Toll roads in Hungary? How to buy a vignette in Hungary? Where to buy a vignette in Hungary? Fines in Hungary? Parking in Hungary? Autostrada in Hungary? Toll tunnels in Hungary? Toll bridges in Hungary? Ferries in Hungary? We have collected answers to all these questions for you in this article.

Roads in Hungary

The length of Hungary’s public highway network is 199,567 km, of which 76,075 km are paved roads. The length of highways is 1,832 km.

Toll Motorways in Hungary

The use of motorways, highways and special sections of main roads in Hungary is allowed only after paying the toll. The amount of the fee depends on the category of the vehicle and the duration of use of the highways. Motorways that require a vignette are marked with the appropriate sign – “matrica“.

Since July 1, 2013, an electronic toll system has been introduced in Hungary for vehicles with a total weight of more than 3.5 tons (except motorhomes and buses), the size of which is proportional to the distance traveled by the vehicle. The system applies to certain sections of the road (motorways, freeways, highways) with a total length of 7,300 km.

The vignette must be purchased before entering the toll road!

If for some reason you did not manage to buy an electronic vignette on time or you entered the highway by mistake, you have 60 minutes from the moment of entry to purchase a vignette.

Vehicles with a gross weight of less than 3.5 tons, as well as motor homes and buses, like tolls, still have to buy e-vignettes.

Tariff categories of vehicles in Hungary

The tariff category of the car is established on the basis of the official vehicle registration certificate.

  • D1 – motorcycles (D1M), as well as passenger cars with 7 passengers, including the driver, with a maximum permissible mass of no more than 3.5 tons and their trailers;
  • D2 – all vehicles not included in category D1, seating more than 7 passengers, vans and motorhomes with a maximum permissible weight of up to 3.5 t;
  • B2 – vehicles adapted for the carriage of passengers, with the number of permanent seats for passengers more than 9, including the driver;
  • U – trailers for vehicles of categories D2 and  B2.

The cost of a vignette in Hungary

Vignette cost (HUF) for 2024:

TK category10 days1 month1 year
D1M2,750 (€7)4,450 (€ 12)49,190 (€ 130)
D15,500 (€ 15)8,900 (€23)49,190 (€ 130)
D28,000 (€ 21)12,600 (€33)69,830 (€ 184)
B217,730 (€47)25,150 (€66)228,850 (€ 603)
IN5,500 (€ 15)8,900 (€23)49,190 (€ 130)

For category vehicles 



B2 і 

U e-vignette is purchased for at least 10 days.

Even if it takes no more than 1 day to travel on highways!

Regional vignettes in Hungary

In addition to the usual vignettes from 2015 for vehicles D1D2  , B2 and U were introduced, which are effective on a territorial basis. The validity period of such vignettes is 1 year.regional vignettes

Regional vignette is available for the following regions:

Bacs-Kiskun, Baranya, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Csongrád, Fejér, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hajdú-Bihar, Heves, Komárom-Esztergom, Pest, Somogy, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Tolna, Vas

Regions of Hungary

Map of toll roads of Hungary

Map of toll roads of Hungary

Free motorway sections in Hungary

From January 1, 2023, only the following sections of motorways are free for vehicles of categories D1, D2, U and B2:

  • the section of the M30 highway between the Miskolc-South and Miskolc-North junctions;
  • the M31 motorway;
  • the section of the M4 motorway between the roads leading from Vecsés to Budapest International Airport “Liszt Ferenc” (between section 19+550 km and section 20+518 km);
  • the section of the M4 motorway between Abony-North and Törökszentmiklós-West;
  • the M44 motorway;
  • the south-west bypass of the M60 (near Pécs) between roads 58 and 5826;
  • avtomagistral M76 between Balatonszentgyörgy and Keszthely-Fenékpuszta;
  • the M8 motorway;
  • the M80 motorway;
  • the section of the M9 motorway between roads 6 and 51;
  • the bypass section of the M9 motorway around the town of Kaposvár (road 61);
  • Sections of the M0 motorway (Budapest ring road):
    • between road 1 and the M5 motorway;
    • between the M4 road and the M3 motorway;
    • Megyeri Bridge (between roads 11 and 2).

