Toll roads in Russia? How to buy a vignette in Russia? Fines in Russia? Parking in Russia? Autostrada in Russia? Toll tunnels in Russia? Toll bridges in Russia? Ferries in Russia? We have collected answers to all these questions for you in this article.

We recommend for your own safety and life not to visit Russia.

Roads in Russia

The length of the Russian public highway network is 1,507,751 km, of which 50,800 km have the status of highways, and 1,602 km have the status of highways. The length of paved roads is 1,063,908 km.

Toll Motorways in Russia

There are several sections of toll roads in Russia. The fee for their use is charged based on the category of the vehicle, the distance traveled and the time of day.

Categories of vehicles in Russia

The cost of traveling through toll areas depends on the category of the vehicle.

A letterVehicleDescription
1Passenger vehicles:
Cars (including with a trailer up to 2 m), multipurpose vehicles, motorcycles
2Medium-sized vehicles:
Cars (including those with a trailer above 2 m and below 2.6 m), vans on passenger chassis, pickups and minivans

M1 “Belarus”

On the federal highwayM1 “Belarus” has two toll sections:

  • in the Moscow region – the Odintsovo detour (14-33 km);
  • in the Moscow region – 33-66 km.

Fares for travel in the Moscow region (bypass Odintsovo 14-33 km)

The section of the highway M1 “Belarus” from the Molodogvardiyskaya interchange on the Moscow Ring Road to the intersection with 33 km of the M1 highway is subject to payment. The length of the section is about 20 km.Tariffs for bypassing the city of Odintsevo (Moscow region) (RUB)

* Tariffs are effective from 04/25/2023.

The toll is collected at each toll collection point (PZP).

Driving through the section from 1 to 19 km for passenger cars will cost RUB 750 (€ 7.60) during the day, and RUB 20 (€ 0.20) at night.

The overall height of the vehicle is determined without taking into account accessories, luggage and cargo fixed on the roof of the vehicle (applies only to categories 1 and 2 of vehicles).

The road is divided into four sections, which can be used independently of each other. The toll collection points are located in such a way that the User pays the toll only for the section of the road on which he traveled.

Fares for travel to the Moscow region (33-66 km)

From January 11, 2022, a new toll section from 33 km to 66 km was opened on the M1-Belarus highway.

Map of toll road M1 33-66 km

Fares for travel in the Moscow region from 33 km to 66 km (RUB) for 2023:

VehicleMonday – Sunday
150 (€ 1.50)
180 (€ 1.80)

* The listed tariffs are effective from 04/26/2023.

MON-THURS – days of the week from Monday to Thursday inclusive, excluding weekends, non-working holidays and pre-holidays preceding them.
FRI-SUN – days of the week from Friday on Sundays inclusive, weekends, non-working public holidays and pre-holidays, preceding them.

M3 “Ukraine”

On the federal highwayM3 “Ukraine” has two paid sections in the Kaluga region:

  • 124 km – 150 km;
  • 150 km – 194 km;

Fares for travel in the Kaluga region (RUB) for 2024:

Vehicle124 km – 150 km150 km – 194 km
Mon – ThuFri – SunMon – ThuFri – Sun
80 (€ 0.80)110 (€ 1.10)120 (€ 1.20)175 (€ 1.80)
120 (€ 1.20)120 (€ 1.20)160 (€ 1.60)190 (€ 1.90)

* The listed tariffs are effective from 04/26/2023.

Driving through the section from 124 to 194 km for passenger cars on holidays and weekends will cost RUB 285 (€ 2.90), and on weekdays – RUB 200 (€ 2.00).

* Working days are considered to be weekdays from Monday to Thursday inclusive, excluding Fridays, weekends, non-working holidays and pre-holidays that precede them.

The toll is collected at each toll collection point (PZP).

M4 “Don”

On the federal highwayM4 “Don” there are several toll areas:

  • in the Moscow region (21-93 km);
  • in the Moscow and Tula regions (93 km – 211 km);
  • in the Tula region (211-260 km and 287-322 km);
  • in the Lipetsk region (330-464 km);
  • in the Voronezh region (492-715 km);
  • in the Rostov region (1,091-1,119 km);
  • in the Krasnodar Territory (1119-1319 km).

