Vamos começar com o fato de que a Croácia possui excelentes estradas e rodovias em todo o país. Você pode chegar facilmente a qualquer assentamento no continente de carro ou ônibus.

As autoestradas na Croácia são divididas em vias expressas gratuitas e pagas.

As estradas livres da Croácia são mais pitorescas e permitem ao viajante ver o verdadeiro país fora de moda “lambido” para os turistas, conhecer o ritmo da vida real no país.

As estradas gratuitas têm limites de velocidade padrão, portanto, sua jornada até o destino de férias será um pouco mais longa, mas você terá a oportunidade inestimável de parar para tomar uma xícara de café ou até mesmo um cordeiro assado em qualquer lugar, ou tirar uma ótima foto panorâmica, como as antigas estradas costeiras correm ao longo do mar.

Estradas com pedágio na Croácia

Estradas com pedágio na Croácia

Autostrada A1 Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik com um comprimento de 484,1 km

Rodovia A2 Macelj – Zagreb 1,3 km

(Área de intercâmbio oeste de Zagreb) Autoestrada A3 Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac com um comprimento de 304,8 km

Autoestrada A4 Goričany – Zagreb 97,7 km

Autoestrada A5 Beli Manastyr – Osijek – Svilai com um comprimento de 83,2 km

A6 Bosiljevo – Ríêka 81,5 km

A7 Rupa – Ríêka – Žuta Lokva 48,8 km

Autoestrada A10 Nova Sela – Ploče 8,6 km

Autostrada A11 Zagreb – Sisak 30,1 km

A empresa também gerencia a construção de estradas na ponte estadual D102 Krk

Como pagar pedágios nas rodovias croatas

O pagamento das viagens nas estradas com portagem na Croácia é feito à saída da estrada com portagem (é necessário guardar o bilhete que receberá à entrada da estrada com portagem antes de sair).

O pagamento das portagens é feito à saída do troço da portagem, tendo em conta a quilometragem, através de um quiosque em frente à barreira à saída, em dinheiro ou com cartão bancário.

Você também pode comprar antecipadamente um cartão ENC pré-pago para viagens com pedágio, por exemplo, no site da Hrvatske Autoceste

ENC permite economizar em viagens de 13% a 33%

Preços de pedágios na Croácia

A1, A6, A10 Zagreb – Split – Rijeka – Čerapine

De acordo com o Regulamento Tarifário, os veículos são classificados nas seguintes categorias:

  • Motos, triciclos e quadriciclos
  • Carros de dois eixos com altura de até 1,90 m
  • a) Two-axle vehicles exceeding 1.90 m with a maximum authorized mass of 3,500 kg.
    b) Two-axle vehicles less than 1.90 m with a trailer, regardless of the number of axles and the height of the trailer.
  • a) Two-axle or three-axle vehicles with a maximum permissible mass of more than 3500 kg
    b) Two-axle vehicles with a maximum permissible mass of more than 3500 kg with a single-axle trailer
    c) Vehicles from II a) with a trailer regardless of the number of axles on the trailer
  • a) Vehicles with four or more axles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3500 kg
    b) Motor vehicles with two axles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3500 kg with a two- or three-axle trailer
    c) Vehicles with three axles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 3500 kg with a trailer regardless of the number of axles on the trailer

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Cestarina IA

Entrance: A3, A5 Zagreb – Lipovac – Osijek – Svilaj

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Cestarina IA
Cestarina IA

Entrada:  A4 Zagreb – Goričan

Cestarina IA

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Pedágio IA

Entrance: A11 Zagreb – Sisak

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Cestarina IA
Cestarina IA

Entrance: A3 Bregana

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Cestarina IA
Cestarina IA

Entrance: Rupa

The price in euros is indicated in accordance with Art. 7, clause 2 and Art. 15, paragraph 3 of the Law on the introduction of the euro as the official currency in the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2023.

Cestarina IA
Cestarina IA

The price list of toll roads can be found at the following link:

Bridges and tunnels in Croatia

Krčki bridge

Bridge The Krk Bridge connects the island of Krk with the mainland. The Krk Bridge has a length of 1,430 m and a maximum height of 67 m.  Tariffs per year:

Bridge of Krk€ 2,77€ 4,62€ 6,08€ 10,70

The payment point is located on the mainland and has 6 lanes. The fee is charged only in the direction from the mainland to the island.

