Rodovias com pedágio nos EUA

Existem muitas estradas com pedágio nos Estados Unidos; A partir de 2006, existem estradas com pedágio em 35 estados, com a maioria dos estados sem estradas com pedágio no oeste e sul. Em 2015, havia 5.000 milhas (8.000 km) de estradas com pedágio no país.

A maioria das praças de pedágio nos EUA hoje usa um sistema eletrônico de cobrança de pedágio como alternativa ao pagamento em dinheiro.

A maioria das praças de pedágio nos EUA hoje usa um sistema eletrônico de cobrança de pedágio como alternativa ao pagamento em dinheiro. Exemplos disso são o sistema E-ZPass usado na maioria das pontes de pedágio, túneis de pedágio e estradas com pedágio no leste dos Estados Unidos, ao sul da Virgínia, ao norte do Maine e a oeste de Illinois; FasTrak na Califórnia; SunPass na Flórida; K – Tag do Kansas; Pikepass em Oklahoma; Texas TxTag (e no Texas, EZ Tag em Houston e TollTag em Dallas); GeauxPass em Louisiana; bem como o Georgia Peach Pass e o Mapa do Cruzeiro. Muitas estradas de pedágio introduziram pedágios abertos, o que elimina a necessidade de parar nas cabines de pedágio.

As estradas com pedágio, especialmente perto da costa leste, são freqüentemente chamadas de rodovias; o termo turnpike deriva de spikes, que eram longos bastões que bloqueavam o tráfego até que o pedágio fosse pago e o spike retornasse ao pedágio (ou pedágio na terminologia moderna).

Em meados do século XIX, a construção de estradas privadas com pedágio era particularmente ativa no Ocidente, incluindo Califórnia e Nevada. Mais de 100 estradas privadas com pedágio foram construídas em Nevada entre 1850 e 1880, algumas com quase 320 km de extensão. Os proprietários incluíam empresas de palco, mineiros e fazendeiros que construíram as estradas, pelo menos em parte, para atrair negócios para seus grandes investimentos.

Até 1956, as rodovias de acesso mais limitado no leste dos Estados Unidos eram pedagiadas. No mesmo ano, foi criado o Sistema Rodoviário Interestadual federal, financiando rodovias pedagiadas com 90% de dólares federais e 10% de participação estadual, dando aos estados pouco incentivo para expandir seus sistemas rodoviários. As regras de financiamento originalmente limitavam os pedágios em estradas, pontes e túneis refinanciados. Em algumas situações, a ampliação ou reconstrução de uma cabine de pedágio com recursos interestaduais resultou na eliminação de pedágios existentes. Isso aconteceu na Virgínia, na Interstate 64, perto do Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, quando uma segunda estrada paralela ao Regional Bridge-Tunnel de 1958 foi concluída em 1976.

Após a conclusão da parte inicial do sistema rodoviário interestadual, as regras foram alteradas e trechos de rodovias pedagiadas foram adicionados ao sistema. Alguns estados estão mais uma vez considerando financiar a construção e manutenção de novas estradas, além do financiamento federal limitado. Em algumas áreas, novos projetos rodoviários foram concluídos e posteriormente apoiados por meio de parcerias público-privadas financiadas por pedágio, também conhecidas como sistemas construir-operar-transferir. Uma dessas parcerias público-privadas foi a construção do Pocahontas Boulevard perto de Richmond, Virgínia, que é uma rua urbana de luxo do outro lado do James River Shipping Canal e liga a Interstate 95 à Interstate 295. ao sul da cidade.

Mapa dos estados que usam o E-ZPass ou um sistema de pedágio eletrônico compatível em 28 de maio de 2021.
Os estados roxos usam o E-ZPass ou têm um sistema de pedágio eletrônico compatível com o E-ZPass.
Os estados vermelhos têm um sistema eletrônico de pedágio que não é compatível com o E-ZPass.
Os estados em vermelho escuro cobram pedágio, mas não usam um sistema eletrônico de pedágio.
Os estados cinzas não têm pedágios, mas alguns estão considerando a introdução de pedágios.
Porto Rico usa um sistema incompatível chamado AutoExpreso; não há estradas com pedágio em outros territórios dos EUA e estados livremente associados.


