Toll roads in Spain? How to buy a vignette in Spain? Fines in Spain? Parking in Spain? Autostradas in Spain? Toll tunnels in Spain? Toll bridges in Spain? Ferries in Spain? We have collected answers to all these questions for you in this article.

The length of Spain’s public highway network, including the Canary and Balearic Islands, is 683,175 km. Many of them are paved roads. The length of highways is 17,228 km, of which almost 3,000 km are toll roads.

Toll Motorways in Spain

In Spain, there is a fee for the use of highways. Passage through some tunnels is also subject to payment.

The road toll system in Spain depends on several parameters: the distance traveled, the category of vehicle, the season and even the peak hour during the day.

Tariffs for travel on the main highways for 2024

TrunkRoute (distance)Tariff
AP-1Vitoria – Eibar (55 km)€ 8.05
AP-6Madrid – Adanero (74 days)€ 13.90
AP-7Alicante – Cartagena (120 km)€4.05
AP-7Cartagena – Guadiaro (506 km)€ 21.10
AP-8A63 (France) – Bilbao (115 km)€ 20.55
AP-9Ferrol – A3 (Portugal) (196 км)€ 23.75
AP-15Tudela – Iruna (84 km)€10.55
AP-36Ocaña – La Roda (158 km)€ 13.60
AP-41Madrid – Toledo (63 км)€5.70
AP-51Villacastín – Ávila (32 km)€ 1.55
AP-53Santiago de Compostela – Dozón (67 km)€6.40
AP-61Segovia – AP-6 (28 km)€ 2.70
AP-66Campomanes – Leon (81 km)€ 14.30
AP-68Bilbao – Zaragoza (298 km)€35.60
AP-71León – Astorga (43 km)€5.50
R-2Madrid – Guadalajara (59 км)€ 6.15
R-3Madrid – Arganda del Rey (39 km)€3.30
R-4Madrid – Osaña (58 km)€6.00
R-5Madrid – Navalcarnero (28 km)€3.55
C-32Castelldefels – El Vendrell (47 km)€ 12.44

The rates in the table are for cars and motorbikes in the summer period (peak hour rates on some roads, for example around Madrid, are slightly more expensive).

Estimated tariffs are given, calculated once at the beginning of the year on the basis of the website of Spanish motorways, provided that traffic between points is carried out on the same motorway.

For example: A63 (France) – Bilbao (€ 20.55), subject to traffic only on highway AP-7 . When traveling by a different route, the fare may differ in one direction or another.

Plots with special payment in Spain

Cadi tunnel

The Cadi tunnel is located in the province of Barcelona. The Cadi tunnel is 5,026 m long. It is the third longest tunnel in Spain. It was opened on October 30, 1984.

Tariffs for 2024:

 VehicleTariff (EUR)
Motorcycles with sidecar or without sidecar€10.86
Cars, minibuses and vans with 2 axles up to 9 seats with or without towing a single axle trailer. Trucks and buses with 2 axles (4 wheels).€13.48
Cars, vans and vans with 2 axles up to 9 seats with trailer towing with 2 axles. Trucks and buses with 2 axles (more than 4 wheels).€ 29.41
Cars and vans with 2 axles up to 9 seats towing a trailer with 2 axles and with dual wheels on at least one axle€35.27

Vallvidrera tunnel

The Vallvidrera tunnel is located in the province of Barcelona. The Vallvidrera tunnel has a length of 2.517 m.

.Tariffs for 2024:

 VehicleTariff (EUR)Peak time* (EUR)
Motorcycles with sidecar or without sidecar€3.38€3.80
Cars, minibuses and vans with 2 axles up to 9 seats with or without towing a single axle trailer.€ 4.34€4.88
Buses and vans with 2 axles (4 wheels)€6.82€ 7.67
Cars and vans with 2 axles up to 9 seats with trailer towing with two axles or one dual axle€ 9.06€10.18

* Peak time is weekdays at the following time:

  • 07:30 – 10:30 (morning)
  • 17:00 – 21:00 (evening)

Parking in Spain

Parking rules vary depending on the time of day, day of the week or even week of the month. In some places, you must have a parking permit during working hours (Hores laborables). 

