우크라이나에서 자동차로 여행하는 경우 전통적인 우크라이나 요리를 꼭 맛보십시오. 같은 요리라도 지역마다 다르지만, 재료를 준비하고 넣는 과정은 완전히 다를 수 있습니다.

가장 인기 있는 우크라이나 요리:



물론 보르쉬는 우크라이나 전통 요리이며 우크라이나 보르쉬에는 50가지 이상의 레시피가 있습니다.

보르쉬를 요리하는 방법? 보르쉬 레시피:

인분 수: 3-4 요리 시간: 40분.
의심의 여지 없이 모든 주부는 집에서 크래커로 보르시를 요리할 수 있어야 합니다! 최고의 요리가 되십시오. 가족과 손님은 동등한 감탄으로 귀하의 기술을 높이 평가할 것입니다!

요리 설명:

나는 보통 기성품 국물이없고 준비 할 시간이 없을 때 딱딱한 보르시 요리법을 기억합니다. 그러나 이것 때문에 첫 번째 요리와 메인 요리를 포기하지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까? 그래서 우리는 “; “유해한” 맛 구성 요소 – 딱딱함. 시작하자

딱딱한 보르시 요리하는 법 :

  1. 먼저 모든 야채를 준비합니다. 광산, 우리는 감자, 양파, 당근, 마늘 및 사탕무를 껍질을 벗기고 자릅니다. 당근과 양파는 믹서기로 잘게 썰고 마늘은 프레스를 통과하며 다른 모든 재료는 작은 입방체로 자릅니다.
  2. 우리는 불에 물을 넣고 사탕무를 넣고 끓인 다음 감자를 넣고 준비가 될 때까지 요리합니다.
  3. 한편 식물성 기름에 토마토 페이스트로 당근과 마늘을 볶습니다.
  4. 양배추를 잘게 자르고 국물에 넣으십시오. 우리는 또한 팬에서 혼합물을 붓습니다. 약한 불로 다시 끓입니다.
  5. 소금, 후추 및 향신료를 추가하십시오. 정향과 카레는 이 보르쉬에 흥미로운 터치를 더할 것입니다. 불에서 제거하십시오.
  6. 우리가 당근을 요리 한 동일한 팬에서 약한 열의 Tomim 라드를 좁은 스트립으로 자르면 지방이 방출됩니다. 양파를 넣고 양파가 황금색이 될 때까지 함께 볶습니다.

완료! 이제 이렇게 마른 보르시를 접시에 펴고 크래커와 사워 크림을 따로따로 제공할 수 있습니다. 말하자면 모든 사람을 기쁘게 하는 것입니다. 물론 이것은 딱딱한 보르시를위한 고전적인 조리법은 아니지만 원하는대로 개선하는 것을 막는 사람은 없습니다! 행복한 요리!

비트 뿌리 – 3
개 당근 – 1개 양파 – 1개 감자 –

양배추 – 100g 지방 –
마늘 – 2쪽
토마토 페이스트 – 3큰술. 숟가락
식물성 기름 – 2 큰술. 숟가락 소금 – 1
후추 – 1 핀치
향신료 – 1 핀치

나는 보통 기성품 국물이없고 그것을 준비 할 시간이 치명적으로 부족한 경우 딱딱한 보르시를 요리하기위한이 조리법을 기억합니다. 그러나 이것 때문에 첫 번째 요리와 메인 요리를 포기하지 않는 이유는 무엇입니까? 그래서 우리는 “; “유해한” 맛 구성 요소 – 딱딱함. 시작하자

완료! 이제 이렇게 마른 보르시를 접시에 펴고 크래커와 사워 크림을 따로따로 제공할 수 있습니다. 말하자면 모든 사람을 기쁘게 하는 것입니다. 물론 이것은 딱딱한 보르시를위한 고전적인 조리법은 아니지만 원하는대로 개선하는 것을 막는 사람은 없습니다! 행복한 요리!


사진: myastoriya.com.ua

It is not for nothing that they say: lard is a Ukrainian drug. Without him, we simply have nowhere. And how many anecdotes about lard and Ukrainians! One best man says to another: “Did you hear that lard causes sclerosis?” And he answered him: “And I think, as soon as I eat a piece of lard in the morning, I don’t remember what I want to eat all day!” There are many recipes for salting lard. The simplest: grind garlic, mix with pepper, rub the mixture on the belly or lard and keep it in the refrigerator for three days. You can add fragrant spices.

We focus on three recipes for Ukrainian lard.

Lard baked in the oven

You will try piece by piece and try to understand what attracts you more: the texture, the aroma or the multifaceted taste.

Wash lard (1 kg) and dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Salt and pepper the finely chopped onion (400 g), mash with your hands so that it releases juice. Add ground coriander (1 tsp), ground black pepper (1 tsp), crushed peeled garlic (3-4 cloves), pink pepper (1 tsp), Dijon mustard (2 tsp. ), allspice (2 peas) and bay leaf (2-3 pcs.). Mix thoroughly. Evenly distribute the marinade over the entire piece of lard, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then remove the lard from the marinade, roll it into a roll and tie it with a thread. Wrap in foil and place in a heat-resistant form. Bake in an oven heated to 200 ° C for 40-60 minutes.

Fat smoked on cherry shavings

The thinnest pieces of lard, smoked on cherry shavings, envelop the taste buds – and you can no longer think about anything else.
Cut the brisket with layers of meat (1 kg) into pieces 3-4 cm wide. Salt well with coarse salt, add spices – ground dried garlic, oregano, juniper berries, dried dill and parsley. Place in a pan, cover with a lid, put a wick on top. Keep in a cool place for 3 days. After that, remove the salt and spices, place on a grill and smoke for an hour on cherry chips over medium heat. Then you can rub with a mixture of paprika and hot pepper. Serve hot or cold.

Fat pate

Lard in tandem with garlic reveals its full taste potential. Spread it on bread – and enjoy the perfect spicy taste!

It is necessary to wash a piece of fresh lard (0.5 kg) and cut it into portioned cubes. Pass through the grate of a meat grinder with large holes. Then disassemble the head of garlic into cloves. Wash the cleaned cloves and pass them through a meat grinder. Pour ground black pepper and salt to taste into the crushed mass. Such spices as nutmeg, ground paprika, and ground ginger are also welcome. Mix the paste thoroughly and place in a dry container with a tight lid.

