What you need to know about Egypt

Egypt is an eastern country that every traveler should visit. But in order not to be disappointed, you should decide what exactly you expect from a holiday in Egypt. You will not remain indifferent if you are really passionate about the history and mysteries of ancient Egypt, or you are attracted to scuba diving and want to discover amazing fauna, coral reefs and the secrets of the Red Sea wrecks. The famous beaches of Egypt await you on the coast, and the sea itself, the warmest in the world, is a truly natural miracle.

During a tour to Egypt, you will be able to visit places whose sacred secrets have been worrying humanity for more than one millennium. Holidays in Egypt will enchant you and you may want to come here again and again, trying to learn the philosophy of time for yourself.

How to get there

From the airport to the hotel, tourists are transported by buses of travel companies. The transfer fee is already included in the tour.

Visa to Egypt

A visa for staying in the country with a tourist purpose is issued at the Egyptian airport upon arrival. The basis for issuing a visa at the airport is the availability of a tour and hotel reservation. Responsibility for providing tourist visa support upon arrival lies with the travel company, whose representative must meet the tourist at the airport. When buying a tour in a Belarusian travel agency, do not forget to coordinate with the company the provision of the necessary visa support for obtaining a visa at the airport.If you choose the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh for your vacation, you do not need to pay a visa fee. A free stamp will be enough if you are not going to leave the Sinai Peninsula.


Without declaring, you can bring $3,000 into the country. Jewelery and video cameras are subject to declaration (indicating the serial number), while the camera does not need to be declared. In Egypt, you can bring 200 cigarettes, 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages and 2 liters of low alcohol.

It is forbidden to take local currency out of the country. It can be exchanged at the airport. It is also forbidden to export antiquities, corals, marine flora and fauna from Egypt. Violation of the ban can result in a $1,000 fine.

IMPORTANT! For the importation of drugs into Egypt, the death penalty is provided.

Transport in Egypt

Tourists in Egypt rarely use public transport. Excursions and trips to attractions are most often organized by tourist host companies on their own transport, leaving directly from the hotel.

Between the cities of Egypt, you can travel on comfortable buses of Super Jet and East Delta companies.

IMPORTANT! Buses are the cheapest way to travel between cities in Egypt. However, using the services of bus companies offering cheap transportation around the country does not guarantee comfort. In addition, buses are transport with a high level of danger.

By train, tourists are advised to travel in Egypt only on popular routes due to safety concerns.

In popular resorts there are taxis and minibuses. It is better to agree on the cost of travel to Egypt in advance.

Rent a Car

You can rent a car in Egypt, but this is not recommended for all tourists. Traffic in Egypt is completely chaotic, and local drivers have little idea of ​​the rules of the road. This is especially true for Cairo.

Brave tourists for renting a car will need:

driver license;

a valid visa covering the rental period of the car;

copy of the passport.

You can rent a car in Egypt for a day, a week or a month. The rental amount is from $30. In Egypt, the rental amount also includes a mileage limit. So, 150 km are provided per day. In case of exceeding the limit, each extra kilometer is paid at the cost specified in the lease agreement. Before picking up the car, make sure it is insured.

Safety of tourists in Egypt

The increased attention of Egyptian men to European women is a byword. To avoid unnecessary adventures, women are advised to avoid overly revealing clothing while walking. They say that in case of too intrusive behavior, you can threaten the tourist police. The Egyptians are actually quite friendly people, but extra caution in communication will not hurt.

Valuables in hotels are better to put in a safe – unfortunately, in Egypt, cases of theft from rooms are quite common. At the same time, it can be difficult to prove later that something was stolen from you.

Tap water in Egypt is not drinkable, nor is it allowed to brush your teeth. Often hotels in Egypt provide bottled drinking water directly to the room. If there is no such service, take care of providing yourself with bottled water.

IMPORTANT! In restaurants, order drinks without ice, as it can be made from regular tap water.

At the entrance to the sea on the beaches of Egypt, corals are often found, so it is recommended to purchase special rubberized swimming slippers. There are sometimes sea urchins.

There are mosquitoes in Egypt, so it is better to bring a remedy with you. In the hotels of Egypt, insects are often poisoned, so they do not pose a danger as such.