The number of parking spaces in city centers is limited. To park in the blue zone (Área Azul), you must purchase a parking ticket from the machine. Parking is usually charged on weekdays from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00, and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 14:00. The maximum parking time in this zone is no more than 2 hours.

In the white zone, parking is free, but it is quite rare and the number of spaces is limited.

Many cities have underground parking lots ( parking subterráneo ) indicating the availability of free spaces ( Libre  ) or their absence ( Completo ). Payment is made at the cash desk or at the payment station ( cajero ) before leaving the parking lot. Prices vary depending on the city.

In some cities, parking works according to the Ora Zona system. Parking tickets sold in tobacco kiosks and other retail outlets give the right to stay in the parking lot for 30, 60 or 90 minutes.

In some areas there is a tow truck sign, which means that an illegally parked car can be towed away ( retiada grúa ). The towed vehicle must have a sticker indicating where the vehicle was towed or a call number provided at the location of the towed vehicle. If the sticker is missing, contact your local municipal police department. If the vehicle is towed to a fine parking lot, a towing fee (up to 100 euros) is charged.

The fine for parking in places designated for the disabled can be up to €200.

Road map of Spain

Road map of Spain

The main traffic laws of Spain

Speed ​​limits in Spain

Standard Spanish speed limits (unless otherwise indicated on signs).Cars:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 90 km/h
  • on the road – 100 km/h
  • on the highway – 120 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • outside the settlement – 70 km/h
  • on the road – 80 km/h
  • on the highway – 90 km/h

Traffic on highways is prohibited for vehicles whose speed according to technical characteristics does not exceed 60 km/h.

For cars equipped with anti-skid chains, the maximum permitted speed is no more than 50 km/h.

Speed ​​cameras in Spain

Speed ​​cameras are widely used in Spain. As of August 2010, some cameras (on the AP-7 in Castellón, the AP-7 in Murcia, the A-31 in Alicante and the A-52 in Zamora) are equipped to alert the nearest police officer if a driver is speeding foreign car.

A police officer receives a photo of the car and has the power to stop the vehicle and impose a large fine on the spot. If the fine is not paid immediately, the car may be impounded. It is planned to install more such cameras in the future.


The maximum permissible blood alcohol level in Spain 0.5 ‰ .

For drivers with less than 2 years of experience, the permissible blood alcohol level 0.3 ‰ .

If the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds the permissible limit, the fine will be €500.

If the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds the permissible limit by 2 times or the violation is committed repeatedly within a year, the fine will be €1,000.

If prohibited narcotic substances are detected in the body, the fine will be €1,000.

The fine for refusing to take a drug or alcohol test will be €500.

Low light

The use of dipped beam in Spain is mandatory only when passing through tunnels.

Transportation of children in Spain

Children under 3 years of age may travel only when using appropriate child restraints appropriate for their weight.

Children from 3 years of age and under 135 cm tall must use a child seat appropriate for their weight or a booster seat.

Children taller than 135 cm can use regular seat belts.

The fine for violating the rules of transporting children is €200. At the same time, the vehicle may be detained.

Safety belts

The use of seat belts in Spain is compulsory for front and rear passengers.

Fine – €200.


In Spain, it is forbidden to use a telephone device that is not equipped with a technical device that allows for hands-free conversations while driving. When refueling at a gas station, the mobile phone must be turned off.

Fine – €200.

Fines in Spain

Police officers have the right to collect fines on the spot for traffic violations. At the same time, an official receipt is issued.

Foreign drivers must pay the fine immediately in cash or their vehicle may be impounded until the fine is paid. If the fine is paid immediately on the spot, a 50% discount is given, but the right to appeal is lost.