It remains only to wish delicious!


photo: ukr.media

휴가나 축제를 위해 Cossack 자유 지역의 Khortytsia에 오게 되면 Zaporizhzhya kapusnyak이 제공될 것입니다. 전통적으로 돼지고기와 라드, 소금에 절인 양배추와 기장으로 풍성하게 준비했습니다. 훈제 모닥불에 구워 먹으면 향과 맛이 끝내줍니다. 양배추 조리법도 많이 있으며 Ternopil Oblast의 Zbarazh에서는 양배추 전용 축제가 열립니다.


  • 돼지고기 – 900g
  • 지방 – 100g;
  • 감자 – 500g;
  • 양파 – 3개;
  • 당근 – 200g;
  • 파슬리 뿌리 – 100g;
  • 셀러리 – 100g;
  • 소금에 절인 양배추 – 500g;
  • 기장 – 40g;
  • 마늘 – 1쪽;
  • 베이 리프 – 1 개;
  • 소금 – 1티스푼;
  • 파슬리 – 20g.


돼지고기를 씻어 깊은 팬에 넣고 물을 붓고 센 불에서 끓인다. 거품을 걷어내고 불을 줄이고 당근과 양파 한 개를 통째로 넣습니다. 뚜껑을 닫은 상태로 약 1시간 동안 모든 것을 요리하십시오. 국물에서 완성된 고기를 꺼냅니다.

남은 당근, 양파, 셀러리, 파슬리 뿌리를 껍질을 벗기고 자른 다음 버터나 라드를 두른 팬에 익을 때까지 볶습니다.

소금에 절인 양배추는 씻어서 짜서 약한 불에 끓이다가 육수를 조금씩 넣어가며 끓인다. 끓이는 동안 비밀 재료를 준비합니다. 절구에 넣거나 믹서기를 사용하여 마늘, 양파, 파슬리 한 쪽을 넣고 라드를 갈아줍니다.

감자를 중간 크기의 입방체로 자르고 국물에 넣으십시오. 거의 다 익으면 볶은 배추와 기장을 넣고 볶은 야채를 올려주세요.

A few minutes before the cabbage is fully cooked, add pork cut into pieces, ground lard, bay leaf and salt. Then turn off the heat and leave the pan under the closed lid for 20-30 minutes.

Serve the finished cabbage hot with a spoonful of sour cream, chopped greens and fresh black bread. Also, if you wish, you can add some vegetables to make the dish thicker.

Domashni Kovbaski

Very tasty sausages are prepared in Transcarpathia and Volyn – you can hope that they will offer you a “natural product” baked not in a gas oven, but in a village oven, with a completely different smell, and a more piquant taste!

소시지는 한때 많은 가족들이 꿈만 꾸는 훌륭한 진미였습니다. 이제 상점 선반은 다양한 소시지로 가득 차 있지만 모든 사람이 품질을 좋아하는 것은 아닙니다. 많은 사람들이 상점에서 구입한 소시지의 화학적 맛과 이상한 일관성에 대해 불평합니다. 집에서 소시지를 만드는 것은 보이는 것보다 훨씬 쉽습니다. 수제 소시지는 매우 육즙이 많고 식욕을 돋우며 붉어집니다. 소시지는 돼지 또는 소의 내장(시장에서 구입할 수 있음) 또는 접착 필름과 같은 천연 케이싱에서 조리할 수 있습니다. 

내장에서 만든 수제 돼지 고기 소시지 

  • 돼지고기(목, 견갑골, 뒷부분) – 2-2.5kg.
  • 살로 – 500-700년.
  • 마늘 – 1 머리.
  • 돼지 내장 – 5m.
  • 코냑 또는 브랜디 원하는 대로.
  • 소금, 후추, 마른 허브(바질, 타임, 오레가노), 고수, 육두구.
수제 소시지 요리법 / pinterest.com 사진

수제 소시지 요리법 / pinterest.com 사진

Wash the intestines thoroughly under running water. Remove bones and cartilage from the meat. Chop meat and lard without skin very finely, mix in a bowl, add salt and spices. Add finely chopped garlic. If desired, add 2 tbsp. l. cognac for a good aroma. 

Put the nozzle-tube for sausage stuffing on the meat grinder, remove the knives and the grate. Pull the intestine on the tube, tie the tip with a thread and gradually   READ The sausage should not be dense so that it does not burst during frying. 

If you find a hole, tighten the gut in front of it with a thread. You can also tie the sausage with a thread anywhere, so that many small sausages turn out. Put the sausages in the refrigerator for 5 hours. 

Before frying, pierce the shell with a toothpick in many places so that it does not tear. Half fill the pan with water, after boiling, cook for 4-5 minutes. after cooking, grease the sausage with fat or oil, fry until golden or leave for 1 hour in an oven heated to 240 degrees. 

You can eat both hot and cold. Serve with side dish or vegetables.

Homemade chicken sausages

수제 치킨 소시지 / pinterest.com 사진

Homemade chicken sausage / pinterest.com photo

  • Chicken fillet – 4 pcs.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Food film.

Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Beat an egg into the minced meat, add milk, salt and pepper, mix. Put 3 tbsp. on the cling film. stuffing, tamping, rolling into a sausage. Tie the ends with a thread. 

Boil sausages for 7 minutes in boiling water. Cool, fry in butter until golden brown. Serve with fried potatoes or vegetables.


Cold food is good to eat, provided that it is not fatty, that is, it is made from chicken. Kholodets contains many trace elements and also collagen (responsible for the elasticity of the skin and muscle tissue), which is now very popular and useful to consume.

She believes that there is no specific rate of jelly consumption, because each person should have a different daily caloric intake. But there is definitely no need to eat jelly every day, because collagen is also found in other dishes. Therefore, you should eat in moderation and remember the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your plate.

Pork and veal jelly recipe

먹음직스러운 젤리 레시피 / depositphotos.com

Appetizing jelly recipe / depositphotos.com

  • Pork loin – 1.8 kg
  • Veal shank, flesh – 1.8 kg
  • Garlic – 8 cloves
  • Carrot – 400 g
  • Onions – 700 g
  • Bay leaf – 2 sprigs (about 10 pcs.)
  • Parsley greens – 10 g
  • Salt (sea) – to taste
  • Black pepper with peas – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Allspice peas – 15 pcs.
  • Water – 6 l

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, then put the meat. Reduce the heat and leave for 20-30 minutes, until foam is formed. Collect it and add onion, carrot, bay leaf, pepper and salt to the broth. Leave to simmer over low heat for 6 hours, then remove the onion and cook for another 4 hours.

Remove the carrots from the broth, also remove the meat and cool it. Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a sieve. Crush the garlic and add it to the broth, if necessary, add salt. Cover the jelly mold with cling film, cut the meat into pieces.

