The length of the network of public roads in Cyprus is 13,006 km. Of them, 8,564 km are paved.

Toll Motorways in Cyprus

There are no tolls for using highways in Cyprus.

Parking in Cyprus

Parking in the central areas of the city costs approximately € 0.4-0.6 per hour on weekdays during working hours. Parking for the disabled is free.

Parking and parking in the area of ​​the double yellow line is prohibited. Loading/unloading parking is permitted in the single yellow line area, but parking is prohibited at all times.

When parking, the vehicle must be placed only in the direction of traffic at any time of the day or night.

A fine of €100 is imposed for violation of parking rules.

Parking next to a pedestrian crossing or a bus stop – €150 fine.

Parking in places designated for the disabled – €300 fine.

Road map of Cyprus

Road map of Cyprus

The main traffic laws of Cyprus

Speed ​​limits in Cyprus

Standard speed limits in Cyprus (unless otherwise indicated on signs).Cars and motorcycles:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 80 km/h
  • on the highway – 100 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 80 km/h
  • on the highway – 100 km/h

The minimum speed on the highway is 65 km/h.

All speed limits on signs in Cyprus are indicated in km/h.


Maximum permissible blood alcohol level in Cyprus 0.5 ‰ .

If the blood alcohol level is between 0.5 ‰ and 0.79 ‰ – a fine of €125 will be imposed and you will be detained until the responsible person can take you and your car away from the inspection site or from the police station.

If the blood alcohol level is between 0.8 ‰ and 1.25 ‰, a fine of €250 will be imposed and you will be detained until the responsible person can take you and your car away from the inspection site or from the police station.

If the blood alcohol level is between 1.26 ‰ and 1.6 ‰ – a fine of €500 will be imposed and you will be detained until the responsible person can take you and your car away from the inspection site or from the police station.

If the alcohol level exceeds 1.6 ‰, the amount of the fine will be determined in court.

Driving under the influence of drugs – imprisonment for up to 3 years and/or a fine of €8,000 and/or disqualification from driving for 3 years.

Low light

Low beam in Cyprus must be switched on half an hour after sunset and switched off half an hour before sunrise.

Transportation of children in Cyprus

Children under the age of 5 cannot travel in the front seat. Children between the ages of 5 and 10 should travel only when using appropriate child restraints appropriate for their weight.

The fine for violation is €85.

Safety belts

The use of seat belts in Cyprus is mandatory for front and rear passengers.

The fine for violation is €150.

Driving a motorcycle or moped or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets – €200.


It is forbidden to use a telephone device that is not equipped with a technical device that allows for hands-free conversations while the vehicle is in motion.

The fine for violation is €150.


Fines should not be paid directly to the roadside officer. Fines can be paid at police stations, municipalities throughout Cyprus or online (registration required).

Fines of more than 100 euros for traffic violations must be paid within 30 days from the date of their imposition or the amount will be increased by 50%.

In case of non-payment after 45 days from the date of issue, the responsible person will be held administratively liable.Penalties for some violations of traffic rules in Cyprus:

Traffic violations in CyprusFines
Violation of the rules for the use of sound signals€ 25
Missing or damaged windshield wipers€ 25
Failure to comply with the requirement of traffic rules to give way to a vehicle that has the right of way€55
Failure to give way to pedestrians at the crosswalk€ 85
Smoking – in a private car, with a person under the age of sixteen in it€ 85
Creating an obstacle that slows down traffic for no reason on the highway€ 85
Do not eat or drink while driving€ 85
Overtaking where it is prohibited by markings or road signs€ 150
Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing€ 200
Vehicle management without a compulsory civil liability insurance policy€ 200
Passing through a traffic light prohibition signal€300

Fines for non-compliance with the speed limit are calculated as a percentage for every 1 km of excess.

If you exceed the speed limit by 30%, the fine is calculated on the basis of € 2 for every 1 km/h of excess.

When speeding over the set limit between 30% and 50%, the fine is calculated based on €3 for every 1 km/h of excess.

When speeding over the set limit between 50% and 75%, the fine is calculated based on €5 for every 1 km/h of excess.

If you exceed the speed limit by 75%, the fine will be determined in court.Fines for speeding in Cyprus (EUR):

up to 30%€ 2 – 30€ 2 – 48€ 2 – 60
from 31% to 50%€ 48 – 75€ 75 – 120€ 93 – 150
from 51% to 75%€ 130 – 190€ 205 – 300€ 255 – 375
over 75%determined in court

For example: When driving at a speed of 130 km/h with a speed limit of 100 km/h, the amount of the fine will be € 60.
When driving at a speed of 131 km/h with a speed limit of 100 km/h, the fine will amount to € 93.

In Cyprus, there is a speeding allowance in favor of the offender.

In the settlement – (10% + 2 km/h) and 20% outside of it.Speed ​​limit – 30 km/h 30 km/h + tolerance (10% + 2 km/h) = 35 km/h Starting from 36 km/h a fine will be issued.
Speed ​​limit – 50 km/h 50 km/h + tolerance (10% + 2 km/h) = 57 km/h Starting from 58 km/h a fine will be issued.
Speed ​​limit – 80 km/h h 80 km/h + tolerance 20% = 96 km/h Starting from 97 km/h a fine will be issued.
Speed ​​limit – 100 km/h< /span> 100 km/h + tolerance 20% = 120 km/h Starting from 121 km/h a fine will be issued.

Useful Information

Fuel prices in Cyprus

Unleaded petrol (95 and 98) and diesel are available in Cyprus. There are no gas stations (LPG).

Average prices for all types of fuel as of  01.12.2023 :

  • Unleaded 95 – €  1.411
  • Super Unleaded 98 – €  1.482
  • Euro Diesel – €1,556

Emergency numbers in Cyprus

  • The European emergency number is 112
  • Fire service – 199
  • Police – 199
  • Ambulance – 199

Mandatory equipment

Equipment that must be in the car:

  • Emergency Stop Sign – Two signs are required. For not having a sign – a fine of €20.

Winter equipment

Winter tires

The use of winter tires is optional in Cyprus.

Studded tires

The use of studded tires in Cyprus is allowed on mountain roads in winter.

Anti-slip chains

Snow chains are only allowed on the road if the road is completely covered with snow or ice.

Requirements for the use of winter and studded tires in different European countries.

Recommended equipment and other regulations in Cyprus

The use of navigation software that indicates the location of fixed speed cameras is prohibited.

The use of radar detectors is prohibited .

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