番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)是茄科茄属一年生和多年生草本植物。这种植物作为蔬菜作物种植,在所有国家都很受欢迎。人们称它为“番茄果实”——“pomo d’oro”,意为“金苹果”。番茄这个名字来自阿兹特克人的“tomatl”,它被法国人完善为现代形式。这种文化来自南美洲,今天它也可以在自然条件下找到。番茄在 15 世纪中叶被带到欧洲领土。他与水手一起到西班牙和葡萄牙,从那里到法国、意大利和其他距离海上航线较远的欧洲国家。

以前,番茄是作为一种外来植物种植的,因为它的果实在很长一段时间内都被认为是不可食用的。1692 年,在那不勒斯,一份据称是西班牙番茄菜的食谱首次被收录在一本食谱中。在俄罗斯境内,这种文化出现在 18 世纪,最初是作为装饰性外来植物种植的,因为果实在恶劣的天气条件下没有时间成熟。但是俄罗斯杰出的作家、博物学家和哲学家AT Bolotov 提出了通过幼苗种植西红柿的想法,并且还采用了播种的方法,从而使果实完全成熟成为可能。


  1. 着陆 。幼苗种子应在 3 月下旬播种。根据品种的不同,在出苗后45-60天在空地上种植幼苗。
  2. 照明 。需要大量明亮的阳光。
  3. 土壤 。它应该是温暖的、松散的、富含有机物的、适度湿润的、微酸性或中性的。
  4. 前辈 。坏 – 茄科的代表,例如:西红柿、土豆、辣椒、茄子等。好 – 胡萝卜、洋葱、卷心菜、黄瓜、西葫芦、豆类。
  5. 如何浇水 。浇水应采用滴灌法系统地进行。1 升水用于 1 个灌木丛。
  6. 翻转 。第一次需要在移栽到空地后8-12天出现,此时西红柿将被浇水。第一次吊装后 17-20 天应重复此程序。
  7. 收养 。将幼苗移栽到空地后20天。
  8. 覆盖 。必须使用有机物:泥炭、草或锯末。
  9. 吊袜带 。有必要先在第一个叶板的水平上系壁纸或木桩,然后在第二个刷子的水平,然后在第三个刷子的水平。
  10. 肥料 。第一次是秧苗移栽到空地后10-12天,第二次——第一次后半个月,第三次——第二次后15天。
  11. Harmful insects . Tomatoes can be harmed by: scoops, thrips, wireworms, slugs, cabbage worms, gall nematodes and sprout flies.
  12. Illness . The plant can be affected by phytophthora, brown, brown, white and black spots, white, gray, top and stem rot, verticillosis, tracheomycosis, streak, bacterial cancer and viral mosaic.

Features of tomatoes

番茄迅速形成棒状的分枝根系,深度可达100厘米以上,宽度可达150-250厘米。这种植物的特点是可以在枝条的任何部分发育额外的根。在这方面,西红柿可以通过种子繁殖,也可以通过插条和插条繁殖。直立或上升的分枝茎可以高 0.3-2 m 甚至更高。不成对的叶板被切成大块,在某些品种中它们类似于马铃薯叶。总状花序由不吸引人的小花组成,可以涂成各种深浅不一的黄色。花是两性的,每朵花都有雄性和雌性器官。果实是多巢的浆果,可以有不同的形状,即:椭圆形、圆形和圆柱形。水果的重量可以从 30 克到 800 克不等。根据品种不同,果实有橙色、黄色、绿色、深黄色、棕色、几乎黑色、粉红色、深红色、白色、黄色、金黄色或紫色。小而扁平的种子指向基部,它们被涂成各种深浅的黄色,它们的表面有短柔毛,使它们呈淡灰色。种子保持发芽 6-8 年。植物意义上的西红柿是浆果,但在 1893 年美国最高法院和 2001 年欧盟决定将西红柿视为蔬菜而不是水果,就像所有其他浆果一样。小而扁平的种子指向基部,它们被涂成各种深浅的黄色,它们的表面有短柔毛,使它们呈淡灰色。种子保持发芽 6-8 年。植物意义上的西红柿是浆果,但在 1893 年美国最高法院和 2001 年欧盟决定像所有其他浆果一样将西红柿视为蔬菜而不是水果。小而扁平的种子指向基部,它们被涂成各种深浅的黄色,它们的表面有短柔毛,使它们呈淡灰色。种子保持发芽 6-8 年。植物意义上的西红柿是浆果,但在 1893 年美国最高法院和 2001 年欧盟决定将西红柿视为蔬菜而不是水果,就像所有其他浆果一样。这使它们呈浅灰色。种子保持发芽 6-8 年。植物意义上的西红柿是浆果,但在 1893 年美国最高法院和 2001 年欧盟决定将西红柿视为蔬菜而不是水果,就像所有其他浆果一样。这使它们呈浅灰色。种子保持发芽 6-8 年。植物意义上的西红柿是浆果,但在 1893 年美国最高法院和 2001 年欧盟决定将西红柿视为蔬菜而不是水果,就像所有其他浆果一样。




