turkish very popular. And this is due not only to comfortable hotels and the “all inclusive” system at fairly democratic prices, but also to the most simplified procedure for crossing the border. However, when planning a trip with children in an incomplete family composition, many questions arise about the documentary accompaniment of the trip. In order to avoid all sorts of misunderstandings, you need to know the rules for entering Turkey with a child.

Features of a trip to Turkey with children

When taking your child to a Turkish resort, be sure to consider the requirements of both countries – Germany and Turkey. The German legislation provides for the following points in particular:

  • Minors traveling abroad with a parent is a common practice in relation to migration legislation. Therefore, whether it is mother or father, guardian or guardian, the permission of a second adult is not required when crossing the border. But only on condition that this party did not make a statement in the relevant department about their disagreement about the child leaving the borders of his native country. Most often this happens when a spouse divorces;
  • A notarized consent is only required if the children are leaving Germany unaccompanied by the persons listed above, ie alone.

At the same time, the rules for the entry of minors into Turkey stipulate that the consent of the second parent must be obtained. The presence of this document proves that you are not secretly taking the baby away from your husband or wife. However, consent is not required in the following cases:

  • if the second parent has died;
  • if the father or mother has single father status;
  • if one of them is wanted and nothing is known about his whereabouts;
  • if the other parent is deprived of custody of the child.

A minor can travel to Turkey without his parents only if he has his own foreign passport and consent of both adults for such travel.

Mobile Internet and communication in Turkey for tourists: SIM cards and prices 2023

A packet of documents to cross the Turkish border

The journey is made impossible if not all the documentary formalities are fulfilled or no information about the underage traveler is given in the document of the accompanying person (of course without their own foreign identity card). In general, issuing a foreign passport to a child is the first thing adults need to take care of.

When talking about whether a child needs a foreign passport to Turkey, it should be borne in mind that it depends on the composition of the trip participants. If they are accompanied by at least one adult, it is sufficient for the child to be entered in the foreign passport of the accompanying person together with a photograph glued into it. If a young tourist is traveling independently (without adults), he must definitely issue a foreign passport. Please note that information can only be entered in the parent document if it is an old-type passport. The biometric document does not provide for the possibility of entering records of children.

If a longer trip is planned that involves the issuance of a visa stamp, you need to ensure that this is also issued for the baby. You can get a visa at the Turkish embassy or consular section. If the trip is by invitation, the letter from the inviter must also include information about the child.

Let’s list the documents required to travel to Turkey with a child under 14 years old:

  • Identity card for trips abroad or an entry in the passport of the accompanying person.
  • consent of the second parent. This document must be included in the paper package, although Germany law allows children to be taken without the permission of a second adult. Representatives of the Turkish side can ask to show it and if the document is not available, the trip cannot take place. If there are circumstances that make it impossible to obtain a permit, this must be documented.
  • The question of whether it is necessary to take a child’s birth certificate to Turkey should be answered unequivocally: yes, it is necessary. It is required to confirm the child’s citizenship (if exit is based on an entry in a parent’s passport). In addition, it often happens that the child and the accompanying adult have different surnames. In this case, the certificate acts as a document confirming the relationship.

If your child has already reached the age of 14, make sure that the following papers are prepared for their departure:

  • Foreign passport of a minor.
  • Permission for a child under the age of 18 to travel to Turkey with a parent. Although you already have a passport, your traveler is a minor and cannot travel independently without adult consent. If there are circumstances that do not allow consent, a document confirming this circumstance must be attached to the package of documents (death certificate, police certificate that the person concerned is on the missing persons list, a copy of the document on the deprivation of the rights of the second father) .
  • birth certificate It is required to confirm kinship with the person accompanying them.

Another important item on this list is health insurance for a child in Turkey. In addition, you need the police more than the Turkish border guards (although they can also inquire about the availability of this document). It is worth remembering that medical services in Turkey are not cheap. And considering the fact that your baby will not sit still, constantly expose himself to the risk of injury or simply get sick, we can assume that the chances of seeking medical help are very high.

If it is necessary to issue a permit for the child to leave the country

When answering the question whether a permit is required for taking a child from the second parent in 2023, we note that it is a requirement of the Turkish side. If the family travels as a whole, there are no problems at the border. If the child comes with only one adult, the border service can ask what the other parent thinks about it. In this case, you must have his consent with you. The presence of this document is mandatory, whether they are parents, guardians or adoptive parents. All have equal rights before the law and are therefore obliged to comply with the provisions of the Migration Act.

Single mothers often have to solve a dilemma: is it possible to take a child to Turkey without the father’s permission? The fact is that it is possible to take it out of Germany , but there is practically no way to import it to another country. Many countries fear a phenomenon like child trafficking. Above all, the member states of the Schengen Agreement are very meticulous in this matter. The Turkish authorities will also obtain the father’s consent. Therefore, in such a situation, there is nothing left but to get the document.

