Toll roads in Bulgaria? How to buy a vignette in Bulgaria? Fines in Bulgaria? Parking in Bulgaria? Autostrada in Bulgaria? We have collected answers to all these questions for you in this article.

Roads in Bulgaria

The length of the network of public roads in Bulgaria is 44,089 km, of which 43,649 km are paved roads. The length of highways is 846 km.

Toll Motorways in Bulgaria

From January 1, 2019, an electronic vignette is available in Bulgaria!

A fee (vignette) is provided for the passage of motor vehicles of foreign countries on the roads of Bulgaria. The amount of the fee depends on the category of the vehicle and the duration of use of the highways. Roads on which it is forbidden to drive without a vignette are marked with a sign – “vignette”.

A vignette is not required for driving on city roads marked with signs D11 or D12, as well as on district and ring roads.

In addition, there are areas with special payment – bridges and ferries.

The cost of the vignette

Vignette cost (EUR) for passenger cars weighing up to 3.5 t (including trailers) for 2023:Tariffs for 2024:

TSthe weekend7 days1 month3 months1 year
 BGN 9 (€ 4.60)BGN 13 (€ 6.60)BGN 27 (€ 14)BGN 48 (€24)BGN 87 (€ 44)

In the event that the total weight of the vehicle and trailer > 3.5 tons, and the weight of the trailer itself < 3.5 tons, then an additional vignette will be required for the trailer. Its cost is the same as for a passenger car.

For trucks, the toll depends on the distance traveled.

Motorcycles are exempt from road tolls in Bulgaria.

Where to buy a vignette of Bulgaria

  • On the Internet at ;
  • using the BGTOLL mobile application, available for Android and iOS;
  • with the help of terminals for self-payment in trade facilities and in regional road administrations of the Agency “Road Infrastructure”;
  • at the cash desk, sales points and regional road administrations of the Road Infrastructure Agency.

Appropriate boards are posted at border checkpoints informing about the need to purchase a vignette.

The information is presented in 3 languages ​​- Bulgarian, English and German.

Validity of the Bulgarian vignette

Vignette for the weekend – entitles you to use Bulgarian roads from 12:00 Friday to 23:59 Sunday.

7-day vignette – entitles you to use Bulgarian roads for seven consecutive calendar days starting from the specified date.

For example: If a vignette is purchased on January 21, 2023, it will be valid until and including January 27, 2023.

1-month vignette – entitles you to use Bulgarian roads for 1 month starting from the specified date.

For example: If a vignette is purchased on January 25, 2023, it will be valid until and including February 24, 2023.

3-month vignette – entitles you to use Bulgarian roads for 3 months starting from the specified date.

For example: If a vignette is purchased on February 11, 2023, it will be valid until and including May 10, 2023.

1-year vignette – gives the right to use Bulgarian roads for 1 year, starting from the day of their purchase and until the corresponding date of the following year.

For example: if a vignette is purchased on February 19, 2023, it will be valid until and including February 18, 2024.

An electronic vignette can be purchased 30 days before its validity. Paper vignettes will no longer be used.

Fine for driving without a vignette in Bulgaria

Control over the payment of vignette fees will be carried out by the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Customs Agency, when the vehicle leaves the territory of Bulgaria through the border checkpoint.

Approximately 300 stationary cameras and 105 vehicles will operate on Bulgarian roads. They will read vehicle license plates 24 hours a day and check in the system whether the corresponding toll has been paid – an electronic vignette.

According to the Road Traffic Law ( FRIDAY TRAFFIC LAW ), the fine for driving on roads without a vignette for vehicles with with the number of seats no more than 8, including the driver’s seat, will be — BGN 300 (€ 153) .

Plots with special payment in Bulgaria

There is a toll for crossing the Danube bridges between the cities of Ruse (Bulgaria) — Giurgiu (Romania) and Vidin (Bulgaria) — Calafat (Romania).

As well as ferries between Silistra (Bulgaria)/Calarasi (Romania), Nikopol (Bulgaria)/Turnu Magurele (Romania), Oryahovo (Bulgaria)/Bechet (Romania) and Svishtov (Bulgaria)/Zimnicea (Romania).