番茄种子播种时间直接取决于每个地区的气候条件。但是,应该考虑到,在任何情况下,如果满足所有必要条件,则需要在播种后 45-65 天根据品种将幼苗移栽到空地中。例如,在中纬度地区,西红柿在 3 月 8 日至 20 日播种育苗。如果西红柿将在温室中种植,则可以在出苗后 30-35 天将幼苗移植到其中。需要注意的是,在夏季短暂的地区,建议在空地上种植大果品种的西红柿,因为如果果实来不及完全成熟,可以在成熟时从灌木丛中采摘。是棕色和成熟的。如果你加入小果实西红柿,

种子需要播前准备。为此,它们应在 30 度的温度下加热 48 小时,然后在 50 度的温度下保持 72 小时。然后种子材料30分钟。浸入高锰酸钾溶液中,溶液应呈粉红色。然后应冲洗 10 分钟。在流动和干净的水中,并在刺激生长的药物溶液中保持数小时。对于播种,使用通用土壤混合物,例如:其中包括泥炭和沙子 (1:1)。要种植此类幼苗,您可以使用由锯末、泥炭和草皮 (0.5:7:1) 组成的土壤混合物。幼苗在由腐殖质、毛蕊花、泥炭和锯末 (1:0.5:3:0.5) 组成的土壤混合物中也能很好地生长。必须对任何基材进行消毒,为此,将其在微波炉或烤箱中烘烤,在播种前半个月,必须用 EM-Baikal (1%) 溶液浇注。冷冻方法也可用于对基材进行灭菌。为此,在最初的冬季几周将装有土壤混合物的容器带到室外,而在春季将其带到室内,当它变暖时,就可以播种了。

Seedling boxes must be at least 10 centimeters high. If there is enough space, then the seeds should be sown thinly, and if possible, it is recommended to use peat tablets for this purpose, the diameter of which reaches 3.3–3.6 cm, 2 or 3 seeds are placed in each of them, in this case, the seedlings are not will need to decrease. The seeds should not be buried too deeply in the substrate. They are evenly distributed over the surface of the moistened substrate, then covered with a thin layer of vermiculite or substrate, while the thickness of the layer should be from 0.3 to 0.4 cm. The crops should be covered with a paper sheet or film.

Growing tomato seedlings

If tomato seedlings are cared for well and correctly, this will have a beneficial effect on the quantity, as well as the quality of the harvest. Before the seedlings appear, the crops should be provided with an air temperature of about 25 degrees. After the seedlings appear, and this should happen in 5-7 days, the cover should be removed from the container (it is recommended to do this in the afternoon), then the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place with diffused light, while within 7 days they the following temperature regime should be ensured: at night – 8-12 degrees, and during the day – 10-15 degrees. After a week, the following temperature regime should be established: on rainy days – from 18 to 20 degrees, on fine days – from 20 to 25 degrees, and at night – from 14 to 16 degrees. The room is systematically ventilated, while do not forget to protect the seedlings from drafts. Crops should be watered with well-settled water at room temperature, for this use a fine-dispersed sprayer. Watering is carried out only once every 7 days. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that after the seeds that will be sown in a moistened substrate and before the first real leaf plate appears, it is not necessary to water the crops. After the plants have formed 5 real leaf plates, they are watered only once every 3-4 days.