Tunnel Flight

Učka Tunnel

The Učka tunnel is located on the Istrian peninsula in Croatia on the A8 highway. The Uchka tunnel has a length of 5,062 m.  Tariffs per year:

Učka Tunnel€2,38€ 3,96€ 5,68€ 11,50

The speed limit in the tunnel is 80 km/h, overtaking is strictly prohibited.

Svita Ilya tunnel

Saint Elije

The Sveti Ilije tunnel connects the coastal and continental parts in the Split-Dalmatia region. It has a length of 4,249 m.

The tunnel is part of the regional road D532 and is located between the mountain settlements of Bast and Rastovac. Tariffs per year (HRK):

Saint Elije Tunnel€ 1,59€ 3,96€3,96€ 5,95

The speed limit in the tunnel is 80 km/h, stopping and overtaking are strictly prohibited.

Parking in Croatia

On Sundays, parking is free in most places. Street parking in Zagreb is divided into three zones – red, yellow and green.

The red zone is located close to the city center, and the yellow and green zones are a little further away from it. The maximum parking time in the red zone is 1 hour, in the yellow zone – 2 hours, and in the green zone – 3 hours

Coupons for payment are bought from machines and placed on the dashboard under the windshield in such a way that it is clearly visible from the outside.

Be careful and do not stay in the parking lot longer than the paid time. In case of violation of parking rules, the wheels will be locked. The price of removing the blocker ranges from €13 to €40

Speed ​​limits in Croatia

Standard speed limits in Croatia (unless otherwise indicated on signs). Cars and motorcycles:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • in a populated place – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 110 km/h
  • on the highway – 130 km/h

Cars with a trailer:

  • in the settlement – 50 km/h
  • for the settlement – 80 km/h
  • on the highway – 90 km/h
  • on the highway – 90 km/h

The speed limit for young drivers (up to 24 years old) is 10 km/h less than for other drivers (80 km/h in urban areas, 100 km/h on highways, 120 km/h on highways).

It is recommended to reduce the speed of the vehicle on wet roads.

Traffic on highways is prohibited for vehicles whose speed according to technical characteristics does not exceed 60 km/h

Drinking alcohol while driving in Croatia

The maximum permissible level of alcohol in the blood is  0.5% .

If the level of alcohol in the blood is more than 0.5% and less than 1.0%, then the fine will be from € 133 to € 400

If the level of alcohol in the blood is more than 1.0% and less than 1.5%, then the fine will be from € 400 to € 660

If the level of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1.5%, then the fine will be from € 660 to € 1982 or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

The maximum permissible level of alcohol in the blood for young drivers (up to 24 years) is  0.0% .

If the level of alcohol in the blood of such drivers is up to 0.5%, the fine will be €92

Penalties for driving under the influence of drugs range from €660 to €1,982 or imprisonment for up to 2 months.

Low light

The use of low beams is mandatory 24 hours a day from the last Sunday of October to the last Sunday of March.

O uso de farol baixo para motocicletas e ciclomotores é obrigatório durante todo o ano.

Multa – 40€

Além disso, o uso de faróis baixos durante o dia é obrigatório em condições de visibilidade insuficiente e ao passar por túneis.

Transporte de crianças

Crianças menores de 3 anos devem ser transportadas em assentos especiais nos bancos dianteiros com as costas voltadas para o sentido do trânsito. Neste caso, o airbag deve ser desativado.

Crianças entre 3 e 5 anos devem ser transportadas no banco traseiro em sistemas especiais de retenção infantil.

Crianças com 5 anos ou mais devem usar uma cadeirinha apropriada para seu peso ou um assento elevatório e usar cintos de segurança normais.

Por violação das regras de transporte de crianças – 67€

Uso de cintos de segurança

O uso do cinto de segurança é   obrigatório   para os passageiros dianteiros e traseiros.

Multa – 67€

O condutor de motocicleta ou ciclomotor, bem como de quadriciclo sem táxi, deve trafegar na via com capacete de proteção devidamente fechado.

A multa é de 132€

Utilizar o telemóvel enquanto conduz

É proibido utilizar um dispositivo de comunicação telefónica que não esteja equipado com um dispositivo técnico que permita realizar negociações mãos-livres com o veículo em movimento.

Multa – 67€

Tingimento de vidro

O grau de transmissão de luz do para-brisa deve ser de pelo menos 75% e o vidro das portas dianteiras deve ser de pelo menos 70%.