The cost of travel on all tolled sections of the M-4 (21 km – 1,319 km) (RUB) for 2024:

VehicleMon – ThuFri – Sun
2,880 (€ 29)3,580 (€36)
3,920 (€ 40)3,920 (€ 40)

* Class determination and vehicle pricing takes place directly at the toll collection point in accordance with the Order of the Central Committee “Avtodor” No. 205 dated September 14, 2012. The change in the classification of the vehicle by category takes place depending from the overall height, taking into account the cargo being transported and the number of axles. Accessories and luggage fixed on the roofs of vehicles of the first and second categories are not included in the overall height calculation in accordance with the Order of the DC “Avtodor” No. 161 dated August 8, 2013

The listed tariffs are valid from 00:00:00 on 04/26/2023.

You can pay for the trip in cash or with bank cards, as well as with contactless smart cards and with the help of a transponder – a device installed on the windshield.

In the video below, you can watch driving on the M4 toll road around Voronezh (you can watch other videos on our channel at).YouTube

M11 “Neva”

On the federal highwayM11 “Neva” has four toll sections:

  • in the Moscow region (15-58 km);
  • in the Moscow region (58-149 km);
  • in the Tver region (208-543 km);
  • in the Leningrad region (543-684 km).

Fares for travel in the Moscow region (from MKAD to Sonyaknohorsk)

The section of the expresswayM11 “Neva” from 15 to 58 km is subject to payment. The length of the site is about 43 km.

On the M11 “Neva” highway, payment is made depending on the day of the week and day.

On the other hand, the tariffs vary depending on the direction of travel.Tariffs for travel from Moscow to Sonyaknohirsk for vehicles cat. 1:

* The listed tariffs are effective from April 14, 2023.

Fares for travel in the Tver and Leningrad regions

Paid sections of the highwayM11 “Neva” in the Moscow region from 58 km to 149 km, in the Tver region from 208 km to 543 km and in the Leningrad region from 543 km to 684 km. The length of the plots is about 567 km.

The cost of travel on all tolled sections of the M-11 (58 km – 684 km) (RUB) for 2023:

VehicleMon – ThuFri – Sun
2,400 (€ 24)2,550 (€ 26)
2,840 (€ 29)3,000 (€30)

* Class determination and vehicle pricing takes place directly at the toll collection point in accordance with the Order of the Central Committee “Avtodor” No. 205 dated September 14, 2012. The change in the classification of the vehicle by category takes place depending from the overall height, taking into account the cargo being transported and the number of axles. Accessories and luggage fixed on the roofs of vehicles of the first and second categories are not included in the overall height calculation in accordance with the Order of the DC “Avtodor” No. 161 dated August 8, 2013

You can pay for the trip in cash or with bank cards, as well as with contactless smart cards and with the help of a transponder – a device installed on the windshield.

MON-THURS – days of the week from Monday to Thursday inclusive, excluding weekends, non-working holidays and pre-holidays preceding them.
FRI-SUN – days of the week from Friday including Sundays, weekends, non-working days, public holidays and pre-holiday days, preceding them.

The indicated amount of the fee is effective from 04/26/2023 (00:00:00).

M12 “East”

On the federal highwayM12 “East” has three toll sections:

  • in the Moscow region (69-90 km);
  • in the Volodymyr region (124-182 km);
  • in the Volodymyr region (182-208 km).

The length of paid sections is about 105 km.

The cost of travel on all tolled sections of the M-12 (RUB) for 2024:

474 (€ 4.80)
711 (€ 7.20)

You can pay for the trip in cash or with bank cards, as well as with contactless smart cards and with the help of a transponder – a device installed on the windshield.

The indicated amount of the fee is valid from 22.02.2023 (00:00:00).

A113 “CKAD”

The Central Ring Road (TCAD) A113 will pass through the Moscow Region and New Moscow at a distance of 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road, parallel to the Small (A107, “Mala betonka”) or Big (A108 “Velika betonka”) ring.