In some cases, the stairs will need to provide additional lighting, since in order for them to develop normally, they will need a light day lasting 12-16 hours. In the absence of an opportunity to organize additional lighting, the seedlings will need feeding, for this they use potassium fertilizer in a weak concentration. After the tomatoes grow, it is necessary to fill the boxes with a layer of substrate, the thickness of which should be from 10 to 20 mm, thanks to this, the seedlings will be more stable.

Picking tomatoes

在幼苗发育过程中需要用第二片叶板刺破幼苗。园丁们对于番茄幼苗是否需要下潜有不同的看法。可以通过经验找出所需的幼苗高度,为此,必须将一半的西红柿留在苗箱中,添加基质,其他植物必须移植到单​​独的杯子中,其中的体积必须至少为半升,如果你拿一个较小的容器,那么西红柿将不得不移植 2 次。多亏了这种经验,才有可能了解在哪种情况下植物会更快更好地发育。

在开始潜苗之前,必须将苗箱中的基质浇水很好。您可以在单独的杯子中种植 1 或 2 株植物。如果将 2 株幼苗种植在一个容器中,那么当它们的长度达到 10-15 厘米时,它们的茎必须非常紧密地相互绑在一起,为此使用合成线。将两个茎融合为一个后,必须移除螺纹,因此您将拥有一个具有两个根系和坚固茎的灌木。

对于 7 天,应为加标植物提供以下温度条件:晴天 – 25 至 27 度,雨天 – 20 至 22 度,晚上 – 14 至 17 度。一周后,您应该恢复温度状态的变化。在将西红柿移植到空地前半个月,您需要开始为新条件做好准备。为此,有必要逐渐减少浇水,每天短时间应在阳光直射下将它们移到室外,幼苗还需要用由1升水,7克组成的营养混合物喂养硫酸钾、1 克硝酸铵和 4 克过磷酸钙。用波尔多混合物(1%)溶液预防有害昆虫和疾病。



取一个玻璃杯,装满土壤混合物,其中包括沙子、草皮、泥炭或腐殖质,它们必须等量服用。容器中的基质应倒入新鲜开水,然后等待其完全冷却,然后将其分布在种子表面。如果种子发芽了,那么您需要在每个杯子中​​放置 1 片,在播种未发芽的种子材料时 – 2 或 3 片。种子应仅埋在基质中 20 毫米。为了发芽,将种子放在湿布中,在那里它们会保留几天,直到出现小芽。然而,首先必须检查种子是否发芽,为此将它们放在粉红色的高锰酸钾溶液中一刻钟。在规定的发芽时间后,种子应该膨胀并沉到底部,同时,没有活力的种子会浮出水面。然后应将装有作物的容器移至温暖的地方(25至30度),并在顶部盖上薄膜或玻璃。出苗后3-5天,将杯子放在窗台上,并提前安装附加照明装置。

只有在土壤混合物的顶层完全干燥后才进行浇水。应在橡胶医用灯泡的帮助下给植物浇水,为此使用室温下沉淀良好的水,应小心地将其引入容器壁和基材之间。由于这种浇水,可以避免基材模糊以及其上层的过度润湿。您也可以使用托盘方法浇水西红柿。硬化的植物需要移植到更大的容器中。如果植物很短,那么对于它们的移植,您可以使用容量为 3-5 升的容器,而强壮的植物则需要 8 到 12 升的花盆。容器底部应做良好的排水层,上面覆盖两厘米厚的沙子。之后,一颗幼苗,与一块泥土一起,通过转运的方式移植到容器中,然后将足够的基质倒入容器中,使其充满,没有空隙。有必要通过子叶叶板将植物埋在土壤中。