Multa – 92€

Equipamentos que devem estar no carro na Croácia

Sinal de parada de emergência – exceto para motocicletas.

Dois sinais são necessários ao dirigir com um reboque.

Correntes antiderrapantes – nos meses de inverno (novembro a abril) nas regiões de Gorski Kotar e Lika são obrigatórias independente do tipo de pneu utilizado.

O colete refletor é obrigatório ao sair de um veículo parado na via ou acostamento, à noite ou em condições de pouca visibilidade.

Kit de primeiros socorros para carro

Kit de substituição de lâmpadas – não é necessário para lâmpadas de xenônio, neon e similares.

Multas na Croácia

Os policiais têm o direito de cobrar multas por infrações de trânsito no local. Ao mesmo tempo, um recibo oficial deve ser emitido. As multas devem ser pagas no prazo de oito dias em uma agência dos correios ou banco.

As cartas de condução dos condutores estrangeiros podem ser suspensas até 8 dias por conduzir sob o efeito de álcool, conduzir sem equipamento médico obrigatório, como óculos, conduzir exausto ou indisposto.

Veículos estacionados em desacordo com as regras poderão ser rebocados às custas do proprietário. Penalidades por infrações de trânsito na Croácia:

ViolaçãoMultas (€)
Driving for no good reason at a speed that is twice the speed limit€ 40
Making a left/right turn out of your lane€ 40
Failure to comply with the requirements of a police officer€ 40
Failure to comply with the requirement of the traffic rules to give a signal before starting movement, rearranging, turning, U-turning or stopping€ 40
Failure to comply with the requirement of traffic regulations to pass all vehicles and pedestrians when leaving a secondary road€ 67
Driving on the highway at a speed below the minimum allowed (60 km/h)€ 67
Failure to comply with the requirements of traffic laws to move only in the direction indicated by the green arrow-shaped traffic light signal€ 67
Failure to maintain a safe distance to the vehicle moving in front€ 67
Failure to comply with the requirement of traffic rules to give way to pedestrians€ 67
Movement in the left lane when the right lane is free€ 67
Driving in a tunnel without low beam€ 67
Overtaking vehicles on the right (except when the car in front of you turns left)€ 93
Going to an intersection or crossing the carriageway of the road when there is a traffic jam, which forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle for the movement of vehicles in the other direction€ 133
U-turn or reversing on the highway€ 266
Overtaking vehicles while driving on a road with one lane for movement in each direction, in conditions of limited visibility (in a tunnel, on a bridge)€ 400
Overtaking a vehicle at a pedestrian crossing€ 400
Passing through a traffic light prohibition signal€ 265- € 660
Violation of the rules of passage through railway crossings€ 265- € 660
Leaving the scene of the accident by the driver, which caused material damage€ 265- € 660
The driver leaving the scene of the accident, which resulted in injury to other persons€ 400- € 930

In order to enforce the sentence, non-residents of Croatia may have their travel documents or other documents necessary for crossing the border confiscated for a period of more than eight days.

In that case, if the violation occurs for the first time and the penalty for this violation does not exceed € 133, the police officer can limit himself to a warning instead of a fine.

 In the settlementOutside the settlement
up to 10 km/year€ 40€ 40
11-20 km/year€ 67€ 67
21-30 km/year€ 133€ 67
31-50 km/year€ 266€ 133
50+ km/year€ 660 – € 2000€ 400-€ 930

When measuring the speed of the vehicle, the following errors are used:

  • up to 100 km/h – the error is 10 km/h
  • over 100 km/h – 10% of the measured speed

In practice, fines for exceeding the speed of less than 10 km/h are issued very rarely.

Emergency numbers

  • European emergency number-112
  • Police-192
  • Fire service-193
  • Ambulance-194
  • Road service-987

EETS in Croatia

ETC devices can be purchased at Hrvatske Autoceste doo outlets during normal business hours.

ETC packages can be purchased during business hours at VAK sales points.

The ETC package costs 122 HRK including VAT.
ETC packages are pre-paid products that include an on-board device and a specified amount of tolls with an accrued discount of 21.74%, intended for vehicles of categories one and two.