Sharks in Egypt are another danger. However, shark attacks on vacationers in Egypt in the past are forcing hotel staff to take appropriate security measures today. On the beaches today, a lifeguard is required to be on duty, who, in case of danger, gives a signal to everyone in the water. Experts say that shark attacks in Egypt are more an anomaly than a pattern. Such behavior is recorded extremely rarely and may be associated with climate anomalies, for example.

Today, according to the Egyptian authorities, serious work is underway in the regions of the country to ensure the safety of tourism. There were statements in the media, for example, about the installation of surveillance cameras in all hotels and along the roads in the resort areas of Egypt, about the expansion of the staff of inspectors who provide transport checks. Enhanced measures to ensure the safety of tourists are being implemented by the authorities due to the destabilization of the political situation in the country, periodic statements by terrorists and other domestic problems.

In any case, tourists in Egypt should be careful and prudent, especially outside the hotel walls.

Climate and weather in Egypt

The climate in Egypt is tropical and subtropical continental (on the Mediterranean coast). Air temperature in winter (December-February) +20..+25°C, in summer (May-September) +35..+40°C. Water temperature in winter +20..+22 °C, in summer +26..+28 °C. You can sunbathe in Egypt throughout the year. In winter, after sunset, it can be cool, so it is recommended to have warm clothes with you during this period. In winter and spring, dry hot winds (something like a sandstorm) blow in Egypt.

The coldest month in Egypt is February (after sunset the temperature can drop to +13°C)

The hottest month in Egypt is August (temperatures can rise up to +50 °C)

Rains in Egypt are rare.

Beaches in Egypt

It is not always possible to describe the beauty of the Red Sea in words. She is just incredible! It looks even better live than the most beautiful advertising booklet. In Egypt, many beaches cannot boast of a gentle entrance and soft sand, but, nevertheless, it is here that tourists return again and again every year. A comfortable beach holiday in Egypt directly depends on what part of the sea territories the tourist is going to explore. Most of the beaches in the resorts of Egypt are assigned to hotels.

Beaches on the Red Sea

The coast of the Red Sea almost everywhere has a gentle slope to the water. Most of the beaches here are sandy. To a lesser extent, the beaches are coral, visiting which requires special rubberized swimming shoes. Today, corals are forbidden to be cut down, so new hotels often leave the descent into the sea unchanged. But in old hotels, the probability of a “cleaned” descent is more likely, since the law used to allow this. Despite the seemingly obvious disadvantages of coral beaches, tourists have at their disposal the preserved beautiful flora and fauna that lives in the Red Sea. Local beauties make tourists come back to these places again and again. On almost all beaches you can rent a mask and snorkel.

Hurghada beaches

Mostly sandy, except for the northern part, where the beaches are coral. The best beaches belong to the world-famous Sheraton, Marriott hotels and the like. Residents use the beaches for free, everyone else pays entrance.

You should take a towel with you. Good beaches are also assigned to hotels of a lower rank. Availability of free sunbeds and umbrellas – depending on the number of stars. There are also good public beaches. The cost of entry is directly proportional to the level of services provided.

The public beach in Hurghada Paradise Beach is paid.

The beaches of Sharm El Sheikh

The best beaches of Sharm are located in the bay of Sharm El Maya. There are no corals here and all the beaches are sandy with a gentle entrance to the sea. The rest of the beaches have corals, so special shoes are a must. Rest in Sharm el-Sheikh attracts diving enthusiasts – many hotels can boast of having unique mini-reserves, living coral reefs.

Beaches on the Mediterranean

The coast on the Mediterranean Sea is natural sandy beaches. The Egyptians themselves often rest here, wishing to restore their health. The season here is from April to the end of November.

Hotels in Egypt

Holidays in Egypt are 100% hotel holidays. The famous systems “all inclusive”, “ultra all inclusive”, “super all inclusive” – ​​everything is here. In the resorts of Egypt there are hotels of all known world chains, all stars and categories. It is not uncommon, however, when the officially declared category of the hotel does not correspond to reality. It is better to immediately clarify all the nuances with your travel agent or refer to hotel reviews.

