Gas stations in large cities in Cyprus are quite common, there are fewer of them on the highway, and they are quite rare in small towns and villages, so if you have a long trip ahead, it is more convenient to fill up in advance before leaving your resort town, so as not to look for emergency refueling. There are no gas stations directly on the road, they are located on exits or a little further away and marked with standard signs.

Fuel classes in Cyprus:

Gasoline in Cyprus:

  • 95
  • 95 with branded additives (ultimate, power, etc.)
  • 98
  • several diesel options (only euro diesel should be used)

There are also different types of fuel that cannot be used on modern cars, such as:

  • diesel for agricultural machines and for heating systems
  • gas

At gas stations in Cyprus, you will be able to buy light snacks and drinks to have a snack, as well as check the pressure and inflate the tires for free, add water to the windshield washer tank. If necessary, you can wash your car there, the cost of a complex wash is on average 6-8 euros.

Gas stations are common in Cyprus:

  • IT
  • ECO
  • Petrolina
  • BP
  • Agip
  • Lukoil

Payment procedure subject to staff availability

On weekdays, during working hours, there will almost always be an employee who will help refuel the car and even accept cash. So you can not even go out, it is enough to give him bills and tell how much you would like to refuel and the type of fuel. He will do everything himself and issue a change if necessary. 

Tip: if you want to pay by card, it is better to do it in the gas station building by acquiring from the cashier.

In the absence of employees

On weekends and holidays, as well as after 5-6 p.m., almost everywhere there will be no gas stations. But how to refuel if no one is there? Using the terminal! It is not difficult, our instructions will help you:

  • Place the car with the gas tank neck to the column
  • Select the language on the board
  • Insert the amount into the bill acceptor or insert the card and enter the required amount
  • Kill number columns
  • After that, remove the gun, insert it into the tank and start refueling.
  • If you need to print a receipt, return to the machine and press the corresponding key (receipt)

Importantly! For the purpose of fire safety, silence the vehicle and turn off the ignition before refueling.

The cost of gasoline in Cyprus

In Cyprus, prices for different gas stations are practically the same. At Agip gas stations, as a rule, fuel is a little more expensive than, for example, at Petrolina gas stations, but the difference in the cost of a liter of gasoline is insignificant and usually amounts to no more than 10-15 cents. The same can be said for the differences in fuel prices in the areas of the island – there is a difference, but it is quite small.

The coordinates of gas stations are easy to find, for example, on Google maps to choose the closest one to you.

While the car is filling up, the gas station attendant can wash your car’s windshield, which is definitely a nice touch. And here it is customary to leave a tip to the gas station. Usually, this is a coin around 50 cents or 1 euro.

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