Bridges over the Danube in Bulgaria

The bridge between the cities of Ruse and Giurgiu was built in 1954 and is 2,223 m long. For a long time, it remained the only bridge between Romania and Bulgaria.

The bridge between Vidin and Calafat was opened in June 2013 and is 1,971 m long. Unlike the old bridge, this bridge has 2 car lanes in each direction, as well as bicycle and pedestrian paths.

Tariffs for 2024:

Vehicle typeРусе – GiurgiuVidin – Calafat
Vehicles with 8+1 seats (including the driver) / private cars€ 2€6
Truck vehicles, including a trailer,
with a maximum permissible gross weight of up to 3.5 t
Truck vehicles, including a trailer,
from 3.5 to 7.5 t
Vehicles from 9 to 23 seats (including the driver)€12€12

Tolls are collected in cash before entering the bridge. On the Bulgarian side, payment is accepted either in Bulgarian levs or in euros. But for cars with foreign registration, payment only in euros.

Ferries across the Danube in Bulgaria

There is no fixed timetable for ferries across the Danube. During peak periods, ferries may depart as they fill up.

Ferry schedule

Ferry Silistra – Calarasi operates all year round from 05:00 to 24:00. During heavy traffic, for example in the summer months, there may be additional ferries that depart as they fill up. Travel time takes approximately 12-15 minutes.

On the ferry Nikopol – Turnu Magurele the following schedule is valid since 2017:

Turnu Magurele – NikopolNikopol – Turnu Magurele

Travel time is approximately 30 minutes. Ferries at 12:00 and 16:00 are additional and available only on a first-come, first-served basis.

Ferries on the line Oryakhove – Bechet operate 24 hours a day and depart every 2 hours. From Bulgaria on even hours (10:00, 12:00, etc.), from Romania on odd hours (11:00, 13:00, etc.).

Ferry Svishtov – Zimnicea operates from 07:00 to 21:00 and departs every 1.5 hours. Travel time is about 15 minutes.

Fares for ferries for 2024

Vehicle typeSilistra – CalarasiNikopol – Turnu MagureleWalnuts – BechetSvishtov – Zimnicea
Motorcycle€ 2€0.5€ 2€3
Car with total weight
up to 3.5 t
€ 8€ 1€12€4
A car with a trailer with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons€15€ 1€20€ 8
Minibus€ 25€3€30€ 8

Parking in Bulgaria

Most parking lots in cities are paid. Parking zones are marked in blue or green and are paid on a pay-and-display basis.

In Sofia, parking can be paid for in 2 ways:

  1. Send an SMS message to the number 1302 – in the blue zone or 1303 – in the green zone. But you must have a mobile phone number from a Bulgarian mobile operator. Hourly payment. After sending a text message, the subscriber receives a confirmation that the payment has been successfully processed.
    Five minutes before the end of the prepaid time, the subscriber receives a message that he needs to pay an additional cha
  2. Buy a parking ticket. Parking tickets are sold at every bus station ticket office or metro station ticket office. There are 3 types of parking tickets:
    • ticket for BGN 0.50, which gives the right to park for 30 minutes in the green zone ticket for BGN 1.00, which gives you the right to park for 60 minutes in the green zone or for 30 minutes in the blue zone ticket for BGN 2.00, which gives you the right to park for 120 minutes in the green zone or within 60 minutes in the blue zone

Parking rates in Sofia:

 Blue zoneGreen zone
Paid time– from Monday to Friday
from 08:30 to 19:30

– on Saturdays
from 08:00 to 18:00
– from Monday to Friday
from 08:00 to 19:00
Free timeon Sundays and national holidayson Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
Maximum length of stay2 years4 years
Price for 1 hourBGN 2.00 (€ 1)BGN 1.00 (€ 0.5)

Parking prices vary from city to city, but the average price per hour is around one euro. If there are no signs, then parking is free.

Fines for incorrect parking range from BGN 20 to 50 (€ 10-26).

The fine for parking in places designated for people with disabilities will be BGN 200 (€102).