From November 11, 2020, the traffic of the third launch complex of the Central Ring Road was opened. The road passes through the north-east of the Moscow region, from the intersection with the M-11 “Neva” expressway to the intersection with the M-7 “Volga” highway.

From December 28, 2020, the fourth launch complex of the Central Ring Road was opened to traffic. The road passes through the southeast of the Moscow region, from the intersection with the M-7 “Volga” highway to the intersection with the M-4 “Don” highway.

The carriageway of the complex is four-lane, 2 lanes each in the forward and reverse directions, the permitted speed is 110 km/h. The length of the paid sections of the Central Ring Road is 257.3 kilometers.

Toll areas of the Central Ring Road with main transport interchanges:

  • M10 “Russia” – M11 “Neva” (5.60 km);
  • M11 “Neva” – M8 “Kholmogori” (53.86 km);
  • M8 “Kholmogori” – M7 “Volga” (51.45 km);
  • M7 “Volga” – M4 “Don” (96.90 km);
  • M4 “Don” – 11 km A-107 (49.50 km).

Fares of the TsKAD (RUB)

M-10 “Russia” – M-11 “Neva”30 (€ 0.30)45 (€ 0.50)
M-11 “Neva” – Mykilske-Ghirky (A-107)82 (€ 0.80)123 (€ 1.20)
Mykilske-Hirky (A-107) – M-8 “Kholmogory”247 (€ 2.50)370 (€ 3.70)
M-8 “Kholmogori” – M-7 “Volga”315 (€ 3.20)472 (€ 4.80)
M-7 “Volga” – M-12 “East”28 (€ 0.30)42 (€ 0.40)
M-12 “East” – Nosovikhinske sh.107 (€ 1.10)161 (€ 1.60)
Nosovikhinske sh. – Yehoryevske sh.56 (€ 0.60)85 (€ 0.90)
Yehoryevske sh. – M-5 “Ural”186 (€ 1.90)279 (€ 2.80)
M-5 “Ural” – Domodedovo.170 (€ 1.70)255 (€ 2.60)
Domodedovo – M-4 “Don”44 (€ 0.40)66 (€ 0.70)
M-4 “Don” – M-2 “Crime”96 (€ 1.00)144 (€ 1.50)
M-2 “Crime” – Kaluzke Highway140 (€ 1.40)210 (€ 2.10)
Kaluga highway – PK-564 (€ 0.60)97 (€ 1.00)
M-10 “Russia” – PC-5 (entire route)1,565 (€ 16)2,349 (24 euros)

* Category determination and vehicle pricing take place directly on the Tolling Framework. The change in the classification of the vehicle by category occurs depending on the overall height, taking into account the cargo being transported and the number of axles. Accessories and luggage fixed on the roofs of vehicles of the first and second categories are not included in the overall height calculation.

The indicated amount of the fee is valid from 22.02.2023 (00:00:00).

For owners of the T-pass transponder, there are discounts on travel, depending on the length of the route, from 10 to 40%.

The free flow toll charging technology “Free flow” is applied at the Central Ring Road, which implies barrier-free passage of a car on the road with the fixing of the passage at toll collection points. Payment for travel during the use of the transponder is automatically debited from the personal account of the “T-pass” Transponder. The equipment installed on the frame determines the car’s registration number on the front and back, as well as its class, and records the passage by the vehicle’s registration number in the absence of a transponder.

You can pay the fare with an electronic ticket (prepaid fare). It is possible to purchase a Ticket no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of travel (it is allowed to purchase a Ticket on the day of planned travel, but not actually made) in the following ways:

  • On the official website of the APD (
  • In Eleksnet self-service terminals
  • In the mobile application of DC “Avtodor”
  • In TsPiO TsKAD (Support and Service Center)

To purchase a ticket, it is necessary to provide vehicle registration data (vehicle size and category), specify the route (entry/exit point, direction), date and time of travel.