General points for choosing a hotel:

if you don’t plan a very budget vacation, choose hotels at least 4 *;

there are decent 3 * hotels in Egypt, but you should know the hotel well “by sight” (just a travel agent will help). Here the rule applies: “Not sure, don’t take it”;

2 * hotels in Egypt are not recommended for tourists, since such hotels often cannot give guarantees of service and comfortable living.

In Egypt, you can rent an apartment or a villa. As a rule, this accommodation option is chosen by tourists who organize their vacation on their own.

Money in Egypt

The Egyptian pound (EGP) is in use. 1 pound = 100 piastres (small coins).

Currency exchange in Egypt can be done at the airport, hotel and bank. The most unfavorable rate is most often in hotels. It is more profitable to exchange money in banks.

ATMs in the resorts of Egypt are rare. Most hotels and large shops accept Visa and Master Card for payment.

Cuisine and restaurants of Egypt

Tourists choosing a holiday in Egypt rarely set out to try the national Egyptian dishes. The all-inclusive system in hotels makes you forget that there is also traditional cuisine in Egypt. The buffet is adapted to the usual European cuisine, so for local cuisine go to restaurants and street cafes (sometimes they have good chefs). In some hotels, by the way, you can find a separately laid table with dishes prepared according to traditional recipes.

Egyptian cuisine is traditionally aromatic and uses a variety of strong-smelling spices. However, it is rarely spicy or overly spicy. Traditional dishes in Egypt are prepared on the basis of beans, beans, eggplant, peppers, various sauces based on vegetable oil and garlic. There are many fish restaurants in Egypt. The fish here is fresh and can be cooked in any restaurant the way you ask.

What to try in Egypt from the local cuisine?

Babahamousse – eggplant puree with vegetable oil and vinegar

Kusa – stuffed zucchini

Koshari is a famous Egyptian dish often served in street cafes. Prepared from lentils, rice, pasta, sautéed onions and carrots. Served with tomato sauce.

Kofta – chopped lamb or beef cutlets.

Dolma – hot or cold rolls of grape leaves stuffed with minced meat and rice.

All dishes are served with traditional bread – a wholemeal flatbread. Often, all kinds of sauces are served with appetizers.

INTERESTING. The most famous dish of traditional Egyptian cuisine is Mahvi . This is a fried pigeon stuffed with porridge. In Egypt, pigeons are specially bred for gastronomic purposes.

Desserts in Egypt are always very sweet with lots of cream, nuts, honey and butter. Baking is very popular here.

Drinks in Egypt. The favorite tea in Egypt is hibiscus. This is a red tea made from hibiscus leaves with a pleasant sour taste. In the cafe you can try the local beer “Stella-export”.

Shopping in Egypt

Often, only souvenirs and products made from high-quality Egyptian cotton are brought from Egypt. The resorts have a lot of souvenir shops. Here they sell aromatic oils, perfumes, jewelry, hookahs, tobacco, figurines of Egyptian gods, arafatki. In Egypt, it is customary to bargain – gamblers quickly get involved in this shopping game! You can ask for a 50% discount immediately and boldly, as a result, you can agree on 30%. There are shops in the resorts with fixed prices. Egypt is flooded with cheap fakes and banal stampings, so you will have to try hard to choose something really worthwhile. In addition, in Egypt they often cheat in calculations, so be extremely careful

Sometimes the words “tourist police” work flawlessly in most conflict cases. So take note .

What to bring from Egypt?

Cotton products. Quality Egyptian cotton is known all over the world. T-shirts and towels are bought here for themselves and as souvenirs for friends;

Perfume oils. They are sold everywhere in Egypt both as massage oil and as perfume. Sellers promise that such oils retain odors on the skin no worse than well-known branded perfumes, believe it or not – everyone’s business. In fairness, we note that perfume oils from Egypt have a lot of fans;

Hookah, tobacco and coal. Here you can, firstly, buy all this much cheaper than in Belarus, and secondly, the variety simply captivates connoisseurs. Souvenir shops often sell “souvenir” hookahs, which cannot be used for their intended purpose. They are small and usually stand already assembled;

Papyrus. It is better to buy papyrus in the workshops of specialized factories, where tourists are often taken on excursions – there are many fakes at low prices in the market and in small shops. Although, who needs this real papyrus now ?!;

Basalt, granite and alabaster figurines. Figurines of gods in the form of animals and figurines with busts of pharaohs are popular;

Cartouche. A precious metal pendant engraved with your name in an iconic ancient Egyptian script. The cartouche is believed to bring good luck. You can’t buy a cartouche for yourself. The pendant can only be bought as a gift. Only in this case will he bring happiness to the person to whom it will be presented;

Hibiscus tea. Not only delicious and beautiful drink. The locals endow it with healing properties.