Another question that worries single mothers is whether the father’s permission is needed to take the child abroad in the event of a divorce in Turkey. It often happens that the child’s father and mother parted without maintaining a warm relationship, so the party not participating in the trip may refuse to issue a power of attorney. To get out of such a situation, there are two options: to negotiate amicably with the examiner or to go to court.

The father’s consent to the child’s departure to Turkey with the mother in 2023 is only not required in the cases listed above. Instead, you must provide a document confirming that it is impossible to grant a permit.

If the child is traveling with the grandparents or other accompanying persons

There are often cases when parents want to go abroad with their children but cannot schedule time for the trip due to work. And since it is still necessary to heal the child, in such situations, as a rule, the older generation of relatives goes abroad with the baby. If the child travels to Turkey with the grandparents, the parents need an appropriate permit. This document must be obtained from at least one of the parents, but on the condition that the second adult does not refuse the child exit.

For the trip you need:

  • Child’s foreign passport.
  • Birth certificate with a note on nationality.
  • Health insurance.
  • Round-trip tickets.
  • financial guarantees.
  • hotel reservation.
  • power of attorney of the parents.

In this volume, parents must prepare the documents for the child’s departure to Turkey with the grandparents, regardless of whether entry is visa-free or a visa is required. If the children are traveling with their grandparents, a travel voucher is required.

Another way for a child to go abroad without parents is to go to a competition. In this case, the companion is an outsider – a trainer, teacher or other person. In order for the border crossing to go smoothly, it is also necessary to prepare a power of attorney from the father and mother to take the child to Turkey.

issuance of a permit

Two rules to keep in mind when organizing a trip:

  1. The foreign passports of the travel participants must be valid for six months from the date of entry into Turkish territory and have a blank page for affixing an entry and exit stamp.
  2. Staying in the country without a visa should not exceed 90 days in six months.

Consent for the child to travel to Turkey can be given by the father, mother or any other person who fulfills the responsibilities of the parents. It is notarized and must contain the following information:

  • details of the person accompanying the child;
  • visiting country;
  • the length of the child’s stay abroad;
  • Data on the certificate issued to him at birth.

If orphans go abroad, the legal entity responsible for organizing the trip takes care of processing the exit permits. In this case, permission is issued for each child individually, not for a group.


Visiting the Turkish State by children accompanied or not by an adult, third party or unaccompanied is subject to certain rules. If only the father or mother is traveling with the child, you must prepare the second parent’s permission. If the child is accompanied by a third person, parental consent is required. But in the case of an independent departure, permission should be obtained from both the father and mother. In addition, the created document must be certified by a notary.

Holidays in Turkey with children: which resort and hotel to choose

When asked “Where to go on vacation with a child abroad?” Travelers are advised to choose Turkey. For many years, this country has combined all the necessary conditions and desires for an ideal family vacation for Ukrainians. Short flight, no abrupt climate change, affordability and excellent service. Turkey has everything to please both young and adult tourists. Our advice will help you to choose the right time and place and a good family hotel.

When is the best time to travel to Turkey for a family holiday?

Türkiye is a warm country with a mild, pleasant climate. People come here to relax all year round: in summer – to swim in the sea and enjoy the beach, in winter – to go skiing, and the off-season is often chosen for a sightseeing tour. However, when planning a holiday in Turkey with a child, it is very important to take into account the seasonality and climatic features of each region.

In most Turkish resorts,  the beach season begins in mid-April. However, swimming is not comfortable everywhere: for example, the Aegean Sea warms up well only at the end of June. While in the resorts of the Mediterranean in mid-May, you can safely splash around even with children.

In midsummer it is usually very hot and stuffy on the “Turkish Riviera”. July and August are high season. The air temperature on the Antalya coast in some places exceeds +30 °C even in the shade. It is currently not recommended to come here with a child under the age of one. If the holiday still falls in the summer, it is better to choose the holiday resorts of the Aegean, such as Bodrum or Kusadasi.

When planning a family vacation in Turkey in the fall, you should also consider the region. In the Mediterranean, the velvet season lasts from September to the end of October. And on the Aegean coast, the sea cools down by the end of September.

Which resort in Turkey to choose for a vacation with children?

Holidays with children in Turkey are mostly chosen because of the beaches. No wonder, because the country is washed by four seas. Comfortable for swimming will be the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. Here are the most popular resorts with family hotels.

Mediterranean resorts

The Mediterranean Sea is warmer, at the beginning and end of the season the weather here is more pleasant. The best resorts in Turkey for families with children: Kemer, Side, Antalya, Belek, Alanya.


A developed, lively city where life is in full swing almost 24 hours a day. Mainly young people, active people and families with teenagers rest here. Parents with young children in Antalya itself become unnecessarily noisy. Therefore, it is better for them to choose beach hotels in the suburbs.


It is considered an elite eco-resort for those who value relaxation. Almost all Belek beaches are marked with the “Blue Flag”: soft, sandy, with a gentle entrance to the sea and landscaped areas under an awning. The resort is suitable for families with children of all ages. Pluses also include a short transfer and diverse entertainment.


It is famous for its recreational resources: it is surrounded by mountains with dense pine forests. It is a bit fresher here than in other regions, the air is clean and rich in useful phytoncides.