Put the parsley leaves on the form, put the meat on top. Pour all the broth and put in the refrigerator. Cover the frozen jelly with a plate and turn it over.

A recipe for jello from chicken and pork knuckle

  • Pork knuckle – 1 kg 200 g
  • Chicken meat – 800 g
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Salt

For decoration:

  • Boiled carrots
  • Parsley greens

Be sure to prepare the meat in advance: wash the pork knuckle under running water and scrape it with a knife, cut it into pieces. Put in a pan with the chicken, cover with water and put in the refrigerator overnight.

How and when to properly salt the soup: housewives do not even know about such nuances. In the morning, pour out the water, put the meat in a saucepan, cover with water and put on fire until foam appears. Remove the foam, cover with a lid, put on a minimum fire. Boil the jelly for 6-8 hours, without allowing it to boil. 1.5 hours before the end of cooking, add the onion, cut in half.

As soon as the meat lags behind the bone, turn off the heat, remove the fat. Put the meat in a bowl, disassemble it into parts. Spread it in molds for jelly, strain the broth through cheesecloth or a sieve. Add a bay leaf, chopped garlic and salt to it. Pour the broth into molds and put in a cold place until it hardens.

A recipe for jelly in a slow cooker

젤리를 빨리 만드는 방법 / 사진 ua.depositphotos.com

How to quickly make jelly / photo ua.depositphotos.com

  • Pork knuckle without skin – 2 pcs.
  • Pork shank with skin – 1 pc.
  • Pig leg with hoof – 1 pc.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Black pepper with peas – 1 tsp
  • Salt – to taste
  • Ground black pepper (optional) – to taste
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves (or to taste)

Before cooking, wash the meat, soak it in cold water and leave it overnight. In the morning, put the meat in a slow cooker and pour water so that it covers it by 3-4 centimeters. Press the “Refrigerator” or “Multicooker” button, setting 4 hours and a temperature of 90°C. Leave the broth to simmer, but make sure it does not boil.

When the time is up, add peppercorns, carrots, bay leaves and onions in their skins. Close the slow cooker and set the mode for 1 hour, increase the temperature to 95°C.

Take the finished meat out of the slow cooker, disassemble it into parts. Strain the broth through a sieve, remove the fat. Combine the broth with the meat, add garlic, salt to taste and black pepper if desired. Mix, pour into molds and store in the refrigerator. 


Ukrainian cuisine has long been known for hearty and delicious meat dishes. One of these dishes is krucheniki. The name “krucheniki” most likely comes from the word “to twist”. And it’s not by chance, because to prepare krucheniki, you need to wrap the filling in a meat steak. The filling can be any: mushrooms, prunes, cheese, carrots.

Dumplings with mushrooms:
Ingredients: meat for chops – 600-700 g, mushrooms 500 g, onion 1 pc., hard cheese – 60 g, garlic 3-4 cloves, sour cream 21% 150 g, flour 1 tsp. , oil 73% – 20 g, oil – 2-3 tbsp. l., salt, pepper – to taste, greens.

Preparation: we make steaks – cut steaks no more than 1.5 cm thick. We beat the meat on both sides and season with salt and pepper. For the filling, you need to cut onions and mushrooms into small pieces. First, fry the onion in a pan in butter, then add the mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates completely. Generously sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs. Put to cool. Mix grated cheese with cooled mushrooms. Salt and pepper. Put the filling on each piece of meatloaf. Wrap with a roll and fasten with a toothpick or thread so that the kruchenyk keeps its shape during frying. Fry until golden brown. After frying, krucheniki with mushrooms should be stewed in broth for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, mix flour and sour cream and add to the broth with krucheniki. Extinguish the remaining time.

Krucheniki with prunes:
Ingredients: pork – 500 g, prunes – 200 g, cheese – 200 g, salt, pepper – to taste.

We are preparing pork butts. Cut the prunes into small pieces, grate the cheese. Put prunes and cheese on top. Roll up the roll and secure the edges with toothpicks. Then we put the krucheniki in a pan, pour the broth and send it to the oven for 30-35 minutes. It can be served on the table as an independent dish or a side dish.

The filling for krucheniki can be the most diverse \ molbuk.ua The
filling for krucheniki can be the most diverse \ molbuk.ua
Beef krucheniki in a slow cooker:
Ingredients: beef – 1 kg, carrots – 2 pcs., onion – 1 pc., beans in their own juice – 200 g, sour cream – 0.5 cups, vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l., salt, pepper – to taste.

Preparation: fry onions and carrots in 1 tbsp. l of oil in a slow cooker at a temperature of 160 degrees for 10 minutes. Mash the beans (without juice) in a bowl. Add fried onions and carrots, salt and mix. Cut the meat into portions, beat on both sides. Put the filling on the rolls and wrap the rolls. Secure with toothpicks or string. Fry the rolls in oil until golden brown. Mix sour cream and water, salt and pepper. Then pour this mixture over the krucheniki and leave them to cook in this mode for 30-35 minutes. Serve hot.

다진 고기를 곁들인 크루체니키:
재료: 돼지고기 또는 쇠고기(갈비용) – 600g, 다진 고기(돼지고기 또는 쇠고기) – 300g, 양파 – 1개, 당근 – 1개, 마늘 – 정향 2-3개, 계란 – 1 조각), 케첩 – 1 큰술. l., 우유 – 2 큰술. l., 소금, 갈은 후추, 파슬리 – 맛보기. 퍼짐: 두꺼운 사워 크림 – 2 tbsp. l., 케첩 – 2 큰술. 엘. 추가로: 양파 – 1개 (대), 당근 – 1개, 토마토 – 3개 중간 사이즈

준비 : 다진 고기 준비 : 양파를 잘게 자르고 당근을 갈아서 투명해질 때까지 볶고 식힌 다음 다진 고기에 넣으십시오. 다진 마늘, 계란, 케첩, 우유, 다진 채소, 소금 및 후추를 첨가하십시오. 다진 고기를 잘 섞어 약간 치십시오. 고기는 1~1.5cm 두께로 썰어 앞뒤로 잘 저어주고 소금과 후추를 살짝 뿌려준다. 각 절단에 다진 고기 층을 펴고 가장자리를 남겨 두십시오. 롤을 말아서 가장자리를 구부려 다진 고기를 덮으십시오. 롤을 손으로 가볍게 눌러 패티를 만듭니다. 사워 크림과 케첩을 섞고 모든 면에 이 혼합물로 각 크루체니크 롤을 코팅하고 냄비나 그릇에 담고(이음매가 바닥에 오도록) 뚜껑을 덮고 냉장고에 1시간 동안 넣습니다. 우리는 베이킹을 위해 요리를 가져갑니다. 양파를 잘게 자르고 당근과 토마토를 큰 강판에 문지릅니다. 당근과 양파를 먼저 배치한 다음 토마토를 배치합니다. 그런 다음 우리는 krucheniki를 놓고 뚜껑으로 덮습니다. 160-170도의 온도에서 1시간 동안 굽습니다. 이것은 첫 번째 요리 옵션입니다. 그리고 당신은 또한 이것을 할 수 있습니다 : 각 kruchenik을 밀가루에 잘 굴려 밀가루가 조금 흡수되도록 2-3 분 동안 그대로 두십시오. 그런 다음 소금과 후추로 두 개의 계란을 치고 각 kruchenik을 담그고 과도한 혼합물을 배출하고 황금이 될 때까지 저열로 기름을 두른 팬의 모든면에서 볶고 요리가 끝나면 뚜껑 아래에서 5 분 동안 끓입니다.