O E-ZPass é um sistema eletrônico de pedágio usado na maioria das estradas com pedágio, pontes e túneis no centro-oeste e leste dos Estados Unidos, ao sul da Flórida e ao oeste de Minnesota. O E-ZPass Interagency Group (IAG) consiste em agências membros em 19 estados que usam a mesma tecnologia e permitem que os viajantes usem o mesmo transponder em rodovias com pedágio em toda a rede. usando a mesma tecnologia foram incorporadas, incluindo I-Pass em Illinois e NC Quick Pass na Carolina do Norte. A interoperabilidade nacional está atualmente em negociação nos Estados Unidos (consulte Lista de sistemas eletrônicos de cobrança de pedágio nos Estados Unidos).

E‑ZPass tags are active RFID transponders manufactured exclusively by Kapsch TrafficCom (formerly Mark IV Industries Corp – a division of IVHS). They exchange data with a reader embedded in toll lanes or open roads by transmitting a unique radio signal. The most common type of tag is an interior tag that can be affixed to the inside of a vehicle’s windshield next to the rearview mirror. Although paid agencies advise adherence to windshields with mounting strips (typically 3M «s brand Scotch “Dual Lock” fasteners), third-party options using trays with suction cups to temporarily attach the pass to the windshield if it is used in multiple vehicles. Some cars have windshields that block radio signals;

Although the tag can be used with a motorcycle, there are usually no official installation instructions due to the many differences between bicycle designs and the small area of ​​the motorcycle windshield, which can be a hindrance if the transponder is attached according to automotive instructions. If necessary, transponders can be placed in a shirt or jacket pocket.

The E-ZPass transponder works by listening to a signal transmitted by a reader installed at the toll booth. This 915 MHz signal is transmitted at 500 kbps using the TDM (formerly IAG) protocol in 256-bit packets. Transponders use Type II active read/write technology. In April 2013, Kapsch (the purchasers of Mark IV Industries) made the protocol available to all interested parties without license fees for an unlimited period and granted the right to sublicense the protocol.

Most E-ZPass lanes have been converted to manual toll lanes and, for safety reasons, must have speed limits low enough (typically 5 to 15 mph (8 to 24 km/h)) that E-ZPass cars can merge safely . from cars stopped to pay cash tolls and, in some cases, to allow toll workers to safely cross E-ZPass lanes to reach cash kiosks. However, in some areas (typically newly constructed or upgraded facilities) there is no need to slow down as E‑ZPass users can use dedicated lanes (“Express E-ZPass” or “open road tolling”).” ), which are physically divided. from toll lanes. Examples include:

Other roads in the E-ZPass system have abandoned tolling entirely and switched to a fully electronic tolling system. As vehicles pass at normal speeds under toll stations, tolls are collected via an E-ZPass transponder or by billing the vehicle owner through automatic license plate recognition.

Penalties for traffic violations in the USA

  • warning

If the violation is not very serious, a good-natured police officer happened to you, and you realize your puncture and tell the policeman “I won’t do it again”, then you can get rid of it only with a warning. However, a note about this will still be posted at the police base. The next violation after a warning is a ticket.

  • Fine (ticket)

A ticket is a piece of paper with a written fine. For different violations, the fine can be different, but in general you can pay $30-400. Also, together with the ticket, you may be awarded points.

  • Calculation of points

In the USA, there is a system of penalty points or swimmers. For each serious violation of the rules, the driver receives a certain number of points, when their number reaches 12, you can say goodbye to the license. Information about the points credited to you is stored in the police database for 7 years. If you have accumulated 11 points in the last year and a half, a DMV officer (Department of Motor Vehicles — an analogue of the traffic police) has the right to revoke your driver’s license for 31 days.

The number of points also affects the cost of the driving license and insurance in the future.

  1. A driver’s license may become more expensive by $10-100. Without penalty points, it costs about $60-70 (it is issued for a period of 5 years).
  2. Each point adds approximately $100-300 to the cost of insurance.
  3. If you work in the transport industry, your employer will be aware of all your fines and points – for them it will also affect the cost of company transport insurance. If you are a frequent offender, it is more profitable to fire you.
  4. If you have accumulated 15 positions during your driving experience, the insurance company can terminate the current contract and revise the pricing policy of relations with you. Insurance will cost $5000-8000.