Road map of Bulgaria

The main traffic laws of Bulgaria

Speed ​​limits in Bulgaria

Standard speed limits in Bulgaria (unless otherwise indicated on signs).Cars:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 90 km/h
  • on the road – 120 km/h
  • on the highway – 140 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 70 km/h
  • on the road – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 100 km/h


  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 80 km/h
  • on the road – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 100 km/h

Only those vehicles with a design maximum speed exceeding 50 km/h are allowed to drive on the highway and highway.

For cars equipped with anti-skid chains, the maximum permitted speed is no more than 50 km/h.

The maximum permitted speed in the pedestrian zone is 20 km/h.

According to Decree No. 233, from June 26, 2012, the speed limit on Bulgarian highways was increased to 140 km/h. This only applies to the newest or recently renovated sections of motorways.

The law was also amended to introduce such a term as “fast road”. The speed limit on such roads is 120 km/h.

Current maximum speed limits on the roads of European countries for passenger cars.

Drinking alcohol while driving in Bulgaria

Maximum permissible blood alcohol level 0.49 ‰ . The police can carry out random breath tests for alcohol vapor content. If the test is positive, the driver will be required to undergo a blood test, which is performed in the appropriate medical institution.

If the blood alcohol level is between 0.5 ‰ and 0.8 ‰, then the fine will be BGN 500 (€ 255) and the driver’s license will be suspended for 6 months.

If the blood alcohol level is between 0.8 ‰ and 1.2 ‰, the fine will be BGN 1,000 (€ 510) and the driver’s license will be suspended for 1 year.

In the case of repeated violations, the fine will be from BGN 1,000 to 2,000 (€ 510-1,020), and the driver’s license will be suspended for a period of 1 to 3 years.

If the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1.2 ‰, then the law provides for deprivation of liberty for a term of up to 1 year.

In case of refusal to pass an alcohol or drug test, the fine will be BGN 2,000 (€ 1,020) and the driver’s license will be suspended for 2 years.

Permissible blood alcohol content while driving a car in European countries.

Use of dipped beam in Bulgaria

Low beam is mandatory 24 hours a day all year round.

This amendment to the law entered into force on August 7, 2012. Previously, dipped beam was mandatory only from November 1 to March 31.

Additional fog lights can only be used when visibility is significantly reduced due to fog, snow, rain or other similar circumstances. Additional red rear fog lights can only be used when visibility drops below 50 meters.

When driving in a tunnel, the beginning of which is marked by a corresponding road sign, the use of dipped headlights is mandatory.

Fine – BGN 20 (€ 10).

In which European countries is it mandatory to use dipped beam headlights during the day?

Transportation of children in Bulgaria

Children under 3 years of age can travel only when using appropriate child restraint systems that correspond to their weight. It is allowed to transport children up to 3 years old in the front seats, provided that the airbag is turned off.

Children from 3 to 12 years old and less than 150 cm tall are not allowed to ride in the front seats. They can only travel in the back seats of the car, using appropriate child restraints suitable for their weight.

Children’s car seats must comply with UNECE Regulation No. 44 – “Uniform prescriptions for restraints for children in motor vehicles”.

Fine – BGN 50 (€ 26).

Requirements for the transportation of children in light vehicles on the roads of European countries.

Use of seat belts in Bulgaria

Use of seat belts mandatory for front and rear passengers.

Fine – BGN 50 (€ 26).

Talking on the phone while driving in Bulgaria

It is forbidden to use a telephone device that is not equipped with a technical device that allows for hands-free conversations while the vehicle is in motion.

Fine – BGN 50 (€ 26).

Fines for talking on the phone while driving in European countries.


It is forbidden to limit the visibility of the windshield and side glass of the car, reducing their transparency.

For the rear glass, the degree of light transmission is not regulated, provided that the vehicle is equipped with rear-view mirrors on both sides.

The degree of light transmittance of the glasses must comply with UNECE Rules No. 43 “Uniform prescriptions for safe glazing materials and their installation on vehicles” — 75% for the windshield, 70% for the side windows.

Fine – BGN 20 (€ 10).

Fines in Bulgaria

In the event of a violation of traffic rules committed by a foreign driver, an act of violation is drawn up and a receipt is issued. Any fine must be paid by the driver immediately before continuing on the journey.