If rest is important, then it is better to choose hotels in cozy seaside villages: Tekirova, Kirish, Beldibi.


There are wide sandy beaches, cozy hotels and many beautiful places for hiking. This is one of the oldest cities. Quiet cozy bays with hotel parks favor a moderate family vacation.


The most remote, but at the same time the warmest region of the Turkish Mediterranean. It’s good to come here at the beginning and end of the season. Soft sandy and pebbly beaches with a gentle approach to the sea and affordable hotels are perfect for a vacation in Turkey with your family.

The only important thing to consider when choosing Alanya is a long transfer. From Antalya you need an average of 2.5-3 hours. A year old can be exhausting.

Aegean coast

The resorts of the Aegean have windier weather and a cooler sea, so it’s good to relax here with children and babies in the summer, when the Mediterranean is hot and stuffy.

Izmir, Kusadasi

These places are known for their mild, dry climate. It is recommended to come here for people with bronchopulmonary diseases, couples with small children. You can spend all day on the beaches without fear of intense heat. There are hotels for every taste and budget.


The resort is well suited for those who would like to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Many water activities are concentrated here, good embankments with developed infrastructure. The shallow sea is suitable for children. From here you can go directly to the Greek island of Kos by boat.

Marmaris, Fethiye

One of the best resorts for a secluded, relaxing vacation. Beautiful nature, incredibly beautiful landscapes envelop hotels from all sides. There are good beaches with sand and pebbles.

What to do with children in Turkey: excursions and entertainment

Holidays in Turkey with a small child is a true paradise for parents. Perhaps it is difficult to find such a variety of animations and the quality of children’s clubs elsewhere. After checking into a family hotel, parents don’t have to worry about what to eat, drink and how to entertain the kids. What was not invented here for children’s leisure: a child of any age will not be bored.

However, outside the hotels there are many entertainment centers and active activities. With children you can go to the water park, dolphinarium, zoos and amusement parks. With older children – hiking in caves and gorges, exploring old fortresses and actively playing sports. Here is just a small list of places you can visit depending on the rest area:

  • Antalya – Sandland Museum of Sand Figures, Amusement Park Land of Legends, Discovery Park, Fairy Tale Park, Antalya Zoo;
  • Alanya – Water Planet Water Park, Sealanya Dolphinarium, Alanya Water Park, Alanya Fortress, Sapadere Gorge, Damlatas Cave, Funicular;
  • Kemer – Dolusu Water Park, Dolphinarium, Dinopark, Yoruk Park, Phaselis Ancient City and Olympos;
  • Side – Agora, Ancient Walls, Manavgat Waterfall, Manavgat City Amusement Park, Discovery Park.

The cost of a vacation in Turkey with children

You can ask the agency about the prices of tours for accommodation in a family hotel (“parents + child”). However, the costs depend on seasonality, conditions, hotel and region. You can save money in winter and spring. At this time, prices for accommodation and air travel are at their lowest.

The best hotels in Turkey for families with children: Top 5

In order to make your vacation in Turkey with children comfortable, it is better to choose good family “fours” and “fives” with an all-inclusive system right away.

Before choosing a hotel, indicate all your wishes and determine in advance what services are free for children, whether you need to bring pots, tables, etc. Turkish family hotels usually provide everything for free. 

Recommended hotels in Turkey:

  1. The Xanadu Resort  is a five-star hotel in Belek, set in extensive grounds surrounded by pine trees. The first coast, sandy beach, children’s pool, works according to the High Class All Inclusive system. For children there is a special menu, a modern kids club and an adventure park.
  2. Seven Seas Hotel Life  is a versatile hotel with the highest level of service. In 2019 it was awarded in the Best Family Hotels category. Sandy beach, first shore, relaxation area, pools with slides and a kids club. Works on the concept of food Ultra All Inclusive.
  3. Otium Family Eco Club  is a hotel in Side with a huge children’s playground “Children’s World” with a mini zoo and an amusement park. Beautiful, well-kept area, sand and pebble beach with the “Blue Flag”. On the beach there is a cafe with full meals, there is a Ukrainian menu and a special menu for children. Own amphitheater where performances for children are held; children’s cinema.
  4. Seven Seas Hotel Blue   – Located on the first shore. Hotel guests are mainly Europeans, but there is animation in Russian. Free WiFi throughout the building. There is a whole water world for fun and leisure: swimming pools, Crazy River – an open water slide for rafting with a length of 120 m, Lazy River with an artificial current, an area of ​​750 m², tube slides and a new complex of water slides for adults and children from the age of seven.
  5. Otium Family Club Marine Beach  is a family-friendly hotel with many attractions: water slides, swimming pools, playgrounds, mini club. Part of the infrastructure is on the beach.

Turkey is a beautiful country where all the conditions for a good and inexpensive family vacation are created. Whatever type of rest you choose: “doing nothing” or “active every day” – pleasant memories and emotions are offered for both adults and children.

Traveling to Turkey with a child: What parents should consider