All fines and catches in the event of your disagreement become valid only after a court decision. You have the right to appeal any violation.

What to do if stopped by the police in the USA

Police officers in the US do not stop for ID checks. If the policeman makes a stop, he saw a violation of the rules.

Just in case, we note that you will not be able to break away in the chase – when a police car develops a speed of more than 80 miles per hour, the camera and geolocation are automatically turned on, it will not be difficult to find you. And it is better not to try to fight back physically either – he informs the control room about his location and condition. Help will definitely come to him, and you will like a car park.

The police are not interested in issuing fines — it does not affect the policeman’s career or his salary.

In addition to the video recording of the violation, the police officer makes an audio recording of the conversation with the driver. In this way, any inappropriate behavior on both sides is recorded. If you have experienced rudeness, coercion or insults, you can request this record in court and be vindicated or ask for compensation. The same works for a police officer.

If you know that the rules have really been violated, it is better not to refuse – the chances of a warning are higher. If you deny the recorded violation, the officer will decide that you will not realize the guilt and it is better for you to pay the fine. If you really do not agree with the accusation and are sure that you are right, you can appeal the fine.

  • Appealing the fine in the USA

All objection procedures take place in court. You will usually be notified of the court date after the violation has been recorded, if you disagree. The same policeman comes to the meeting, who is obliged to prove that the violation took place – for this, radar readings, recordings from cameras in the police car and a recording of the conversation with the driver are most often used.

If you succeed in winning the case, your ticket and points will be cancelled. If you lose, you will have to pay the fine soon.

  • Payment of fines in the USA

You will definitely not have any problems with this, everything happens quickly and conveniently. All ticket payments are made through the state police department website. If you do not pay for a long time, the amount with the commission fee is debited from your accounts by court order.

Frequent types of violations in the USA

  • Exceeding the permissible speed in the USA (speed limit)

A different ticket can be presented, but points for speeding are regulated. If you exceed the speed limit:

  1. 1-10 mph  – get 3 points;
  2. 11-20 mph  – 4;
  3. 21-30 mph  – 6;
  4. 31-40 mph  – 8;
  5. Over 40mph  – 11.

To make it easier to compare with the usual system, 1 mile per hour = 1.6 kilometers per hour. That is, for exceeding 64 km/h or more, you are guaranteed to be deprived of your rights for a period of one and a half years.

  • Driving through a red traffic light in the USA

Depending on the status of the road, the amount of the fine will vary, but it will definitely risk a ticket for $150-300 plus 2 or 3 points.

  • Stop line traffic in the USA

Even if this line is in an empty parking lot – a fine of about $100 and 3 points for minus your image as a driver.

  • Violation of parking rules in the USA

If you parked and you don’t have a receipt for paying for parking with the specified time on the torpedo, you will be left with a ticket in the amount of about $30-35. For parking in places designated only for customers of any establishment (private parking), the car can be evacuated – you will pay about $200.

It often happens that tickets are presented for parking that you paid for in the application – the inspector did not see the receipt and issued a fine. In this case, you can easily challenge the fine in court by providing information about the payment and comparing it with the time of the issued ticket.

In general, US roads are quite calm and safe. Maintaining a car is not a luxury here, but a vital necessity. American Butler can help with car rentals, car sharing services or buying a car in the US.

How to get a driver’s license in the USA as a foreigner

The USA can be called with confidence the most automobilized country in the world. State governments have created all the conditions for their citizens to have more than one car in the family. In America, the public transport network is not very developed, because here people mostly drive their own cars, regardless of the distance.

You don’t need to be a US citizen or a Green Card holder to get American rights. Every foreigner who came to the United States can easily obtain American rights from any of the states and freely travel the country, exploring its beauty or business trips.

Where to go to get a US driver’s license?

Tour operators do not provide licensing services in the US, so foreigners must contact local state agencies on their own. You should not worry and think that this process is complicated. In the USA, anyone can freely obtain a driver’s license with a minimum of documents.