치킨 필레 만두 :
재료 : 닭고기 (등심 부분) – 500g, 감자 – 500g, 라드 또는 베이컨 – 약 100-150g, 단단한 치즈 – 150g, 버터, 무염 – 약 50g, 사워 크림, 소금, 향기로운 허브, 향신료 및 조미료 – 맛보기.

닭고기를 가공하여 요리를 시작해야합니다. 즉, 씻어서 습기에서 담그고 필름과 피부에서 닦아야합니다. 다음으로 고기는 얇은 조각으로 자르고 가볍게 두들겨서 소금에 절인 다음 후추 및 기타 좋아하는 향신료로 맛을 내야합니다. 다음 단계는 krucheniki를 위한 채우기를 준비하는 것입니다. 이를 위해서는 라드(베이컨)와 허브를 잘게 자르고 치즈를 갈아야 합니다. 다진 재료를 섞고 사워 크림과 부드러운 버터를 넣으십시오. 구타와 소금에 절인 고기에 결과 혼합물을 윤활하고 롤을 만듭니다. 요리용 실이나 나무 이쑤시개로 롤 모양을 고정할 수 있습니다.

그런 다음 껍질을 벗긴 감자를 원으로 자릅니다. 그런 다음 준비된 호일 조각 (호일의 크기는 kruchenik을 완전히 감싸는 데 편리해야 함)에 고기 롤 위에 감자 원을 놓고 호일로 싸십시오. 포장 된 krucheniki를 시트에 놓고 175-180 도의 온도에서 40-45 분 동안 오븐에서 굽습니다. 서빙 할 때 다진 허브로 접시를 뿌릴 수 있습니다.


고기를 준비하는 가장 쉬운 방법 중 하나는 돼지고기가 매우 적합한 베이킹입니다.

호일로 오븐에서 돼지 고기를 굽는 방법을 아는 많은 주부들은 종종이 방법을 사용하여 부엌에서 많은 시간을 보내지 않고 진정으로 맛있고 향기로운 요리를 준비합니다.

Meat prepared according to this recipe can be awarded the status  of “universal” , as it can be served on the table as a main dish (hot), a snack, or as the main ingredient in a salad.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking homemade pork ham in the oven


  • 1 kg of pollack;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml of oil;
  • red and black ground pepper;
  • salt – to taste;
  • spices (coriander, rosemary, white mustard, thyme, savory, cumin, marjoram)

Method of cooking:

  1. Wash the pork loin, dry with a napkin.
  2. Peel, wash and roughly chop the garlic. Stuff the meat with garlic. To do this, cut the meat with the end of the knife, insert a garlic clove.
  3. Lubricate the piece of meat on all sides with oil, then with the prepared mixture of spices, tightly wrap in food foil and bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 180º.


  1. Before you start cooking meat in the oven, do not rush to cut off all the fat from it. Meat with a small fat layer is much more tender.
  2. For baking in the oven, you can use almost any kind of meat that you prefer. The most important thing is that it should be a fillet, loin, ham, neck or shoulder without bones and veins.
  3. If you bake a large piece of meat whole, do not rush to cut it into pieces immediately after removing the tray from the oven. Let it rest for a while so that all the juices disperse evenly and permeate the entire piece.


매운 허브와 마늘을 곁들인 홈메이드 폴라비차.  오븐 요리법
Homemade poladvytsa with spicy herbs and garlic. Recipe for cooking in the oven


Appetizing derunas are a widely known and very tasty national dish made from potatoes. They are eaten as a main dish or used as a side dish. Crispy dumplings with sour cream taste great.

Potatoes with a high starch content are best suited for rusks. To diversify the dish, they are also prepared with meat, cheese, mushrooms.

Derun’s recipe

  • Potatoes (medium tubers) – 5 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour
  • Salt, ground black pepper – to taste

For the sauce

  • Cheese – 70 g
  • Sour cream – 150 g
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • Greens (green onions or dill)

Peel the potatoes and onions. At the same time, you should not immerse the peeled potatoes in cold water, because part of the starch will come out of it.

If the mass turned out to be quite liquid, you need to pour off a little excess liquid, covering the total mass with a knife. Then add a little flour to get the desired consistency. You can not add flour, however, if the potatoes have a low starch content, thanks to it, the dumplings will not fall apart.

Heat the pan, pour a little oil. Fry the drumsticks on medium heat. Place the finished dumplings on napkins or paper towels to drain excess oil.

Deruna can be served with sour cream, or make a sauce.

Preparation of sauce. Grind the cheese through a fine sieve into sour cream. Mix well, lightly salt, add crushed garlic and greens. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass.

Dumplings with chicken

  • Potatoes – 300 g
  • Chicken (fillet) – 200 g
  • Chicken eggs – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, ground black pepper – to taste

Cut the chicken very finely. Wash, peel and grate the potatoes on a medium grater. Combine chopped chicken fillet and grated potatoes in a bowl.

Also grate the spring onion or cut it very finely. Add to potatoes and chicken.

Salt and pepper to taste. Break a chicken egg, add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. Stir to combine the ingredients. Add flour and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Heat the oil in a pan. Spoon the mixture onto the pan. It is not necessary to make the drumsticks too thick so that the meat has time to fry. Cover the pan with a lid for a while, then remove and let the dumplings brown.

Put the deruna fried on both sides on a paper towel to drain the excess fat. Serve with sour cream, fresh herbs.

Yavorivsky Pie

Yavorivskyi pie is planned to be included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. It should take its place next to Petrykiv painting, Kosovan ceramics and Cossack songs of Dnipropetrovsk region. And we would like to remind you that during the winter holidays, it can become a decoration of any fasting table.