Package for HRK 380.61 (€50.52) ETC device category I (120.00 HRK (€15.93) ) + duty amount HRK 333.00 (€44.20)
Package for HRK 544.34 (€72 ,25) Vehicle category I ETC device (110.00 kuna (€ 14.60) ) + duty amount 555.00 kuna (€ 73.66)
Package for 882.60 kuna (€ 117.14) ETC device category I of vehicle (100.00 kuna (€ 13.27) ) + fare 1000.00 HRK (132.72 €)
Package for 882.60 HRK (117.14 €) ETC device category II (100.00 kuna (13 .27 €) ) + fee amount 1000.00 HRK (132.72 €)

During business hours, you can top up your ETC account with kuna cash or a bank card, while at toll booths you can top up your ETC account with kuna cash, euros or a bank card 24 hours a day.

You can also top up your balance by bank transfer, SMS vouchers and through the web-based payment portal using bank cards and Internet banking. Replenishment of funds through Internet banking can be made by payment to:

VAK checking account 2340009-1502010330,
IBAN: HR1523400091502010330, where the control number is the first 12 digits on the ETC device
by creating offers through the web store, where the control number is indicated
Users who wish to top up the account in foreign currency (euro), should contact some of the company’s sales points.

The ETC device is not linked to the license plate but to the vehicle category for which it was registered at the time of purchase and can be used for vehicles of the same category, but not in such a way that a single ETC device is used for paid transactions for several vehicles at the same time.
An exception to the rule is ETS devices for the subsequent payment of vehicles of the third and fourth category, which are tied to the license plate and can be used exclusively for the vehicle with the license plate and category for which the service was purchased.

You can top up your account using an SMS voucher in two ways: 

By sending a text message 

  • Enter the 14-digit number from your SMS voucher in the SMS message 
  • The first 12 digits from your ETC device should be copied after the dash (the number is on the left of the device) 
  • The message for the SMS voucher with number 12345678901234 and ETC number 021098765432 should look like this: 


  • Send an SMS to the number 611000. 
  • Send an SMS to the number +385912080422 if you use a mobile device of a foreign operator. 
  • Shortly after sending the text, you will receive a notification that your ETC account has been successfully topped up. 
  • Users of the ETC SMS service will pay for the sent SMS message according to the standard price list of the communication operator whose service they use. 

VIA web portal

  • By logging into the toll collection web portal, selecting the top up option, top up using the voucher, entering the 14 digit number from the SMS voucher and choosing to top up.

SMS vouchers can be purchased at all Hrvaske Autoceste doo toll points 24/7, at Hrvaske Autoceste doo points of sale during business hours and at the following points of sale: TISAK, INA, CRODUX DERIVATI, TIFON, PETROL, APIOS, ADRIA OIL, ZAGREBAČKA BANKA, iNOVINE, HRVATSKA POŠTA and HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA. Users of the ETC SMS service pay for the sent text message according to the standard price list of the communication operator whose service they use.

The ETS device can be used to pay the fare within 30 minutes from the moment of signing the contract for the purchase of the ETS device on highways operated by HAC, and two hours after signing the contract on highways of other operators. In exceptional cases, replenishment of the ETS account by bank transfer is registered the next day, and on weekends, transfers are registered two days after payment. (clarification: statements from the bank account are issued every morning (except Sundays and holidays) based on transactions carried out the previous day).

The difference between the ETS devices mentioned above is the toll discount, which depends on the prepaid model chosen.

  • 21.74% ETC guarantees the same discount throughout the year. 
  • The seasonal 33.48% ETC guarantees the same discount between November 1 and March 31, with a 21.74% discount outside of this period. From November 1 to March 31, the minimum amount of payment is established depending on the category of vehicle and natural or legal entity.
  • The ETC standing order allows you to pay by credit card for all categories of vehicles through a system of additionally calculated discounts: 
  1. With a permanent order, all categories of vehicles are entitled to a discount of 13.04%. 
  2. Due to the subsequent collection of the fee, which is tied to the credit card, vehicles of categories III and IV are entitled to a discount of 30.43%. A 3% discount is given for a vehicle with a EURO 4 emission class, and a 5% discount for a EURO 5 and EEV emission class. For these services, the ETC device is tied to the vehicle’s license plate.
  3. ETC standing orders can be placed with credit cards issued in the Republic of Croatia, as well as INA, DKV, UTA and LogPay cards. 