The ticket is purchased for a specific date and is valid for 24 hours (calendar day) from the specific time specified at the time of purchase. Travels before or after the period of validity of the Ticket form a debt under the DRNZ, which is repayable within 5 days from the moment of travel.

Western Velocity Diameter (WVD)

ZSD is an intra-city toll highway in St. Petersburg. Traffic on the entire ZSD was fully opened on December 4, 2016. The length of the highway is 46.6 km. The width is 4-8 lanes (6 km four-lane road, 18 km six-lane road, 22 km eight-lane road).

When paying with cash and bank cards, five tariff zones are introduced and a basic tariff is set for one-time users of ZSD, who pay for travel not with transponders. In all zones, it is the same for this class of vehicle.The cost of travel on all tolled sections of the ZSD (RUB) for 2023:

TSDescriptionone plotthe whole route
Motorcycles and passenger cars with 2 axles and a height above the front axle ≤ 1.3 m200
(€ 2.00)
(€ 10)
Passenger cars, SUVs, motorhomes, buses and trucks with two axles and ground clearance > 1.3 m200
(€ 2.00)
(€ 10)
Single-axle trailers, heavy trucks and large three-axle buses350
(€ 3.50)
(€ 18)

Basic tariffs are valid from 00:00 on 01.12.2020.

Pskov region

In the Pskov region, near the borders with Estonia, Latvia and Belarus, there are several toll roads.

Fares for travel:

TSVyshhorodok Island – border with the Republic of Latvia 0-62 kmborder with the Republic of Estonia (Kunichyna Gora) – Pechory – Stariy Izborsk – Palkino Island 0-23 kmOpochka – Dubrovka – to the border with the Republic of Belarus (to Polotsk) 0-82 kmVilsha – Velizh – Usvyati – Nevel 131-189 km
300 (€ 3.00)150 (€ 1.50)220 (€ 2.20)200 (€ 2.00)
480 (€ 4.90)230 (€ 2.30)320 (€ 3.20)320 (€ 3.20)

Tariffs for crossing the bridge over the Kama and Bui rivers

The bridge over the rivers Kama and Bui is a bridge crossing, including 2 bridges, in the Kambarka region of Udmurtia. The length of the bridge over the Kama River is 1,082 m, and over the Bui River – 224 m. The bridge is part of the Izhevsk – Ufa highway and has 1 lane of traffic in each direction.

Tariffs for 2024 (RUB):

VehicleKama RiverBui River
330 (€ 3.30)220 (€ 2.20)
800 (€ 8.10)480 (€ 4.90)

Parking in Russia

On November 1, 2012, the first paid parking lots opened in the center of Moscow, within the Boulevard Ring. From January 1, 2014, paid parking zones were expanded to the Garden Ring, and from August 1, the parking space expanded to the boundaries of the Third Transport Ring.

Map of parking lots in Moscow

The new tariffs for parking in Moscow are effective from December 24, 2021.

The cost of parking is:

  • within the Third Transport Ring – from RUB 40 to 80 (€ 0.40 – 0.80)< /span> per hour
  • within the Garden Ring – from RUB 80 to 150 (€ 0.80 – 1.50) per hour
  • within the Boulevard Ring – from RUB 100 to 200 (€ 1.00 – 2.00) per hour
  • in the area of ​​MMDC “Moscow-CITY” – from RUB 200 to 450 (€ 2.00 – 4.60) per hour

For all zones, the time during which parking must be paid will be 5 minutes. It is also necessary to leave the parking space within 5 minutes after the end of the parking session.

On 237 streets, the tariff is 380 and 450 rubles per hour during the day and 200 rubles per hour at night. The list of streets with an increased tariff can be viewed on the Moscow Parking website. On these streets, parking is charged on Sundays, and on public holidays, cars can be left for free.

Since July 1, 2012, fines for parking in an unauthorized place have increased significantly in Russia. They range from RUB 300 to 1,000 (€3-10) in the regions, and from RUB 2,500 to 3,000 (€25-30) in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Intercepting parking in Russia

There are parking lots near metro stations. Fees are not charged at these parking lots during the day, provided that at least two trips are made on the subway.