And a bit of sedition: despite the fact that the pie is a classic dish, you can experiment with it, especially when it comes to seasonings.

Ingredients :

For the dough:

  • water or milk 120 ml.
  • flour 250 gr.
  • yeast 20 gr. fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • egg 1 pc.
  • oil 50 ml.
  • salt, sugar

For the filling:

  • buckwheat 150 gr.
  • potatoes 1 kg.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • oil 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • and/or (optional) crackers, dry herb mixes, etc.

If fresh yeast is used, it should be diluted in a small amount of warm water or milk with a spoonful of sugar and set aside for a few minutes, dry yeast can be added to the flour immediately.

Mix flour, milk (or water), yeast, salt, sugar (if the yeast was diluted with sugar, then you do not need to add more), egg and knead the dough. Add oil to it and knead well. Cover the dough and put it in a warm place.

Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and boil. Make puree out of it. Boil buckwheat. Finely chop the onion and fry it in oil or lard/sponder (then, of course, it will not be a lean option). Cool everything a little and mix well. Usually, the ratio of buckwheat and potatoes is approximately 1:1. You can change it to your taste, but if there is too much buckwheat, the filling will fall apart.

Add spices to the filling. It should be well seasoned, because the dough is quite fresh.

Roll out the cake from the dough. Put the filling on it, carefully “stepping back” from the edges. Pick up the edges of the dough and wrap the filling in them so that they end up as if in a bag. Seal the edges well and turn into an oiled pan with the sealed edges down. Prick the top of the pie with a fork, brush with yolk. You can sprinkle with coarse salt, cumin or sesame. And you can leave it alone. Bake at 200°C for about an hour.


Banosh ( although mountain dwellers say banush  is a Hutsul dish made from sour cream and corn flour. The website  www.kolyba.org.ua  offers the following banosh recipe.


  • 500 ml of cream (or sour cream,
    although in this case the porridge may
    turn out sour)
  • 200 g of corn grits
  • pinch of salt
  • cheese (preferably sheep)
    and lard to taste

Measurements are given for a small domestic pot, which makes two medium servings of porridge. If you want to cook in a large pot, or, as it should be, in a cauldron and on the fire, increase the number of ingredients accordingly. If you use salty cottage cheese, you can not salt the porridge.

Cooking technology :

Pour the cream into a cauldron (or a thick pan), put on moderate heat and bring to a boil.

Little by little, we add the corn grits, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon (it is better not to take an iron or plastic one, because it will not have the right aftertaste).

Reduce the heat to a minimum, add a pinch of salt and cook, stirring, until the groats become almost soft. Perhaps at this stage, you will need a little more cream, since the porridge should remain the consistency of thick sour cream, without turning into a homogeneous “cake”. Otherwise, it will already look like a toucan, and we are not talking about it now. When the cereal is almost ready, let’s move on to the most interesting part.

Leaving the cauldron on the fire, beat the porridge with a spoon so intensively that oil appears on its surface (the second option is to remove it from the heat and grind it until the same moment). Then we put it on a shallow plate.

Quickly cut the lard and fry the cracklings. We spread them on a banoche, pouring a little fat.

We cut the cheese into small slices or cubes and add it there, but it is better to crumble it directly on the porridge, if the consistency allows.

That’s all, delicious!

In addition to lard and cheese, banoche can be topped with mushrooms, fried onions, and vurba, a local specialty made from sheep’s milk that is similar to cheese and butter at the same time. Sometimes flour is used instead of groats, and then porridge is prepared much faster.

But in any case, banosh is prepared on cream or sour cream, leaving it relatively liquid: if you make it on water, you will prepare kulesha (mamalyga).


In general, dumplings are pieces of dough boiled in water. They are served as a separate dish, used as a side dish or cooked in soup with dumplings. Dumplings can be seasoned with fried onions, meat, greens, sour cream.

It is quite easy to cook Ukrainian dumplings, moreover, from simple ingredients. And in return, you can get a tasty, hearty and appetizing dish that everyone in the household will like.

Dumplings with lard and onions

  • Wheat flour – 250 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 40 g
  • Fat with layers of meat – 100 g
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Water – 40 ml
  • Salt – to taste
  • Ground black pepper – to taste

First of all, you should prepare the dough for homemade dumplings. Sift flour into a bowl. Add to it a raw egg, boiled water at room temperature, soft butter and salt.

Knead the dough well until it forms a tight ball. Wrap it in a film or a bag, let it lie for 15 minutes.

Take out the dough, cut a small piece from it. Use your hands to roll it into a sausage. Now cut the resulting sausage into small pieces. It is worth making dumplings of approximately the same size so that they are cooked at the same time.

우크라이나 만두 요리 방법 / 사진 vkusninka.com

How to cook Ukrainian dumplings / photo vkusninka.com

Cook dumplings in salted boiling water until ready, about 7 minutes after the water boils.

Meanwhile, cut lard with meat layers and onions into small cubes. First, fry the lard in a pan until all the fat melts. You should get ruddy and crispy cracklings. Add onion to crackers, fry it until golden.

Put the cooked dumplings, previously placed in a colander, into a pan with lard and onion. Fry them together with crackers and onions for a couple of minutes. Pepper and salt the dish, if the lard was not salty.

Delicious dumplings with lard and onions are served hot immediately after cooking.

Poltava dumplings

  • Flour – 4-5 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 0.5 l.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Soda – 1 tsp. (without slide)
  • Boiled chicken – 400 g (for sauce)
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves (for sauce)
  • Sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. (for the sauce)
  • Ground black pepper – 2 bunches (for sauce)

Pour kefir into a bowl, sprinkle with flour. Then sprinkle with soda and salt. Pour the rest of the flour and only now start mixing. The dough should be soft.

In the meantime, fill a pan with water and put it on the fire.

Divide the dough into strips, and then cut into small equal parts. The size of dumplings depends only on you. But when cooking, they will increase by about two times.

When the water in the pot boils, tie it with cheesecloth – the dumplings will be steamed. You can do it online. Place the dumplings on cheesecloth and cover with a lid.

우크라이나 만두 - 요리법 / 사진 bhofack2/iStock

Ukrainian dumplings – cooking recipe / photo bhofack2/iStock

Cook medium-sized dumplings for about 5 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden toothpick. We pierce the dumpling and, if there is no dough on the toothpick, then the dumplings are ready. Pour the boiled dumplings with melted butter so that they do not stick together

You can prepare the following dressing for dumplings. Chop the boiled chicken meat. Lightly fry it in a pan. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper and sour cream. Simmer for literally a few minutes. Pour the meat with the sauce into the pot with dumplings and shake and mix well.