If you received a fine receipt by mail, then if you pay the fine within 20 days via the Internet or banking institutions (las oficinas de Correos o cualquier sucursal del Banco Santander), its amount is also reduced by 50%, and the driver is also deprived of the right to appeal the decision.

If you have not paid the fine within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification of the imposition of the sanction, a decision is made on the compulsory collection of the fine.

There is a small nuance here, which is that it is very difficult to determine exactly when you received this message, and it is not uncommon to receive a 50% discount 2 months after the resolution was passed.

Penalties for speeding differ within the locality and beyond.Penalties for speeding in Spain:

up to 20 km/year€100
21 – 30 km/year€300€100
31 – 40 km/year€400€300
41 – 50 km/year€500€300
51 – 60 km/year€600€400
61 – 70 km/year€600€500
over 70 km/h€600

In 2014, the requirements for overtaking cyclists were strengthened. The minimum permissible distance to them when overtaking should be at least 1.5 meters. At the same time, it is allowed to partially or even completely occupy the oncoming lane, provided that no obstacles are created for oncoming cyclists.

Since 2014, Spain has officially approved the European directive from 2011 “on the simplification of cross-border data exchange on violations in the field of road safety”.

Now the authorities of the state where the traffic rules were violated have the right to track the violator by car license plates even in another state, and send a fine receipt to his homeland. In case of refusal to pay the fine, the case against the motorist will be transferred to the authorities of the violator’s home country for study and collection of the fine.

This directive covers eight types of offences: speeding, not wearing a seat belt, running a red light, being over the legal alcohol limit, driving under the influence of drugs, driving without a helmet, using a mobile phone or other means of communication while driving.

Useful Information

Fuel prices in Spain

Unleaded gasoline 95 and 98 ( Gasoline sin plomo ) and diesel fuel ( Gasoleo) are available in Spain ‘A’ or Gas-oil ). There is no leaded gasoline.

Note that gasoline prices in the Canary Islands are €0.20-0.22 lower than the national average.

There are a small number of natural gas (LPG) gas stations called “Autogas” .

Average prices for all types of fuel as of  05.12.2023 :

  • Petrol 95 – €1,560
  • Petrol 98 – €1,722
  • Diesel – €  1,529
  • Gas GLP – €0.935

Emergency numbers in Spain

  • The European emergency number is 112
  • Police – 091
  • Ambulance – 061
  • Fire service – 080

Mandatory equipment in Spain

Equipment that must be in the car:

  • Emergency stop sign – 2 signs are recommended in the event of an accident (otherwise the local authority may impose a fine if only one is installed)
  • Spare wheel or a kit for its repair
  • Reflective vest – mandatory when exiting a vehicle that has stopped on the road or roadside. However, it is not necessary to carry it in a car. The Spanish police cannot fine a foreign driver who does not have a reflective vest in the car. The fine is €200.

Winter equipment

Winter tires

The use of winter tires is optional in Spain. Nevertheless, it is recommended when winter weather conditions occur in some regions in the north of the country.

Studded tires

The use of studded tires in Spain is allowed only from November 15 to March 31 on snow-covered or ice-covered roads.

Anti-slip chains

Anti-skid chains are allowed in Spain if the relevant road sign is in place.

Recommended equipment and other rules

It is recommended to equip your cars with a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

For environmental reasons, certain types of vehicles will be restricted on some roads. In this way, ecological zones similar to Germany may appear in Spain.

In the summer, the police pay attention to the “dress” of the driver. For example, for driving with a bare torso or in flip-flops, the driver can be fined from € 80. Throwing the legs of the passenger sitting in front on the dashboard can cost € 100.

Tow trucks have the right of way.

The use of navigation software indicating the location of fixed speed cameras is allowed.

At the same time, operating navigation equipment while driving is punishable by a fine of €200.

The use of radar detectors has been prohibited since May 2014. In case of their use – a fine of €200. anti-radar punishments are much more serious – up to €6,000.

If the radar detector is combined in one device together with the navigator, it must be deactivated.

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