Over time, you need to systematically prune the bushes, for this you should remove those shoots that grow in the leaf axils. They should be broken out by hand, and the stump should be about 1-2 cm long. Thanks to this, the growth of the main shoots is stimulated, as well as the productivity of the bush is increased. It is recommended to provide tomatoes with a temperature of about 28 degrees during the day, and 15 degrees at night. They are watered 2 or 3 times in 7 days, for this they use well-settled water at room temperature, while being extremely careful not to wash the surface of the substrate. It is necessary to feed tomatoes once a decade, for this use organic or mineral fertilizers, remember that it is necessary to monitor the concentration of the solution, otherwise active growth of greens may begin, which will negatively affect fruiting. If the stem near the bush has become unstable, it must be tied to the support. In order for the flowers to be accurately pollinated, it is necessary to gently shake the bushes a couple of times every 7 days. After most of the fruits have formed, experts advise to cut the tops of the bushes, as well as the flowering brushes. A tomato grown at home, if properly cared for, will bear fruit for five years, but as a rule, the first 2 years are the most fruitful.

Planting tomatoes in open ground

What time to plant

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground is carried out in June, after the return spring frosts will be left behind, while warm weather should be established. By this time, the seedling should have a developed root system, 7-8 leaf plates and stems 25-30 centimeters high, and it should also begin to form brushes.

To grow tomatoes, you need to choose a sunny and well-warmed area, which should have protection from the wind. It should be taken into account that cabbage, legumes, onions, carrots, beets, turnips and other root vegetables are good predecessors of this crop. The plot on which crops belonging to the Solanaceae family, such as eggplants, peppers or potatoes, grew, can be used for growing tomatoes only after 3 years.

Suitable soil

Tomatoes are recommended to be grown in soil rich in organic matter. It should be taken into account that such plants rapidly remove all nutrients from the soil, in this regard, compost or humus (from 4 to 6 kilograms per 1 square meter of the site) and mineral fertilizers, namely, 20 grams of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which should be applied to the soil in the fall during digging 6 months before planting tomatoes, and another 10 grams of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring in the year of planting tomatoes at the rate of 1 square meter. Organic matter is introduced into the soil in October during the digging of the site, while it is necessary to make sure that the lumps of earth are large, in the spring time, the soil should be loosened twice to a depth of 10 centimeters, while nitrogen fertilizer is introduced into it. If organic fertilizers are applied to the soil every year,

Landing rules

Planting pits should be made on the prepared site, the depth of which should be equal to the height of the cups in which the seedlings grow. Then they must be watered well. A distance of 0.3 to 0.4 m should be observed between the holes, and the width of the rows should be about 0.5–0.6 m. If the height of the bushes is about 0.3 m, then they are planted in the holes at a right angle. At the same time, seedlings of vigorous varieties, as well as elongated bushes, must be planted at an angle, while the top of the plants is directed to the south, and the stem is buried in the soil by ¼ or 1/3. After planting tomatoes in the soil, it is compacted and abundantly watered. It is necessary to install pegs near the bushes of vigorous varieties, in the future they will be used as a support. The following number of bushes is planted per 1 square meter of the plot:

hybrids, as well as vigorous varieties – 3 or 4 pieces;
varieties in which 2 or 3 stems are formed on a bush – from 4 to 6 pieces;
varieties that form 1 stem, as well as with limited growth of the main stem – 6-10 pieces.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse


不建议在任何前辈之后在温室床上种植西红柿。如果无法更换整个基板,则至少需要更换其上层,厚度为10至12厘米,这样可以避免炭疽病对灌木丛的破坏。然后,您需要用刚煮沸的 1 桶水和 1 汤匙溶液对土壤进行消毒。l. 硫酸铜或 2 片 Oxychom。准备种植土壤时,加入1茶匙。尿素或硝酸钾,1汤匙。l. 硫酸钾,3汤匙。l. 双过磷酸钙颗粒,1汤匙。l. calimagnesia 和 2 杯木灰。