Dumplings are stuffed

  • Flour – 550 g
  • Chicken egg (large) – 1 pc.
  • Kefir – 350 g
  • Butter (for greasing products) – 100 g
  • Pork (fatty) – 500 g
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt – to taste

Add kefir, salt, egg and soda to sifted flour. Knead the dough to a uniform elastic consistency and be sure to let it rest for 30-40 minutes.

Pre-boil the pork. Chop and fry the onion. Pass the boiled meat and onion through a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper. Mix well.

Melt the butter (ready dumplings are lubricated with it).

The dough should be very soft, even sticky (the softer the dough, the more airy the finished dumplings will be).

We collect the dough with a tablespoon and, as if spreading it on our fingers, form a cake, in the center of which we place a ball of minced meat and with the other hand, dipped in flour, we pinch the edge well, then we make a ball. We place each ball formed in this way on a board dusted with flour.

Prepare the steamer in advance. You can take an ordinary large pan with water, put a sieve or a mantushnitsa on it, grease its surface with oil so that the dumplings do not stick together.

We lay out the dumplings at a great distance from each other, because they will increase significantly during cooking. Cover with a lid and cook each batch for 8-9 minutes.

We “prick” the finished dumplings with a fork, take them out, put them in a large pan and grease them generously with melted butter.

Such dumplings are very porous, tender and practically weightless. They are traditionally served with sour cream.


The national dishes of many peoples have a filling wrapped in thin dough. Polish pies, Caucasian khinkali, Kazakh tushpara, Uzbek chuchvara, sorcerers, mantis, jiao zi – all these are traditional treats of different peoples with many years of history.

The national cuisine of Ukraine cannot be imagined without dumplings.

There is a version that the progenitor of this dish is the Turkish dish. Ukrainians liked small rolls of dough with filling and later turned into what is now commonly called a dumpling.

However, you will not find such a variety of dumplings as in Ukrainian cuisine. With potatoes, cabbage, potatoes and liver, cherries, cheese, lazy dumplings – and this is only a small part of the possible options.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the shape of the dumpling – it is a semicircle with a folded edge. There are several ways to manually sculpt dumplings: wrap the edge with a light wave or twist it into a tight flagellum. A dumpling beautifully sculpted by the hostess’s hands is a real work of art.


How to make dumplings at home: a recipe for dough and  fillings There are many dough recipes for making homemade dumplings: on kefir, on boiling water, on sour cream, with eggs, on milk whey with the addition of butter or vegetable oil. There are options for vegetarians and those observing fasting. Every housewife will be able to find a recipe to her liking and prepare this delicious dish. The classic dough recipe consists of flour, water, oil and salt. Sift 3.5 cups of flour into a bowl, make a small indentation in the center, pour 250 ml of boiled warm water into it. Then add 1 teaspoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of oil.

The dough is kneaded in circular motions from the edge to the center. You need to knead until the dough becomes tender, stops sticking to your hands and the bowl, and forms a soft ball. The process takes about 10 minutes. The dough should be kneaded so that it does not become hard and “clogged”.

This is a universal dough that is suitable for both sweet and savory fillings. For example, for stuffing with cheese and greens, with potatoes and mushrooms, with potatoes and chicken fillet, with cherries, cheese and raisins, with potatoes, onions and bacon.

The most popular are dumplings with potatoes and fried onions. For this filling, you need to boil potatoes, mash them to a puree with a small amount of potato broth. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil until golden and mix with potatoes – the most delicious filling is obtained. It must be completely cooled before wrapping in the dough, otherwise the dough will tear and it will not be possible to form a dumpling.



Head of fresh cabbage1 pc.
Pork0.5 kg
Fig0.5 cups
Carrots2 pcs.
Onions are onion2 pcs.
Sour cream250 g
Tomato paste2 Art. l.
Ketchup2 Art. l.
Vegetable oilfor frying
Salt pepperto taste


Boil cabbage leaves

1. Put a large pot with water on the stove. While the water is boiling, cut out the hard inner part of the cabbage.

2. Immerse the cabbage in boiling water and keep it on low heat for five minutes. Turn over to the other side and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

3. Put the cob on a plate and let it cool. We disassemble the cabbage into separate leaves, cut off the thickening near the bases.

We prepare the filling and form cabbage rolls

1. Boil the rice until half cooked.

2. Cut the pork into pieces and grind it in a meat grinder. Combine minced meat with boiled rice. 

3. Finely chop the onion, rub the carrot on a coarse grater. Put the vegetables on the pan and saute for 5-7 minutes until soft. Add half of the vegetable dressing to the pork with rice. Salt, pepper. Thoroughly mix the minced meat for cabbage rolls.

4. Spread a small amount of filling on the prepared cabbage leaves – closer to the base. We wrap the cabbage rolls, hiding the edges inside.

Stew cabbage rolls

1. Place cabbage rolls in a large pan with a thick bottom. Spread a layer of vegetable dressing on top.

2. Dilute tomato paste in two glasses of water, add sour cream and ketchup. We salt it. Pour sauce over cabbage rolls. The liquid should almost completely cover the dish, not reaching 3-4 cm to the top.

3. Put the cabbage rolls in a preheated oven and stew for an hour at a temperature of 180 °C.

Place on a plate, pour sour cream and serve.

Kyiv-style cutlets

Tender meat in crispy breading can be found on the menu of many restaurants around the world.

Unlike the usual cutlets, this dish is prepared from a whole piece of chicken, not minced meat, and the main ingredient of the Kyiv cutlet is a liquid filling with aromatic butter.

To prepare Kyiv-style cutlets, you need:

  • 800 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 150-200 grams of butter;
  • two eggs;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of flour;
  • 50 grams of milk;
  • green;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


Cooking cutlets begins with the preparation of the filling. To do this, you need to mash the soft butter with a fork, add finely chopped greens, salt and black pepper, knead everything and mix with a fork to a homogeneous mass.

Using a tablespoon, make oval or cone shapes from the butter and put it in the freezer for 3-5 minutes. This is done so that the filling of butter and greens does not spread during the formation of cutlets.

While the butter with the herbs is freezing, prepare the chicken fillet: clean it from tendons and bones and carefully beat it. Then put a frozen mold made of butter with greens in the center of the cut fillet and wrap it with chicken fillet on all sides (butter should be tightly wrapped with meat, no gaps should be visible. All gaps should be covered with pieces of fillet, otherwise the filling may leak during frying.

Cutlets are formed, which we put in the freezer for a few minutes.

While the cutlets are cooling, beat eggs with milk in a small bowl with a whisk.