Tariff nameTime of actionTariff (rub/year)Terms of action
Basic tariff*05:30-02:000The fee is not charged, provided that at least two subway trips are made from the moment the car is parked
Commercial tariff06:00-22:0050 (€ 0.50)Hourly payment

* The fee is not charged, provided that at least two metro trips are made from the moment the car is parked using one travel document valid in the metro (the last entry to the metro must be made at a metro station other than the one near which there is a parking lot that intercepts ). The tariff applies only to the current date of parking the car.

Road map of Russia

Road map of Russia

The main traffic laws of Russia

Speed ​​limits in Russia

Standard speed limits in Russia (unless otherwise indicated on signs).


  • in the settlement – 60 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 90 km/h
  • on the road – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 110 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 60 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 70 km/h
  • on the road – 70 km/h
  • on the highway – 90 km/h


  • in the settlement – 60 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 90 km/h
  • on the road – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 110 km/h

Traffic on highways is prohibited for vehicles whose speed does not exceed 40 km/h according to their technical characteristics or their condition.

According to the decision of the highway owners, a maximum speed of 130 km/h on roads marked with the sign “5.1 Motorway” and 110 km/h on roads marked with the sign “5.3 Road for cars”.

At the same time, the meaning of the signs “Highway” and “Road for cars” does not change. That is, the very presence of such signs on the road does not mean that you can drive on it at a speed of 130 and 110 km/h, respectively. In places where the road owner has decided to increase the maximum speed, road signs “3.24 Maximum speed limit” will be installed.

In the zone of operation of the sign “5.21 Residential zone” the speed of vehicles should not exceed 20 km/h.


Maximum permissible blood alcohol level in Russia 0.29 ‰.

If the blood alcohol level exceeds 0.29 ‰, the fine will be RUB 30,000 (€ 303) with the deprivation of the right to drive for 1.5 to 2 years.< /span>

In case of repeated violation, as well as for refusal of a medical examination for intoxication, the fine will be from RUB 200,000 to 300,000 (€ 2,022-3,034 ) with deprivation of the right to drive for 3 years.

dipped beam

During daylight hours, all vehicles moving in Russia must be equipped with low-beam headlamps or daytime running lights for the purpose of marking them.

Fog lights can be used instead of dipped headlights.

A fine of up to RUB 500 (€ 5) or a warning.

Transportation of children in Russia

Transportation of children under the age of 7 in a passenger car and truck cabin, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and child restraint system ISOFIX*, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and growth of the child. .

* The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and a truck cabin, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and the ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that correspond to the weight and growth of the child , or using seat belts, and on the front seat of a passenger car – only using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 without an adult in the vehicle while it is parked.

It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

Fine: RUB 3,000 (€ 30).

Safety belts

Using seat belts in Russia mandatory for front and rear passengers, if they are provided by the design of the vehicle .

Fine: RUB 1,000 (€ 10).


It is prohibited to use a telephone device in Russia that is not equipped with a technical device that allows for hands-free conversations while driving.

Fine – RUB 1,500 (€ 15).

Tinting in Russia

It is prohibited to drive a vehicle on which glass (including glass covered with transparent colored films) is installed, the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles.

The light transmission of the windshield, front side windows and front door glasses (if available) should be at least 70% (clause 3.5.2 “Technical regulation of the safety of wheeled vehicles”).

Fine – RUB 500 (€ 5).

Fines in Russia

The fine should not be paid on the spot directly to the police officer who issued the receipt. Payment is made at the nearest bank branch.

From January 1, 2016, the Federal Law entered into force, according to which the amount of an administrative fine for some traffic offenses can be reduced by 2 times.

It should be noted that the possibility of paying half the amount of the fine is not provided by law for all offenses. The amendments do not apply to a number of serious and gross violations of traffic rules.

Drivers will be subject to full administrative responsibility:

  • drove a car while intoxicated or refused to undergo a medical examination while intoxicated;
  • who committed road accidents, as a result of which people were injured;
  • repeatedly exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h;
  • re-passing at a prohibiting traffic light signal;
  • repeated movement in violation of traffic rules in the lane intended for oncoming traffic;
  • repeated movement in the opposite direction on a one-way road;
  • re-driving a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner.