A contractual penalty is a penalty charged to a user who has not acted in accordance with the General Terms of Collection. Users are charged a double toll for the longest route and for the corresponding category of vehicles from the exit point to the completed route of the highway, if:

  • they appear at the exit from the toll booth without a record on the transport medium
  • they appear at the exit of the toll zone with a record on the transit medium exceeding 24 hours, and if there is no reason to exceed the allowed time on the motorway  
  • data from the transit environment, with which the entrance to the motorway was allowed, is not used at the exit from the toll zone 

Complaints can be submitted (toll price, ETC…) by phone on the toll-free number 0800 0422, by email:   and at every toll booth

Complaints are considered within 15 days from the date of their receipt. If the complaint cannot be resolved within 15 days, the user will be informed of the reasons for the delay and a new date will be set.

R1 receipts can be obtained by sending the original toll receipts (which you received at the toll booths) and adding personal or company information (don’t forget the identification number) to: Hrvatske autoceste doo, Sektor za objekce cestarine, Jadranska avenija 6, 10 250 Zagreb. 

The maximum time of stay on the highway is up to 24 hours.

There is no time limit for spending amounts deposited into the ETC device account. 

You can check your ETC account balance in several ways:

Through the toll web portal
By phone INFO 0800 – 0422 / 0800 – 0111
In person at VAK sales points
By mobile phone by sending a text message consisting of a capital letter S, a dash and the first 12 digits from your ETC device (example: S-061098765432). Text messages must be sent to the number 611000 or send SMS messages to the number +385912080422 if you use a mobile device of a foreign operator. Users of the ETC SMS service pay for the sent message according to the standard price list of their telecommunications operator. ETC account balance can only be checked using mobile phones of operators operating in the Republic of Croatia.

Through the web portal users of ETC devices can top up their accounts with a credit card, SMS voucher or make an offer (self-created offer for payment by transfer or e-banking) and check their account balance and list of transactions, made on the ETC device.

ETC discounts are accrued with each payment to the ETC account depending on the prepayment model and include various discounts

A Hrvatske Autoceste deve registrar todos os usuários do dispositivo HAC ETC no sistema de assinatura para poder coletar possíveis reclamações, o que não seria possível se o proprietário do dispositivo ETC for desconhecido. A maioria dos usuários do ETC já se cadastrou por meio do preenchimento do questionário, mas alguns deles que compraram aparelhos ETC em postos de gasolina, quiosques ou pontos de venda VAK não preencheram o formulário anexo ao pacote ETC. Em março de 2013, o HAC decidiu que todos os usuários ETC não registrados devem se registrar dentro de um prazo especificado se ainda quiserem usar o serviço pré-pago HAC ETC.
A Assinatura HAC ETC ou Serviço Pré-pago HAC ETC permite que os usuários paguem um valor não especificado em uma conta pré-paga ETC usada para pagar tarifas por meio de um dispositivo ETC e ter uma única transação de cheque especial. Se o utente tiver um saldo mínimo na conta, por exemplo 1 kuna, pode entrar e sair da autoestrada independentemente do valor da portagem. Este sistema existe porque não há como saber se um utilizador que tem, por exemplo, 10 kuna na sua conta ETC vai sair da auto-estrada num troço pelo qual terá de pagar 3 kuna ou 181 kuna.
Considerando que o HAC tem um grande número de usuários não registrados e é impossível saber a quem pertencem esses dispositivos ETC, e alguns dos usuários desconhecidos estão endividados, a empresa decidiu limitar o uso de dispositivos ETC. usuários anônimos / como

O Fast ENC pode ser encontrado em cinco cabines de pedágio: East Zagreb, Svilai, Charapine, Karamatici e Demerje.
Usando a faixa de velocidade ENC, o motorista não para, mas dirige a uma velocidade máxima de 40 km/h. A OBU na faixa ENC é lida aproximadamente 50 metros antes da barreira, e se o motorista não tiver um dispositivo ENC funcionando ou se seu status não for permitido, o sistema o redireciona para a faixa de veículos rejeitados (a chamada rejeição lane), onde então é cobrada uma taxa em dinheiro ou por cartão bancário.
Para o funcionamento adequado do dispositivo ENC, ele deve ser instalado no para-brisa de acordo com as instruções.

Os usuários podem mudar o modelo pré-pago. Para fazer isso, é necessário chegar à saída do dispositivo eletrônico de coleta (ENC). Observe que, para o modelo de pré-pagamento sazonal, o pré-pagamento mínimo exigido deve ser depositado na conta ENC.

Estradas com portagem na Croácia 2024 Preço das estradas com portagem na Croácia, como pagar as estradas com portagem na Croácia. Regras de trânsito na Croácia. Multas na Croácia