Frozen patties should not fall apart, but they should not be completely frozen either.
Remove the patties from the freezer, sprinkle with pepper and roll in flour. Then dip in milk and egg, roll in breadcrumbs. Such breading should be repeated twice in order to form a crispy, appetizing crust on the patties, which will also prevent the patties from falling apart during frying.

Deep-fry the Kiev-style cutlet for 4-5 minutes on each side, then fry in the oven. It is necessary to fry the Kiev-style cutlet immediately before serving.

To prepare Kiev-style cutlets on a chicken bone, the tip of the bone is placed inside at the time of forming the cutlet. In this version, the cutlet looks like a chicken leg.

In addition to butter and greens, egg yolk and cheese are sometimes added to the filling.


Use the products from the attached list, strictly following the instructions, and you will definitely have wonderful donuts with which you can please your loved ones!


  • Flour – 250-300 g;
  • Milk – ¼ cup;
  • Yeast – 25 g fresh or 11 g dry;
  • Salt – ¼ teaspoon;
  • 1 egg or 2 yolks;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter – 50 g or 75 g of margarine;
  • Protein for lubrication – 1 pc.;
  • Sugar or powdered sugar for sprinkling;
  • Filling – 0.5 cups (jam or jam);
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

You can do without the filling by making another kind of donuts – donuts. To do this, roll out pieces of dough into sausages, connect them into rings, fry in oil and place on a paper towel to drain the fat. Sprinkle the finished donuts with powdered sugar.

But we are not looking for easy ways and will prepare donuts with filling. As a filling, you can take boiled condensed milk, steamed poppy seeds, custard, etc.

First of all, we will prepare the foam, for this we grind the yeast with 1 teaspoon of sugar. In warm milk, we send yeast with sugar, ½ flour, mix everything and cover everything with a towel. We leave the steam for 15-20 minutes in a warm place.

When the foam comes to a boil, add melted butter, but not hot, the rest of the flour and eggs with sugar. In advance, I recommend beating the eggs with sugar and sending the mixture to the foam already. Knead the dough with your hands until it stops sticking. Cover the dough with a towel and let it rise for 30 minutes.

Knead the dough and roll it out into a layer 5 mm thick. Cut circles with a glass, put the filling in the center of each. Cover the top with another circle and pinch the edges. Leave the finished donuts in a warm place for 15 minutes to stand.

Now let’s fry our donuts. In a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil to 180-200 degrees. Fry the donuts in oil on both sides until golden, spread the finished donuts on paper or a sieve so that excess fat drains from them. Lubricate the still hot donuts with whipped egg white, and roll in sugar or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar. Our donuts are ready, delicious!


Potato dumplings  were prepared on the basis of boiled mashed potatoes  (balls, bowls) , which itself was a separate dish. If a spoon or two of white flour, a raw egg were added to it, patties were made, and after being soaked in flour, fried in oil or lard, the potatoes were ready. It happened that they were stuffed with meat, cracklings, mushrooms – then they were likened to  zrazy.

Potatoes were eaten with milk, sour cream, ryazhanka, sour cream, fried lard, or even without additives. They were (and are) most common in the northern territories of Ukraine, but they are also very popular in other areas.

Cooking recipes

Potatoes are ordinary

Grind in a mixer with a rolling pin: for 1 glass. mashed potatoes, 2 egg yolks, 1 spoon of melted, not hot butter, salt, white pepper. When it is very thick, add cream or sour cream, make it like cutlets, making sure that your hands are in the flour. Fry on moderate heat and serve with mushroom gravy. Having prepared the potatoes, as well as for potatoes, make patties with flour, and fill the middle with minced meat. When the meat is cooked, it is fried with oil, onion and pepper. Then they are fried like cutlets and served with mushroom gravy.

Potatoes with herring

Potatoes are prepared like regular potatoes, and the filling is made of chopped herring mixed with grated breadcrumbs, butter, pepper and onion. Gravy – which everyone loves.

Potatoes with mushrooms

They are made in the same way as potatoes with meat, and the filling is prepared from boiled dry mushrooms, finely chopped, stewed with butter, onion and pepper and added to grated buns. Served with mushroom soup gravy.

Potatoes stuffed with greens and eggs

Boil 800 g of potatoes in salted water, cool and peel.

Mash the potatoes, beat two eggs, add a pinch of salt and black pepper and, adding a little flour, knead a stiff dough.

Prepare the filling from 3 chopped boiled eggs, a bunch of green onions and dill and salt.

Plucking balls of the dough the size of a small egg, make thin dumplings from them, on which to put a dessert spoonful of filling.

Bring the edges of the dumpling together and seal them.

Flatten the product with the palm of your hand, giving it the shape of an oblong cake and roll it in flour.

Fry the potatoes on both sides in a pan in heated lard, laying them out first with the seam facing down.


Vatryushka is a round flour product made of yeast dough with a filling in the middle. For the filling, cheese is most often used, but you can also bake vatryushki with jam or jam. This dish of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine is familiar to us since childhood. You can cook cottage cheese in a home oven.

A classic recipe for cottage cheese

For the dough:

  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil or margarine – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Dry yeast – 1.5 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Milk – 0.5 cups
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.

For the filling:

  • Cheese – 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour – 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Pour warm milk into a mixer bowl and add yeast, stir until completely dissolved. Add egg, sugar, a pinch of salt, mix well. Gradually add the flour and knead the dough for 8 minutes. At the end of kneading, add warm vegetable oil or heated margarine to the dough.

Place the finished dough on the table and knead it into a ball with your hands. Put the dough in a bowl and cover with cling film, put it in a warm place for one and a half hours. Then wrap the dough and leave it again under the film for 40 minutes. Grease the table and hands with oil, take out the dough. Roll it into a bundle and cut it into 10 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and flatten, place on a greased baking sheet. 

For the filling, rub the cheese through a sieve, add an egg, sugar and vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of flour. Mix everything. Make an indentation in the dough balls with the bottom of a glass. Put 2 tablespoons of filling in each puff pastry. Fill all the dumplings and cover with a towel for 20 minutes. Beat the egg yolk and grease all the dumplings. Bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. 


You need the following ingredients for cooking:

  • flour, about 480 g;
  • warm water, 150 ml;
  • warm milk, 100 ml;
  • fresh yeast, 15 g or dry, 1.5 tsp;
  • egg, 1 pc.;
  • sugar, 1.5 tsp;
  • salt, 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil, 3 tbsp.

To prepare the filling, you need:

  • minced pork or to taste, 500 g;
  • onion, 2-3 pieces;
  • garlic, 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, herbs;
  • water, 50 ml.