The fine should not be paid directly to the police officer who issued the ticket. The fine is paid at the bank branch using a bank transfer!

Fines up to and including BGN 50 (€26) are not subject to appeal.

If the violation of traffic rules concerns the suspension of the driver’s rights (for example, driving when the alcohol content in the blood is higher than 0.5 ‰; exceeding the speed by more than 50 km/h), then the driver’s license detained by the police is sent by diplomatic mail to the country where it was issued.Table of fines for traffic violations in Bulgaria:

ViolationFines (BGN)
Violation of the rules for the use of sound signals10 (€ 5)
Failure to comply with the stop requirement before the “STOP” sign20 (€ 10)
Violation of overtaking rules30 (€ 15)
Oncoming traffic on a one-way road30 (€ 15)
Parking with a running engine50 (€ 26)
Traffic in the lane reserved for buses50 (€ 26)
Driving through a red traffic light100 (€ 51)
Failure to comply with the requirement to give way to pedestrians who enjoy the right-of-way100 (€ 51)
Violation of the rules of passage through railway crossings20 – 150 (€ 10-77)
Refusal to provide documents for verification50 – 200 (€ 26-102)
Registration marks are not placed in specially designated places for them50 – 200 (€ 26-102)
Speeding, which caused an accident200 (€ 102)
Entering the oncoming lane on a motorway or expressway1,000 (€ 510)

Table of speeding fines (BGN)

up to 10 km/year20 (€ 10)20 (€ 10)
11-20 km/year50 (€ 26)50 (€ 26)
21-30 km/year100 (€ 51)100 (€ 51)
31-40 km/year400 (€ 204)300 (€ 153)
41-50 km/year600 (€ 306)400 (€ 204)
over 50 km/h700 (€ 357)600 (€ 306)

Exceeding the speed by more than 50 km/h is subject to deprivation of driver’s rights for 3 months. And for every 5 km/h over 50 km/h, the fine increases by BGN 50 (€26).

For repeated violations, the fine is doubled.

Useful Information

Fuel prices in Bulgaria

Unleaded gasoline (95 and 98) and diesel are available in Bulgaria. There is no leaded gasoline. There are gas stations.

Average prices for all types of fuel as of    11/25/2023 :

  • Gasoline A95 – BGN 2.76 (€ 1,411)
  • Petrol A98 – BGN 3.07 (€ 1.570)
  • Diesel – BGN 2.81 (€ 1,437)
  • Propane Butane – BGN 1.23 (€ 0.629)

On the territory of the country, it is allowed to transport 10 liters of gasoline in canisters.

Changes compared to the previous period are shown. Update once every two weeks.

Emergency numbers in Bulgaria

  • The European emergency number is 112
  • Police – 166
  • Ambulance – 150
  • Fire service – 160

Mandatory equipment in the car in Bulgaria

Equipment that must be in the car:

  • Fire extinguisher – optional for motorcycles.
  • First aid kit
  • Emergency stop sign – not mandatory for motorcycles.
  • Reflective Vest – A reflective vest is mandatory for anyone exiting their vehicle, day or night, in the event of a traffic stop or highway accident. This rule also applies to motorcyclists.
    Fine from BGN 50 (€26).

Requirements for the equipment that must be in the car in different European countries.

Winter equipment

Use of winter tires in Bulgaria

The use of winter tires in Bulgaria has become mandatory since January 21, 2017. Tires intended for winter conditions must be used between November 15 and March 1 or have a tread depth of at least 4 mm.

That is, according to the law, you can use summer tires, provided that the depth of the tread is more than 4 mm. Otherwise, you will be fined BGN 50 (€ 26).

Studded tires

The use of studded tires is prohibited .

Anti-slip chains

Anti-skid chains must be used when the appropriate road sign is in place. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to have anti-skid chains in the car between November 1 and March 1.

Requirements for the use of winter and studded tires in different European countries.

Recommended equipment and other regulations in Bulgaria

The function indicating the location of stationary speed cameras in GPS-based navigation software must be deactivated.

The use of radar detectors is not prohibited by law, while the use of anti-radar detectors is prohibited . Fine – BGN 50 (€ 26).