Tours and attractions in Egypt

Excursions in Egypt can be visited by ordering them in advance at the office of the travel agency back in Belarus, or you can contact the guide already in Egypt at the hotel.

6 sights of Egypt, which are worth a visit for a tourist

Pyramids of Giza

A world-famous landmark, without seeing which it is simply impossible to leave Egypt! The pyramids are included in the list of “7 Wonders of the World”, and their age exceeds 4600 years.

During excursions, locals often offer a ride on a camel. Remember, you can most likely get on a camel for free, but to return to earth, you will be asked to pay.


All travelers must visit Cairo. This city has preserved many ancient traditions. The grandeur of ancient temples and churches, museums that carefully preserve history, numerous street markets – all this is today in the bustling city.


This is an Egyptian ancient city, the second largest after the capital. It is known for its great architectural structures, which are now, however, historical ruins. This is a very colorful place to visit which is worth allocating a whole day.

Coast of the Red Sea

It is it that attracts tourists here, it is for its beauties that they return here again and again. The clear blue waters are home to so many exotic fish that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Diving enthusiasts come to Egypt from all over the world. In fact, the Red Sea is one of the best places to dive.

Ancient Luxor

This is a real open-air museum. A huge number of ancient monuments and sights are concentrated here.

Excursion programs in Egypt

“Visit to Cairo”. A trip to the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, a visit to the Egyptian National Museum, an excursion to the local factories for the production of papyrus and aromatic oils. The tour lasts a day.

“Ancient Luxor”. Includes a walk along the Nile River, a visit to an alabaster factory. One day tour.

Jeep Safari. Jeep trip to the Eastern Desert with a visit to an oasis and a Bedouin settlement. Includes camel ride and desert dinner. Program duration: about 7 hours.

“Safari on quads”. Trip to the desert on quad bikes with a visit to a Bedouin village. Program duration: 2-5 hours.

“Paradise Island”. Visit to the Paradise island with stops in the sea on coral reefs, where you can swim with masks. Program duration: about 8 hours.

El Gouna. Tour of the city of El Gouna by boat. The program includes sea swimming with masks and flippers, visiting the aquarium and fishing. Duration: about 8 hours.

“Sea excursion with diving”. The program includes instruction and diving on coral reefs. Duration: about 8 hours.

“Climbing Mount Moses”. The tour leaves for the mountain from the hotels in the evening. The journey takes about 3 hours. Tourists climb the mountain on their own and meet the sunrise. After the descent visit the monastery of St. Catherine. Total duration of the tour: about 15 hours.

Tourists can also go from Egypt on excursions to Jerusalem and Jordan.

In Egypt, they offer many interesting excursions, which are sometimes very difficult to resist. Therefore, having picked up a tour to Egypt at the agency , ask about the current prices for excursions in order to plan the budget correctly for the entire period of rest.

National Features

It is a well-known fact that Egyptian men treat women differently than Europeans. So all tourists are usually given one important piece of advice – do not wear tight, sexy clothes, so as not to become a “target” for local men on the street. This is due to the fact that, according to tradition, local girls dress in closed clothes, and only their husband can see them in revealing outfits. When men see half-naked tourists, they think that the woman is not serious and does not mind such treatment.

If you make an appointment with a local resident, be prepared for him to be late. And in general, the Egyptians do everything slowly, but such is their nature, which must be accepted as it is.

In communication, the Egyptians are quite expressive, which is typical of many people from the southern countries. Often they are kind, but they are intrusive.

Useful information for tourists about Egypt. What to do in Egypt?