Other M0 sections require a valid e-vignette. Currently, there are free city bypasses for these areas.

Where to buy a vignette in Hungary

Electronic vignettes are sold at electronic terminals, retail stores, gas stations. They can also be purchased using a mobile application or online.

You can buy e-vignettes online, for example, on the website But registration will be required when buying.

You can also buy a vignette at You don’t have to register here, but it can be convenient if you plan to continue buying e-vignettes from them. Please note that when paying for an e-vignette in euros, their exchange rate may be overestimated (by 15-20%).

When buying an e-vignette using SMS, it should be borne in mind that not all Hungarian mobile operators used to work correctly with phones registered in Russia. But the situation is noticeably improving every year.

In the case of a foreign license plate, the country code is mandatory! Do not use hyphens or spaces when entering the license plate!

Full list of possible payment methods – (in Hungarian).

Validity of the vignette in Hungary

1 day – valid for one day specified by the buyer (until 24:00 on the specified day). Only for vehicles of tariff categories J2, J3 and J4.

1-week vignette – valid for the next 9 days starting from the date specified by the buyer (a total of 10 consecutive calendar days).

The mark date is May 15. Accordingly, the vignette will be valid until midnight on May 24.

1-month vignette – valid from the date indicated by the buyer until 24:00 on the same day of the following month. In the absence of such a day, until 24:00 on the last day of the month.

The mark date is March 15. Accordingly, the vignette will be valid until midnight on April 15; if the first day is January 30, then it will be valid until midnight on February 28.

1-year vignette – valid from January 1 of the current year to January 31 of the following year (13 months in total).

Motorway traffic control in Hungary

Payment control is carried out by the State Transport Inspectorate (STI). In the latter case, the driver must stop the vehicle and present the vehicle (and trailer) registration documents to the inspector to check the tariff category.

GTI can carry out inspections using the above methods on any toll areas, including adjacent recreation areas, as well as exit lanes from junctions and roads, which can only be entered from or lead to toll sections of the highway.

 The points of sale of e-vignettes at the toll sections of the motorways are not designed to sell permits for the current travel, but to facilitate the purchase of e-vignettes by motorists for further journeys.

This means that mobile teams of inspectors can check permits at sales points located on toll roads. In these places, the intention of drivers to purchase a permit to use the highways does not exempt them from the fine.

Unauthorized driving on highways in Hungary

Driving on toll roads without a valid travel permit is unauthorized. The presence of a receipt confirms the right to travel on toll highways. In case of purchase through electronic terminals, the authorization is confirmation of the message.

Penalty for unauthorized passage (HUF):

Payment term
within 60 daysafter more than 60 days
D1/D218,750 (€ 49)74,970 (€ 198)
B284,330 (€ 222)337,290 (€889)

If during the inspection it is established that an electronic vignette corresponding to a lower category than the one to which the vehicle actually belongs has been purchased for the vehicle, an additional fee should be paid.Fine for category mismatch (HUF):

Surcharge for mismatch of categories
within 60 daysafter more than 60 days
D1D29,440 (€ 25)37,800 (€ 100)
D2D2+U9,440 (€ 25)37,800 (€ 100)
B2B2 + U9,440 (€ 25)37,800 (€ 100)
D1/D2/UB265,580 (€ 173)262,320 (€ 692)

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about the Hungary vignette

Is a separate vignette required for a trailer in Hungary?

If the vehicle belongs to the category D1, then it is not necessary to purchase a separate vignette for the trailer.

For trailers towed by vehicles belonging to categories D2 or B2, it is necessary to purchase a separate vignette of category U with trailer registration number.

How do I find out what category a Vehicle belongs to?

Cars and trailers are classified in one of the tariff categories based on the data entered in the vehicle registration certificate.