种植在温室中的灌木15天不能浇水,然后将植物系在支架上,支架高度应在200厘米左右。之后,形成单茎灌木,上面应该有7或8个刷子。同时,您需要切掉所有成型的继子,从中应保留短树桩(10-20 毫米)。为确保花朵准确授粉,有必要小心摇动花刷,然后为此浇水或使用精细喷雾润湿花朵。2小时后,有必要降低温室内的空气湿度,为此进行通风。请记住,在布置温室时,连同侧窗和门,您需要在其中制作天花板窗户,这样可以防止冷凝水在薄膜上积聚。


在生长季节,西红柿需要用根法喂食 3 到 4 次。将幼苗移栽到温室苗床后20天,应进行第一次喂养,为此,营养液由1桶水、0.5升液体毛蕊花和1汤匙组成。l. nitrophos 半个月后,灌木丛需要再次喂食,为此他们使用由 1 桶水、1 茶匙组成的溶液。硫酸钾和1汤匙。l. 完全矿物肥料。再过 15 天后进行第三次喂食,为此您需要由 1 桶水、1 汤匙组成的营养液。l. 过磷酸钙和 2 汤匙。l. 木灰 每 1 平方米的场地大约需要 6 到 8 升营养混合物。为了让果实更快成熟(填充),他们在完全结果期间需要喂食,为此,服用以下成分的营养混合物:1桶水,1汤匙。l. 液体腐植酸钠和 2 汤匙。l. 液体过磷酸钙,而每 1 平方米床需要 5 升这种混合物。


在开阔地种植西红柿时,必须系统地给它们浇水、喂食、除草、疏松土壤表面并防止病虫害。灌木丛也需要翻转和成型。在植被期间(10-12天1次),需要多次松动植物和灌木之间的土壤表面,这样可以及时破坏土壤上形成的结皮。除了松土,你还需要拔掉所有的杂草。将番茄幼苗移入空地后8-12天应第一次翻开灌木丛,浇水后第二天进行。在第一次浇水后 2.5-3 周进行灌木的第二次翻转。

It is also necessary to carry out the formation of tomatoes. In regions with a relatively warm climate, such a culture can be grown in several stems. However, if the climate is quite cool, then it is recommended to grow tomatoes in 1 stem, while it is necessary to leave 2 or 3 flower brushes on it, and also do not forget to cut out all the stepsons, otherwise a large amount of gorse will have an extremely negative effect on the harvest. The first pruning of lateral stepsons is carried out 20 days after transplanting the seedlings into open ground, after their length is 50-70 mm. Strong-growing varieties need not only steppinning, but also pinching of the growth point, which is carried out in the first days of August. When growing spiny varieties near the bushes, you need to cut off all the lower leaf plates, this is a good prevention of fungal diseases, and thanks to this, the access of air and sunlight to the plant will improve. This will contribute to the fact that the harvest will be higher and earlier.

How to water

Tomatoes cultivated in open ground must be systematically watered. Water should be poured into the holes, while 1 liter of water is taken for 1 bush. Watering is recommended in the afternoon or on a cloudy day. Mandatory watering must be carried out before starting loosening, during the flowering period of the first and second flower brush, and even after dry fertilizer is applied to the soil.

It is best to water such plants with a drip method. Thanks to this, the liquid enters the soil rather slowly, in this regard, there is no sharp change in air humidity, which has an extremely negative effect on tomatoes. In addition, there is no stagnation of liquid on the surface of the soil, which is a good prevention of fungal diseases.

The surface of the soil around the bushes is recommended to be mulched with black covering material, thanks to this, the growth of weeds is completely stopped, and the preservation of moisture in the soil is also observed. If the surface of the plot is mulched with organic matter (for example: sawdust, grass or peat), then this will contribute to the attraction of earthworms, which loosen the soil and in the course of their life produce humus, and tomatoes need it very much. But it should be taken into account that moles can settle in an area with a large number of earthworms.