The process of making bilyashes

Mix warm milk and water, pour in sugar and yeast, a little flour. Mix and leave for 10 minutes.

We sift the flour and pour parts into the dough, pour in the oil, salt and break the egg. The dough should be soft, a little sticky, so grease your hands with oil while kneading it for about 5 minutes.

Cover the dough and leave it for 40-60 minutes in a warm place.

For the filling, mix minced meat with onions, garlic, herbs, salt, pepper and spices, grated or chopped with a blender. If the mass turns out to be very tight, pour water and mix, beat.

Grease your hands with oil and knead the dough, divide it into 14-16 dumplings, cover them and leave for 5 minutes.

Form white balls with filling, pinching in a circle.

가장 맛있고 육즙이 많은 흰색.  최고의 반죽: 다음날 더 맛있게

Fry in oil in a pan until golden. The fire is small so that they do not burn.

가장 맛있고 육즙이 많은 흰색.  최고의 반죽: 다음날 더 맛있게

Belyas는 매우 식욕을 돋우고 맛있습니다. 다진 고기에 버터나 국물을 추가하여 육즙을 더할 수도 있습니다.

가장 맛있고 육즙이 많은 흰색.  최고의 반죽: 다음날 더 맛있게


메밀은 특히 렘키프 지역에서 인기 있는 우크라이나 전통 요리입니다. 기본적으로 삶은 메밀로 만든 커틀릿입니다. 그들은 날씬할 수 있지만 일반적으로 여전히 다진 고기를 포함합니다. 고기와 메밀을 섞는 것은 요리를 더 저렴하게 만들기 위해 발명되었지만 동시에 맛과 영양 특성을 모두 보존합니다.

고기 메밀은 같은 이름을 가진 다른 요리와 혼동해서는 안됩니다. 예를 들어, 폴타바 지역에서는 반죽을 메밀가루에 반죽한 만두를 그레차니(grechani)라고 불렀습니다. 또한 메밀은 메밀가루로 만든 튀김이나 팬케이크와 유사한 요리입니다.


전통적인 메밀을 만드는 데 필요한 것은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 다진 고기(모든 종류의 고기가 적합함) – 500g;
  • 삶은 메밀 – 500g;
  • 양파 – 2개;
  • 계란 – 2개;
  • 밀가루 또는 빵가루 – 100g;
  • 해바라기 기름 – 60g;
  • 소금, 후추, 고수 – 맛.


  1. 우선 메밀가루를 삶아 다진 고기를 만들어야 합니다.
  2. 이제 양파를 작은 입방체로 자르고 팬에서 볶습니다.
  3. 준비된 양파를 메밀, 다진 고기, 계란 및 향신료와 섞는다. 덩어리가 너무 액체가되지 않도록 계란을 조금씩 첨가하는 것이 좋습니다. 혼합물의 일관성은 미트볼용 일반 다진 고기와 비슷해야 합니다.
  4. 메밀 덩어리를 만들어 밀가루에 굴립니다.
  5. 황금빛 갈색이 될 때까지 뚜껑을 닫은 팬에서 볶습니다.
  6. 그 후 메밀을 오븐에서 10-15분 동안 굽습니다. 접시를 더 맛있게 만들려면 사워 크림, 토마토 또는 버섯 소스로 구울 수 있습니다. 
  7. 접시에 이미 곡물과 고기가 모두 포함되어 있기 때문에 추가 반찬이 필요하지 않습니다. 메밀은 조림 또는 생 야채와 함께 제공될 수 있습니다.


크리스마스는 그리스도인들이 고대하는 밝고 즐거운 휴일입니다. 명절이 되면 넉넉한 식탁이 차려진다. Kutya는 크리스마스 이브와 크리스마스의 메인 요리입니다. 정통 기독교인들 사이에서 식사를 시작하는 것이 관례인 것은 이 의식용 요리입니다.

Kutya는 삶은 곡물로 만든 전통 의식 요리입니다. 대부분 밀로 만들지만 쌀, 렌즈콩, 메밀 및 기타 곡물로도 만듭니다. 요리는 꿀, 양귀비 씨앗, 견과류, 설탕에 절인 과일, 건포도 또는 기타 말린 과일로 맛을 냅니다.

크리스마스 코너

  • 밀 – 1 큰술.
  • 말린 과일(사과, 살구, 배, 자두) – 150g
  • 건포도 – 100g
  • 양귀비 씨앗 – 100g
  • 호두 – 100g
  • 꿀 – 3 큰술. 엘.
  • 설탕 – 2 큰술. 엘.

우선, 밀을 잘 체질하고 씻어서 몇 시간 동안, 바람직하게는 밤새 담가야합니다. 아침에 밀에서 물을 빼고 새 물로 채우고 완전히 익을 때까지 약한 불로 요리하십시오.

냄비에 물 2리터를 붓고 불에 올려주세요. 말린 과일을 분류하고 철저히 씻으십시오. 물이 끓으면 말린 과일을 팬에 넣고 약한 불에서 10~15분간 익힌다. 그런 다음 열에서 제거하고 혼합물을 몇 시간 동안 주입하도록 둡니다.

그 동안 양귀비 씨를 씻고 끓는 물을 붓습니다. 그런 다음 물을 빼고 양귀비를 한 번 더 헹구고 다시 끓는 물을 부어 뚜껑을 덮고 30 분 동안 그대로 두십시오. 찐 양귀비는 물기를 빼고 절구에 설탕과 함께 빻는다.

건포도를 씻고 끓는 물을 10-15분 동안 붓습니다. 오븐이나 마른 팬에 견과류를 말린 다음 껍질을 벗기고 갈아줍니다.

완성 된 밀을 그릇에 넣고 양귀비 씨앗, 효모, 건포도, 견과류 및 꿀을 넣으십시오. 모든 재료를 섞고 kutya를 테이블에 제공하십시오.

쌀에서 Kutya

  • 쌀 – 0.5 큰술.
  • 아몬드 – 0.5 큰술.
  • 호두 – 0.5 큰술.
  • 양귀비 씨앗 – 0.5 tbsp.
  • 건포도 – 0.5 큰술.
  • 말린 살구 – 0.5 tbsp.
  • 꿀 – 2 큰술. 엘.

양귀비 씨에 끓는 물을 붓고 1-2 시간 동안 그대로 두십시오.

같은 그릇에 말린 살구와 건포도에 끓는 물을 붓고 1-2 시간 동안 그대로 두십시오.

우크라이나 요리의 요리. 우크라이나 요리의 상위 20개 요리. 우크라이나 요리의 조리법. 우크라이나 요리법.