Data in the Certificate
on registration
DefinitionTariff categories
L1 – L7motorcyclesD1M

Vehicle capacity is also determined on the basis of the registration certificate (number of seats, including the driver’s seat), and not on the basis of the actual number of seats in the car.

What should I do if I immediately enter a toll road in Hungary?

If motorists have not purchased the required toll road permit in advance, they have 60 minutes to do so after entering the toll road. This rule prevents fines from being imposed on those who inadvertently enter a toll road.

This will allow you to adjust your travel plan according to your needs, rather than where you can purchase an electronic vignette before entering the toll road. According to this new rule, the permission to use the roads actually starts 60 minutes after the purchase of the vignette.

Parking in Hungary

There is a parking fee in the center of Budapest and in the centers of many cities in the country. The center of Budapest is divided into several parking zones for which different fees are charged (from 120 to 400 per hour (€ 0.3-1.1)). Time is payable on weekdays from 08:00 to 18:00, on Saturdays from 08:00 to 12:00. Parking is free on Sundays.

A parking ticket is bought from the nearest machine and placed under the windshield. Minimum parking time: 15 minutes. Maximum parking time: 2-3 hours.

For a longer parking period, it is recommended to leave your car at the P+R car park, which are usually located at metro stations and bus stations (Pest side of Arpád Bridge, Nagyvárad Square, Örs Vezér Square, Népliget, etc.) from which it is easily accessible to public transport for further travel.

Fine for wrong parking up to HUF 30,000 (€ 79).

The main traffic laws of Hungary

Speed ​​limits in Hungary

Standard speed limits in Hungary (unless otherwise indicated on signs).

Cars and motorcycles:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 90 km/h
  • on the road – 110 km/h
  • on the autobahn – 130 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 70 km/h
  • on the road – 80 km/h
  • on the autobahn – 80 km/h

Traffic on highways is prohibited for vehicles whose speed according to technical characteristics does not exceed 60 km/h.

For cars equipped with anti-skid chains, the maximum permitted speed is no more than 50 km/h.


Maximum permissible blood alcohol level in Hungary 0.00 ‰.

If the blood alcohol level is less than 0.5‰, the driver will be fined HUF 150,000 (€395).

If the blood alcohol level is between 0.5‰ and 0.8‰, the driver will be fined HUF 200,000 (€527).

If the blood alcohol level exceeds 0.8 ‰, the driver will be fined HUF 300,000 (€ 791).

Low light

Dipped beam in Hungary is mandatory 24 hours a day all year round. A fine of up to HUF 10,000 (€ 26).

Driving with fog lights only – HUF 5,000 (€ 13).

Transportation of children in Hungary

Children under 3 years of age can travel only when using appropriate child restraint systems that correspond to their weight. It is allowed to transport them in the front part of the car, provided that the airbag is turned off.

Children older than 3 years and less than 150 cm tall are not allowed to ride in the front seats. They can travel only in the back seats of the car, subject to special precautions.

A fine for violating the rules of transporting children up to HUF 45,000 (€ 119).

Safety belts

Use of seat belts in Hungary is mandatory for front and rear passengers. If any passenger is not wearing a seat belt, a fine will be charged to that passenger.

Penalties for not wearing seat belts:

  • in the settlement – HUF 15,000 (€ 40);
  • outside the settlement – HUF 30,000 (€ 79);
  • on the motorway – HUF 40,000 (€ 105).


It is prohibited to use a telephone device in Hungary that is not equipped with a technical device that allows for hands-free conversations while driving.


  • in the settlement – HUF 10,000 (€ 26);
  • outside the settlement – HUF 15,000 (€ 40);
  • on the motorway – HUF 20,000 (€ 53).

Toning in Hungary

The degree of light transmission of the windshield should be at least 75%, and the front side windows at least 70%.

A strip with a width of slightly more than 100 mm is allowed at the top of the windshield.

The degree of light transmission is not regulated for the rear glass.