Garter rules

你可以用格子或木桩来系西红柿。建议从行的北侧安装钉子,同时保持钉子与枝条之间的距离为 9 至 11 厘米。要制作墙纸,您需要每 4 米安装一次木桩,然后在木桩之间拉上线或绳索。灌木被捆绑在 3 个阶段:

  • 将幼苗移栽到第一片叶板水平的土壤中后;
  • 在第二朵花刷的水平;
  • 在第三朵花刷的水平。


将幼苗移栽到空地后10-12天需要第一次喂食。为此,使用了由有机物和矿物肥料组成的营养混合物;制备时,必须将 20 克过磷酸钙添加到 1 桶毛蕊花溶液(粪浆和水,比例为 1:8 或 1:9)中。1 升这种混合物用于 1 个灌木丛。在第一次喂食半个月后第二次喂食植物,第三次 – 在同一时间段后,为此,矿物肥料以干燥形式使用,它们均匀分布在床的表面:10每1平方米地块取硝酸铵1克、过磷酸钙20克、钾盐15克。然后必须松开土壤表面以覆盖肥料,然后将其充分倒入。



在气候相当凉爽的地区,有时西红柿没有时间成熟。为了节省收成,可以用一种特殊的混合物处理灌木丛,以加速果实的成熟。为此,您将需要幼松嫩芽,您需要将其放在冰箱架子上 7 天。应将它们切碎并以 1:2 的比例与水混合。混合物应煮沸,然后在低温下保持 5-10 分钟。冷却滤过的煎剂用水按1:3的比例稀释。在芽的形成过程中,用这种混合物处理灌木。



The most common diseases in tomatoes are brown, brown, black and white spots, mosaic (because of which the plants fall off), tracheomycosis, bacterial cancer, southern and common late blight (bushes begin to dry), white, stem, gray and top rot, verticillosis and streak. Each of these diseases has its own symptoms and methods of treatment. However, it should be remembered that if you strictly follow the rules of prevention and agricultural techniques of this culture, then it will be possible to avoid plant infection altogether.


Tomato bushes are most often inhabited by thrips, seedling flies, whiteflies, mealybugs, wireworms, slugs, and gall nematodes. It is recommended to fight against such harmful insects with folk remedies, namely: herbal infusions and decoctions that have a fungicidal, insecticidal and antifeedant effect.


在收获西红柿前 20 天,您需要去除所有开花的茎和芽,因此形成的果实会更快成熟。当西红柿成熟为棕色、淡黄色、粉红色或乳白色时,有选择地收集果实。这些水果在 7-15 天内成熟良好,同时保持多汁和美味。如果你从灌木丛中采摘绿色西红柿,那么成熟后它们的味道会降低。应在夜间温度降至 8 度之前采收所有水果,因为这种温度会增加植物因各种疾病而受损的风险。大多数园丁建议在“寒冷的黎明”之前收获整个作物,否则它可能会死亡。但与此同时,应该考虑到每个品种的成熟都发生在自己的时间。例子,


成熟的西红柿在装罐、加工或新鲜食用前应存放不超过 7 天。与绿色或乳白色水果相比,放置在 dozarovani 上的粉红色和棕色水果成熟得更快。不建议将从灌木丛中采摘的受伤和大番茄与茎一起服用和储存。种植时,将水果放在必须盖上盖子的纸板箱中。在盒子的中间,放置了3或4个成熟的水果,它们会产生乙烯,有助于加速西红柿的成熟。如果您将水果放在塑料盒或柳条筐中,则它们会覆盖一层致密的材料,例如粗麻布,这样可以防止乙烯蒸发。在温暖的房间里,水果成熟得更快。粉红色的果实在五天左右就会完全成熟,

为了将水果保存到 12 月下半月,应在各层之间放置纸张。需要将它们移到凉爽的地方,例如干燥的地窖、玻璃阳台或寒冷的阳台上。如果水果存放时间较长,则应对其进行系统分类,以便及时清除可能感染所有其他番茄的腐烂标本。


番茄分类有几种类型。美国科学家 C. Rick 的分类将所有西红柿分为 9 种。在俄罗斯,采用传统的分类方式,将所有西红柿分为三种,即秘鲁西红柿、普通西红柿和多毛西红柿。迄今为止,有超过 70 种普通番茄的杂交品种和品种,而这些只是那些打算在空地上生长的番茄。