In the USA, a specialized department – the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) – is responsible for issuing licenses. It is important to remember that in different states there are slight differences in the rules of the road (TDR), in the requirements when passing the exams and fines. The cost of applying for a test varies from state to state, so check with your state’s DMV directly for state-specific costs. For example, below is a link from the New York City Department of Motor Vehicles:

New York City Department of Motor Vehicles

Oral test for obtaining a US driver’s license

When you arrive at the DMV, the first thing you need to do is register. It is important to have:

  • ID (passport, other document certifying your identity);
  • foreigners must be provided with a Social Security Number.

If you do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), then you must receive a letter from the Social Security Administration stating that you do not need an SSN. For example, if you are a student at an American university, you may receive a letter from the university confirming that you are a foreign student. With this letter, you need to contact the Social Security Administration, which in turn will issue you the necessary certificate.

In the building of the department, the applicant will be registered in the queue, the date of the exam will be set and a book on traffic rules (Driver’s manual) will be issued free of charge. It is necessary to come to the exam on the appointed day. Usually, it passes quite quickly, and the rules themselves are simple. They are designed to make life easier for drivers and pedestrians. The exam includes 20 multiple-choice test questions. To get a driver’s license, it is enough to answer 14 questions. The examiner checks the test immediately, so in a few minutes it will be clear whether a person has received a driver’s license or not.

If the test is passed, the applicant is referred to a specialist to have their vision checked. In some states, future drivers are given a lecture on drugs, alcohol and traffic safety rules. Then, within a week, a Learner Permit is sent by mail to drive a vehicle. Such a license is issued in order for a person to learn to drive, and it is not necessary to go to a driving school. The term of validity of such rights is up to 6 months, it all depends on the laws of the state. Such a document has some restrictions, for example, they may prohibit transporting passengers, driving at night or even driving without the accompaniment of a person who has full rights. All these nuances are prescribed in the law of each state and will definitely be reported.

Em alguns estados, ao aprender a dirigir, é importante não esquecer de fazer um curso teórico curto (curso pré-licenciamento de 5 horas) em uma autoescola. Depois de ouvir todas as palestras, a organização emite um certificado MV-278 para uma pessoa, com validade de um ano. Quando uma pessoa se sente pronta para fazer o teste de direção, ela pode se inscrever para o teste. Um certificado deve ser apresentado durante o registro.

Passando no teste para obter uma carteira de motorista nos Estados Unidos

Você pode se inscrever para um teste de direção por telefone ou online. Você precisa revisar as datas e horários propostos e selecionar o apropriado. Normalmente, os lugares gratuitos mais próximos só podem ser encontrados após um mês e, às vezes, até mais tarde. Durante o tempo de espera, vale a pena praticar bem. No dia marcado, o requerente reúne-se com o instrutor, que lhe mostra o percurso e as manobras a realizar. Durante o exame, o instrutor anota seus erros. O exame de direção é feito no próprio carro. Não existe um local especial para o exame, tudo acontece no acostamento das ruas da cidade. Como regra, são escolhidas pistas estreitas com muitas casas e carros.

Duas manobras principais devem ser incluídas no programa de exames:

  • inversão de marcha em uma via estreita;
  • estacionamento paralelo, você precisa fazê-lo corretamente, uma vez e em apenas 3 minutos. O carro deve parar perto do meio-fio, mas não tocá-lo. Ao passar, é proibido olhar nos espelhos, você pode olhar para frente ou para trás.

O inspetor anota todos os erros e, ao final do exame, emite um bilhete com pontos de penalização. Se o número de erros exceder 25, o exame é reprovado, é necessário marcar a data novamente e tentar novamente. Se a direção foi aprovada com sucesso, em 1-2 semanas, uma pessoa receberá uma carteira de motorista, que permite dirigir sem restrições.

A carteira de motorista será válida pela duração do seu status nos EUA, ou seja. até que seu visto ou green card expire.

Os americanos são amigáveis ​​com os estrangeiros, então você não deve ter medo de fazer os exames para obter a carteira de motorista nos EUA. Uma viagem de carro pela América lhe dará memórias e emoções inesquecíveis!

Rodovias com pedágio nos EUA. O preço das estradas com pedágio nos EUA, como pagar as estradas com pedágio nos EUA, estradas com pedágio nos EUA. Regras da estrada nos EUA. Como tirar carteira de motorista nos EUA. Quais são as multas nos EUA?