In order to be able to pay a fine of 50%, it must be paid within 20 days from the date of the decision.

At the same time, relevant information must be specified in each resolution, which allows for the payment of a fine “with a discount”.Table of fines for traffic violations:

ViolationFine (RUB)
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle that has the right of way500 (€ 5)
Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles500 (€ 5)
U-turn or reversing in places where such maneuvers are prohibited500 (€ 5)
Failure to comply with the requirements established by road signs or roadway markings500 (€ 5)
Failure to comply with the lawful request of a police officer to stop a vehicle500 – 800 (€ 5-8)
Passing on a prohibitory signal of a traffic light or on a prohibitory gesture of the regulator1,000 (€ 10)
Movement on the side of the road1,500 (€ 15)
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (with the exception of vehicle drivers) who enjoy the right-of-way1,500 (€ 15)
U-turn or entry of the vehicle into the technological breaks of the dividing lane on the highway or driving in reverse on the highway2,500 (€ 25)
Violation of traffic rules or rules of operation of the vehicle, which caused minor damage to the health of the victim2,500 – 5,000 (€ 25-51)
Management of TK with state registration marks, modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that prevent the identification of state registration marks or allow them to be changed or hidden5,000 (€ 51)
Violation of traffic rules or vehicle operation rules, which caused moderate damage to the victim’s health10,000 – 25,000 (€ 101-253)

For repeated violations, fines for some violations may be several times higher.

Table of fines for violating the speed limit in Russia:

Speeding in RussiaFine (RUB)
up to 20 km/yearwarning
from 21 to 40 km/h500 (€ 5)
from 41 to 60 km/h1,000 – 1,500 (€ 10-15)
from 61 to 80 km/h2,000 – 2,500 (€ 20-25)
over 80 km/h5000 (€ 51)

In the case of repeated exceeding of more than 40 km/h, fines will be twice as high and deprivation of the right to drive for a period of up to 1 year.

Useful Information

Fuel prices in Russia

In Russia, unleaded gasoline (92, 95 and 98) and diesel fuel are available. There are enough gas stations.

Average prices for all types of fuel as of  19.12.2023:

  • AI-92 – RUB 50.47 (€ 0.510)
  • AI-95 – RUB 54.47 (€ 0.551)
  • AI-98 – RUB 64.59 (€ 0.653)
  • DP — RUB 64.03 (€ 0.647)
  • Propane – RUB 35.50 (€ 0.359)

Changes compared to the previous period are shown. Update once every two weeks.

Emergency numbers in Russia

  • The only emergency number is 112
  • Fire protection – 101
  • Police – 102
  • Ambulance – 103

Mandatory equipment

Equipment that necessary to have in a car in Russia:

  • Emergency stop sign
  • First aid kit
  • Extinguisher

Winter equipment

Winter tires

The use of winter tires in Russia is mandatory for vehicles with a total weight of up to 3.5 tons from December 1 to March 1. Fine – RUB 500 (€ 5) rubles.

Winter tires must be installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

Winter tires intended for operation on icy or snowy road surfaces must be marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, or marked with the signs “М+ S”, “M&S”, “MS”, with the remaining the tread depth of the specified tires is not less than 4 mm.

Taking into account that the weather conditions differ significantly in different regions of the country, in some places the winter weather is established much earlier than December, by the decision of the regional authorities, the terms of the ban on the operation of vehicles without winter tires can be changed, but only in the direction of increase.

Studded tires

In winter, the use of studded tires is allowed. Tires with anti-skid studs, if used, must be installed on all wheels of the vehicle.

The operation of vehicles equipped with tires with anti-skid studs is prohibited in the summer period from June 1 to August 31.

Anti-slip chains

Anti-skid chains can be used in the event of snow and ice.

Recommended equipment and other rules

The use of navigation software indicating the location of fixed speed cameras is allowed.

The use of radar detectors in Russia is not prohibited.