Fines in Hungary

On July 1, 2011, amendments to the Road Traffic Act came into force in Hungary, which provide for the detention of a car in the event of a traffic violation.

Now, for speeding, running a red light, exceeding the permissible level of alcohol in the blood and some others, the police will charge a fine of up to HUF 300,000 (€ 791) on the spot.

The police had until July 1 to send a payment order and the fine should not be paid directly to the police officer (this was considered a bribe).

 If you are found driving on Hungarian highways without a vignette, this may also result in your car being impounded. The vehicle will be impounded until fines are paid.

If the car is detained, the driver receives a written message (in Hungarian, English, German or Russian) stating the penalty and information about the location of the vehicle, including the route to it.Table of fines for speeding in Hungary

Speeding in HungaryFine (HUF)
at a permitted speed of up to 50 km/h
up to 15 km/yearup to 30,000 (€ 79) or a warning
from 15 km/h to 25 km/h30,000 (€79)
from 25 km/h to 35 km/h45,000 (€ 119)
from 35 km/h to 45 km/h60,000 (€ 158)
from 45 km/h to 55 km/h90,000 (€ 237)
from 55 km/h to 65 km/h130,000 (€343)
from 65 km/h to 75 km/h200,000 (€ 527)
over 75 km/h300,000 (€791)
at the permitted speed from 50 km/h to 100 km/h
up to 15 km/yearup to 30,000 (€ 79) or a warning
from 15 km/h to 30 km/h30,000 (€79)
from 30 km/h to 45 km/h45,000 (€ 119)
from 45 km/h to 60 km/h60,000 (€ 158)
from 60 km/h to 75 km/h90,000 (€ 237)
from 75 km/h to 90 km/h130,000 (€343)
from 90 km/h to 105 km/h200,000 (€ 527)
over 105 km/h300,000 (€791)
at a permitted speed of more than 100 km/h
up to 20 km/yearup to 30,000 (€ 79) or a warning
from 20 km/h to 35 km/h30,000 (€79)
from 35 km/h to 50 km/h45,000 (€ 119)
from 50 km/h to 65 km/h60,000 (€ 158)
from 65 km/h to 80 km/h90,000 (€ 237)
from 80 km/h to 95 km/h130,000 (€343)
from 95 km/h to 110 km/h200,000 (€ 527)
over 110 km/h300,000 (€791)

Useful Information

Fuel prices in Hungary

Unleaded gasoline (95 octane) and diesel fuel (Dizel) are available in Hungary  or Gazolaj). There is no leaded gasoline. There are gas stations.

  • Gasoline (95) — HUF 557.30 (€ 1,469)
  • 98-as benzin — HUF 613.50 (€ 1.617)
  • Gazolaj — HUF 586.30 (€ 1,546)
  • LPG — HUF 317.80 (€ 0.838)

Emergency numbers in Hungary

  • The European emergency number is 112
  • Fire service – 105
  • Police – 107
  • Ambulance – 104

Mandatory equipment

Equipment that necessary to have in a car in Hungary:

  • First aid kit
  • Emergency stop sign
  • Reflective Vest – All pedestrians walking on a roadway or curb outside of a development must wear a reflective vest at night and when visibility is poor. Anyone exiting a vehicle outside of built-up areas becomes a pedestrian and therefore must wear a reflective vest. The fine is up to HUF 30,000 (€ 79).

Winter equipment

Winter tires

The use of winter tires is not mandatory in Hungary.

Studded tires

The use of studded tires in Hungary is prohibited.

Anti-slip chains

Snow chains may be mandatory on some roads in certain weather conditions.

If the road sign “Chains Required” is installed at the border, then the vehicle can cross the border only with anti-skid chains.

Recommended equipment and other rules

It is recommended to have a set of spare lamps (required only for vehicles registered in Hungary).

According to the law 175/2003 (X.21) adopted in October 2003, possession of a radar detector and its use in Hungary is not prohibited.