  1. 标准西红柿 。它们以紧凑的灌木为代表,具有非常厚的枝条,以及位于短叶柄上的中等大小的波纹叶板。这个群体相当多,它包括矮小的和中型杂交种以及形成少数继子女的品种。
  2. 非标番茄 。它们的叶子较大且略带波纹。嫩芽很薄,它们位于西红柿的重量之下。该组以矮和高品种以及杂种为代表。迄今为止,有半标准西红柿,介于标准和非标准类型之间。
  3. 土豆西红柿 。大叶盘类似于土豆。这样的物种很少见。




  1. 厄玛 。大型或中型果实在 100 天内成熟。灌木的高度从0.5到0.6 m,不需要修剪。该品种的特点是承载力好。这些水果适用于秋季沙拉、果汁罐头和整个水果冷冻。
  2. 葡萄干 。灌木丛的高度从 0.5 到 0.8 m 不等。心形密集的西红柿呈红色,重约 100 克。西瓜果肉香甜可口。水果适合保存和准备沙拉。
  3. 布图兹 。高产灌木的高度可达 0.5 至 0.6 m。桶形红色水果的重量从 100 克到 200 克不等,它们的保质期和味道都非常好。


  1. 牛心 。番茄多汁柔软,大小适中,呈粉红色,皮薄,味道甜美。该品种产量优良,但该品种对褐斑病的抵抗力较低。
  2. 女士的手指 。在不形成继子的半米灌木上,叶子的数量相对较少。红番茄呈梨形,果肉紧实致密。非常适合保存。
  3. 柯尼斯堡 。这种旺盛品种的灌木高度为150至200厘米。红色细长西红柿的形状类似于茄子。它们味道极佳,重约 0.3 公斤


  1. 德巴劳 。强灌木的高度约为 400 厘米。扁平的李子形水果,果肉致密,非常美味,重约 70 克。该品种耐寒,喜阴。水果适合整果罐头、新鲜食用和长期储存。
  2. 完成 。植物的高度约为0.75 m。非常美味的橙红色水果重约 90 克。该品种多产且抗黄萎病。
  3. 樱桃 。这是一个非常受欢迎的品种,具有极好的味道和装饰品质的小甜水果,重约 30 克,它们被收集在刷子中。为了保存,它们与分支一起使用。该品种种植在阳台、开阔地和温室中。


  1. 香蕉形(胡椒形)西红柿 。水果具有不寻常的形状和味道。品种很受欢迎:泽西恶魔、Auria、Stepa 叔叔。
  2. 带肋的西红柿 。该品种以其产量和大果实而著称,果实形状类似于带有很长段的去皮橙子。流行品种:Tlacolula,美国罗纹。
  3. 橙色西红柿 。与普通品种相比,它们含有大量的番茄红素、糖和β-胡萝卜素。推荐给对红色水果过敏的人。最受欢迎的品种是柿子。
  4. 黄色西红柿 。金番茄味道浓郁。它们含有许多类胡萝卜素和番茄红素。这些水果对过敏患者有益。受欢迎的品种包括:Golden Domes、Honey Drop、Wonder of the World、Golden Fish。
  5. 白番茄 。水果有一种不寻常的味道,它们含有大量的糖分,完全没有酸。热门品种:白雪、白牛心、白雪。
  6. 黑番茄 。与所有其他品种相比,这些水果含有大量的β-胡萝卜素、抗坏血酸和其他维生素。这些品种也因其不同寻常的味道而受到重视。然而,此类杂交种具有低产量和低抗冻性。果实成熟得很晚,因此建议仅在气候温暖的地区在开阔地种植这种西红柿。热门品种:Raj Kapoor、Gypsy、Black Prince、Blue Sky。
  7. 绿色的西红柿 。水果永远不会变红,它们具有独特的味道品质。热门品种:翡翠苹果、沼泽。